Components of Your Nonfiction Rhetorical Analysis Paper

I. INTRODUCTION: The introductory paragraph usually includes:

Title  Catchy first line (s)…shock, move, inspire, enlighten Background information about the text’s subject and the writer Thesis

II.BODY PARAGRAPHS: The body paragraphs generally include (but not necessarily in this order)

A topic sentence that clarifies a specific part of your thesis A brief summary of the of the part of the text you are about to analyze Very concrete material that supports your topic sentence (quoting/paraphrasing text) Characters Experiences/events Setting (place and time) Rhetorical analysis—mention specific rhetorical strategies your author uses in the book

III. CONCLUSION The conclusion should:

 Review/revisit the main points you have made and restate your thesis.  Leave the reader with a clear and memorable impression of the text you have reviewed.


1. Papers must show evidence of rhetorical analysis. 2. Papers must use quotes, page numbers, and a work cited page. 3. Papers must be typed and double-spaced. 4. Papers should be 2-3 pages long.