Garaux S 9 Honors Week Three 2/6-10 Spring 12

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Garaux S 9 Honors Week Three 2/6-10 Spring 12

Garaux’s 9 Honors Week Three 2/6-10 Spring ‘12 Objectives/Goals: Students Will…  Apply reading comprehension strategies to understand grade-appropriate texts  Demonstrate comprehension of text by responding to questions (e.g., literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing). Identify the structural elements of plot  Identify and analyze how an author uses figurative language, sound, devices and literary techniques to shape plot, set meaning and develop tone.

Major assignments due this week: Outlines for Summer Reading Essay Class Activities/Assessments: Essay writing quiz, Summer Reading Analysis due Tuesday, 2/14 Monday, 2/6  Finish watching clips of The 11th Hour and comparing to the book  Discuss some of the things that we can do- On Corporate Responsibility  Work on outlines for the Ishmael portion of their essay  Advise on what to write for an E E= Answer the who, what, why or how question and make a stronger connection to topic sentence by referring to it (using some of the phrasing in your E). This just makes you more consciously aware of what you are saying, or not saying. Homework: Finish Outlines Tuesday, 2/7  Notes on writing an introductory and concluding paragraph  Model a thesis statement using a sample Lord of the Flies paragraph  Work on your thesis statement and grabber. Finish outline for this essay Homework: Finish outlines- Essay due Tuessday, 2/14. I strongly suggest that you work on this tonight because you will be getting other homeworks as we go. Wednesday, 8/7  Quiz on essay writing  Pass out textbooks  Students complete the lit. book scavenger hunt  Begin the “Power of Storytelling” unit. 1) Introduce the Odyssey- a story that was passed down orally, like the story of our culture that Ishmael refers to 2) The Odyssey is a story that began many of the following terms that short fiction/novelists use today. At the time, though, they were used to often give the storyteller time to remember what part of the story comes next. They sort of became a formula for the storyteller to easily follow. 3) Complete the power of storytelling handout Homework: Complete the power of storytelling handout Thursday, 8/8  Review parts of plot triangle  Discuss this quote “The difference between ordinary writing and good writing- truth.” –Tim O’Brien  The Odyssey is a blending of truth and fiction.  Read the article that inspired Truman Capote to write In Cold Blood. This is a purely truthful tale, it is simply journalism. How might a writer turn this into fiction?  Introduce Truman Capote and then read “Truman Capote is dead at 59…”  Show trailer for the Capote movie on youtube. Search Capote- first search result  Read the “Autobiographical Fiction” sections on page 272 as well as Truman Capote’s autobiography and the Build Background  Write about a childhood friend. 3 vivid memories of him/her. What makes a memory important/ easy to remember… Why do we remember some things and not others. Homework: 1) read “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote and fill in the plot triangle as they read with complete sentences and quotes Friday, 8/9  Go over and turn in the plot triangle for “A Christmas Memory”  Students get two post it notes and cut each into three smaller pieces  Students get into groups of 2 or 3 and have a small group discussion on the story using a discussion guide. Students complete all questions on the discussion guide, but save writing their story.  Review group discussion ?’s. Students write about their own sort of Odyssey/ Journey  Students write their own story about a vivid memory of own their own Odyssey’s or Journeys (can be metaphorical)  Read my model story Monday, 2/13 Students share their stories

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