Us Forum Connection #15A

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Us Forum Connection #15A


This newsletter is sponsored by the United States Forum of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is an organization of leading women educators with over 140,000 United States members. Delta Kappa Gamma members wishing to subscribe to this FREE newsletter should send a request to [email protected]. We urge you to share this newsletter with other interested educators who are not members of Delta Kappa Gamma or do not subscribe to this publication.



In order to be effective we must have more individuals in each state involved in the process. GPO/WEP is in a committee in the House.

Action on discharge petition by representatives from states directly affected Alaska 0 have signed California 26 have signed Colorado 1 has signed Connecticut 2 have signed Georgia, 4 have signed Illinois 8 have signed Louisiana 2 have signed Kentucky 2 have signed Maine 2 have signed Massachusetts 10 have signed Missouri 1 has signed Nevada 1 has signed Ohio 5 have signed R.I. 2 have signed Texas 16 have signed

Note in Illinois a directly affected state and home of Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Mr. Hastert has not signed the discharge petition.

On 3/10/2004, a motion was filed to discharge the legislation from committee.. H.Res. 523 provides for the consideration of H.R. 594. A discharge petition requires 218 signatures for further action. (Discharge Petition No. 108-6: text with signatures.) You can follow who has signed to discharge the bill for consideration at:

Currently (May 15, 2004) only 158 Representatives have signed the discharge petition.

The text of the petition is: Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Jim Turner, move to discharge the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 523) entitled, a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 594 ) to amend title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the Government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions; which was referred to said committee on February 11, 2004, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit: (Note: state and district follow the name of the representative) 1. Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr. Alabama 05 2. Raúl M. Grijalva Arizona 07 3. Ed Pastor Arizona 04 4. Mike Ross Arkansas 04 5. Marion Berry Arkansas 01 6. Vic Snyder Arkansas 02 7. Joe Baca California 43 8. Nancy Pelosi California 08 9. Henry A. Waxman California 30 10.Diane E. Watson California 33 11.Robert T. Matsui California 05 12.Brad Sherman California 27 13.Adam B. Schiff California 29 14.Jane Harman California 36 15.Loretta Sanchez California 47 16.Susan A. Davis California 53 17. Ellen O. Tauscher California 10 18. Fortney Pete Stark California 13 19.Grace F. Napolitano California 38 20.Linda T. Sánchez California 39 21.Maxine Waters California 35 22.Sam Farr California 17 23.Tom Lantos California 12 24.Lois Capps California 23 25.Barbara Lee California 09 26.Lynn C. Woolsey California 06 27.Juanita Millender-McDonald California 37 28.Lucille Roybal-Allard California 34 29.Anna G. Eshoo California 14 30.Mike Thompson California 01 31.Bob Filner California 51 32.Dennis A. Cardoza California 18 33.Diana DeGette Colorado 01 34.Rosa L. DeLauro Connecticut 03 35.John B. Larson Connecticut 01 36.Alcee L. Hastings Florida 23 37.Robert Wexler Florida 19 38.Peter Deutsch Florida 20 39.Corrine Brown Florida 03 40.Kendrick B. Meek Florida 17 41.John Lewis Georgia 05 42.Denise L. Majette Georgia 04 43.David Scott Georgia 13 44.Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. Georgia 02 45.Ed Case Hawaii 02 46.J. Lane Evans Illinois 17 47.Janice D. Schakowsky Illinois 09 48.Bobby L. Rush Illinois 01 49.Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Illinois 02 50.William O. Lipinski Illinois 03 51.Luis V. Gutierrez Illinois 04 52.Danny K. Davis Illinois 07 53.Jerry F. Costello Illinois 12 54.Julia Carson Indiana 07 55.Baron P. Hill Indiana 09 56.Leonard L. Boswell Iowa 03 57.Dennis Moore Kansas 03 58.Ben Chandler Kentucky 06 59.Ken Lucas Kentucky 04 60.William J. Jefferson Louisiana 02 61.John Louisiana 07 62.Michael H. Michaud Maine 02 63.Thomas H. Allen Maine 01 64.Chris Van Hollen Maryland 08 65.Elijah E. Cummings Maryland 07 66.Albert Russell Wynn Maryland 04 67.C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Maryland 02 68.William D. Delahunt Massachusetts 10 69.Stephen F. Lynch Massachusetts 09 70.John W. Olver Massachusetts 01 71.Richard E. Neal Massachusetts 02 72.James P. McGovern Massachusetts 03 73.Barney Frank Massachusetts 04 74.Martin T. Meehan Massachusetts 05 75.John F. Tierney Massachusetts 06 76.J. Edward J. Markey Massachusetts 07 77.Michael E. Capuano Massachusetts 08 78.Carolyn C. Kilpatrick Michigan 13 79.Bart Stupak Michigan 01 80.John Conyers, Jr. Michigan 14 81.Dale E. Kildee Michigan 05 82.Betty McCollum Minnesota 04 83.Bennie G. Thompson Mississippi 02 84.Wm. Lacy Clay Missouri 01 85.Shelley Berkley Nevada 01 86.Robert Menendez New Jersey 13 87.Rush D. Holt New Jersey 12 88.Donald M. Payne New Jersey 10 89.Steven R. Rothman New Jersey 09 90.Frank Pallone, Jr. New Jersey 06 91.Robert E. Andrews New Jersey 01 92.Tom Udall New Mexico 03 93.Gregory W. Meeks New York 06 94.Gary L. Ackerman New York 05 95.Charles B. Rangel New York 15 96.Timothy H. Bishop New York 01 97.Major R. Owens New York 11 98.Jerrold Nadler New York 08 99.Carolyn McCarthy New York 04 100. Carolyn B. Maloney New York 14 101. Nita M. Lowey New York 18 102. Nydia M. Velázquez New York 12 103. Eliot L. Engel New York 17 104. José E. Serrano New York 16 105. Maurice D. Hinchey New York 22 106. Anthony D. Weiner New York 09 107. Louise McIntosh Slaughter New York 28 108. Michael R. McNulty New York 21 109. Steve Israel New York 02 110. Frank W. Ballance, Jr. North Carolina 01 111. David E. Price North Carolina 04 112. Mike McIntyre North Carolina 07 113. Ted Strickland Ohio 06 114. Marcy Kaptur Ohio 09 115. Dennis J. Kucinich Ohio 10 116. Sherrod Brown Ohio 13 117. Tim Ryan Ohio 17 118. Brad Carson Oklahoma 02 119. David Wu Oregon 01 120. Earl Blumenauer Oregon 03 121. Darlene Hooley Oregon 05 122. Peter A. DeFazio Oregon 04 123. Michael F. Doyle Pennsylvania 14 124. Robert A. Brady Pennsylvania 01 125. Tim Holden Pennsylvania 17 126. Joseph M. Hoeffel Pennsylvania 13 127. James R. Langevin Rhode Island 02 128. Patrick J. Kennedy Rhode Island 01 129. James E. Clyburn South Carolina 06 130. Bart Gordon Tennessee 06 131. Harold E. Ford, Jr. Tennessee 09 132. Lincoln Davis Tennessee 04 133. Max Sandlin Texas 01 134. Jim Turner Texas 02 135. Nick Lampson Texas 09 136. Lloyd Doggett Texas 10 137. Chet Edwards Texas 11 138. Rubén Hinojosa Texas 15 139. Silvestre Reyes Texas 16 140. Charles W. Stenholm Texas 17 141. Sheila Jackson-Lee Texas 18 142. Charles A. Gonzalez Texas 20 143. Martin Frost Texas 24 144. Chris Bell Texas 25 145. Solomon P. Ortiz Texas 27 146. Ciro D. Rodriguez Texas 28 147. Gene Green Texas 29 148. Eddie Bernice Johnson Texas 30 149. Jim Matheson Utah 02 150. James P. Moran Virginia 08 151. Robert C. Scott Virginia 03 152. Jim McDermott Washington 07 153. Brian Baird Washington 03 154. Rick Larsen Washington 02 155. Jay Inslee Washington 01 156. Norman D. Dicks Washington 06 157. Nick J. Rahall II West Virginia 03 158. Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin 02

If you wish to subscribe or contribute to the U.S. Forum Connection please correspond with me directly through my e-mail address [email protected] rather than the listserv address.

Thanks, Angela

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