Supreme Court Justice

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Supreme Court Justice

Name ______Block ______Date ______Due Date ______

Chapter 10 Supreme Court Justice Writing Prompt

Directions: Choose any one of the current United States Supreme Court justices to research. Then write a well-written two-paragraph response to any one of the following prompts or come up with a suggestion of your own. Be sure to include details in your paragraph about your research, such as why you chose that particular justice. Then describe exactly how you would like to spend time with him or her. A suggestion might be to provide background information about the justice in the first paragraph and your choice of what to do in the second paragraph. Use the following website to research the background of each of the Supreme Court Justices: 1. Click on JUSTICES drop down menu 2. Click name of any current justice to research 3. Click additional information to gather more background about justices

Of the nine current Supreme Court justices, which one would you like to:  Have over for dinner  Talk with on the phone  Play a video game with  Hang out with  Go to a ball game with or  Come up with your own suggestion

Scoring Rubric

Quality Standard Acceptable Not 5 4 3 Acceptable Neatness/ Very neat; proper Neat; very readable Not messy; readable Too messy; difficult Legibility ink & paper to read Introductory Introduces topic Names topic Names topic; proper Non existent Sentence precisely & exactly; clearly; good sentence appealing sentence Mechanics No misspellings; 1-2 misspellings; as 3 misspellings Too many errors exactly as assigned assigned Organization Clear & logical; Logical; good Somewhat logical; Hard to follow ideas & sentences transition from transitions are weak flow sentence to sentence Creativity Clever & original; Interesting & Some appeal; shows Non existent deep, full, & clear appealing; takes some effort thinking; takes risks successful risks Closing Summary is precise Summary clearly Summary noted No summary Sentence stated Background All information is Most information is Some of the Incomplete Information accurate & complete & information is complete accurate complete Total

35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Grade ______Justice Name Appointed by Year Home Current Interesting Facts (early career, family, Appointed State Age education, ideology, interests) Chief Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Associate Justice 1.


Identify each of the United States Supreme Court Justices by name. Then choose ONE to complete the remainder of the chart below. Your choice you make will be the Justice that you complete the writing prompt assignment for.

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