Electronic Supplementary Material: Table S1

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Electronic Supplementary Material: Table S1

Electronic Supplementary Material: Table S1 and Table S2 Temporal stability of pollinator preference in an alpine plant community and its implications for the evolution of floral traits Yan-Bing Gong and Shuang-Quan Huang* College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China *E-mail: [email protected]

Table S1 Taxonomic information, floral traits and main pollinators of 29 plant species in the study community during three successive years. ‘Cl’ (floral clustering): S, solitary flowers and I, inflorescences. ‘Co’ (floral color): Pu, purple, Wh, white, Ye, yellow and Pi, pink. ‘Or’ (floral orientation): D, down, H, horizontal and U, up. ‘Sh’ (floral shape): C, closed and O, open. ‘Sy’ (floral symmetry): R, radial and B, bilateral. ‘Time’ indicates total hours spent recording pollinators. ‘Visits’ means total number of pollinator visits recorded. ‘PG’ is the level of pollinator generalization. ‘Main pollinator’ is the most frequently visiting pollinator group for a plant species. ‘%’ shows the percentage of visits by the main pollinators. ‘—’ illustrates plant species that were absent or not included because they were observed in fewer than 6 periods or received fewer than 5 visits in the study year.

1 2006 2007 2008 Species Family Cl Co Or Sh Sy Main Main Main Time Visits PG % Time Visits PG % Time Visits PG % pollinator pollinator pollinator Adenophora khasiana Campanulaceae S Pu D C R 3.0 7 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 10.5 43 2.18 Beetles 62.8 — — — — — Ajuga forrestii Lamiaceae S Pu H C B 12.0 334 1.01 Bumblebees 99.7 27.0 138 1.08 Bumblebees 96.4 31.5 1356 1.05 Bumblebees 97.5 Anaphalis yunnanensis Asteraceae I Wh U O R — — — — — 3.0 50 2.81 Hoverflies 48.0 4.5 24 2.17 Hoverflies 62.5 Aster yunnanensis Asteraceae I Ye U O R 20.5 151 3.96 Butterflies 40.4 41.5 722 3.06 Hoverflies 51.2 31.5 900 2.12 Hoverflies 66.1 Astragalus pullus Fabaceae I Pu H C B 18.0 942 1.03 Bumblebees 98.7 29.0 2796 1.02 Bumblebees 99.2 27.0 843 1.01 Bumblebees 99.4 Cuscuta approximata Convolvulaceae I Pi U O R — — — — — 10.0 25 3.70 Solitary bees 32.0 — — — — — Daucus carota Apiaceae I Wh U O R — — — — — 18.0 2688 2.56 Solitary bees 56.5 25.5 3371 2.00 Muscoid flies 67.3 Dipsacus asperoides Dipsacaceae I Wh U C B 12.0 687 1.13 Bumblebees 93.7 11.5 189 2.99 Hoverflies 52.4 19.5 1969 1.47 Bumblebees 81.3 Epilobium brevifolium Onagraceae S Pi U O R 17.0 6 1.38 Hoverflies 83.3 24.0 52 1.83 Solitary bees 71.2 10.5 16 2.61 Solitary bees 50.0 Halenia elliptica Gentianaceae S Pu D C B 26.5 624 1.02 Bumblebees 99.2 7.5 7 2.58 Muscoid flies 57.1 27.0 427 1.02 Bumblebees 99.1 2.9 Ixeridium biparum Asteraceae I Ye U O R 18.0 61 3.33 Solitary bees 36.1 33.0 325 2.03 Solitary bees 66.2 21.0 401 Solitary bees 44.4 6 Lotus corniculatus Fabaceae S Ye H C B — — — — — 7.5 13 2.09 Bumblebees 61.5 — — — — — Onosma confertum Boraginaceae S Pi D C R — — — — — — — — — — 6.0 99 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 Oreorchis folisa Orchidaceae S Wh H O B — — — — — 19.5 99 3.28 Solitary bees 40.4 12.0 32 2.55 Muscoid flies 56.3 Origanum vulgare Lamiaceae I Pi H C B 14.5 1855 1.36 Bumblebees 85.4 23.5 2191 1.97 Bumblebees 69.0 16.5 1077 2.74 Bumblebees 41.7 Pedicularis Orobanchaceae S Pi D C B — — — — — — — — — — 12.0 9 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 confertiflora Pedicularis densispica Orobanchaceae S Pi U C B 21.0 2221 1.01 Bumblebees 99.7 — — — — — 31.5 5080 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 Pedicularis tricolor Orobanchaceae S Ye D C B 26.0 858 1.04 Bumblebees 97.9 — — — — — 34.5 325 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 Phlomis forrestii Lamiaceae S Pi H C B 6.0 32 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 — — — — — 4.5 9 1.53 Bumblebees 77.8 Phlomis melanantha Lamiaceae S Pi H C B — — — — — 9.0 27 2.73 Bumblebees 48.1 4.5 12 1.60 Bumblebees 75.0 Pleurospermum davidii Apiaceae I Wh U O R 14.0 354 4.17 Muscoid flies 39.3 10.5 5801 2.38 Solitary bees 60.2 22.5 15401 2.22 Muscoid flies 61.9 Polygonum runcinatum Polygonaceae I Pi U O R 6.0 8 2.91 Hoverflies 50.0 3.0 5 1.47 Ants 80.0 — — — — — Potentilla lancinata Rosaceae S Ye U O R 11.5 13 2.96 Solitary bees 46.2 18.0 2952 1.72 Solitary bees 75.0 25.5 1723 2.44 Solitary bees 55.3 Salvia przewalskii Lamiaceae S Pi H C B 26.5 287 1.01 Bumblebees 99.7 37.5 151 2.12 Bumblebees 63.6 45.0 2105 1.00 Bumblebees 99.9 Spenceria ramalana Rosaceae S Ye U O R — — — — — — — — — — 3.0 36 3.03 Muscoid flies 41.7 Stellaria graminea Caryophyllaceae S Wh U O R 5.5 29 1.65 Hoverflies 75.9 16.5 473 1.17 Solitary bees 92.2 4.5 44 1.15 Solitary bees 93.2 Tibetia himalaica Fabaceae S Pu H C B 17.0 8 1.60 Bumblebees 75.0 37.0 94 1.18 Bumblebees 91.5 12.0 97 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 Trigonella pubescens Fabaceae S Ye H C B 12.0 9 1.00 Solitary bees 100.0 37.5 197 2.19 Solitary bees 63.5 28.5 74 1.51 Solitary bees 78.4 Vicia tibetica Fabaceae S Pu H C B — — — — — 8.0 5 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 15.0 460 1.00 Bumblebees 100.0 Table S2 Results of the Tests of nominal variables used to ascertain the relationships between pollinators and floral traits (see text for details). Total flower number observed for pollinator visitation of each floral trait in each category (Flowers) and numbers of visits by ten pollinator functional groups to plant species possessing each floral trait are shown in the table. P indicates the significance of the tests; significant relationships between specific floral traits and pollinator groups are shown in bold fonts. ns not significant; * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001.

Flowers Bumble- Solitar Hover- Muscoid Beetles Butter- Honey- Ants Bee- wasps bees y flies flies flies bees flies bees 2006 Closed 7769 7496 35 56 66 1 186 14 0 9 1 Open 2016 91 84 159 169 11 66 0 27 1 14 P *** *** *** *** *** * ns *** ns *** Bilateral 6565 6870 35 56 64 1 184 14 0 9 0 Radial 3220 717 84 159 171 11 68 0 27 1 15 P *** *** *** *** *** * ** *** ns *** Pink 2903 4120 24 51 59 1 131 14 0 9 0 Purple 1958 1895 3 0 4 0 12 0 0 0 1 White 853 696 37 105 140 10 41 0 27 0 14 Yellow 4071 876 55 59 32 1 68 0 0 1 0 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Inflorescence 2931 3244 91 174 230 11 244 14 27 9 14 Solitary flowers 6854 4343 28 41 5 1 8 0 0 1 1 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Down 4289 1466 0 10 4 0 8 0 0 0 1 Horizontal 2700 3172 28 42 61 1 140 14 0 9 0 Up 2796 2949 91 163 170 11 104 0 27 1 14 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 2007 Closed 13032 4678 511 385 160 58 43 7 3 4 2 Open 13525 279 8097 1053 1998 237 73 34 1349 23 49 P *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** Bilateral 14365 4672 541 385 185 35 43 7 26 4 2 Radial 12192 285 8067 1053 1973 260 73 34 1326 23 49 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Pink 7017 1636 358 263 155 5 22 0 6 4 2 Purple 4638 3004 39 2 6 27 4 0 1 0 0 White 7490 31 5529 520 1621 226 26 2 1308 0 37 Yellow 7412 286 2682 653 376 37 64 39 37 23 12 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Inflorescence 14573 4327 5702 1167 1869 239 103 35 1303 8 39 Solitary flowers 11984 630 2906 271 289 56 13 6 49 19 12 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * ** Down 314 7 10 2 4 27 0 0 0 0 0 Horizontal 14243 4661 508 286 184 9 27 5 25 4 2 Up 12000 289 8090 1150 1970 259 89 36 1327 23 49 P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 2008 Closed 34254 12838 266 715 14 0 109 0 0 0 0 Open 14340 132 2230 5522 12491 92 32 0 1149 84 216 P *** *** *** *** *** ns ns *** *** *** Bilateral 32001 12316 271 715 32 0 109 0 5 0 0 Radial 16593 654 2225 5522 12473 92 32 0 1144 84 216 P *** *** *** *** *** *** ns *** *** *** Pink 16659 7756 183 447 15 0 6 0 0 0 0 Purple 7257 3140 30 8 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 White 11667 1603 980 4814 11823 90 99 0 1146 71 215 Yellow 13011 471 1303 968 667 2 31 0 3 13 1 P *** *** *** *** *** *** ns *** *** *** Inflorescence 14979 2992 1386 5983 11962 90 135 0 1141 82 215 Solitary flowers 33615 9978 1110 254 543 2 6 0 8 2 1 P *** *** *** *** *** *** ns *** *** *** Down 12003 856 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Horizontal 11634 5301 268 450 30 0 11 0 5 0 0 Up 24957 6813 2226 5785 12475 92 130 0 1144 84 216 P *** *** *** *** *** *** ns *** *** ***

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