President S Message by David Mitchell

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President S Message by David Mitchell

Area 13

Arlington Sams President’s Message by David Mitchell

April With only 4 Arlington Sams Rigs being present we had no formal business meeting. We did discuss the upcoming campout at Stayway Ranch RV Park in Murchison, Texas and the Wounded Warrior Project. Also we have an up and coming singer in our chapter Ben Clark. We Were entertained with a Karaoke performance on Friday. We missed everyone that was unable to attend the campout.

Secretary’s Minutes by Don Allen There was no formal business meeting. The members present present were the Clarks, Burners, Mitchells And the Reinas. With our camping partners there was a total of 17 Rigs and three drive ins present. Submitted by Janet Mitchell

May STAWAY RV RANCH in Murchison President’s Message by David Mitchell I was glad to see everyone at the last campout. We had 31 rigs and everyone had a great time. The silent auction went very well over $ 400.00 was made for the Wounded Warrior project. Hope to see everyone at N.T.A.C. in Hillsboro, Texas in June.

Secretary’s Minutes by Don Allen President Mitchell called the May 18th business meeting at STAWAY RV RANCH in Murchison to order at 10:00am. After the pledge and prayer, the secretary called the roll and found 7 member couples present. They were: Don and Vona Allen, Bob and Diane Berner, Carl and Bonnie Brennerman, Ben and Lesta Clark, David and Janet Mitchell, Hector and Kathy Raina and Billy and Anita Starritt. There was no Secretry report for April as there was not a formal meeting. Treasurer Billy Starritt gave his report and all is well. Wagon master Janet reported a total of 31 Rigs present from the 5 Chapters (Clubs)! Also that our next campout is 06-20 to 23-2013 at NTAC in Hillsboro. Secretary Don announced that he was glad to be back on the job. Newsletter editor Billy said to get the reports in by the 5th of the month. Sunshine person Vona gave her report. (See Sunshine Report elsewhere.) Sheriff Vona did her thing and as usual took in many fines. President David reported that our 5 clubs collected $520.50 for the Wounded Warrior at the spring Samboree in Waco. Birthdays and Anniversaries were announced. Motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 10:32. Area 13 (cont) Arlington Sams

Wagon Master’s Report by Janet Mitchell

The June campout will 20h thru 23th 2013 at North Texas Airstream Community (NATC) 200 Walnut Hill Avenue; Hillsboro, Texas 76645. The phone # is 254 582-5566. The rate will be $25.00 a night for 10+ Rigs. Paid to the host chapter's wagon master. Directions from DFW; Go south on 35E or 35W to exit 368A. Turn left go east 1/2 mile on hwy 22, then right on Walnut Hill Ave. and proceed to the gate on right at NTAC.

Social Committee by Your Hosts Cowtown Sams Will Be The Host For June.

Sunshine Report by Vona Allen Don and I were unable to attend a Good Sam's Rally this year in the motor home due to his back surgery on December 26th 2013. It was a great May Rally and wonderful to see so many there. There was so much food and what a great variety! No one should have gone away hungry...not even the "fire ants. Everyone stay safe on your Travels. See you in Hillsboro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June N.T.A.C. in Hillsboro, Texas

President’s Message by David Mitchell Dear Fellow campers there is not much to report. But I wanted to think everyone for coming to the last campout. Everyone enjoyed the campout with all the food and games played. Janet and I have just returned from my 50th Class Reunion and had good time meeting our friends and reuniting with them. Hope to see all at the next campout. Your President David Mitchell

Secretary’s Minutes by Don Allen President Mitchell called the June 22-2013 business meeting at NTAC in Hillsboro to order at 10:00am. After the pledge and prayer, the secretary called the roll and found 4 member couples present. They were: Don and Vona Allen, David and Janet Mitchell, Hector and Kathy Raina and Billy and Anita Starritt. A motion was made and passed to accept the May Secretary's report as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer Billy Starritt gave his report and all

Cowtown Sams

Presidents Report Sherry and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anversarythe weekend of the last campout (April 21st) so we were not able to attend.

We were well represented at the monthly Eat out at Zorro’s. We had seven family members present. All chapter members were present except for Linda and Darlene, you two were missed.

Hope to see everyone at the May campout. Staway has made some changes since the last time we camped there. They have a café that’s open on the weekends and we have been told that the food is good. We know they serve an evening meal of catfish/stake and a good breakfast. Area 13 (cont)

DFW Sams March Lake Athens RV Park The March meeting held at Lake Athens RV Park was eventful. We welcomed guests, Stevie Arbogast & Jim Sheridan, along with ADSs Bill & Margie Duncan. Even though Bill & Margie have been members of our DFW Sams family for many years, they now serve the or-ganization on a much higher level and the demands on their time are numerous. We are pleased when they have time to join us. We said farewell to our friends and members, Bob & Alice Schnebel, as they begin a new phase of their lives in Cleveland, Tennessee. They will be greatly missed.

Changes in the Good Sam National Organization have re-quired that we completely revise our own Standard Operating Procedures. Chuck Hayes did an outstanding job of complet-ing this task and presenting it to the members for discussion. A copy has been furnished to each of you. Although it may not be perfect, it is a good workable document with which to govern our organization. It will be presented to you, the members, for a final vote at our May meeting. This docu-ment most be approved at the May meeting and sent to officials at the state and national level for approval by June 1.CONGRATULATIONS

Congratulations to Bill & Margie Duncan for celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary May God Bless you both.

IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS We pray for all our members and their families . We pray especially for John Gainer, who went up to heaven on April 16, 2013, Alma Hayes, a former member, who went up to heaven March 7, 2013 and also Cale Stephenson, a former member, who went up to heaven on March 8, 2013. Rosetta Parker’s brother went up to heaven and Mike Nichol’s mother also went up to heaven.

We pray also for some of our members who are ill. Dan Rawson, Larry Gray, who had some surgical procedure, John Sellars, Gerry Duff, Ethel Marie & Don Hafer and Olen & Janice Massey.

VOLUNTEER HOURS Good Sam has always ask that we report the hours we spend volunteering our services. They are now putting an emphasis on those hours by tying the money the State Organization gets from the National Organization directly to those hours. Basically the state that reports the most hours gets the most money. Texas should be at or near the top of that list. The money is then spent on our State Samborees, thus reducing the cost of these events to us. All of us put in many hours helping various causes, so all we have to do is track and re-port them.

Please gather up the hours that you spent in 2012 volunteer-ing your services and keep track of the hours you are spend-ing in 2013. You may already have an idea of what you did, as the expenses associated with most of these efforts are tax deductable on you income taxes. At our May Chapter meet-ing, we will be asking for a volunteer to collect those hours from our Chapter members for inclusion in the Secretary's State report.

Area 13 (cont) DFW Sams

MARCH BUSINESS MEETING HIGHLIGHTS The monthly meeting of the D/FW Sam’s chapter was held on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at Athens RV Park in Athens, Texas The meeting was called to order by our President, Marjorie Lawrence, Cecil Lawrence, our wagon master reported 21 rigs on the ground., 20 member rigs and 1 guest rigs Guests were Jim Sheri-dan and Stevie Arborgast., Members Bob and Alice Schnebel drove in for the meeting..The Schnebels are moving toTennessee this month, and we will miss them. Please come back and visit us.

OLD BUSINESS Cecil Lawrence reported on Cloud 9 RV Park and our week-long campout, April 13-20. The fee will be $162.00 for the week. More information will be given in an e-mail.

NEW BUSINESS Marjorie Lawrence reported that we have been as-signed the duty of parking at the mini-rally in Canton. We will share this duties with Pleasant Sams Club from Mt. Pleasant. Bill Duncan reported that our chapter will also be in charge of one indoor game, chicken foot.

The Spring Samboree is coming up in April. There will be two votes at that meeting. One is to have one Samboree per year instead of two. The other vote will be to keep the Texas News or discontinue it due to lack of readership. A motion was made and seconded to have our president, Marjorie Lawrence to vote on these issues on behalf of our membership. The DFW Sams will be recognized at the April Samboree for our 20th Birthday. The free night of camping was won by Kathy Augtin. The 50/50 was won by Al Jenkins.

Kathy Austin, Secretary


You are all cordially invited to our 20th Birthday Party for the D/FW Sams Chapter. The party will begin on Saturday, May 11th at our Murchison outing at 4:00 PM. It will start with a Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner with all the trimmings. After dinner we will celebrate with a cake honoring the chapter and of course ice cream too. Then we will play some games with prizes. This is a special event for our Chapter, so we do hope all of you will attend. We are also encouraging the Associate Members to attend.

Please come to our Chapter meeting at 10:00 and spend the day with us. Area 13 (cont) DFW Sams

JUNE CAMPOUT Oak Creek RV Park Weatherford, TX Dates June 6-9, 2013

MENU; Thursday—On your own

Friday: -The Hosts will provide Brisket and Chicken. Each rig is to bring a vegetable, salad, bread or dessert. . Saturday Noon—Leftovers, if any.

Saturday Evening—On your own or go out as a group.

Cecil & I were joined by Joan & Bill Soeaks, Chuck & Dawn Hayes, James & Rosetta Parker Billy&Pat Fuller and our ASDs Bill & Margie Duncan attended the Spring Samboree in Waco. The members of the State Committee also adopted new Standard Operating Procedures very much like ours. Additionally, there will only be one Samboree per year and it will, at this time, be in Waco until further notice. We elected a new State Treasurer, Kate Boyce, from Abilene. New State Cecil Director, Don Prater, acknowledged our chapter’s 20th birthday and presented us with a certificate. We’re go-ing to have a party at our May meeting to celeb rate. Billy Fuller won first place and Joan Speaks won second place in Joker. Our chapter received appreciation certificates for as- sisting with taxi service and helping with the distribution of coffee and donuts. The Texas State Newsletter will continue to be provided on-line and a chat line has been established for chapter wagon master to exchange information.

National has also asked that we provide information re-garding the volunteer services of our members. If you vol- unteer in any way, please provide us with the name of the organization, the number of hours you give, and what you do.l More information is provided in this news letter.

The April week-long at Cloud 9 RV Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas, was outstanding. We were joined again by A.D. and Edna Dabbvs. I think all members had a wonderful time at a very restful RV Park. Our thanks go out to Wendi, the park manager, for making this a memorable outing. You haven’t lived until you’ve had a piece of her Mississippi Mud cake or a slice of her chocolate pie. Some of us also thoroughly enjoyed the mineral pools and massages. We all just wished we had more time to do it again. It was delightful.

Margorie Lawrence Area 13 (cont) DFW Sams

OBITUARIES During the month of March, we lost two former members of our D/FW Sam’s family. While they were no longer active members, they were both known and loved by many of our present mem-bers.


On March 7, 2013, we lost Alma Pilgreen Hayes, wife of Jerry Hayes. who is still an active Good Samer. Jerry is very involved with our Area 13-17 Mini-Rally.

She was born on July l9, 1940 and married Jerry on June 7, 1954. Their first date was on December 23, 1955 on Jerry’s 1953 Harley Davidson Motor-cycle. Alma finally lost her 15 year battle with Alzheimers at the age of 72.


Our second loss was Clark (Cale) Stephenson, who passed away on March 8, 2013, at the age of 86. Cale was born on January 6, 1927 in Detroit, Michigan. Many will remember his wife, Joan, who passed away in 1995. She was the first active female member we lost. Cale was very ac-tive until his health stopped his camping activities.

To the families of both of these former members, we extend our deepest condolences. Our chapter will always remember the good times we had together.

Frontier Sams – April 2013

Letters from the Prez

We had six rigs at the 2013 Spring Samboree at Waco, Texas. Don and Shirl Prater did an excellent job of putting on the Samboree. There were 313 rigs at the Samboree. I think everyone in our group had a good time. I know John and I did. At the State Committee Meeting it was voted to cancel the Fall 2013 Samboree for Texas, and just have one Texas Samboree per year.

Good Sam Club International, L.L.C. is asking chapter members for their volunteer hours and monies donated for 2012 to any organization. The Texas Good Sam Club will receive money from these totals to use at their Samboree. Everyone who does any volunteer work needs to add their total volunteer hours (such as hospital, meals on wheels, firl or boy scouts, hospice, etc) for 2012 (do not name the charity, just total amount of money they have donated to charities in 2012)(do NOT add any money donated to your church). Please e-mail these totals to me as soon as possible so I can turn them in hopefully by May 1, 2013. In 2013 continue to record your volunteer hours worked and money donated so we can turn them in at the end of 2013. If you have questions, contact Jo. Area 13 (cont) Frontier Sams

Chit Chat by Mary Yates

Seven rigs (John and Jo Damraon, Bob and Betty Dodson, Sid Garner, Eddie May, Sherm Sickles, Harold and Lucia Trammell and Wiley and Mary Yates) met at the I-35 RV Park on Monday, April 1, with plans to attend the Texas Samboree in Waco on Tuesday. Eddie May wasn’t feeling well and did not attend the Samboree, we missed you Eddie. The weather cooperated on Tuesday enabling us to set up without any rain. However, the rain and WIND came that afternoon and it was COLD. Despite the cold weather we all enjoyed the activities. Entertainment: Tuesday evening we had free hot dogs, chips and drinks followed by bean bag baseball competitions. Wednesday “Sunday Drive” entertained us; Thursday night Mikayla Griffin and Band (Mikayla is 12 years old) sang her heart out’ Friday night Gordy and Debbie gave a “Tribute to George Strait” very good show; and Saturday night John Byron Haynie sang country, pop and original songs. All in all the entertainment was great. We played games, shopped, attended meetings and seminars, line danced, listened to jam sessions by Good Sam’ers and enjoyed the fellowship. Thursday morning Frontier Sams helped pass out donuts-touch job. Five of the six Frontier Sams rigs won door prizes – guess who didn’t win any – the Yates! But that is OK, we had a blast. Don and Shirl Prater’s first Samboree was a huge success with over 300 rigs in attendance. This is almost a 100 more than attending the last 2 or 3 Samborees.

Frontier Sams – June, 2013

Letters from the Prez

We had a great turnout for our campout in Choctaw KOA RV Park. We gave up our Saturday morning at the club house so they could hold a Veterans Meeting and lunch. Due to this we held our chapter meeting on Friday, May 31, 2013 after our evening dinner. We had the pleasure of getting to meet Larry Leuschke’s sister, Diane Gottlieb. She was a delight and fit in just like she was a member of our Frontier Sams family. I am excited to welcome new members Bert and Karen Barth. They previously camped with us at the October 2012 campout. I think Bert and Karen will be assets to our chapter. We now have twenty-two rigs in our chapter. Anna Embry is planning a fall trip (around the middle of October) to Hot Springs, Arkansas. If you were not at the campout meeting and think you would like to go please get in touch with Anna. I think I saw about ten rigs on the list planning to go on this trip. If you have not looked at our web site recently take a look. Jim Chandler is doing an awesome job for Frontier Sams. Thank you Jim. Maybe it’s true that likfe begins at fifty. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out-----Phyllis Diller Happy and safe traveling. Jo

Chit Chat with Jim Howell

We had a ball at the Choctaw campout, great hot chocolate, great turnout. Had a few late arrivers that didn’t get there until Friday, Pattie and I included. Great food as always, Saturday night brats, were enjoyed by all. Anna talked about the trip to Hot Springs, Ark. on October 13th. If interested, you should contact her for more information. Some pretty severe storms occurred in the area Saturday night. We were all watching; however none were at the campground. There is a smaller group going to Colorado at various times this summer (it’s already here). Pattie and I have a pretty good list of activities in that area; please contact us for more information. See you next campout. Area 13 (cont) Frontier Sams

Next Campout – Our Hosts – July 4-7 Riverview RV Park, Colbert, OK Jim and Patty Chandler Bill and Anna Embry

Wagonmaster: Sid Garner reported that we had 14 member rigs and 1 guest rig for a total of 15 rigs on site. Next money we will be camping at Riverview RV Park. Riverview has requested, since it is the weekend of July 4th, that we let them know how many sites we will need as soon as possible. After taking a show of hands of who would be camping and adding 2 extra sites for those who were not at the meeting, Sid will contact them asking for 10 campsites for Wednesday through Sunday.

50/50 Drawing: John Damron was volunteered to sell tickets for the 50/50 drawing.

Activities: Anna Embry discussed with the group the fall trip that will take us to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We will stay at the Cloud 9 RV Park there. The trip would take place during the month of October. Anna asked for any input regarding the trip.

Unfinished Business: Last month Sherman Sickles read Frontier Sam’s proposed Standard Operating Procedures. Good Sam Club made a change and now those Standard Operating Procedures are titled “The Frontier Sams Chapter Rules and Operating Procedures”. Having no questions or comments BoDodson made a motion to approve. The Frontier Sams Chapter Rules and Operating Procedures. Anita Steinle seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business: Karen and Bert Barth submitted an application for membership. The current members voted on the application and it was unanimously approved.

Good Neighbor Sams

Good Neighbor Sams Minutes of the Meeting – May 18, 2013 Staway Ranch 10101 State Highway 31 East Murchison, Texas 75778

President, Mary Stahn, called the meeting to order at 11:0am. Robert Stahn led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim Rich led the opening prayer. Many thanks everyone for being there. Mary asked for the VP report.

Vice President’s Report, Vern Stenberg was absent so Diana Stenberg stated that Him Rich had his Birthday May 5th and no anniversaries in May.

Secretary’s Report, Diana Stenbert, stated minutes of April Meeting was in the newsletter then asked if there were any corrections to minutes. Joanne Rich noted the Spring Samboree will be in Waco, Texas a motion to accept the corrected minutes were made, the motion was seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report, Jim Rich gave the treasurers report. Then asked if there were any corrections? Diana Stenberg asked is there a reason why we are getting bank statements instead of reports> Jim was unaware he thought he was sending the spreadsheet reports. Jim apologizes for the mistake and he will have three months in the next newsletter. Joanne Rich made a motion to accept the corrected paperwork as he sends it, the motion was seconded. Motion carried. Area 13 (cont) Good Neighbor Sams

Wagon Master’s Report, Robert Stahn stated we have four rigs here and one drive in. We are co-camping with Ramblin Sams. Next month we will be at Airstream RV in Hillsboro, Tx June 20-23.

Old Business, Dog for the Deaf: Mary stated that on May 19, 2012 our Chapter voted that GNS BBQ fundraiser at the Mini Rally in Canton would donate 50% of its profits. The Chapter voted to donate $160.00 from the BBQ fundraiser and $20.33 that was carried over from the Dog for the Deaf fund. Mary asked if we could round it out to $181.00. A motion to accept was made, the motion was seconded. Motion carried, Jim said he would take care of it.

New Business, A motion was made to change our meeting time to 10:00am so we can coincide with the other chapter we are co-camping with. The motion was seconded. Motion carried. Nominating, Mary asked Jim if he was asked to be our treasurer again, would he? Jim said yes. Mary said I’m thinking the officers we have are it. Joanne made the motion. The motion was seconded. Motion carried.. Joanne stated our poor baby Burt has diabetes and has to have two shots a day of human insulin. Joanne also said Burt wanted to put his name in that he has diabetes and to remember him.

A motion was made to adjourn it was seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Diana Stenberg

Presidents Corner The weather for our campout at Antique Capital in Gladewater was great. I heard that we missed some good Karaoke Friday night. I did not go shopping but I heard it was a great weekend to do so, and some good bargins were found. Robert and I arrived late Friday night and up early Saturday to start the day. I had a great time and hope everyone else did too. I am looking forward to the May campout at Staway Ranch RV Park in Murchison. The Ramblin Sams are the host chapter. I want to thank all who worked with us and voted on the new S.O.P’s, it went easier than I expected. A great big Thank You to Diana for her time and work getting this typed up and off to Don Prater for us. Mary

May will be Ramblin Sams turn to host the five chapter campout. In the planning we propose to have a silent auction and members from all chapters are asked to bring an item or two to donate. The proceeds will go to the Wounded Warriors. So, bring something to donate and bring your wallet to buy something. Good Neighbor Sams – June 2013 June 22, 2013 Airstream R.V. (NTAC) 200 Walnut Hill Ave, #1` Hillsboro, TX

President, Mary Stahn, called the meeting to order at 11:00am. Robert Stahn led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim Rich led the opening prayer. Mary welcomes our guest Glendon and Pat Anderson and Judy Baker.

Mary asked for the VP report.

Vice Presidents Report, Vern Stenberg stated that Fred MacKinnon had his birthday June 5th, Vern and Diana Stenberg had their 35th anniversary on June 21st. Area 13 (cont) Good Neighbor Sams

Secretary’s Report, Diana Stenbert, stated minutes of the May meeting was in the newsletter then asked if there were any corrections to minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made. The motion was seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report, Jim Rich gave the treasurers report. Then asked if there were any corrections. A motion was made to accept the treasurer report. The motion was seconded. Motion carried.

Wagon Master’s Report, Robert Stahn stated we have four rigs here. Next month we will be at Lazy L R.V. in Sherman, TX. We are hosting.

Old Business, The Mini Rally is September 19-21. Our job is the Bingo.

A motion was made to adjourn, it was seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted by, Diana Stenberg

Presidents Corner Man oh Man what a weekend! Ramblin Sams sure knows how to host a great weekend. Everywhere you looked foot, food and more food. (right up my alley). Did I mention all the games? And even a craft. Then the silent auction, it was a big hit. There are some sneaky and fast people on upping the bids. I didn’t get everything I wanted but I did have a good time. I want to thank the Ramblin Sams for the table decorations, a jar of brownie mix for all the mothers for Mothers Day. Mary

Good Neighbor Sams will be donating $181.00 to Dogs for the Deaf from our BBQ Fundraiser

From the Sunshine Corner Update on Larry Kohls, he had part of his big toe removed to the first knuckle and they also removed lymph nodes in his groin area to see if there are any cancer cells in them. Now they are just waiting for the results. Then after all that two days later Daisy had to take their baby Heidi to the Vet. Heidi was so ill the Vet had to put her to sleep. We all know how heart breaking that can be. Larry and Daisy our harts and prayers are with you.

Let’s remember all those that have health issues! Keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

Good Neighbor Sams – July 2013

Presidents Corner Let me start out by giving Cowtown Sams a big pat on the back. They did a great job. Thanks, Summer got here; we know it will be hot this month. However, we all have A/C in our rigs and the building will be cool, so come and enjoy the weekend with us. Judy Baker, Glendon and Pat Anderson visited with us and it was great to see them. Hope the7y visit again. Mary Area 13 (cont) Rambling Sams March: Riverview RV Resort Colbert, OK.

The March campout was at Riverview RV Resort on the north bank of the Red River in Colbert, OK. It is the first visit of the Ramblin Sams to that park. It is a fairly new park with good level concrete pads and a very nice clubroom. Construction is still underway for additional amenities. Looks to be a camp store. Again, it was a meeting of five clubs s we have been doing since the beginning of 2013. In all 17 rigs on the ground, 7 of which were Ramblin Sams and included Betty Smith, BJ Stanley (we were glad to see him back after a serious bout with knee replacement surgery and complications), Robert and Doris Wilkinson, Eugene and Armelia Jimmerson, Bob and Jerrye Parker, John and Jimmie Edmiston, Dave and Patsy Oyler. Also, drive ins to stay in one of the cabins or a local motel were Aubrey and Jodie Myrick and Robert and Mary Talavera. The host Chapter was the DFW Sams that did a very good job of organizing the weekend and making us feel like special people. As a personal observation, I am quite pleased with the five chapter co-meeting. It gives us a chance to have enough rigs to get a good meeting place and to meet and make new friends. At the same time, we get to keep our identity and maintain our chapter.

March 2013 Minutes The Ramblin Sams March meeting was at Riverview RV Park in Colbert, OK, March 22-24. President Betty Smith called the meeting to order at 9:35. Bob Wilkinson gave the Invocation. President Smith gave appreciation to Cowtown Sams for good hosting. John Franklin, Doris Lewis, Dennis Reames and Ron Wilkerson’s birthdays were remembered, none present. Happy anniversary was sung to Aubry and Jodie Myrick, present. Dave Oyler moved to approve the February minutes, 2nd by Armelia Jimmerson. Motion carried. President Smith appointed Eugene Jimmerson (chairman), Bob Wilkinson and John Edmiston to revise the chapter’s by-laws so they can become the chapters SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) which will be sent to Don Prater and then to Don Woodard. Woodard will have a question/answer session at the Samboree. The state Samboree will be in Waco April 4-7. The Ramblin Sams will help with the 50/50 ticket sales which will be donated to the Wounded Warriors. Several have volunteered to help sell tickets. A new state treasurer will need to be voted on. Also, we need to vote on having 1 or 2 Samborees a year, and fall or spring will be voted on. Those going to the Samboree will meet in Waco at Flying Jay on I35 at 11:00am, Wed. April 3rd. At the Mini Rally in September the chapters will need to bring 2 door prizes, 2 cakes for the cake walk and a $15.00 gift for the Brown Bag sales. The Ramblin Sams will do the Bean Bag Baseball. The Ramblin Sams will be hosting in May. It was decided to have a b reakfast (creek bank). A motion was made my Armelia Jimmerson to have a silent auction, 2nd by Jimmie Edmiston, motion carried. (money to go to the Wounded Warriors). We will go out to eat at Edom on Saturday noon, have a 50/50, make a Mother’s Day gift for each woman and have snacks out most of the day. Bob Wilkinson moved that we adjourn at 10:35, 2nd by John Edmiston, motion carried. Submitted by Jimmie Edmiston, Secretary

In searching data for this newsletter I was reminded that April 1st would have been the birthday for Roscina Wilkerson. She now resides in that beautiful place promised to us, where the streets are paved with gold, eternal in the Heavens. Remember Ron in your thoughts and prayers. They were Soul Mates for some 60 years. He misses her, and is terribly lonesome. Area 13 (cont) Rambling Sams

Reminder: May will be our time to host the five chapter campout. As it now stands, we will be at Staway Ranch, Murchison, TX. In the planning we propose to have a silent auction and all chapters are asked to bring an item or two to donate. The proceeds will go to Wounded Warriors. So, bring something to donate, and bring your wallet to buy something.

Gary Hughes writes; Thank you very much for the get well cards and well wishes through Annette’s facebook page, from having my kidney surgery. I went for a follow-up CT scan last week and got great news that both are clear. Don’t have to go back for a year. We miss everyone and hope everyone is doing well.

Ramblin Sams April compout was at the Antique Capitol RV Park in Gladewater, TX

The April campout was at the Antique Capitol RV Park in Gladewater, TX. It started out as wet and cold, but got better. It was hosted by the Good Neighbor Sams but much early aid came from David Mitchell or the Arlington Sams. Saturday morning the GNS treated all to a wonderful breakfast and Saturday evening all contributed to a great pot luck dinner. Gladewater is the home of several antique shops and this was their weekend for a antique fair, which several attended and enjoyed. Not sure how many rigs came from the 5 chapters I think about 15 of which 4 were Ramblin Sams and included the Edmistons’, Parkers’, Wilkinsons’ and Oyers’ as well as James and Debby Kitchens, Daughter and Son In Law of Bob and Jerrye Parker. The Jimmersons’ drove in Saturday for the meeting and spent the day. All in all it was a good campout.

It has been called to my attention that I might have erred in the last newsletter. I think I reported that the March campout was hosted by DFW Sams when, in fact, it was Cowtown Sams. Sorry about that folks! Credit should be given when credit is due.

Reminder; May will be Ramblin Sams turn to host the five chapter campout. We will be at Staway Ranch, Merchison, TX. In the planning we propose to have a silent auction and members from all chapters are asked to bring an item or two to donate. The proceeds will go to Wounded Warriors. So, bring something to donate and bring your wallet to buy something.

We have learned that Doris Lewis was in the hospital for 8 days recently. She is now home and doing fine.

Ramblin Sams May campout was at Staway Ranch RV

Presidents Message, I want to thank everyone for the hard work at the last castead of every month. Thanks again for a wonderful job. Betty Smith

The May campout was at Staway Ranch RV Resort located just East of Merchison, TX. All in all it was a very good campout. For the first time since the five chapters have been meeting together we had 30 rigs on the ground. Of which eight were from the Ramblin Sams. Betty Smith, B.J. Stanley, Jimmersons, Woods, Edmistons, Oylers, Parkers and the Wilkinsons. It was hosted by the Ramblin Sams. Of other things, we asked everyone to bring something for a silent auction. It is said, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. They did and they bought to the tune of $400,. Which will be added to other monies and given to the Wounded Warriors at the next Samboree. Thanks to everyone who brought and bought. Area 13 (cont) Rambling Sams

Roy Jay has been admitted to Veterans Hospital with a heart attack. We understand that it occurred about a week ago and that he is not allowed to have visitors at this time and that Bobbie is staying with him “around the clock”. Remember Roy and Bobbie in your thoughts and prayers.

John and Jimmie Lou Edmiston will be moving to San Antonio in the new future. They have been on the list for retired military housing for a while and we understand they their new apartment will be ready about August. They will surely be missed around our campfire. They both have served the Ramblin Sams well.

Time was when Ramblin Sams were strong and had a good number of members. We drove far and played hard. It was not unusual for several to spend the summer in Ouray, CO. I remember one summer 25 rigs there for a week. At that time we elected not to have campouts in July and August because of the heat and so many members were gone for the summer. But alas, time marches on and things have changed. Our numbers are now so few that we now meet with four other chapters in order to have a place at a reasonable price. It is working out well. Please note that there are campouts scheduled this coming summer. July 18-21 the Good Neighbor Sams will host a campout at Lazy L RV Park in Sherman. August 15-18 the Penthouse Campers will host a campout at Mineola Civic Center in Mineola. Write it down in your book. Come and support the five chapter endeavor.

The five chapter presidents or representatives got together at the May campout to work out details for 2014. Host chapter will be as follows: January – Arlington Sams, February – Penthouse Campers, March – Cowtown Sams, April – Good Neighbor Sams, May – Ramblin Sams, June – Cowtown Sams, July – Good Neighbor Sams, August – Good Neighbor Sams, September – Mini Rally with no host, October – Penthouse Campers, November – Ramblin Sams and December – Arlington Sams. Presumably we will continue with the third weekend time frame and host chapters will make the reservations and advise of the schedule in the near future.

May 2013 Minutes The May meeting of the Ramblin Sams was at Staway Ranch RV Park. The meeting was called to order by President Betty Smith at 10:10. Dave Oyler gave the invocation. Ramblin Sams is hosting this meeting. Ted Casen and Edna Woods have May birthdays. Edna was present for the birthday song. Arnold and Joy Crow were not present for their anniversary. A motion was made by John Edmiston to approve the May minutes as printed in the newsletter. Eugene Jimmerson move to accept the Treasurers Report, end by Armelia Jimmerson, Motion carried. Wagon Master reported 8 rigs on the ground and visitors Jim and Henryetta Leggett. Eugene also reported a total of 30 rigs at the campout. Sunshine reported Dave and patsy Oyler’s oldest son will be having prostate surgery soon. An old member, Fay Moseley, has been very ill and in ICU. She had a colon problem. She’s home now and doing well. Gene Woods thanked everyone for cards and phone calls while he was ill. He is still having the headaches but was able to attend the campout. Eugene Jimmerson reported on the revision of our chapter by laws to meet the National Constitution and State SOP requirements. The required changes from us have been sent to the State. Our chapter by law have been renamed chapter SOP and are only for our chapters use. The changes for our SOP concerned the change in the chapter fiscal year and our dues payment deadlines date is changed to November 1. The committee was headed by Eugene Jimmerson with Bob Woikinson and John Edmiston as committee members. Two members will not be here after June. John Edmiston will be replaced by Dave Oyler for Vice President. Jimmie Edmiston will be replaced by Doris Wilkinson for Secretary. Jerrye Parker will remain as Director for another term. The Mini Rally in September will need a $15.00 gift from each member for the brown bag game. Two cakes for the cake walk and two gift cards for the drawing will be obtained by President Smith. Gene Woods moved to adjourn at 10:50, 2nd by Dave Oyler, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:50.

Reminder, The vote for 2014 officers will be at the October meeting and take office at the November meeting to comply with the new National directive and change to our now Standard Operation Procedure (SOP). Area 13 (cont) Rolling Sams

Rolling Sams of Kaufman – April 2013 Newsletter

In March we tried out a new campground, Texas RV Park near Athens. We all decided we would go for a return trip new year. We had five rigs and Owen and Elma rented a cabin for Friday and Saturday. We also had a short visit from Bill and Margie Duncan, our ASD. We were sorry Duane and Joyce, Benny and Susan, Bruce and Winnie and Clarence and Nancy were unable to make it. Randell and Molly were excellent host and hostess for the campout. The ladies even got in a shopping trip to Bealls!

Rolling Sams of Kaufman – May 2013 Newsletter

In April we made a last minute change and went to Canton I-20 RV Park. We had four rigs and Duane and Joyce drove down on Saturday for the day. Lots of games and good fellowship as usual.

We decided to go to some different places to eat Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Friday we went to Applebees. On Saturday and Sunday we went to Nick’s American Grill. It was a nice change of pace. Nick’s was a great place for our group. Applebees isn’t really set up for big groups but it worked out for the small group we had last month.

Everyone needs to register for the Mini Rally in September. The registration website is Our next campout will be May 16-19 at Watts RV Park in Gilmer (903-734-3380). Directions are take 243 east to 34, turn right on FM 2728, go 6.6 miles, take the ramp onto I20 east, go 61.4 miles. Take exit #567/East Texas Center/Gilmer-go 0.2 miles, turn left on TX 155, go 10.2 miles, turn right on Chinaberry Rd. go 1.3 miles. The park is on the right.

Rolling Sams of Kaufman – June 2013 Newsletter

In May we went to Watts RV Park in Gilmer. We only had three rigs but several people came down for the day on Saturday. It was good to see Benny and Susan. Glenda had fallen and hurt her knee and was in a wheelchair. George was working the Byron Nelson so Peggy came down with Jerry and Glenda. Joyce and Duane also came down for the day. We celebrated Buddy and Janiece’s 50th Wedding Annioversary on Saturday. We missed Bruce and Winnie, Randell and Molly and Clarence and Nancy.

Our next campout is June 6-9 at Staway Ranch RV Park in Murchison, TX 9903-469-4477). Directions are: take 175 east to Athens, turn left on Loop 7, go 3.8 miles to Hwy 31, turn left (east) on 31 and continue through Murchison a little over six miles. The park will be on your left. George and Peggy are host and hostess for the campout. PLEASE advise them if you are coming or not!! As many of you know we almost didn’t have the meeting room last month because we only had three rigs. If we had known in advance, we might have been able to handle it better or we might have cancelled the campout. It is IMPERATIVE that the host and hostess know how many people are coming by Tuesday before campout. Everyone needs to register for the Mini Rally in September. The registration website is Susan got us booked at American RV Park in Corsicana for July and the Texan RV Park for October. Hope to see everyone in June! Barbara Van Horn Area 13 (cont) Tex Sun Sams

Texsuns Sams – May 2013

Our May campout was held at Hickory Creek Corp Park on Lake Lewisville. Most of us started on Wednesday or Thursday. Those present were Cathy Smith and Sister, Denise Frohling, Gary Robinson, Glenna and Randy Grinnell, Mariene and Steve Steger. Everyone enjoyed the lunches and evening meals. There were a couple of showers but none heavy enough to keep the group from enjoying themselves. Cathy took a field trip to Denton and Randy took his Kayak out. Of course there were numerous trips to Walmart. Cathy, Randy and Glenna left Monday but Garry, Denise, Steve and Marlene celebrated Memorial Day and left Tuesday. All in all, a great weekend. There is no scheduled campout for June but most will be doing their things at other spots including some out of state trips. See you all next time.

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