From our Whitepaper Files: Be Aware of > See companion document Schistosomiasis World Schistosomiasis 2015 Edition Risk Chart Canada 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 036 Toronto, Ontario M6K 3E3 (416) 652-0137 USA 1623 Military Road, #279 Niagara Falls, New York 14304-1745 (716) 754-4883 New Zealand 206 Papanui Road Christchurch 5 |
[email protected] | Twitter @IAMAT_Travel | Facebook IAMATHealth THE HELPFUL DATEBOOK It was clear to him that this young woman must It’s noon, the skies are clear, it is unbearably have spent some time in Africa or the Middle hot and a caravan snakes its way across the East where this type of worm is prevalent. When Sahara. Twenty-eight people on camelback are interviewed she confirmed that she had been heading towards the oasis named El Mamoun. in Africa, participating in one of the excursions They are tourists participating in ‘La Sahari- organized by the club. enne’, a popular excursion conducted twice weekly across the desert of southern Tunisia The young woman did not have cancer at all, by an international travel club. In the bound- but had contracted schistosomiasis while less Sahara, they were living a fascinating swimming in the oasis pond. When investiga- experience, their senses thrilled by the majestic tors began to fear that other members of her grandeur of the desert. After hours of riding, group might also be infected, her date book they reached the oasis and were dazzled to see came to their aid. Many of her companions had Fig. 1 Biomphalaria fresh-water snail. a clear pond fed by a bubbling spring.