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The University of Hong Kong s5


Master of Research in Medicine ( MRes [ Med] ) 2014-2015 – Research Topics

Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Cancer Biology of human mesenchymal stem cells Professor GCF Chan Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Evaluate the efficacy and mechanisms of novel cytotoxic Professor GCF Chan Paediatrics & Adolescent agents on neurogenic tumours Medicine Evaluation of biomarkers in esophageal squamous cell Dr KW Chan Pathology carcinoma The enigmatic epidemiology of nasopharyngeal Dr WYH Chan School of Public Health carcinoma: decoding from the molecular to the lifestyle Professor TH Lam level Genetic and cell biological studies of gynaecological Professor ANY Cheung Pathology cancers and gestational trophoblastic disease: Exploration for molecular biomarkers of clinical use Investigating the role of SoxE genes (Sox8, Sox9 and Dr MCH Cheung Anatomy Sox10) in tumor metastatsis Investigation of novel therapeutic agents for Epstein-Barr Dr AKS Chiang Paediatrics & Adolescent virus (EBV)-associated malignancies Medicine Small Rho GTPases in cancer metastasis Dr YP Ching Anatomy

Molecular biology of gastric adenocarcinoma Professor KM Chu Surgery

Molecular biology of gastrointestinal stromal tumour Professor KM Chu Surgery (GIST) Molecular mechanism of HBV and EBV oncogenesis Professor DY Jin Biochemistry

The Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer Professor US Khoo Pathology

Biomarkers and chemoresistance in esophageal squamous Professor SYK Law Surgery cell carcinoma (ESCC) What is the origin of human leukemia? Leukemia stem Professor AYH Leung Medicine cells and their regulation Novel treatment approach for chemoresistant malignant Dr GKK Leung Surgery glioma Identification of novel oncogenes and tumour suppressor Professor SY Leung Pathology genes involved in gastrointestinal cancer development and stem cell regulation based on gene expression profiling, chromosomal copy number profiling and epigenetic studies in genomics scale 1. Liver regeneration of marginal graft after liver Professor CM Lo Surgery transplantation – stem cells and tissue repair Professor K Man 2. Liver regeneration of marginal graft after liver transplantation – stem cells and tumor recurrence MicroRNA signatures linked to graft injury and tumor Professor CM Lo Surgery recurrence after liver transplantation Professor K Man Genomics approaches to the study of inherited genetic Professor ML Lung Clinical Oncology susceptibility to nasopharyngeal and esophageal carcinomas development and the study of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) contributing to cancer pathogenesis Biomolecular studies in gynaecological cancers Professor HYS Ngan Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr DW Chan Molecular biology, angiogenesis and novel therapies for Professor RTP Poon Surgery liver cancer

1 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Cellular and molecular biology of nasopharyngeal cancer Professor GSW Tsao Anatomy

Molecular basis of cell immortalization and malignant Professor GSW Tsao Anatomy transformation Deducing oncogenic pathways of lung cancer through Dr JJW Wang Biochemistry integrated analysis of next generation sequencing and Dr MP Wong Pathology GWAS data Genome variations in the human 8q24 region and cancers Dr JJW Wang Biochemistry Dr MP Wong Pathology Study of caner stem cells as new targets of lung cancer Dr MP Wong Pathology therapy Targeting ER-stress/Unfolded protein response as a Dr NS Wong Biochemistry means for annihilating cancer cells Heart, Brain, Hormone & Healthy Aging Preventing late-life depression Dr WC Chan Psychiatry

Neural plasticity during motor learning and navigation Professor YS Chan Physiology

Molecular signaling of neuronal death in Dr RCC Chang Anatomy neurodegenerative diseases Neuroprotective effects of Chinese medicine in Dr RCC Chang Anatomy neurodegenerative diseases Early intervention for psychosis Professor EYH Chen Psychiatry

Effects of ketamine in post-operative pain, side effects, Dr CW Cheung Anaesthesiology inflammation and oedema and chronic pain after bilateral third molar surgery under general anaesthesia Molecular mechanisms of calcium dysregulation in Dr KH Cheung Physiology Alzheimer’s disease Functional brain mapping using high resolution Professor RTF Cheung Medicine electroencephalography Heart rate variability and autonomic disturbances in Professor RTF Cheung Medicine stroke patients Neuroprotection in rodent stroke models Professor RTF Cheung Medicine

Novel 4-dimensional Echocardiographic Evaluation of Professor YF Cheung Paediatrics & Adolescent Cardiac Function in Children with Congenital and Medicine Acquired Heart Diseases Mood and sleep disorders Dr KF Chung Psychiatry

Pathogenesis of stroke Professor SK Chung Anatomy

Pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy Professor SK Chung Anatomy

Molecular mechanisms of dementia associated with Professor SK Chung Anatomy aging-related diseases, Alzheimer’s and Multi-infarct Pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy Professor SK Chung Anatomy

Molecular basis of neuronal mitochondria functions in Dr PWL Ho Medicine normal aging and Parkinson’s disease using in vitro and Professor SL Ho in vivo experimental models Cardiac rehabilitation: diet and exercise, risk and benefit Dr Leonard Li Medicine Professor HF Tse Assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with Professor CS Lau Medicine inflammatory rheumatic diseases Possible links between nitric oxide, cellular transport, and Dr ACK Law Psychiatry Alzheimer’s Disease Putative neuroprotective properties of antidepressants in Dr ACK Law Psychiatry cognitively impaired subjects

2 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Effects of estrogen on the level and activity of adenylyl Dr GPH Leung Pharmacology & Pharmacy cyclase in the vasculature Dr SWS Leung Effects of testosterone on the level and activity of Rho Dr SWS Leung Pharmacology & Pharmacy kinase in the vasculature Professor RYK Man Cell-based intraocular drug delivery system Dr ACY Lo Ophthalmology

Neuroprotection in retinal and cerebral Dr ACY Lo Ophthalmology ischemia/reperfusion injury Pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity Dr ACY Lo Ophthalmology

Effects of sex hormones on the development of diabetic- Professor RYK Man Pharmacology & Pharmacy related vascular dysfunction Dr SWS Leung Perioperative coagulation problems Professor JKF Ng Anaesthesiology

Regenerate motor neurons from spinal cord stem cells Professor MH Sham Biochemistry

Evaluation of optic nerve damage in non-glaucoma and Dr KC Shih Ophthalmology glaucoma subjects undergoing hemodialysis Professor JSM Lai A Study on the Effect of Fluctuating Intraocular Pressure Dr KC Shih Ophthalmology on Retinal Ganglion Cell Function and Survival Dr JWY Lee Dr ACY Lo Professor JSM Lai The Development of a Novel Intra-arterial Mesenchymal Dr KC Shih Ophthalmology Stem Cell Delivery System for Retinal Neuroprotection Dr ACY Lo Professor DSH Wong Stem cell-based therapy for post-traumatic regeneration Professor DKY Shum Biochemistry of peripheral and central nervous systems Professor YS Chan Physiology The role of prostaglandin E2 in metabolism Dr EHC Tang Pharmacology & Pharmacy

1. Circulating stem cells in cardiovascular medicine Professor HF Tse Medicine 2. Outcome prediction of cardiac arrhythmias Dr CW Siu 3. Heart and hormones 4. Vascular function and diet 5. Genetic basic of cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy 6. Cardiac stem cell therapy 7. Modeling of heart disease with stem cell Vascular protective functions of the anti-aging protein Dr Y Wang Pharmacology & Pharmacy SIRT1 Professor PMGR Vanhoutte Child neurology (Autism) Professor VCN Wong Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Survival and regeneration of CNS neurons after spinal Professor WT Wu Anatomy cord and peripheral nerve injury Adipokines as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets Professor AM Xu Medicine for cardiovascular complications of obesity and diabetes Professor PMGR Vanhoutte Pharmacology & Pharmacy Roles of endogenous neural stem cells in neurological Dr HKF Yip Anatomy diseae and brain repair Role of calcium signaling in leukemic stem cells Dr JB Yue Physiology

Infection and Immunology Stell Cell Immunology Dr CWY Chan Anatomy

The effects of beta-glucans on human immune system Professor GCF Chan Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Basic immunology and immunotherapeutic approaches Dr AKS Chiang Paediatrics & Adolescent for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated diseases Medicine Interferon-antagonizing proteins encoded by human Professor DY Jin Biochemistry coronaviruses

3 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Development of a novel disease activity state criterion for Professor CS Lau Medicine systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Validation of clinical and radiological assessment of Professor CS Lau Medicine spondyloarthritis - Susceptibility genes in SLE Professor YL Lau Paediatrics & Adolescent - Primary immunodeficiencies Medicine Lymphopoiesis and apoptosis in the development of Professor LW Lu Pathology autoimmune diseases Development of Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Therapeutics Dr JA Tanner Biochemistry and Diagnostics Viral infection and cellular stress response mechanisms Dr NS Wong Biochemistry

Novel pathogen discovery and microbial genomics Professor PCY Woo Microbiology

Public Health Understanding healthcare decisions in older adults with Dr WC Chan Psychiatry mental health problems Cognitive neuropsychology and psychopathology of Professor EYH Chen Psychiatry psychotic disorders Epidemiology and prognostic factors for peptic ulcer Professor KM Chu Surgery perforation Communicable disease and environmental risk perception Professor R Fielding School of Public Health

Environmental health risk factors in Hong Kong Professor R Fielding School of Public Health

Psychosocial aspects of cancer care Professor R Fielding School of Public Health Dr WWT Lam Obesity and physical activity in students Dr DSY Ho School of Public Health

Evaluation of Quality of Care of Multidisciplinary Risk Professor CLK Lam Family Medicine & Primary Factor Assessment and Management Programme Care (RAMP) for patients with hypertension in primary care Clinical and molecular epidemiology of cardiovascular Professor TH Lam School of Public Health disease Professor HF Tse Medicine Internet-based preventive interventions to enhance family Professor TH Lam School of Public Health harmony/resiliency in the Hong Kong Family Project Molecular epidemiology study in Guangzhou Professor TH Lam School of Public Health Dr CQ Jiang Tobacco control in Hong Kong and China Mainland Professor TH Lam School of Public Health

Using syndromic surveillance data to improve Dr EHY Lau School of Public Health preparedness to surge in emergency department demand Therapeutic efficacies of psychotropic drugs for Axis I Dr ACK Law Psychiatry psychiatric disorders in Hong Kong The prevalence of major Axis I psychiatric disorders in Dr ACK Law Psychiatry Hong Kong FAMILY Cohort: Exploring factors related to Health, Dr MY Ni School of Public Health Happiness and/or Harmony Dr H Pang Professor TH Lam Professor GM Leung Life course influences on health Dr CM Schooling School of Public Health

Promotion of respiratory health by improving awareness Dr CM Wong School of Public Health of environmental exposure to air toxics among school Dr HK Lai children Dr DKM Ip Public health effects of air pollution on mortality and Dr CM Wong School of Public Health admissions to hospitals Dr TQ Thach

4 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Entering into the new era of Electronic Health Record Dr WCW Wong Family Medicine and Primary (eHR) in Hong Kong: A population-based study of public Care attitudes and concerns towards eHR To Determine Prevalence and Contextual Risk Factors of Dr WCW Wong Family Medicine and Primary Sexually Transmitted Infections in Hong Kong Care Reproduction, Development and Growth Biology of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) Professor GCF Chan Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Genetic manipulation in vivo and in vitro to study neuron Dr SY Chan Paediatrics & Adolescent function Medicine Developmental studies on mouse mutants with inner ear Professor KSE Cheah Biochemistry defects Identifying gene regulatory regions in the genome by a Professor KSE Cheah Biochemistry literature network approach Dr B Wong Role of Sox2 in regulation the stemness of dermal Professor KSE Cheah Biochemistry precursors The molecular basis of skeletal dysphasia caused by Professor KSE Cheah Biochemistry mutations in Sox9 Intervertebral disc regeneration by allogenic Professor KMC Cheung Orthopaedics & Traumatology mesenchymal stem cells Professor D Chan Biochemistry Dr VYL Leung Analysis of human genetic mutations in patients with Dr PT Cheung Paediatrics & Adolescent growth disorders Professor LCK Low Medicine Development of RNAi technology for functional Professor DY Jin Biochemistry genomics and drug discovery Oviductal Secretory Proteins on Embryo Development Dr CKF Lee Obstetrics & Gynaecology Professor WSB Yeung How are blood cells produced at the beginning of life? Professor AYH Leung Medicine Regulation of primitive and definitive hematopoiesis based on the zebrafish model Genetic causes of poor ovarian responses to Professor EHY Ng Obstetrics & Gynaecology gonadotrophin Live-cell Imaging analysis of abnormal cell migration in Professor MH Sham Biochemistry enteric nervous system disorder Genetic analysis of complex diseases Professor PC Sham Psychiatry Dr S Cherny Modulating protease activity in chronic lung Professor DKY Shum Biochemistry inflammation Professor MSM Ip Medicine Identifying susceptibility genes for degenerative disc Dr YQ Song Biochemistry disease and scoliosis Professor KMC Cheung Orthopaedics & Traumatology Professor KDK Luk Developmental biology, genetics and pathology of Professor PKH Tam Surgery Hirschsprung’s disease and related neural crest disorders Dr VCH Lui Dr MM Garcia-Barcelo Molecular basis of anorectal malformations Professor PKH Tam Surgery Dr MM Garcia-Barcelo Development of Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Therapeutics Dr JA Tanner Biochemistry and Diagnostics How vitamin C influences stem cell differentiation Dr JJW Wang Biochemistry

Roles of microRNAs in endometrial cells during Professor WSB Yeung Obstetrics & Gynaecology implantation Role of MTI-MMP in regulating stem cell self-renewal Dr ZJ Zhou Biochemistry and differentiation Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Modeling Monogenic Vascular Diseases with Human Professor KR Boheler Physiology induced pluripotent stem cells Surfaceome studies of human induced pluripotent stem Professor KR Boheler Physiology cell derived cardiomyocytes

5 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Promoting maturation of engineered human embryonic Dr WWY Keung Physiology stem cells-based heart tissues Functionality of engineered human pluripotent stem cell- Dr MCW Kong Physiology based cardiac microtissue Modeling Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)- Dr MCW Kong Physiology associated Cardiomyopathy with Patient-specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-derived Cardiomyocytes (iPSC- CMs) Modelling inheritary arrhythmias using human Professor RA Li Physiology pluripotent stem cells Pluripotent Stem Cell-based Human Heart Tissue Professor RA Li Physiology Engineering Others The use of mobile devices (such as iPhones or note book Dr LK Chan Anatomy computers) in PBL Disciplinary actions against doctors for professional Dr TK Chan Anatomy misconduct in Hong Kong, Singapore, and United Dr GL Tipoe Kingdom Pathogenic mechanisms of fibrosis in the kidney and Professor TM Chan Medicine other organs Dr S Yung Immuno-pathogenetic mechanisms in kidney disease of Professor TM Chan Medicine systemic lupus erythematous Dr S Yung Developing the gene-knockdown epithelial model for the Dr JH Chen Physiology airway infection study A retrospective study to assess the safety of postoperative Dr CW Cheung Anaesthesiology acute pain service: change over the last decade A comparison of patient-controlled propofol sedation Dr CW Cheung Anaesthesiology with patient-controlled propofol and ketamine sedation Professor MG Irwin Clinical studies in chronic low back pain Professor KMC Cheung Orthopaedics & Traumatology Professor KDK Luk School screening for scoliosis Dr WY Cheung Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Genomic analysis of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) sequences Dr AKS Chiang Paediatrics & Adolescent in EBV infection and associated malignant diseases Medicine Clinical electrophysiology in orthopaedics Dr Y Hu Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Intraoperative spinal evoked potential monitoring Dr Y Hu Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Biomechanical testing of new hand implants and Dr WY Ip Orthopaedics & Traumatology prosthesis Motion analysis and electromyography of upper limb in Dr WY Ip Orthopaedics & Traumatology neurological conditions Propofol Keo Professor MG Irwin Anaesthesiology Dr GTC Wong Development of buccal/nasal drug delivery system for Dr PCL Kwok Pharmacology & Pharmacy paediatric and emergency medications Dr JKW Lam The investigation of RNAi therapy against infectious Dr JKW Lam Pharmacology & Pharmacy diseases: from drug delivery aspects Neuroprotection for brain injury Dr GKK Leung Surgery

Bone cement and biomaterial application Professor WW Lu Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Bone Nano structure and Nano Biomechanics Professor WW Lu Orthopaedics & Traumatology

Screening of natural products or Chinese herbal Dr JCW Mak Medicine medicines in the management of cigarette smoke-induced lung injury using an animal model

6 Area & Topic of Research Supervisor(s) Department(s) Generation of patient specific induced pluripotent stem Professor PKH Tam Surgery cell (iPSC) from patient with Hirschsprung’s (HSCR) Dr ESW Ngan disease The effects of an alpha 2 receptor agonist on Dr GTC Wong Anaesthesiology perioperative renal function Professor MG Irwin Analysis of cardiac glycoside content of native HKSAR Dr AJ Worsley Pharmacology & Pharmacy Strophanthus species Dr S Dufay Analysis of Tuliposide content of Tulipa genus, and Dr AJ Worsley Pharmacology & Pharmacy subsequent contact allergen properties Dr S Dufay Quantification of quality and quantification of active Dr AJ Worsley Pharmacology & Pharmacy constituents in several Traditional Chinese medicines Dr S Dufay purchased in HKSAR Analysis of genomic data for clinical diagnosis and Dr WL Yang Paediatrics & Adolescent personalized treatment Professor YL Lau Medicine

March 5, 2014

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