Local Area Networks I

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Local Area Networks I

Homework Revised January 2007

Chapter 10 Network Management

First Name: ______

Last Name: ______

Due Date: ______

Directions Do all questions that are not lined out.

Test Your Understanding Questions

1. a) Why are base prices misleading? b) Why is multiyear analysis necessary? c) How important are labor costs? d) Why do immature products tend to lead to high labor costs? e) What is TCO? f) Why is it important? g) What are the elements of TCO?

2. a) Why is network simulation attractive economically? b) For what purposes is network simulation done? c) What is sensitivity analysis?

3. a) Explain “GIGO.” b) How can a firm get good data for a simulation?

4. a) What are nodes? b) What is a topology? c) List the steps in building a network simulation. d) What steps should be undertaken after running the simulation? e) What is validation, and why is it important? f) What is what-if analysis? g) Distinguish between IT Guru and ACE.

5. a) Why is IP subnet planning important?

b) If you have a subnet part of 9 bits, how many subnets can you have?

c) Your firm has the 8-bit network part 60. If you need at least 250 subnets, what must your subnet size be?

Page 10-1 d) How many hosts can you have per subnet?

e) Your firm has a 20-bit network part. What subnet part size would you select to give at least 10 subnets?

f) How many hosts can you have per subnet?

g) How are private IP address ranges used?

h) What are the three ranges of private IP addresses?

6. a) What major types of servers must be created and maintained to manage IP in a corporate environment?

b) What are DHCP scopes?

c) Why do most firms have both a primary and a secondary DNS server?

d) What is the purpose of WINS?

e) For what operating systems is WINS needed?

f) How is information in directory servers organized?

g) What is the purpose of LDAP?

h) If Astronomy has a similar directory organization to Business (in Figure 10-10), give the specification for the telephone extension of Claire Williams (username cwilliams), who is an Astronomy staff member.

7. a) List some configuration tasks for routers.

b) What is Cisco’s operating system?

c) What is a CLI?

d) What is the advantage of using a CLI?

e) What happens when you first turn on a new Cisco router?

f) Does extended configuration when you first turn on a new Cisco router handle all configuration chores?

g) Must an IP address and subnet mask be configured for each router interface?

h) What is the IOS CLI prompt in non-privileged mode?

i) What is the IOS CLI prompt in privileged mode?

Page 10-2 8. a) Why are usage policies for network tools important?

b) Why do companies often configure their border firewalls to interfere with network management utilities?

9. a) After you use the network setup wizard to create a network connection, with what two quick ways can you verify that the connection is working?

b) How can pinging be used in two ways to test a connection?

c) How do ipconfig /all and winipconfig assist in troubleshooting?

d) What are the benefits of packet capture and display programs?

e) What is a common freeware program for packet capture and display?

f) What information do traffic summarization programs like EtherPeek provide?

g) What information does Netstat tell you?

10. a) What is the purpose of route analysis?

b) How does ping support route analysis?

c) How does tracert support route analysis?

11. a) What is network mapping?

b) Describe the two phases of network mapping.

c) How can Nmap help in network mapping?

12. a) List the main elements in a network management system.

b) Does the manager communicate directly with the managed device? Explain.

c) Explain the difference between managed devices and objects.

d) Is the MIB a schema or the actual database? (This is a trick question.)

e) Where is the MIB stored? (This is a trick question.)

13. List one object in each of the following areas: the system, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and an interface.

14. a) In SNMP, which device creates commands?

b) Responses?

Page 10-3 c) Traps?

d) Explain the two types of commands.

e) What is a trap?

f) Why are firms often reluctant to use Set commands?

g) Describe SNMPv1’s poor authentication method.

h) Describe SNMPv3’s good authentication method.

15. a) Contrast the abilities of QoS and priority in getting high-priority traffic through.

b) Why are the most effective traffic management tools typically not used?

c) How may this change?

d) What are the strengths and weaknesses of overprovisioning?

e) What are the strengths and weaknesses of priority?

f) What are the strengths and weaknesses of QoS guarantees?

g) What is traffic shaping?

h) What are the two elements of traffic shaping?

i) What are the strengths and weaknesses of traffic shaping?

Thought Questions

1. You have the following prompt: “Router>”. List the commands you would use to set up the router’s first Ethernet interface. You wish the interface to have IP address with a mask that has 16 ones followed by 16 zeros.

2. Assume that an average SNMP response message is 100 bytes long. Assume that a manager sends 20 SNMP Get commands each second. a) What percentage of a 100 Mbps LAN link’s capacity would the resulting response traffic represent?

b) What percentage of a 56 kbps WAN link would the response messages represent?

c) What can you conclude from your answers to this question?

3. A firm is assigned the network part 128.171. It selects an 8-bit subnet part. a) Draw the bits for the four octets of the IP address of the first host on the first subnet. (Hint: Use Windows Calculator.)

b) Convert this into dotted decimal notation.

Page 10-4 c) Draw the bits for the second host on the third subnet. (In binary, 2 is 10, while 3 is 11.)

d) Convert this into dotted decimal notation.

e) Draw the bits for the last host on the third subnet.

f) Convert this into dotted decimal notation.

Hands-On Questions Note: For command line programs, click on Start. Then choose Run. Type “cmd” or “command” depending on your version of Windows. Then hit OK.

1. Do the following on a Windows or Unix computer. a) Ping a remote host. What is the latency? If ping does not work on that host, try others until you find one that does work.

b) Do a tracert on the connection. How many routers separate your computer from the remote host? On a spreadsheet, compute the average latency increase between each pair of routers. Paste the latency into your answer. What connection between routers brings the largest increase in latency?

2. Do the following on a Windows computer. Give the winipconfig command or the ipconfig /all command. Describe what you learned.

3. Do the following on a Windows or Unix computer. Give the Netstat command. Describe what you learned.

4. Do the following on an XP computer, if you have access to one. Check on a connection’s properties to see if the NIC appears to be working. What did you find?

Page 10-5

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