Holistic Approach to Self-Explore the Cause of Neurological Conditions

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Holistic Approach to Self-Explore the Cause of Neurological Conditions

Environmental Factors Linked To ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities

Holistic Approach to Self-Explore the cause of Neurological conditions

Case studies included Kaashvi

http://www.fettlegenie.com Preface

Please note: Information provided in this book or on the website is for informational purpose only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information in this book or on the website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment. About Kaashvi

Kaashvi is a holistic therapist practicing Pranic Healing, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Acupressure Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Nutrition therapy for the past 7 years. Her aim is to bring awareness of holistic therapies across the world.

She is an active contributor of Fettle Genie a health care website aimed at spreading the knowledge of holistic therapies.

She loves helping families with special needs with her knowledge, gained through her extensive research on learning disabilities.

She strongly believes that any condition can be healed if the cause of the condition is identified.

Her extensive research about the causes of ADHD, Holistic therapies for ADHD can be found at http://www.fettlegenie.com/adhd/home-page-adhd-without- medication.shtml. Table of Contents

 Individual Journey to self-explore the root cause of ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities

 How are environmental factors contributing to the rising incidence of neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 How are environmental factors linked to neurological disorders like ADHD?

 What are environmental factors and which environmental factors are linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 Why environmental factors are not considered while diagnosing and treating ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 Why environmental factors should be taken into account during the treatment of ADHD?

 How likely are children exposed to nicotine or alcohol before birth, develop ADHD?

 What is the link between childhood secondhand smoke exposure and ADHD?

 What is the link between Brain injury and ADHD?

 What is the link between food additives/dyes and ADHD?

 What kinds of complications during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after birth are linked to neurological disorders like ADHD?

 Who are impacted by neurotoxins and toxic mold linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? How do these factors impact each being on the earth?  How do the environmental toxicants (industrial chemicals) impact the growing fetus?

 What is the relation between neurotoxic chemicals and neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 How are all getting exposed to the environmental neurotoxins which are linked to neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 Which environmental chemicals are suspected of causing developmental neurotoxicity according to an issue of “Environmental Health Perspectives”?

 What could be the potential dangerous effect of environmental toxic chemicals on human body?

 What are the consequences of developmental neurotoxicity caused due to environmental toxicants?

 Who are vulnerable to environmental toxic chemical exposure?

 Do you have studies supporting the link between environmentally neurotoxic chemicals and neurological disorders?

 Which neurotoxins i.e. environmentally toxic chemicals are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 Which environmentally toxic heavy metals are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 Which environmentally toxic pesticides are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

 What are the benefits of knowing the list of environmentally neurotoxic chemicals?  What are the sources of these environmentally neurotoxic chemicals in your living environment?

 How to identify the accumulation of environmentally toxic chemicals in your body and how to detox them from your home and bodies?

 What is mold and how is mold linked to neurological disorders like ADHD?

 My Books Individual Journey to self-explore the root cause of ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities ADHD is diagnosed by health professionals by observing a child's behavior. There are no brain scans, blood tests or any other tests which can diagnose ADHD.

Now a day’s we see too many ADHD diagnosis made by health care professionals across the world.

Before concluding an ADHD diagnosis, how many health care professionals are looking into or suggesting factors like food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, environmental factors and emotional factors etc which can cause ADHD / aggravate ADHD symptoms / in some cases cause symptoms similar to ADHD?

ADHD is generally described as genetic neurological disorders. While this may be true in some cases, it may not be true for everybody.

There are various triggering conditions or factors which can cause ADHD like symptoms.

Are you sure that your health care practitioner is aware of those ADHD triggers which can cause ADHD or ADHD like symptoms?

Before confirming an ADHD diagnosis how many of the ADHD triggering factors are actually cross checked by your health care practitioner to find out the root cause of your ADHD symptoms?

Most of the diagnoses are done without looking at the condition holistically and without even attempting to find out the actual cause of your ADHD symptoms.

According to FDA guidelines "Your child’s vision, hearing, and anything else that may contribute to inattention should also be checked before confirming ADHD diagnosis”.

Do you know that most of you are trying to mask ADHD symptoms through medication which would never cure the condition rather mask the symptoms and may not be even useful in controlling the emotional aspects of the condition leading to various unnecessary side-effects?

Medication not being a cure for ADHD there is no point in using it to manage the symptoms unless the cause of your ADHD symptoms is properly identified and addressed.

Many of the people not being aware of the ADHD triggering factors or conditions settle for ADHD diagnosis without even attempting to look at the condition holistically for finding the root cause of their ADHD symptoms.

For example behavior problems caused due to the environmental toxin exposure will stay intact even if you medicate the person with Ritalin. The proper treatment methodology would be to identify the root cause of the symptoms and address it holistically.

Various studies have suggested that ADHD symptoms can be caused due to several triggering factors / conditions and so there is no single treatment which can suit to everybody as the triggers might differ.

It’s time for you to decide whether you still continue to be part of the rat race or think out of the box and explore the ADHD triggers in your life to find the root cause of your condition.

We are here with these self exploring guides to help you in your journey, if you are searching for the root cause behind your or your child's ADHD.

In this journey we will guide you to identify the root cause of your ADHD symptoms by making you traverse through a series of possible ADHD triggers/conditions and help identify the triggers/conditions responsible for your ADHD symptoms.

Identifying the triggering factor of your ADHD symptoms can help you in developing an integrated treatment plan for your ADHD. We welcome you to travel with us to self explore the root cause of your ADHD symptoms with minimal professional help and find the best solution to eliminate ADHD symptoms completely.

Are you ready to travel this self exploring journey with us?

If yes then we expect you to have patience and commitment towards this journey as you find the unique triggers responsible for your unique ADHD symptoms.

Our aim through this series of self exploring guides in finding the root cause of ADHD is:

 To help you identify the triggering factors/conditions of your or your child’s ADHD symptoms by making you aware of various factors/conditions responsible for ADHD symptoms.

 To help you further explore the probable options to identify the inner conditions if any responsible for ADHD symptoms.

 To help you make accurate diagnosis of the root cause responsible for ADHD symptoms.

 To help you develop an integrated treatment plan for your ADHD.

This guide is about bringing awareness about the environmental factors linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities. Research and studies suggest that various environmental factors could either mimic ADHD symptoms or make ADHD symptoms worse and in some cases could be the only cause of ADHD symptoms. This book can guide you in exploring the environmental factors linked to neurological disorders.

Note: In this book ADHD is used to refer to neurological conditions but the content of this book is very much applicable for neurological disorders like Autism and Learning Disabilities. How are environmental factors contributing to the rising incidence of neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Various studies point that the chemical and gene-environment interactions are contributing to the rising incidence of neurological disorders.

Case studies about the Environmental risk factors for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17718779.

A growing body of research suggests that childhood exposure to certain environmental factors may increase the risk and symptoms of ADHD as well.

How are environmental factors linked to neurological disorders like ADHD? The role of the environmental factors in the incidence of neurological disorders like ADHD is crucial as there are several things linked to ADHD. Lead is a very good example. High levels of lead in the environment and high levels of lead in the blood are very clearly associated with ADHD.

There are also various prenatal factors, like for a smoking mom the risk of the child having ADHD is greatly increased. And that is particularly the case if the child has a certain genotype or gene makeup.

There are lots of different genes which influence ADHD. One of them is of the dopamine transporter. It is called the DAT gene, and if a kid has a certain form of the DAT gene and mom smokes, their risk of having ADHD is very high. So that’s a good example of how environmental risks interact with the genotype of the child.

There are various other environmental factors like alcohol, dietary factors like food additives, neurotoxic chemicals etc which could similarly contribute to the incidence of ADHD. What are environmental factors and which environmental factors are linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Environmental factors are defined as the factors that influence living organisms.

Although the exact cause of ADHD is not known, various studies show a link between the occurrence of neurological conditions like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities in the people who are exposed to certain environmental factors.

Environmental factors which are linked to neurological disorders are:

 Children exposed to nicotine or alcohol before birth

 Maternal smoking during pregnancy

 Brain injury

 Food Additives/Dyes

 Complications during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after birth

 Toxic chemicals or Neurotoxins found in air, water and food

 Toxic mold

Case studies about the environmental risk factors for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17718779.

Why environmental factors are not considered while diagnosing and treating ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Most of the people are not aware that there is a vast list of environmental factors linked to neurological disorders like ADHD. People are not even aware of the adverse effects of these environmental factors on human nervous system and brain.

Whenever a mention of environmental factors is made lead, mercury, PBDE’s and PCB’s are the only chemicals mentioned.

None are aware about the environmental factors like mold and the vast list of neurotoxic chemicals which are used by all of us on daily basis through household products and personal care products, and their adverse effects on human brain and nervous system.

So, it could be due to mere ignorance of parents and not getting proper direction from health care professionals, environmental factors are not considered during the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.

Why environmental factors should be taken into account during the treatment of ADHD? Although the majority of research shows that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is hereditary, a growing body of research suggests that childhood exposure to certain environmental factors may increase the risk and symptoms of ADHD. So, it is vital for everyone to be aware of the environmental factors linked to neurological disorders, so as to avoid them and reduce the risk of their occurrence. And for the people who are already diagnosed with ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities by understanding and avoiding these factors one can see improvements in their condition.

How likely are children exposed to nicotine or alcohol before birth, develop ADHD?

Children who are exposed to nicotine or alcohol before birth are more likely to develop ADHD. A study concluded that children with ADHD are:  2.5 times more likely to have been exposed to alcohol  2 times more likely to have been exposed to cigarette smoke before birth

Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to have:

 symptoms of inattention  lower academic achievement  poorer visuo-spatial reasoning

Exposure to environmental toxins like tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs may reduce the activity of vital neurons which produce neurotransmitters in their baby’s brain. This reduction may increase the risk of having a baby born with ADHD.

So, along with a healthy diet, pregnant women should be mindful of the environmental factors they’re exposed to during pregnancy to give their baby the best start in life.

Case studies Case studies about the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol and environmental tobacco smoke on risk for ADHD: a large population-based study @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25481018.

Prenatal exposure to binge pattern of alcohol consumption: mental health and learning outcomes at age 11 @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25209690.

Maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, even in very small quantities, has been linked to a range of neurobehavioural adverse effects in offspring, including reduced IQ, impaired executive function and social judgment, delinquent behaviour, seizures, other neurological signs, and sensory problems @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418502/.

What is the link between childhood secondhand smoke exposure and ADHD? Children exposed to secondhand smoke have higher rates of behavioral and cognitive effects including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Case studies Case studies about Childhood secondhand smoke exposure and ADHD- attributable costs to the health and education system can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25154533.

Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Severity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Preschoolers: A Pilot Investigation can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4131741/.

Cigarette smoke purifiers are available which can be used to reduce the toxin exposure at home. Find some cigarette smoke air purifiers from amazon @ http://astore.amazon.com/natural-household-products-fettlegenie-20? _encoding=UTF8&node=20.

What is the link between Brain injury and ADHD? Brain injury from hitting one’s head, also called traumatic brain injury, is associated with later problems with attention and learning.

Traumatic brain injury seems to be a common item in the medical history of many patients suffering from ADHD.

When individuals with an ADHD diagnosis are questioned about childhood injuries, majority claim that a head injury was suffered before the age of two. Scientists have undoubtedly identified an influx of childhood injuries in patients who test positive for symptoms of ADHD, though the research comes with a hitch. Without identifying ADHD in children before the age of 2, it may be extremely difficult to connect the relationship between a traumatic brain injury and later symptoms of ADHD.

Facts about the relationship between traumatic brain injury and ADHD:

 It is not clear whether brain injuries can cause ADHD in children who were developing normally until they were injured. If this does happen, there would be some differences from “ordinary” ADHD, because the child’s brain would have been developing normally before the injury.

 Another possibility is that brain injury may cause existing attention problems to become worse.

Case studies Case studies about Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents following traumatic brain injury @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14984333.

New study supports link between ADHD and traumatic brain injury @ http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/298478.php.

What is the link between food additives/dyes and ADHD? Food colouring consists of chemicals used to add colour to food. Food colouring (dye) is often added to processed foods, drinks, and condiments. They are used to maintain or improve the appearance of the food.

Manufacturers usually add dye for the following reasons:

 To add color to colorless foods

 To enhance colors

 To avoid color loss due to environmental elements  To provide consistency when there are variations in the coloring of the food

Several studies also demonstrated the positive impact of the elimination food products containing synthetic food additives, like artificial food dyes and preservatives on the behavior of children with ADHD.

Beneficial effects are also observed due to the elimination of food products, which are rich in salicylates. It was found that the intake of food products with a low glycemic index helps to reduce symptoms in some hyperactive children.

Case studies Case studies about the influence of components of diet on the symptoms of ADHD in children can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22928358.

The effects of a double blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colorings and benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general population sample of preschool children @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15155391.

Synthetic food colourings and 'hyperactivity': a double-blind crossover study @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3395307.

Artificial Food Colors and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms: Conclusions to Dye @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3441937 . The diet factor in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22232312.

Restriction and Elimination Diets in ADHD Treatment @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4322780/. Feingold diet is one of the best elimination diets suggested for ADHD, Autism. Know more about Feingold diet @ http://www.fettlegenie.com/nutrition- therapy/feingold-diet-program.shtml. What kinds of complications during pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after birth are linked to neurological disorders like ADHD? Various studies have found associations with symptoms of ADHD and events related to birth.

The below mentioned events related to birth increase the risk of ADHD, persisting up to 40 years after birth:

 Low birth weight

 Preterm birth

 Maternal stress and

 Lower Apgar scores

Case studies

Case studies about perinatal complications in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and their unaffected siblings can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC551167/.

Pre- and perinatal risk factors in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22200325.

Maternal Stress during Pregnancy, ADHD Symptomatology in Children and Genotype: Gene-Environment Interaction @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3269259/.

Perinatal Problems and Psychiatric Comorbidity Among Children with ADHD @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3830729/. Who are impacted by neurotoxins and toxic mold linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? How do these factors impact each being on the earth? All the beings on earth are affected by the neurotoxins and toxic mold which are linked to ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities. All of us are exposed to most of these toxins continuously through the environment we live in. Having said it is vital for each one of you to note that “All the beings on earth are neurotoxic”.

Different neurotoxins linked to neurological disorders could impact each being in different ways.

 Neurotoxins – These are absorbed through the air we breathe in, food we eat, water we drink by all the beings on earth. The impact of neurotoxins on a person’s neurological health depends on the toxicity of the air, food and water one consumes.

 Mold – Mold may only affect the people living in the environment containing mold and this may not be the underlying reason for neurological disorders for everybody. But everyone should be aware and cautious about mold toxicity.

How do the environmental toxicants (industrial chemicals) impact the growing fetus? The fetus is not well protected against industrial chemicals. The placenta does not block the passage of many environmental toxicants from the maternal to the fetal circulation, and more than 200 foreign chemicals have been detected in umbilical cord blood.

Additionally, many environmental chemicals are transferred to the infant through human breast milk. During fetal life and early infancy, the blood–brain barrier provides only partial protection against the entry of chemicals into the Central Nervous System. Moreover, the developing human brain is exceptionally sensitive to injury caused by toxic chemicals, and several developmental processes have been shown to be highly vulnerable to chemical toxicity.

For example, in-vitro studies suggest that neural stem cells are very sensitive to neurotoxic substances such as methyl mercury. Some pesticides inhibit cholinesterase function in the developing brain, thereby affecting the crucial regulatory role of acetylcholine before synapse formation.

Early-life epigenetic changes are also known to affect subsequent gene expression in the brain. In summary, industrial chemicals known or suspected to be neurotoxic to adults are also likely to present risks to the developing brain.

Case studies Case studies can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418502/.

What is the relation between neurotoxic chemicals and neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Toxic chemicals likely cause injury to the developing human brain either through direct toxicity or inter-actions with the genome. An expert committee convened by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) estimated that 3% of neuro- behavioral disorders are caused directly by toxic environ-mental exposures and that another 25% are caused by inter-actions between environmental factors, defined broadly, and inherited susceptibilities.

Know more @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3404655/ How are all getting exposed to the environmental neurotoxins which are linked to neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Environmental toxins are present in air, water, food, consumer products, your home, your workplace and in your bodies.

It is absolutely not necessary for anyone to live next to a toxic waste site to be exposed to environmental toxins, as most of the toxic chemicals responsible for the neurological disorders are residing in your living environment.

Which environmental chemicals are suspected of causing developmental neurotoxicity according to an issue of “Environmental Health Perspectives”?

A list of 10 chemicals and mixtures widely distributed in the environment which are already suspected of causing develop-mental neuro-toxicity which are published in an issue of Environmental Health Perspectives are:

 Lead  Methyl mercury  Polychlorinated biphenyls  Organophosphate pesticides  Organochlorine pesticides  Endocrine disruptors  Automotive exhaust  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  Brominated flame retardants  Perfluorinated compounds

This list is not exhaustive and is out-dated. You can find the whole list of neurotoxins in this book. Know more @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3404655/.

What could be the potential dangerous effect of environmental toxic chemicals on human body? Evidence shows that some of these toxic environmental exposures can contribute to lifelong learning and developmental disorders.

The effects of chemicals on the nervous system have been recognized since ancient times. Early reports were the results of high exposures in workers that led to debilitating conditions or even death.

As science progressed, it was recognized that even small doses of some chemicals result in subtle nervous system impacts that affect an individual’s performance.

Chemicals with the capacity to sabotage the development of your brains and nervous systems are termed “developmental neurotoxicants” while chemicals that interfere with the functioning of your brains are termed “neurotoxic chemicals”.

These toxins can alter the activity of the nervous system in ways that can disrupt or kill nerves. Nerves are essential for transmitting and processing information in the brain, as well as other areas of the nervous system.

What are the consequences of developmental neurotoxicity caused due to environmental toxicants? Developmental neurotoxicity causes brain damage that is too often untreatable and frequently permanent. The consequence of such brain damage is impaired Central Nervous System function that lasts a lifetime and might result in reduced intelligence, as expressed in terms of lost IQ points, or disruption in behavior. A recent study compared the estimated total IQ losses from major paediatric causes and showed that the magnitude of losses attributable to lead, pesticides, and other neurotoxicants was in the same range as, or even greater than, the losses associated with medical events such as preterm birth, traumatic brain injury, brain tumours, and congenital heart disease.

Know more @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418502/.

Who are vulnerable to environmental toxic chemical exposure? Infants and children are especially vulnerable to toxic chemical exposure because their biological systems are still developing. During fetal development, exposure to even minuscule amounts of toxins at critical junctures can have a lifelong impact on brain and physical health.

Do you have studies supporting the link between environmentally neurotoxic chemicals and neurological disorders? Case studies/research listed below show the link between environmental toxic chemicals and neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and learning disabilities.

Exposure to neurotoxicants and the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its related behaviors in childhood can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24846602.

Elucidating the links between endocrine disruptors and neurodevelopment can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25714811.

Effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure to low levels of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDE) on neurodevelopment and thyroid hormone levels at 4 years of age can be found @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21237513. A Research Strategy to Discover the Environmental Causes of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3404655/.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and environmental toxic metal exposure in the United Arab Emirates @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21300623.

Exposure to Environmental Toxins in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2890866/.

Which neurotoxins i.e. environmentally toxic chemicals are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

There are about 16 neurotoxins linked to neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities. Let us look at some of them here.

Bromine and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers are a class of flame retardant chemicals used in construction, electronics, electrical and computer cable coverings and furniture upholstery.

Bromine is found in bromine pesticides, brominated flour used as a dough conditioner for commercially prepared baked goods.

Plastics Plastics are virtually everywhere in the world. Two that have come under scrutiny as potential culprits and are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders are phthalates and Bisphenol A, or BPA. Perchlorate Perchlorate is a chemical used in rocket fuel, road flares and airbags. Perchlorate is also present in water and it can also be found in food.

Fluoride Fluoride is naturally occurring chemical, found in soil and groundwater, but it is commonly added to municipal water supplies as a public health measure.

Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable, strong-smelling chemical that is used in building materials and is used to produce many household products.

Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFC) - PFOA and PFOS Perfluorinated compounds, whose applications include stain, water and grease resistant coatings and various pesticides.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) PAHs are derived from burning meat, oil, wood, garbage, and coal.

Tailpipe Exhaust

Tailpipe exhaust comes from vehicles emissions. Vehicle emissions come from burning fuel present in the engine.

Toxic Household Products Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities brings you the complete information about all the household products and personal care products containing the neurotoxic chemicals used by each one of us on daily basis along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting their link. This book can guide you in taking informed decisions about the products to use at home.

Toxic Household Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities provides in- depth information about  All the household products and personal care products containing the neurotoxic chemicals used by each one of us on daily basis along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting their link.

 How to avoid or reduce the exposure of neurotoxins (emanating from the toxic household products) at home to the maximum extent?

 Where and how to find the natural /green alternatives of the neurotoxic household products?

 How to detox these neurotoxic chemicals from your body?

Which environmentally toxic heavy metals are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities?

The list of environmental toxins heavy metals linked to neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities as concluded by extensive studies are:

Lead Lead is a heavy metal used in industrial applications, and is present in many products including electronics, PVC plastics and cosmetics.

Arsenic Arsenic is a known carcinogen that has been linked particularly to skin, bladder, kidney, and lung cancers.

Certain foods contain organic and inorganic arsenic, and the latter usually raises the risk of cancer and other health problems.

Mercury Mercury can exist in many forms from elemental, inorganic, and organic. Primarily, humans are exposed to elemental, otherwise known as metallic mercury, by inhaling mercury vapours present in the atmosphere. When inhaled, it moves from the lungs through the bloodstream and in some cases to the brain. Aluminum

Aluminum can be airborne and find its way into your lungs. It can also get into your body through contaminated water.

The largest intake of Aluminum, however, comes from household products and food.

Copper Copper is a very common substance that occurs naturally in the environment and spreads through the environment through natural phenomena. Humans widely use copper. For instance it is applied in the industries and in agriculture.


Cadmium is a heavy metal of considerable environmental and occupational concern. It is widely distributed in the earth's crust at an average concentration of about 0.1 mg/kg. The highest level of cadmium compounds in the environment is accumulated in sedimentary rocks, and marine phosphates contain about 15 mg cadmium/kg.

Manganese Manganese is found in the drinking water. Manganese is a naturally occurring metal that is found in many types of rocks.

Pure manganese is silver-colored, but does not occur naturally. It combines with other substances such as oxygen, sulfur, or chlorine. Manganese can also be combined with carbon to make organic manganese compounds.

Toxic Heavy Metals Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities brings you the complete information about all the sources of heavy metals present in your living environment along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting the link. This book can guide you in taking informed decisions about the choices you make with respect to your living environment.

Toxic Heavy Metal Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities provides in- depth information about

 All the sources of heavy metals present in your living environment along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting the link  How to best avoid heavy metal sources from your living environment?  How to identify the presence of the neurotoxic heavy metals in your bodies and understand the different methods of detoxing/chelating these heavy metals from your bodies?

Which environmentally toxic pesticides are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities? Let us look at some of the pesticides linked to neurodevelopmental disorders.

Organochlorine Pesticides Organochlorine pesticide is highly used in agriculture.

Chlorpyriofos and Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT) These pesticides are banned in many parts of the world (U.S. included), but still used in many lower-income countries.

Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Roundup is a glyphosate-based herbicide used worldwide, including on most genetically modified plants that have been designed to tolerate it. Its residues may thus enter the food chain, and glyphosate is found as a contaminant in rivers.

Glyphosate is used in agriculture, particularly on GM crops of corn and soy. What are the benefits of knowing the list of environmentally neurotoxic chemicals? Knowing the list of neurotoxic chemicals, their presence in your living environment and their dangers and adverse effects on your neurological health could trigger each one of you to find the sources of these chemicals in your living environment. Knowing the chemical name will not provide the sources of these chemicals in your living environment, as these neurotoxic chemicals are widely used in various household products, personal care products used on day to day basis by each one of you.

Ensuring a healthy living environment, free from harmful chemicals, may help kids lead a life free from ADHD symptoms.

Sometimes, staying free of harmful environmental factors can be difficult. But following a healthy diet and maintaining a safe home can contribute to healthy kids and possibly reduce the symptoms of ADHD.

What are the sources of these environmentally neurotoxic chemicals in your living environment? Science suggests that exposure to neurotoxic chemicals found in everyday products like foods, carpeting and flooring, cleaning and lawn products, and personal-care products like toothpastes may contribute substantially to disorders like ADD/ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities.

Researchers concluded that the different chemicals used in “plastics, detergents, furniture, carpets, electronic equipment, pesticides, and cosmetics” are found in both dust and air samples present in indoor and outdoor air. According to the study, “the number of chemicals detected in a home ranged from 13-28 for indoor air and from 6-42 for dust.”

Toxic Household Products Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities brings you the complete information about all the neurotoxic chemicals used in various household products and personal care products along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting the link. This book can guide you in taking informed decisions about the products to use at home.

Toxic Heavy Metals Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities brings you the complete information about all the sources of heavy metals present in your living environment along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting the link. This book can guide you in taking informed decisions about the choices you make with respect to your living environment.

How to identify the accumulation of environmentally toxic chemicals in your body and how to detox them from your home and bodies? Toxic Household Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities provides in- depth information about

 All the neurotoxic chemicals used in various household products and personal care products along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting their link

 How to avoid or reduce the exposure of neurotoxins (emanating from the toxic household products) at home to the maximum extent?

 Where and how to find the natural /green alternatives of the neurotoxic household products?

 How to identify and detox these neurotoxic chemicals from your body?

Toxic Heavy Metal Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities provides in- depth information about

 All the sources of heavy metals present in your living environment along with their adverse effects with case studies supporting the link  How to best avoid heavy metal sources from your living environment?  How to identify the presence of the neurotoxic heavy metals in your bodies and understand the different methods of detoxing/chelating these heavy metals from your bodies?

What is mold and how is mold linked to neurological disorders like ADHD? Molds are different types of fungi which grow in filaments and reproduce by forming spores. Mold are of different types, the mold growing in home with a white or grayish color or mold growing in bathrooms. Some types of mold produce and release toxins into the environment.

Some molds also produce mycotoxins that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals. The term "toxic mold" refers to molds that produce mycotoxins, such as Stachybotrys chartarum. Exposure to high levels of mycotoxins can lead to neurological problems and in some cases death. Prolonged exposure, e.g., daily workplace exposure, can be particularly harmful.

Once these toxins produced by toxic mold get into the brain, they engage the HPA Axis, or the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands, forcing unregulated hormone and protein production. The results of these complex chemicals being produced may result in numerous conditions and diagnosis including ADHD, Dementia, and other neurological dysfunction.

Toxic mold exposure has also been linked to more serious, long-term effects like memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, depression, confusion, trouble concentrating, and confusion.

Case Studies Case studies/research listed below show the link between neurotoxic mold exposure and neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and learning disabilities. Neurologic and neuropsychiatric syndrome features of mold and mycotoxin exposure @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19854819.

Effects of toxic exposure to molds and mycotoxins in building-related illnesses @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15143852.

Improvement of attention span and reaction time with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with toxic injury due to mold exposure @ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2998645/.

Avoid exposure to mold so as to avoid the incidence of neurological disorders.

As now you are aware of all the environmental factors linked to neurological disorders like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities, identify these factors in your living environment and avoid or reduce them to the maximum extent possible for maintaining a healthy brain and nervous.

Know more about holistic therapies for ADHD @ ADHD without medication and various causes of ADHD to understand more about the various other triggering factors/conditions of ADHD like EMF exposure, Right brain dominance, Heavy Metal exposure etc.

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Opt in for mailing list to know about the releases and updates of my books about ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities @ http://www.fettlegenie.com/adhd/home-page-adhd-without-medication.shtml.

I hope the information provided in this book helps you in your journey towards finding the root cause of your neurological conditions. Thank you and good luck!!!


My Books

Below are my other books to help you in your journey towards identifying the causes/triggers of your neurological conditions like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities.

 Toxic Household Products Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities – To know what to avoid in your home to stay away from neurotoxins and prevent neurological conditions or reduce the symptoms like ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities.  Toxic Household Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities – To know what to avoid in your home to stay away from neurotoxins, the best possible ways to avoid toxins at home, detox toxins from your home and bodies....and prevent neurological disorders or improve the symptoms of ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities.  Toxic Heavy Metals Causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities – To know what to avoid in your living environment to stay away from the dangerous effects of heavy metals, in order to prevent or reduce the symptoms of neurological conditions like ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities.  Toxic Heavy Metal Detox for ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities – To know what to avoid in your living environment to stay away from the dangerous effects of heavy metals, the best possible ways to avoid toxic heavy metal exposure in your living environment, detox toxic heavy metals from your home and bodies....and prevent neurological disorders or improve the symptoms of ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities.

My books to help you in your self-healing journey are:  Hypnoparenting for ADHD and Behavioral Issues is one of the best positive parenting approaches available for parents and is of excellent use for parenting children with ADHD and Behavioral Disorders.

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