Chapter 18 Foreign Policy

LEARNING OBJECTIVES After students have read and studied this chapter, they should be able to:  Define foreign policy, defense policy, and diplomacy.  Describe the two competing perspectives of viewing foreign policy.  Describe the impact of issues such as nuclear proliferation and terrorism on foreign policy.  Describe the current situation in Iraq, with special attention to the attitudes of the three main ethnic groups.  Summarize several current foreign policy concerns, including: o The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the internationally proposed solution, the position of the Israelis, and the position of the Palestinians. o The growing economic power of China and the concerns this provokes, especially relating to Taiwan. o The problem of North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program.  Describe the formal and informal powers of the president to make foreign policy.  Identify the principal agencies that assist the president in developing foreign policy.  Trace the stages of United States foreign policy development including early foreign policy, the Monroe Doctrine and isolationism, internationalism, the Cold War, containment, détente, and Bush’s doctrine of preemption.