Alief Independent School District / Houston Community College

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Alief Independent School District / Houston Community College

Alief Independent School District / Houston Community College

P R E P A R I N G S T U D E N T S F O R T O M O R R O W ― C A R I N G F O R T H E M T O D A Y

Application for Admission Fall 2018 IMPORTANT: Interested students wi ll be required to come to AECHS on January 20, 2018 to submit a writing, reading, and math sample. At the same time, parents will attend a mandatory parent meeting. Times are by first letter of last name:

A-L 10:00 a.m. and M-Z 1:00p.m. ***** It is important to PRINT LEGIBLY on this application. *****

Part One: General Information


Last First Middle Date of Birth / /  Female  Male Student ID #: Month Day Year

Current School: Counselor:

High School Assignment: Cell # (optional): E-mail (optional):

Part Two: Contact Information

Parent / Guardian:

Address: Zip Code:

Home Phone # _ Work # Cell #

Parent e-mail:

Emergency Contact Name: Phone #: M a i l or H a n d D e l i v er t h e C o m p l ete Four P a g e A p p li c a t i on to e i t h e r : Alief Early College High School 2811 A Hayes Rd. Houston, TX 77082 O R Drop it off with the Secretary in the Counselor’s Office at your Middle School Campus Only ORIGINAL applications will be accepted. Faxed, e-mailed, late or incomplete applications will NOT be accepted.

DEADLINE for Fall 2018 A d m i s s i o n : FRIDAY January 5, 2018 by 3:00p.m For Questions Contact: Brandi Brotherton, Terri Guidry, or Candice Richmond 281-988- 3010 DATE & TIME APPLICATION WAS RECEIVED:

What language is spoken most of the time in your home?

How many days of school have you missed this school year? ______

How many discipline referrals have you had this school year?

Have you ever been in an ESL program? Yes No

Do you currently receive free or reduced lunch? Yes No

Will you be the first in your immediate family to graduate from college? Yes No

Are you in the AVID program? Yes No Do you have a sibling or other relative who attends AECHS? Yes No

If yes, name of sibling or relative.

Part Three: Applicant Response

Please tell us about yourself and answer the following questions in your own handwriting. What three words would you use to describe yourself and why?



3. Students who apply to AECCHS understand they will be undertaking rigorous course work in order to

prepare for college level classes at HCC. Explain the steps you will take to be successful in these classes.

Describe the qualities of a perfect high school that will help you be successful.

Which college or universities are you interested in attending? What will it take to be successful in college? 0 Alief Early College High School Page 2 of 3 Part Four: Parent Response

As the parent or guardian you know your child best. Please respond fully to each of the three questions in this section.

1. What types of things are you looking for in your child’s high school experience?

2. Describe one of your child’s strengths.

3. What are some of the reasons your child will be successful in this educational setting?

Part Five: Academic Records / Parent – Student Agreement

Report card grades and student assessment data will be retrieved for review from the AISD student management system. Students who attend schools outside of Alief ISD are responsible for submitting the following: Fall semester report card with final semester averages, school attendance and discipline report, STAAR testing data. These are due with application. I am interested in attending Alief Early College High School and want to be considered for admission. I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate. Incomplete or inaccurate information may be grounds to deny admission. I authorize administrative officials to verify, access, and utilize academic information to support this application. I understand that the school and HCC expect a high standard of conduct at all times. If accepted to attend, I will abide by all rules set forth by both Alief ECHS and Houston Community College.

Check the following sections that have been completed and verified:       P Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five arte Seis y Siete en español

Signature of Parent / Guardian (required) Date

Signature of Student (required) Date

IMPORTANT: Only ORIGINAL applications will be accepted. Faxed, e-mailed, late or incomplete applications will NOT be accepted. The deadline is Friday January 5, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.

page one of this application for information about the deadline and instructions for submission See

Alief Early College High School Page 3 of 3 SEXTA PARTE: RESPUESTAS DE LOS PADRES Como el padre o el tutor del estudiante, usted lo conoce mejor. Tenga la amabilidad de responder plenamente a cada una de las preguntas de esta sección.

1. ¿Qué tipo de cosas espera usted que la preparatoria brinde a su hijo?

2. Describa uno de los puntos fuertes o habilidades de su hijo.

3. Cuáles son algunas de las razones por las que su hijo triunfará en este ambiente educativo?


La boleta de calificaciones y los datos de evolucióndel del estudiante serán recuperados del Sistema de gestión estudiantil del distrito escolar (AISD), a fin de ser revisados. Los estudiantes que asistieron a esculas fuera del distrito de Alief serán responsables de entregar los siguientes documentos: La boleta de las calificaiones del semester de otoño (Fall Semester) con el promedio final del semester, record de asistencia y disciplina, y resultados del exámen STAAR. Estos documentos deberán presentarse con la solicitud de admisión.

Estoy interesado en asistir en el program de Alief Early College High School y quiero ser considerado para una admisión. Atestiguo que la informacion en los documentos es verdadera y completa, en el entendido de que información errónea o incompleta puede ser la causa de negarme el ingreso a este instituto. Le concedo a la administración de este instituto el derecho de verificar y acceder mis datos académicos .

 Parte 1  Parte2  Parte 3  Parte 4  Parte 5  Parte 6  Parte 7

F i r m a d el p a dre o d e l t u t or (r e q u i s i t o) Fecha

Firma del estudiante (requisito) Fecha IMPORTANTE: Solo se acepta el original de una solicitud. No se acepta ninguna solicitud que haya sido enviada tarde, por fax o por correo electrónico (e-mail) o que esté incompleta. La fecha límite de entrega es el 5 de Enero de 2018 para las 3:00 p.m.

Para informarse acerca de las instrucciones para entregar la solicitud y del plazo de entrega, consulte la página 1 de esta solicitud. Alief Early College High School Page 4 of 4

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