EMS3O: Propaganda Project Description

1. Find and identify one example of propaganda in our world and media from each of the following media categories:

 One “Found” example: Take a photo of a piece of propaganda you see often

 One current political issue example: take an ad, video, article or statement from current political issues either in Canada (or any other country as long as example is in English or translated well).

 One commercial propaganda example: Choose a product or service that you like/own/use and find an ad/picture/statement, etc that helped convince you to buy/use it.

 One news propaganda example: News article (newspaper/magazine/website) or news video (internet/TV news agencies) from print or internet media. Current events and news links are a good place to start.

 One entertainment media example: Choose one example from a Movie, Video game, Music (song/video), TV/Web show that you enjoy, watch or use.

2. Each example must show a different propaganda technique (for example: bandwagon, fear, etc). Do not repeat techniques.

3. Each example must include the following:

 A title that describes the category. (see #1 above).

 Below the title: the technique selected

 The image (from the internet, or scanned) that you selected or a link to the site.

 An explanation section that answers the following media triangle questions:

A. Who created the propaganda? On whose behalf was the propaganda created? What do the producers hope to gain and why? B. Who is the target audience? Be specific about who is the primary audience and explain why you see it that way (demographics). Note: there might be more than one target audience. C. How does the example show the propaganda technique selected? Explain clearly why you see the technique and how the technique works. D. How should someone defend themselves against this particular attempt at propaganda? E. Cite where you found the propaganda? (ASIJ formatted bibliography)

4. Your final work will be presented as a wiki, Prezi, website, or Powerpoint, but you should also make sure you keep copies of your work in your files for reference.