Email Steering Committee Minutes June 1, 2011

Present: Brenda Gombosky, Sande Johnson-Byers, Linda Krauth, Frank Mianzo, Chris Weaver, Pam Frank, Jason Banta, Mylantha Baunjoko, Terry Blishak, Barry Scott

Project Status Update:  Student Email – 43% of all students migrated from GroupWise to CardMail. Account closures began on May 16th. CardMail Survey indicated 88.6% positive experience. Negatives include problem forwarding mail to Gmail which is not unique to UofL, and the long email address. Lessons learned: o allowed too much time to migrate o need to control closure of GroupWise accounts  Email Archives – Unit migrations underway with 25% complete.  Active Directory – 96% complete. Working with ULP to resolve issue related to HSC clinics.  Exchange – Microsoft determined a base line of 98% email migration completion, cannot guarantee 100% migration success. Performing validation testing of small group of IT staff. Looking at applications to minimize loss of business continuity with calendars, address books and distributions lists during migration.  IDM – Planning implementation of Exchange Connector to provision Exchange accounts for faculty and staff.  SCCM – On schedule to have PROD ready for deployment at the end of June.

IM Update: Continuing to investigate solutions.

ShareFile Survey: LFT needs to be replaced. Now that we have the data regarding interest, we will follow up and see what can be negotiated.

Recommended Retiree Account Proposal:  Existing retiree email accounts will be migrated to Exchange with an offer of forwarding services.  Email forwarding services will be provided to all new retirees.  Departments may choose to sponsor email accounts for retired faculty and staff for business-related reasons.

Email Migration Kick-Off: Beginning planning for big push when faculty returns in Fall. Information will include migration preparation, training, and account migration. All plans will be worked out and communicated to faculty. Will present plans to this group before migration. There is a concern about the timing of the migration of faculty and staff. They must be on campus to perform validation. The beginning of the semester is better than the end of the semester. If done in October, look at schedules and be aware of mid-terms. One PO will be migrated at a time, perhaps starting with HSC.

TO DO: None indicated