NUR 250: Human and Growth Development

Name: Faye Nguyen Person #: 36865471 Preschooler Worksheet

Directions: Use the book and your notes to help you answer the following questions. 1. Give the definitions of Lateralization and Myelination:

Lateralization is the process where specific skills and competencies become localized in a particular cerebral hemisphere. For example motor functions such as hand and foot control and sensations are lateralized with left hemisphere controlling the right side of the body and vice versa.

Myelination is maturation of the brain and cerebral nervous system which includes the formation of sheathing cells that insulate the neurons and make transmission of neural impulses much more efficient.

2. What are the characteristics of Piaget’s theory of Preoperational thought? Give examples for each.

Egocentrism: thinking about the world from their own perspective. Centration: focusing on one aspect of a situation. Focus on Appearance: focusing only on what is apparent. Symbolic Representation: using actions, images, or words to represent past or present events, experiences, and concepts.

3. What 2 theories did Lev Vygotsky have about preschoolers? Scaffolding and Zone of Proximal Development

4. For the following questions/statements, highlight either True or False: . Recall refers to the ability to correctly identify objects or situations previously experienced when they appear again. TRUE FALSE . Private Talk, or talking out loud to yourself or an inanimate object, is very beneficial to a young child for improving social skills and becoming more creative. TRUE FALSE . Girls have a more sophisticated vocabulary and advanced verbal skills than boys as a result of playing with dolls. TRUE FALSE . Physical aggression typically decreases at the beginning of early childhood and then increases as verbal aggression begins to replace it. TRUE FALSE . Prosocial behavior is influenced by heredity and the environment. TRUE FALSE . Children form gender constancy before gender identity. TRUE FALSE

5. Match the following Defense Mechanisms with the correct description.

__C_____Reaction Formation A) Incorporation the values, attitudes, and beliefs of others.

___D____Denial B) Substituting something or someone else for the real source of anger or fear.

__A_____Identification C) Behaving opposite to your inclinations.

__E_____Repression D) Refusing to admit that a situation or event happened.

___B____Displacement E) Extreme form of denial, in which person unconsciously erases a frightening event from awareness.

__G _____Rationalization F) Removing your self from an unpleasant situation.

____F___Withdrawal G) Persuading yourself that you do not want what you can’t have.

___H____Regression H) Returning to an earlier infantile form.

__I_____Repression I) Attributing undesirable thoughts or actions to someone else and in the process distorting reality.

6. Which theorist once said, “Play is the child’s work.” ____Piaget______According to this theorist, use the word bank to place the correct type of play with the appropriate age. (Definitions are in the box below each type of play) Solitary Play Associative Cooperative Onlooker Play Parallel Play Play Play Play with Share Engage in Observe others Play next to toys but no materials but single as they play each other interaction do not activity but do not with others coordinate together interact activities

2 years old 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old

__parallel play______onlooker play____ solitary play associative play

6 years old cooperative play