Patient Person Message Creation Scenario

New Person:

In August 2002 Neville Nuclear moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan with his wife Nelda and their two children, eleven-year-old Nancy and nine-year-old Ned. Nancy, an avid soccer player, persuaded Nelda to go with her to register for a fall soccer team. At the signup they found out that Nancy needed to have a physical exam before the season started in September. Another parent at the soccer registration directed Nelda to the Good Health Hospital Pediatric Clinic. At the clinic registration desk, the registration clerk registered Nancy Nuclear and documented the relationship between Nancy and her mother, Nelda, and father, Neville. The registration clerk added Nancy's address, contact information, school and insurance information. Person records with unique Person Identifiers were created for Nancy, Nelda and Neville. Good Health Hospital Pediatric Clinic also creates a patient record at the completion of the registration.

Desired Output: Person Level data sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s).

Resulting Trigger Event:  If a sender is Person Comprehensive Informer:  Add New Person

New Patient and Existing Person with Person Registry:

Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk located the existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Person Registry and added Mr. Everyman to the GHH Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to and scheduled the admission for two weeks from that day.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  If a sender is Person Comprehensive Informer:  Revise Person Information  If a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. Note: If a sender claims conformance to multiple of these roles, they would send the combination of the triggers. New Patient and New Person with Person Registry:

Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Person Registry and adds him to the Person Registry and also adds Mr. Everyman to the GHH Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to him.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  When a sender is Person Comprehensive Informer:  Add New Person  When a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. Note: If a sender claims conformance to multiple of these roles (as would be the case in this scenario), they would send the combination of the triggers.

New Patient and New Person No Person Registry:

Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Patient Registry and adds him to the GHH Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to him and scheduled the admission for two weeks from that day.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  When a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. New Patient who is a New Person With A New Personal Relationship To A New Person in the Role of Contact Party with Person Registry: Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Person Registry and adds him to the Person Registry and also adds Mr. Everyman to the GHH Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to him. Mr. Everyman states that his wife, Isabelle, is his next of kin. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Isabelle in the GHH Person Registry and adds her to it and associates her as Mr. Everyman’s next of kin.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data for Mr. Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s) Person level data for Isabelle Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  When a sender is Person Comprehensive Informer (note the order of these trigger events is significant) :  Add New Person for Isabelle Everyman  Add New Person for Mr. Everyman (containing information referencing Isabelle as his next of kin)  When a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. The communication of Isabelle as Mr. Everyman’s next of Kin is via the ContactParty E_Person Identified CMET. In this case Isabelle is treated as data associated with Mr. Everyman and not as a person since the sender is just a Patient Comprehensive Informer.

New Patient who is a New Person With A New Personal Relationship To A New Person in the Role of Contact Party with no Person Registry: Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Patient Registry and adds him to the Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to him. Mr. Everyman states that his wife, Isabelle, is his next of kin.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data for Mr. Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s) Person level data for Isabelle Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  When a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. The communication of Isabelle as Mr. Everyman’s next of Kin is via the ContactParty E_Person Identified CMET. In this case Isabelle is treated as data associated with Mr. Everyman and not as a person since the sender is just a Patient Comprehensive Informer.

New Patient who is a New Person With A New Personal Relationship To An Existing Person in the Role of Contact Party with Person Registry: Mr. Adam Everyman's physician, Dr. Patricia Primary, called the Good Health Hospital to schedule an inpatient visit for Mr. Everyman for lung surgery. The clerk can not locate an existing entry for Mr. Everyman in the GHH Person Registry and adds him to the Person Registry and also adds Mr. Everyman to the GHH Patient Registry along with the mailing address and telephone number to use for communicating patient information to him. Mr. Everyman states that his wife, Isabelle, is his next of kin. The clerk locates an existing entry for Isabelle in the GHH Person Registry, makes minor updates, and associates her as Mr. Everyman’s next of kin.

Desired Output: Person and Patient Level data for Mr. Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s) Person level data for Isabelle Everyman sent by originating system based on the sending systems application role(s)

Resulting Trigger Event(s):  When a sender is Person Comprehensive Informer (note the order of these trigger events is significant) :  Revise Person Information for Isabelle Everyman  Add New Person for Mr. Everyman (containing information referencing Isabelle as his next of kin)  When a sender is an Patient Comprehensive Informer or a Patient Living Subject Comprehensive Informer  Add New Patient – this trigger needs to include associations to ALL the roles defined on the Person (refer to contents of Person RMIM). Original thinking is that IdentifiedPerson CMET could be used in the Patient RMIM, but there are scenarios where this would require the addition of a person. The communication of Isabelle as Mr. Everyman’s next of Kin is via the ContactParty E_Person Identified CMET. In this case Isabelle is treated as data associated with Mr. Everyman and not as a person since the sender is just a Patient Comprehensive Informer.