Persuasive 6 5 4 3 2 1 Writing Exceeds Expectations Strong/ Experienced Competent / Capable Developing Emerging Attempted/Experimenting

 The thesis statement is clear  The thesis statement is  The thesis statement is  The thesis statement is  The thesis statement is  Does not include a thesis and easy to identify clear and identifiable broad, but can be identified obvious and lacks weak or unclear statement or the reader  Takes a clear position that  Takes a clear position  Takes a clear position that originality  Takes a position but the cannot identify it is strong/recognizable and that is identifiable, and is can be understood and/or  Takes a position that can message is unclear  Attempts to take a is supported consistently supported with relevant inferred be understood and/or  No use of resources position (addresses the with well-chosen reasons reasons and/or examples  May not acknowledge the inferred  Support is minimal topic), but the position is and/or examples throughout throughout a majority of opposition (counter  Does not acknowledge and/or irrelevant very unclear OR takes a the entire essay. the essay. argument is too general) the opposition (missing  Supporting details are position, but provides  Clearly acknowledges the  Acknowledges the  Resources are used to counter argument) limited, general, minimal or no support; opposition (counter opposition (counter provide accurate support of  Resources, if used, may repetitious and/or off- may only paraphrase the argument) argument) the position not be credible/reliable topic and do not prompt Ideas  The writer uses a persuasive  Includes relevant details  Relevant, supporting  May rely on stereotypes consistently support the  No use of resources Content strategy to convey an that offer convincing details, that may be or clichés position  Ideas are incomplete, argument support of the position generalized, but are  Supporting details are  The reader is required to lack development, and  Details are specific, throughout convincing and support the limited, general, make extensive are limited and vague relevant, and offer thesis throughout repetitious and/or off- inferences  Supporting details are convincing support of the topic; may not support unrelated or missing position throughout the the position consistently essay

 Organizational pattern is  Organizational pattern is  Organizational pattern is  Organizational pattern  Disorganized or  Displays little or no appropriate, supports the appropriate, supports the appropriate, supports the may be inappropriate, unfocused throughout a apparent organization development of the thesis, development of the development of the thesis, inconsistent, skeletal, too majority of the essay pattern and fits the purpose thesis, and fits the and fits the purpose rigid, or confusing  Sequencing and  No apparent sequencing  Clear, smooth and/or purpose  Ideas are clear but may be  Sequencing and/or connections among ideas or connections among unexpected connections  May lack some predictable connections among ideas are unclear or out of ideas  Smooth, effective, natural transitions  Uses few or no transitions may be unclear or out of place  Transitions are not transitions between ideas between sections. place  Transitions are present Organization and sentences//paragraphs  Transitions can be ineffective, overused  Is focused and well unclear, inconsistent, and/or lacking organized and/or repetitive  Details may seem random, out of place, and hard to follow

 Shows a strong sense of  Connects with audience,  Inconsistent connection  Inconsistent, somewhat  Inappropriate or no  Inappropriate or no connection to the audience, topic and purpose with the audience, topic and inappropriate connection connection with the connection with the topic, and purpose  Clear point of view purpose with the audience, topic audience, topic, and/or audience, topic, and/or  Strong, clear point of view  Tone is clear and  Clear point of view and/or purpose purpose purpose Voice  Tone is clear, effective, effective  Tone is present but may be  Point of view may be  Lacks a clear point of  No point of view/tone appropriate, and enhances  Demonstrates some unclear or inconsistent at unclear or inconsistent view  Not engaging or moving meaning originality, conviction, times  Tone is unclear,  Tone is unclear to the reader  Demonstrates originality, and/or humor  Confidence, sincerity, inconsistent and lacks  Writing sounds dull, flat,  No involvement or conviction, and confidence  Engaging, professional, and/or professionalism is emotion and lifeless. commitment of writer  Expressive, professional, and sincere inconsistent  Writer sounds unsure and  Serious lack of  Writer does not seem to engaging, enthusiastic,  Originality and passion held lacks confidence confidence and/or know the topic and/or passionate, and sincere in check  Not professional professionalism like the topic

 Words convey the intended  Words convey the  Words convey the intended  Words convey the  Words are vague,  Limited vocabulary or message in exceptionally intended message in an message intended message misused, colorless, misuse of words interesting, natural way natural way  Some strong words and  Problems with imprecise, and/or obstructs meaning  Words are accurate, precise,  Words are accurate and verbs are used wordiness, jargon, distracting  Words are imprecise, distinctive, strong specific  Flat, vague language or clichés, and/ or vague  Repetitious inadequate or incorrect  Vocabulary is appropriate,  Vocabulary is jargon is balanced by language  Strong verbs are rare or  Limited range of words rich, and varied appropriate and varied correct, accurate words  Stronger words and verbs missing and verbs  Words evoke strong images  Words evoke clear  Vocabulary, imagery, and are needed  Images are unclear or are Word Choice and use figurative language images and use figurative figurative language are  Images may be unclear missing as appropriate language as appropriate appropriate but may not energize writing

 Sentences show a high  Sentences vary in  Sentence have some variety  Little variety in structure,  Lacking variety in  Sentence structure degree of variety in structure and length in structure and length but length or sentence structure, length or interferes with meaning structure and length  Varied openings may be somewhat beginnings sentence beginnings  Many sentences are  Varied and purposeful  Contains a flow and repetitious  Repetitious  Repetitious awkward, incomplete, openings rhythm with a natural,  Some repetition in sentence  Many sentences are  Many sentences are disjointed, confusing,  Very effective flow and smooth, fluent style— beginnings choppy or rambling awkward, incomplete, choppy and/or rambling rhythm with a natural, one sentence flows into  Contains a flow of words  The flow of language is choppy and/or rambling  Ideas, phrases, and/or smooth, graceful, fluent the next but may be less than fluid clauses are connected Sentence stilted and somewhat  Doesn’t flow naturally style—one sentence flows and lack rhythm and grace together unnaturally Fluency unnatural or mechanical and difficult to read into the next aloud  Irregular word patterns  Text extremely difficult to read aloud—requires mental editing

 Few or no errors in  Minor errors in grammar,  More frequent errors in  Errors in grammar,  Errors in grammar,  Errors in grammar, grammar, spelling, and spelling, and punctuation grammar, spelling, and spelling, and punctuation spelling, and punctuation spelling, and punctuation punctuation do not interfere with the punctuation sometimes interfere with interfere with most of the prevent the reader from  Errors do not interfere with reader’s understanding  Errors do not interfere with the reader’s reader’s understanding understanding the essay the reader’s understanding the reader’s understanding understanding


 Eye catching layout that  Balanced layout  Acceptable layout  Layout has some errors  Layout has major errors  Layout completely needs enhances the writing contributes to the writing  Text features and/or spacing  Text features and/or  Text features and/or use to be reworked  Text features enhance  Text features contribute need some attention spacing need attention. of spacing are missing  Text features and/or use meaning and are attractive to meaning  Handwriting is legible or  Handwriting, letter  Handwriting, letter of spacing are missing  Handwriting is consistent,  Handwriting is neat and font is no larger than 12 pt., shape, size, and/or slant shape, size, and/or slant  Handwriting is messy neat, and legible or font is legible or font is no Times New Roman is inconsistent or font are inconsistent or font and unreadable or font no larger than 12 pt., Times larger than 12 pt., Times style or size may be style/size is inappropriate style/size is completely Presentation New Roman New Roman inappropriate inappropriate