Management Review Worksheet

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Management Review Worksheet


Company level Measurement(s) 2005 Result 2006 Goal / Current Status Concl QSI Tracking Quality Target usion number Objectives Product quality External AQL 99.94 At least 99% AQL 6,333 P.O.s processed from 5/1/04 – 5/1/05 with n/a 35 shipments received QSI’s. (#Jobs accepted / #Jobs Result = 99.44% AQL  run) On-time delivery Shipped by 99.55% 99% 6,333 jobs run from 5/1/04 – 5/1/05. 28 missed n/a promise date promised dates although ABC lead times continue to be violated on many occasions and are not counted against OTD measure. 

Result = 99.55% Customer CSAT Survey Q1. 4.00 All questions with Q1. 4.0 See action item Satisfaction and results – avg. Q2. 3.75 at least 3.5 Q2. 3.75 #1 in this report Communication score for each Q3. 3.75 average Q3. 3.75 intended to get question Q4. 3.75 Q4. 3.75  more responses Q5. n/a Q5. n/a from a wider Q6. 4.0 Q6. 4.0 variety of 4 surveys were received from 5/1/04 – 5/1/05. 1 functions new question was recently added to clarify the reporting of problems. Although there was some drop in all categories the sample size is too small to make any conclusions. Complaints - 5.3 Average QSI 4 QSI’s issued in 2005, average severity was 5.3 Average QSI severity  severity < 5.5 Customer Report Plain Tech 90.12 Monthly Plain Report card not received for 10/04. CC-2005-01 Cards monthly report Tech ratings over 10 monthly report cards received with an avg.  CC-2005-02 card (100 95 score of 90.12. The lowest score was 80.54. CC-2005-03 possible points) CC-2005-04

Conclusions:  = System is suitable and effective and no actions are necessary.  = System is not suitable of effective and actions are necessary. ? = Insufficient evidence to conclude on system effectiveness. Actions may be required.

QSF-4.1-3 Page 1 of 5 Revision: 5/7/2005 MANAGEMENT REVIEW WORKSHEET 7-May- 2005

Product Measurement(s) 2005 Result 2006 Goal / Current Status Concl QSI Tracking Realization Target usion number Processes Marketing & Quote 95% At least 80% of Quoted 82 jobs from Jan-05 – May-05. Increase Quoting acceptance rate quotes accepted due to new anodizing process. 10 are pending  and 5 were rejected. Quote acceptance is 65 of 67 jobs = 97% acceptance rate Order processing See Company n/a n/a Company level objectives do not indicate any & Scheduling level Quality problems with the effectiveness of this process.  Objectives Process and See Company n/a n/a Company level objectives do not indicate any Resource level Quality problems with the effectiveness of this process.  Planning Objectives Receiving See Company n/a n/a Company level objectives do not indicate any Inspection level Quality problems with the effectiveness of this process.  Objectives Product Finishing See Company n/a n/a Company level objectives do not indicate any & Final level Quality problems with the effectiveness of this process.  Inspection Objectives Packaging, Compliance with n/a No complaints No complaints for this problem. Future analysis Labeling and customer related to this will be on QSIs with problem code 04.  Shipping packaging, area. QSI labeling, and problem code - 04 transportation requirements Customer Customer on- n/a n/a – need Analysis shows that Plane Tech (90+% of our Invoicing time payment baseline date business) is on-time with payment the majority of  analysis from the time. No significant payment issues with Quickbooks other customers

Conclusions:  = System is suitable and effective and no actions are necessary.  = System is not suitable of effective and actions are necessary. ? = Insufficient evidence to conclude on system effectiveness. Actions may be required.

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QMS Support Measurement(s) 2005 Result 2006 Goal / Target Current Status Concl QSI Tracking Processes usion number Information Internal audit n/a Avg. severity of No findings from March 2005 audit yet not See internal audit Management findings against findings < 3.0 enough auditing was done to confidently say that ? schedule for document control these processes are effective. 2004. Need to do (4.2.3) or records No findings with more audits. management severity > 7 (4.2.4) Training Training Average Avg. ranking at 3 have been completed to date with satisfactory effectiveness ranking 4.2 least 3.0 for each findings. Sample is still too small to give definite  survey results question on the determination. Average ranking is 4.2 survey Supplier Subcontractor No issues 100% on-time, no There are no issues with any suppliers at this Management & performance defects time.  Purchasing

Customer Number of 62.5% 75% response rate 8 sent out, 5 returned. Response rate of 62.5%. See action item Satisfaction customers / Not enough volume to make any conclusions. ? #1 in this report Measurement number of CSAT Frequently making requests for customer survey feedback. responses Equipment unscheduled None No unscheduled The only unscheduled downtime on key See action item maintenance machine machine downtime equipment is saw. All other equipment has  CC-2005-01 downtime on key equipment redundant capacity. On-time PM n/a All PMs completed 100% per PM records. Completion within 1 month of  due date Gage Ensure gage n/a All ABC All gaging used in ABC is owned by Plain Tech Management capability responsible gage who is responsible for calibration and gage  R&R studies less capability. than 30% of tolerance. Maintain gage n/a No gages past due All gaging used in ABC is owned by Plain Tech calibration for calibration. who is responsible for calibration and gage  capability. No gages were found past due during the last internal audit.

Conclusions:  = System is suitable and effective and no actions are necessary.  = System is not suitable of effective and actions are necessary. ? = Insufficient evidence to conclude on system effectiveness. Actions may be required.

QSF-4.1-3 Page 3 of 5 Revision: 5/7/2005 MANAGEMENT REVIEW WORKSHEET 7-May- 2005

QMS Support Measurement(s) 2004 Result 2005 Goal / Target Current Status Concl QSI Tracking Processes usion number Corrective Action Reduce Risks – n/a 10 point average 4 QSI’s were issued in 2005. Not enough data for RPN Reduction RPN reduction for 2005 to give determination. ? all QIRs Preventive Proactively using n/a Review / Update Generic PFMEA has been updated to include the Action PFMEAs to PFMEAs at least new Anodizing process and update RPN’s  identify and drive annually to identify defect prevention and track & improvements improvement opportunities Internal Audits Audit scores 15 Avg. audit scores < Last audit score for March 2005 was 15. See internal audit from ABC QSF- 20 for NCR severity However, more audits need to be conducted to ? schedule 4.17-2 Forms – with no process better ensure that we are complying with our NCR Severity category scores > QMS. totals 15 Management Continually 79% 75% of review item 20 of 24 review items were  = 83%. Review Improve QMS conclusions are  Management reviews need to be conducted  Effectiveness more often to ensure QMS effectiveness.

Conclusions:  = System is suitable and effective and no actions are necessary.  = System is not suitable of effective and actions are necessary. ? = Insufficient evidence to conclude on system effectiveness. Actions may be required.

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UPCOMING BUSINESS CHANGES THAT COULD AFFECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE QMS (organizational changes, IT changes, new equipment tooling, or gaging, new or modified products or processes, etc.)

Prioritized Change Description Target Actions Necessary to maintain QMS and OR QIR Tracking Number Results of Actions Dates effectively implement change (if deemed necessary) 1. None 2. 3. 4.



Prioritized Action item Description Target Responsibilities Results of Actions Dates 1. Need to issue more CSAT surveys in 2005 to better ongoing Bill Q. understand customer perception. Need to also ensure that more functions are re presented (QA, Mfg. Eng. Etc.) at each customer. 2. Need to perform gage capability studies on Plain Tech 9/1/05 Glenn S. cutting and machining jobs. 3. Hold management reviews quarterly until QMS is stable ongoing Ben V. and effective.

Attendance: Ben V. (President) Michele H. (Office Manager), Glenn S. (Production Manager), Bill Q. (Sales and Purchasing)

Approval of management review results and action items:

ABC President: Ben V. Date: 5/4/2005

Conclusions:  = System is suitable and effective and no actions are necessary.  = System is not suitable of effective and actions are necessary. ? = Insufficient evidence to conclude on system effectiveness. Actions may be required.

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