Aylesbury East

June 2017 Neighbourhood Policing Team

Below is an update on what has been happening on the Aylesbury East area.

“You said, we did” local priorities

You said – Anti-social behavior (ASB) Jansel Square

We did – At the start of this year many incidents of youths and teenagers causing ASB were reported to us in the Jansel Square and nearby Bedgrove area.

We implemented a plan, increased patrols and work extensively with partner agencies and local businesses to tackle these issues, as a result of this we are pleased to say these issues have decreased majorly as a result of our and other agencies’ work and the issuing of court disposals to many of the individuals involved. We have also worked with landlords and AVDC to work to disperse any known tenants in the nearby area who have been causing major issues. We are continuing to monitor the situation to ensure no new issues arise and we will often be seen patrolling here.


Aylesbury East is a mostly residential area, burglary’s occur but are not too common, there are many steps you can take to protect your property:

It is important to, if possible, invest in some security lighting or a CCTV system or if that is too expensive you could look into getting a convincing fake CCTV system. Also, make sure you have a visible (real or fake) house alarm on the front of your house as burglars are more likely to target a house without one.

Have Your Say meetings

We have brought back Have Your Say meetings in Aylesbury East. This is when a member of the Neighbourhood policing team will visit locations where people in the community tend to meet (such as a church coffee morning or a busy café) to give people an opportunity to speak to us in person about any concerns, issues or recommendations and for us to offer advice.

They will be held at the following dates/ locations:

PCSO Peter Hall at More+ Café, Parton Road,

Wednesday 7th June 2017 from 10am until 11am

Tuesday 27th June 2017 from 10.00am until 11.00am

Further dates TBC PCSO Mark Cummins at TESCO, Tring Road

Thursday 1st June 2017 from 10.00am to 12.00 noon

PCSO Mark Cummins at Co-Op, Jansel Square

Tuesday 6th June 2017 from 10.00am until 12.00 noon

Further dates TBC

Contact information

If you want any advice or would like to contact the neighbourhood teams you can call us on the Police non-emergency number: 101

If you have any information about crime or anti-social behavior in our area but do not wish to speak with the police, please contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Or email the following:

[email protected]

Please note these email addresses cannot be used to contact Thames Valley Police to report crimes or for any urgent matters. Alternatively you can visit the force website at www.thamesvalley.police.uk to view information on your neighborhood.

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