Baughurst Parish Council s3

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Baughurst Parish Council s3


BAUGHURST PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 28 November 2013 7.30 pm, Heath End Hall, Baughurst

PRESENT: Cllrs M G Slatford (Chairman), J Hewitt, F Langley, E Page, J Peatman, G Porter, P R S Postance, G Round, S E Terrett Also present: County Councillor W Lovegrove, Borough Councillor M Bound and 1 member of the public Apologies for absence received from Cllrs P E Garrett and E Hayward In attendance: Mrs P J Waterfield, Clerk

55. Minutes of the last meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2013, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read and accepted as a true record.

56. Declarations of interest Councillors were reminded that for those with any interest to be disclosed in relation to any item included in the agenda for this meeting, it was their duty to do so at the appropriate agenda item (as required to be disclosed by Section 96(1) of the LGA 1972, and in accordance with the Parish Councils Order 2001).

57. Matters arising from the Minutes (44) land rear of Long Grove The Clerk advised that the long-awaited transfer of land had finally occurred, and the deeds received. These would be copied and held for safekeeping with Lloyds Bank plc. The third meeting planned with Wasing Park had been cancelled by them at short notice, but the Clerk would attempt to negotiate a fourth. (44) Speedwatch Continued to be used by three Councils, with a successful track record of reminding motorists of the penalties of speeding. (44) land adj 105 Long Grove No information received. (44) Wolverton field lease Clerk to copy information received from Messrs Rowberry Morris to trustees of Sir George Brown Charity. (44) low-loader parking, junction of Pinewood Close and Woodlands Road Clerk to write to resident thought responsible for the parking of the vehicle. A further suggestion is the introduction of ‘dragons’ teeth’ at either end of the grassed area. (44) Pineapple playing field Laminated signs had been received and erected. (44) 1 Mornington Close HCC had advised that they were content with the outcome of the law suit, where the resident had been asked to remove obstructive structures and replace the fences in line with the curtilage of his property. (45) Himalayan Balsam, Baughurst Road Cllr Round undertook to speak with the resident concerned. If this failed to result in the removal of the plant, a formal letter would be written to the Tree Officer at BDBC. (50) bus shelter, Woodlands Road All tree debris had been removed by Thames Water.

58. County, Borough, Police and BDAPTC reports County Councillor Lovegrove reported on the success of the Remembrance Day services locally; the incipient resignation of Mary Fagan, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, and the forthcoming meeting of service bodies to jointly consider problems. He also advised that HCC were ready for the onslaught of winter with salting bins full, and snow ploughs at the ready. He had personally undertaken a survey of bins in the Baughurst area, and was hopeful that those which had been damaged, or shifted from their original position, could be put to rights in the near future.

1 Borough Councillor Bound reported on information regarding the pressure used by AWE fire appliances, and a recent AWE training exercise. He also advised a recent Ofcom report into Community Wellbeing, and a detailed report about education from HCC. This had proved that Basingstoke secondary schools were doing well, and better than those from within the rural areas. Basingstoke primary schools were also improving, both urban and rural. He reported on recent drainage problems in the Pound Green area, which involved blocked gullies. He hoped that lighting issues at the eastern end of Heath End Road would soon be resolved, and gave a more detailed report into the New Homes Bonus. He was asked whether he and Cllr Round would be able to promote the tree survey and remedial work programme which this Council will need to undertaken for the land to the rear of Long Grove, and it was agreed that they would promote this.

Borough Councillor Round gave an update on the BDBC budget, and advised the latest situation regarding the regeneration of Basing View. Waitrose and John Lewis had signed up for a site at this location, and the consultation is ongoing. BDBC hope to maintain a status quo with regard to Council tax. The social housing list is being investigated, with a view to culling those who do not have precedence in having lived and worked in the borough. Further information and greater lateral thinking is needed with regard to the rural exception site, currently being looked at by both BDBC and the housing association involved.

Hampshire Police had reported that the criteria for reporting motorists who exceed the speed limit has changed slightly. Police officers at the roadside will now either verbally warn, or report the motorist for the offence by issuing them with a Traffic Offence Report (form T60). That report is then sent to Hampshire Police’ Central Justice Unit, where a decision will be made whether to offer the offender a place on Driver Awareness Training, or send them a Fixed Penalty Notice. The guidelines are still the same for a 30 mph limit.

Figures for October 2013: FPN – fixed penalty notice DAT – driver awareness training (course) VW – verbal warning,

Site (30 mph limit) Visits Stops Results (speed)

Baughurst Road, Baughurst 1 8 1 x FPN (42) 3 x DAT (40 – 42) 5 x VW (36 – 38)

59. Open forum A local resident explained his recent actions with regard to movement of the boundaries of his property, and it was agreed that all parties were now satisfied with the explanation.

60. Committee reports a) General Purposes  Speedwatch Hartley Wespall had joined Silchester in their regular use of the machine, having now booked a considerable number of dates in 2014. There has been no deployment of Baughurst since July, although dates are in the diary. It was agreed that an alternative strategy must be utilised to increase usage of the machine by the Baughurst team.  Remembrance Day Parade The event had passed off well, with £945 raised at Baughurst as part of the £21,500 raised within Baughurst and Tadley by the British Legion. The Clerk advised that the run-up to the event had been fraught this year, despite having all the various policies, risk assessments and signage in place as requested by BDBC and the Police in 2012. These had all been resubmitted for approval, and the necessary legal document had been displayed on noticeboards, in the Post office, and in the Basingstoke Gazette.

Despite this, the Clerk had been advised, two months previous, on application, that only one officer would be available for the day. Her attempts to contact the relevant Police officer nearer the event were unsuccessful, to be told that he was unavailable due to long-term sickness. Two off-

2 duty officers eventually came to the rescue at the last minute, together with a member of the public. Agreed that a letter of complaint should be written to the Chief Constable, together with a letter of commendation regarding the volunteers. Further agreed that, if as last year, the maintenance contractor who volunteers to erect the 28 signs around the parish on the morning of the event, and then takes them down, should be recompensed appropriately.

 Good Citizen Award Agreed that this Council does not promote this scheme.  Budget The Budget was received and investigated in depth. It was noted that the deficit in 2014/15 will be slightly in excess of £5,000, in terms of projected expenditure over income. Therefore agreed that the attached Budget should be accepted.  Precept 2014/15 As a result of item (5) above, it was agreed that the precept should rise from £35,000 to £38,500. Noted that it is possible, imminently, that precept requests by Parish Councils may be ‘capped’, and any attempt to increase thereafter will require a referendum, the cost of which is borne by this Council.  Speed Indicator Device A quotation had been received from BDBC, outlining the costs involved in their movement of the Speed Indicator Device owned by this Council. Income from use this year will amount to approximately £600, against initial outlay in 2012 of £1800. Further information was requested from the Clerk, in terms of the cost of the continued use of the Speed Limit Reminder signs currently provided (until 31 March 2014) by BDBC, versus the cost to this Council by the use of our own machine.  Finances to consider reinvestment of Council assets £50,000 of Council monies is currently invested with BDBC, earning no interest. In 2012/13 it had been invested with the Cooperative Bank, netting £1250 in interest in 12 months. With the sole exception of the Coop, no other vehicles appear to be suitable or recommendable for investment by Councils, who may not risk public monies with asset-backed investments. HALC and BDBC both decline to give advice as to the suitability of possible venues for investment. Agreed that further investigation of alternatives is carried out, and that the monies should remain with BDBC for the immediate future.  to consider payment of accounts by Direct Debit, Standing Orders, BACS and CHAPS, and electronic signatures The Clerk advised that a legislative reform order had just been laid before Parliament, which will repeal S150(S) of the LGA, which currently requires two parish councillors to sign all cheques and orders for payment. Councils will be able to use electronic methods of payment providing robust anti-fraud measures are in place. The order will be considered by parliamentary committees over the coming weeks. Advice will subsequently be given on guidance on payments.  World War I commemorative events Agreed that the Clerk should be asked to attend the next meeting of the local committee being formed by Tadley and District History Society, with a view to finding out a little more about their plans. The Reverend David Barlow approved the concept of a memorial church service during August/September 2014. Clerk to investigate free distribution of poppy seeds by relevant organisations.  Model Standing Orders HALC had advised revised Model Standing Orders issued by NALC. These can be edited to ‘fit’ this Council’s requirements. The document had only just been received, and further work is needed to marry the existing Standing Orders with the newer version.

61. Finance a) to receive the latest financial report The latest report was received and noted. b) Parish Grants and Precepts Agreed that the limited general grant of £1100 offered by BDBC should be accepted. Also agreed that, in line with the budget, the precept should rise to £38,500 in the financial year 2014/15. c) Annual rental of Wolverton field Agreed that the annual rental of £150 should be paid.

3 d) Hedge cutting quotations, Wolverton field The only tender received for £150 was accepted. e) Advertising leaflets, Community bus Agreed that payment of the invoice, covered by grant aid, should be made. Letter of thanks had been received by The Rt Hon Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane.

f) Purchase of ‘The History of Baughurst’ Agreed that purchase should be made of £20. g) To approve payment of BDBC SLR rental to March 2014 Agreed that payment should be made. h) Annual renewal of SLCC Agreed that annual renewal of the subscription should take place.

62. Planning a) to receive and consider the latest planning lists 13/012137/RET Sandford Woods, Change of use of land for siting of Objection Wolverton Common caravan, shed and open sided shelter for storage and rest areas of forestry workers (retrospective) 13/02071/HSE Rowans, Haughurst Hill Front and rear ground floor No extensions to incorporate existing objection outbuilding into the main living accommodation 13/00923/13/TPO 6 Mornington Crescent Remove overhanging branches and No thin 1 beech objection

b) decisions by BDBC BDB 758928 Kingsclere Lime Quarry Construction and operation of a Refused materials recycling facility and transfer station for construction, demolition and excavation waste including the importation of inert fill for an engineered based and localised road improvements to the A339 and site access at Kingsclere Lime Quarry 13/01638/ROC Stoney Acres, Stoney Heath Variation of condition 1 of Approved 13/00082/ROC (erection of replacement dwelling) to allow amendments to the approved garage to create a 1st floor home office involving raising of roof, construction 2 dormer windows and external staircase 13/01713/HSE 8 Forest Close Single storey side and front Approved extension 13/00371/FUL The Wellington Arms, Single storey rear (south east) cold Approved Baughurst Road store extension incorporating replacement intake flue and replacing existing unauthorised temporary cold store cladding of existing unauthorised extract flue, new porch to north east elevation and installation of 1st floor window to south west elevation 13/01210/HSE 50 Long Grove Single storey side extension Approved 13/01571/HSE 20A Forest Close Single storey front extension Approved 13/01447/HSE Well Farm, Baughurst Road Rear orangery following demolition Approved of existing conservatory

4 63. Playing Fields and Open Spaces a) Pineapple field Agreement given to the first stage of remedial weedkilling and drainage. b) Trees  Emergency remedial pruning had been undertaken – branch overhanging property at Hazel Green.  Clerk had reported two fallen trees on HCC land at Portway, and had asked for them to be cleared, and replacements planted. c) land to rear of Long Grove The land had finally come into the ownership of the Parish Council. Agreed that a tree surveyor, with appropriate qualifications, should be asked to inspect the site, on safety grounds, at the earliest opportunity. A ceiling of £250 was approved for the first inspection. d) War Memorial The War Memorial Trust had advised that the tablet commemorating World War II fallen should be cleared of lichen and cleaned. The Clerk had, courtesy of the War Memorial Trust website, identified a cleaning product which should rectify the situation, and the manufacturers had offered to supply this freely, providing this Council pay the postage, which was agreed.

64. Highways and Rights of Way a) Tadley Transport Meeting The route had proved to be very successful, particularly for those living between Kingsclere and Baughurst. An expansion, or alternative, route is being considered in addition. b) Highways  explanation of grey pipe to right of ‘The Wellington Arms’ to be sought  Baughurst Road – edges of carriageway damaged near ‘Hillside’  Road closure of Baughurst Road 2 December 2013 near ‘Hillside’  Pound Green triangle – posts destroyed and need replacing  All build-outs are in need of larger red markers  Signs on A339 need replacement (Clerk already notified HCC)

65. Accounts for payment Received: £3.78 Premier Interset

To pay:

BDBC SLR rental 2461 £1280.00 Clerk Salary and allowances, November 2462 £792.80 Salary and allowances, December 2463 £792.80 Inland Revenue Tax and NI November 2464 £76.72 Tax and NI December 2465 £76.72 Heath End Hall Hirings October and November 2466 £24.00 Lola Print Laminated signs 2467 £24.00 + £4.80 SEB Pavilion 2468 £39.84 + £1.99 Clerk Petty Cash 2469 £200.00 BDBC Newsletter 2470 £83.77 Sir George Brown Wolverton field annual rental 2471 £150.00 Charity SLCC Annual subscription 2472 £147.00 James Ellis Community bus fliers printing 2473 £80.40 + £16.08 Townsend Trees Felling of one branch 2474 £150.00 + £30.00 A D Gibbs Wolverton field 2475 £51.00 mowing St Catherine’s £25.50 St Catherine’s £25.50 Pineapple field £57.00 Baughurst Common £375.40 Mr S Terrett History of Baughurst 2476 £20.00

5 Regency Payroll - November d/d £11.70 + £2.34 Payroll – December d/d £11.70 + £2.34 Datasharp Copier service – November d/d £25.00 + £5.00 Copier service – December d/d £25.00 + £5.00 Clerk Pensions Seminar 22m p/c £13.22 Parking £3.00 Land Registry p/c £3.00

66. Date of next meeting The next meeting of BAUGHURST PARISH COUNCIL will be held on Thursday 16 January 2014, 7.30 pm, Heath End Hall, Baughurst.


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