Subject line: Share a CPA Powered Moment

As your CPA, I value the trust you place in me to not only prepare your tax returns, but to provide you with the kind of advice that helps you achieve your financial goals. Special moments, like retirement, opening a business, putting the kids through college or buying a vacation home.

I want to pass along a social media campaign that may be of interest to you. It is sponsored by the AICPA on behalf of the CPA profession and it’s going on right now through May 30, 2014. I’m encouraging my clients to share one of their special moments via photo, video or tweet. There’s a special web page,, to view others’ stories, help you easily personalize and submit a photo or upload a video about your moment, and submit it for others to see. Please use the hashtag #CPAPOWERED when you share your images, videos and tweets — whether sweet, poignant or downright hilarious — on social media to spread the word around the web.

One final point: five people who submit images or videos will win an iPad Air.

I hope you decide to participate. It’s not only fun to create the image or video, but there’s always the chance it could go viral. Then just think how cool you’d be.

[Name and Signature]