PSTAT 5E CLAS – Continuous Distributions

1. The bus arrival time at a particular stop is uniformly distributed between 7:48am and 8:02am. If Timmy arrives at this stop at 7:45am, find the probability that… A. he waits at least 10 minutes for the bus. B. he waits no more than 5 minutes for the bus. C. he waits between 10 and 15 minutes for the bus. D. he waits exactly 10 minutes for the bus. E. he waits more than 10 minutes, given he’s already waited at least 5 minutes.

2. The heights of adult U.S. males are approximately normal in distribution with mean 69” and variance 9. Find the percentage of adult U.S. males… A. Taller than 6 feet. B. Between 5’10” and 6’2” C. Shorter than 5’3” D. If a volleyball team consists of men in the top 10% of heights, what’s the minimum height of an adult male on this team?

3. On a particular stretch of the I15, there is an average of 2 potholes every 165 miles. What is the probability that the distance between potholes exceeds 100 miles? …between 20 and 60 miles?

4. Credit scores are normally distributed with a mean of 565 and a standard deviation of 90. What is the probability that a randomly selected individual will have a credit score of less than 500? To qualify for a particular loan, Timmy needs to be in the top 15% of credit scores, what must his score be to qualify?