IEEE PES Surge Protective Devices (Main) Committee (3.0) Meeting Minutes November 12, 2010, Clearwater Beach, FL Marriott Suites Clearwater Beach on Sand Key, Room: Longboat Key - 10:05 to 12:00


Attendance Last Name First Name Affiliation Hotchkiss Ron Surge Suppression Incorporated Caskey John NEMA Champagne Michael Entergy Haa Andrea Quality Plus Hensley Steven Sargent & Lundy, LLC Hill Ray NEETRAC Maytum Mick Independent Moellmann James EFI Electronics Odenberg Richard Transtector/Smith Wilson Jim Independent Kim Soo IEEE


1. Call to order Introductions were completed. The sign-in sheet was circulated.

2. Approval of agenda The agenda was displayed and unanimously approved.

3. Approval of minutes of last meeting The minutes from the previous meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting.

4. Subcommittee reports a. Administrative & Standards (3.1) – Ken Brown Ron Hotchkiss provided the A&S report in Ken’s absence. b. Secretaries Report – Ron Hotchkiss The meetings had 60 attendees, about 50 attendees at the main committee lunch, 195+ room nights purchased. The committee is in good financial standing. c. Bibliography 3.2 – Andi Haa Andi Haa provided a report for the Bibliography Sub-Committee. d. High Voltage Sub-Committee Report, SC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 – Steve Hensley Steve Hensley provided a verbal report. The report is included below.

HVSPD 2010 Fall Minutes.doc

e. Low Voltage Sub-Committee Report, SC 3.6 – Ray Hill Ray Hill provided a verbal report. The reports are included below. SPD Committee Meeting November 12, 2010 Page 2

SPDC LV Coord Report - Fall 2010 Rev 0.doc

SPDC LV Projects Status Fall 2010 Rev 0.xls

f. Web and Electronic Documentation, SC 3.7 – Mick Maytum i. Mick Maytum provided a verbal report. The report is included below.

SC37-2010-11--Clear water_report.pdf

5. IEC Liaison D activities: a. IEC/SC37A Activities – Joe Koepfinger Richard Odenberg reported on Working Group 3 and 5. The report is included below.

JLK RPT OF C37A Summary Report on PLENARY MTG KISTA.docthe activities of SC37A-WG5.pdf

b. IEC/TC37 – Mike Comber Mike Comber provided an electronic report prior to the meeting. The report is included below.

Fall 2010 report on IEC TC37.doc

c. IEC/TC37B – Mick Maytum Mick Maytum provided a verbal report.

d. IEC/TC81 – Tony Surtees Tony Surtees provided an electronic report prior to the meeting. The report is included below.

Liaison D report TC81 - Seattle 2010.pdf

6. Standards Coordinator Reports a. Jim Wilson – HV Jim Wilson provided a verbal report. The HV Standards Coordinator report is included below. SPD Committee Meeting November 12, 2010 Page 3



b. Ray Hill – LV Ray Hill provided a verbal report. The LV Standards Coordinator reports are included below.

SPDC LV Coord Report - Fall 2010 Rev 0.doc

SPDC LV Projects Status Fall 2010 Rev 0.xls

7. SPDC Future Meeting Locations and Schedule The Spring 2011 SPDC meeting will be held in San Diego, CA (May 16-20). The Fall 2011 SPDC meeting will be held in Clearwater, FL (October 24-28).

8. Old Business None reported.

9. New Business None reported.

10. Next Meeting The Spring 2011 SPDC meeting will be held in San Diego, CA (May 16-20).

11. Adjourn