Official Newspaper Not. 43.360, of 11 of August of 1998

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Official Newspaper Not. 43.360, of 11 of August of 1998

LAW 461 OF 1998 (August 4) Official newspaper Not. 43.360, of 11 of August of 1998 Through which it is approved the "Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertization in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly Africa", fact in Paris the seventeen (17) of June of thousand nine hundred ninety-four (1994).


1. Law declared EXEQUIBLE by the Constitutional Cut by means of Sentence C-229-99 Of 14 of April of 1999, Judge Speaker Dr. Antonio Barrier Carbonell.

THE CONGRESS OF COLOMBIA It seen the text of that of Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertization in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly Africa", fact in Paris the seventeen (17) of June of thousand nine hundred ninety-four (1994) that to the letter says: (To be transcrito: Itself enclosed photocopies of the integral text of the international instrument mentioned, properly authenticated by the Leader of the Legal Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs). ®Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertificacion in the countries affected by sequIa serious or desertificaciOn, particularly in Africa The Parts in the present Convention, Affirming that the human beings in the zones affected or threatened constitute the center of the worries in the efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought, Being echoing of the urgent worry of the international community, included the States and the international organizations, by the damaging effects of the desertization and the drought, Conscious that the dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry represent a considerable proportion of the surface of the land and are the habitat and the source of living of a great part of the world population, Recognizing that the desertization and the drought constitute problems of world dimensions, since its effects impact in all the regions of the world, and that is necessary that the international community adopt joint measures to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, Taking note of the high percentage of countries in development and, especially, of countries less advanced, among the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, as well as of the particularly tragic consequences that you said phenomena lead to in Africa, Taking note also that the desertization has its origin in complex interactions of economic, cultural, social, political, biological, and physical factors, Considering the effects that the commerce and other pertinent aspects of the international economic relations have in the capacity of the countries affected of fighting efficiently against the desertization, Conscious that the sustainable economic growth, the social development and the eradication of the poverty are the priorities of the countries in development affected, particularly in Africa, and that are essential to achieve the objectives of a sustainable development, Conscious that the desertization and the drought affect the sustainable development by the relation that keep with important social problems, such as the poverty, the health and the deficient nutrition, the lack of eating security and the problems derived from the migration, the displacement of persons and the demographic dynamics, Appreciating the importance of the efforts carried out and the experience accumulated by the States and the international organizations in the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought, particularly by means of the application of the Plan of Action of the United Nations of fight against the desertization, that had their origin in the Conference of the United Nations on the Desertization, of 1977, Verifying that, in spite of the efforts unfolded, themselves not the progresses expected in the fight against the desertization have been carried out and the mitigación of the effects of the drought, and that is precise to adopt a more effective and new focus to all the levels, in the framework of the sustainable development, Recognizing the validity and the relevance of the decisions adopted in the Conference of the United Nations on the Environment and the Development, and especially of the Program 21 and their chapter 12, that provide a base to fight against the desertization, Reaffirming, to the light of the previous thing, the commitments of the countries developed predicted in the paragraph 13 of the chapter 33 of the Program 21, Recalling the Resolution 47/188 of the General Assembly and, particularly, the priority that in her is assigned to Africa, and all the other resolutions, decisions and pertinent programs of the United Nations on the desertization and the drought, as well as the statements formulated in that sense by the countries of Africa and of other regions, Reaffirming the Statement of Rio on the Environment and the Development in whose Principle 2 is established that, according to the Letter of the United Nations and the principles of the international right, the States have the right sovereign of exploiting its own resources in accordance with its politics of environment and of development, and the responsibility of guaranteeing that the activities carried out under its jurisdiction or controlthey cause damages al environment of other States or zones situated beyond the limits of the national jurisdiction, Recognizing that the governments of the countries play a fundamental role in the efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought and that the progresses that be carried out al respect depend on that the programs of action they apply to local level in the zones affected, Recognizing also the importance and the need of the cooperation and the international association to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, Recognizing besides the importance that they be provided to the countries in development affected, particularly those of Africa, efficient media, among them substantial financial resources, even additional and new resources, and access to the technology, without which will turn out to be difficult them to comply exactly the obligations contracted by virtue of the present Convention, They worried about the impact of the desertization and the drought in the countries affected of Asia Central and transcaucásicos, Emphasizing the important role performed by the woman in the regions affected by the desertization or the drought, particularly in the rural zones of the countries in development, and the importance of guaranteeing to all the levels the full participation of men and women in the programs of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought, Putting of relief the special role that corresponds to the not governmental organizations and to other important groups in the programs of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought, Having present the relation that exists among the desertization and other environmental problems of world dimension that face the colectividad international and the national communities, Having present also that the fight against the desertization can contribute al achievement of the objectives of the Convention on the Biological Diversity, the Convention Framework of the United Nations on the climatic change and other environmental conventions, Reckoning that the strategies to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought will have the maximum efficacy if are base on an adequate systematic observation and in rigorous scientific knowledge and if are you hold to a continuous evaluation, Recognizing the urgent need to improve the efficiency and the coordination of the international cooperation to facilitate the application of the plans and the national priorities, Determined to adopt the adequate measures to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought in benefit of the future and present generations, Have agreed in the following thing: SPLITS I. INTRODUCCION I ARTICULATE 1o. TERMINOS UTILIZED. To the effects of the present Convention: a) By "desertization" is understood the degradation of the lands of dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry resultant of diverse factors, such as the climatic variations and the human activities; b) By "fight against the desertization" is understood the activities that form part of an aprovechamiento integrated of the land of the dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry for the sustainable development and that consider object: i) The prevention or the reduction of the degradation of the lands, ii) The rehabilitation of lands partially degraded, and iii) The recovery of lands desertificadas; c) By "drought" is understood the phenomenon that is produced naturally when the rains have been considerably lower to the normal levels registered, causing a sharp water imbalance that damages the lands resources production systems; d) By "mitigación of the effects of the drought" is understood the relative activities al forecast of the drought and directed to reduce the vulnerability of the company and of the natural systems to the drought as soon as relates to the fight against the desertization; and) By "land" is understood the system bioproductivo terrestrial that understands the floor, the vegetation, other components of the biota and the ecological and hydrologic processes that develop inside the system; f) By "degradation of the lands" is understood the reduction or the loss of the biological or economic productivity and the complexity of the agricultural lands of secano, the lands of cultivation, of irrigation or the dehesas, the pasturelands, the forests and the lands arboladas, caused, in dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry, by the systems of utilization of the land or by a process or a combination of processes, includedthe resultant of human activities and guidelines of poblamiento, such as: i) The erosion of the floor caused by the wind or the water, ii) The deterioration of the biological, chemical, and physical properties or of the economic properties of the floor, and iii) The lasting loss of natural vegetation; g) By "dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry" is understood those zones in which the proportion among the annual haste and the evapotranspiración potential is understood between 0,05 and 0,65, excluded the polar regions and subpolares; h) By "zones affected" is understood dry zones, semiáridas or subhúmedas dry affected or threatened by the desertization; i) By "countries affected" is understood the countries whose surface includes, total or partially, zones affected; j) By "regional organization of economic integration" is understood every organization constituted by sovereign States of a determined region that be competent to undertake the questions to the ones that apply the present Convention and have been properly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, to ratify, to accept and to approve the Convention and to be adhered to the same one; K) By "countries you Split developed" is understood the countries Split developed and the regional organizations of economic integration constituted by countries developed. I ARTICULATE 2o. OBJECTIVE. 1. The objective of the present Convention is to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly in Africa, by means of the adoption of efficient measures in all the levels, supported by agreements of cooperation and international association, in the framework of a harmonious focus integrated with the program 21, to contribute al achievement of the sustainable development in theThey affected. 2. The attainment of this objective will require the application in the zones affected of long-term strategies integrated that they be centered simultaneously in the increase of the productivity of the lands, the rehabilitation, the conservation and the aprovechamiento sustainable of the resources of lands and water resources, all it looking to improving the conditions of life, especially to common level. I ARTICULATE 3o. PRINCIPLES. To reach the objectives of the present Convention and to apply its dispositions, the parts will guide itself, among others things, by the following principles: a) The parts should guarantee that the decisions relating to the elaboration and fight programs execution against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought they be adopted with the participation of the population and of the local communities and that, to upper levels, a favorable environment is believed that facilitate the adoption of measures to the local and national levels; b) The Parts, in a spirit of solidarity and international association, should improve the cooperation and the coordination to level subregional, regional and international, and to channel better the human, financial resources, of organization and technical where they be needed; c) The parts should promote, in a spirit of association, the cooperation to all the levels of the government, the communities, the not governmental organizations and the users of the land, in order to that be understood better the character and the value of the resources of lands and of the scarce water resources in the zones affected and to promote the sustainable use of you said resources, and D) The parts should have fully in account the needs and the special circumstances of the countries in development affected that are parts, particularly the countries less advanced. SPLITS II. GENERAL DISPOSITIONS I ARTICULATE 4o. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS. 1. The Parts will comply the obligations contracted by virtue of the present individual Convention or jointly, through the bilateral and multilateral agreements established or that itself prevea to establish, or of some and other, as correspond, doing emphasis in the need to coordinate efforts and to prepare a long-term coherent strategy to all the levels. 2. To achieve the objective of the present Convention, the Parts: a) Will Adopt a focus integrated in which the socioeconomic, biological, and physical aspects of the processes of desertization they keep in mind themselves and drought; b) they Will Lend the duty attention, in the framework of the competent regional and international agencies, to the situation of the countries you Split in development affected in which concerns al international commerce, the agreements of commercialization and the debt looking to establishing a favorable international economic environment to promote the sustainable development; c) they Will Integrate strategies directed to eradicate the poverty in their efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought; d) they Will Promote among the countries you Split affected the cooperation in matter of environmental protection and of conservation of the resources of lands and the water resources, in the measure in which it keep relation with the desertization and the drought; and) they Will Reinforce the cooperation subregional, regional and international; f) they Will Cooperate in the framework of the pertinent intergovernmental organizations; g) they Will Arbitrate institutional mechanisms, as correspond, keeping in mind the need to avoid duplications, and h) they Will Promote the utilization of the mechanisms and bilateral financial arrangements and multilateral already existing that they can mobilize and to channel financial resources Substantial to the countries you Split in development affected to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought. 3. The countries you Split in development affected gather the conditions to receive aid in the application of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 5o. OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNTRIES you SPLIT AFFECTED. Besides the obligations that them incumben by virtue of the article 4o., the countries you Split affected compromise to: a) to Offer the duty priority to the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought and to assign sufficient resources, according to its circumstances and capacities; b) to Establish strategies and priorities, in the framework of its plans and national politics of sustainable development, to the effects to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought; c) to Be in charge of the underlying causes of the desertization and to lend special attention to the socioeconomic factors that contribute to the processes of desertization; d) to Promote the sensibilización and to facilitate the participation of the local populations, especially of the women and the youths with the support of the not governmental organizations, in the efforts by fighting the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, and And) to Create a favorable environment, as correspond, by means of the strengthening of the pertinent legislation in vigor and, in the event that this exist not, the promulgation of new laws and the establishment of politics and programs of long-term action. I ARTICULATE 6o. OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNTRIES you SPLIT DEVELOPED. Besides the general obligations contracted by virtue of the article 4o., the countries you Split developed compromise to: a) to Support in an active way, according to it agreed individual or jointly, the efforts of the countries you Split in development affected, particularly those of Africa and the countries less advanced, to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought; b) to Provide substantial financial resources and other forms of support, to help to the countries you Split in development affected, particularly those of Africa, to devise and to apply efficiently its own plans and long-term strategies of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought: c) to Promote the mobilization of new financial resources and additional according to the clause b) of the paragraph 2 of the article 20; d) to Encourage the mobilization of financial resources of the private sector and of other not governmental sources; and And) to Promote and to facilitate the access of the countries you Split affected, particularly the countries Split in development affected, to the technology, the knowledge and the appropriate experience. I ARTICULATE 7o. PRIORITY FOR AFRICA. Al to apply the present Convention, the Parts will give priority to the countries you Split affected of Africa, keeping in mind the special situation that prevails in that region, without because of it disregard to the countries Split affected in other regions. I ARTICULATE 8o. RELACION WITH OTHER CONVENTIONS. 1. The Parts will encourage the coordination of the activities that be carry out in accordance with the present Convention and, in the case that they be Part in them, in accordance with other pertinent international agreements, particularly the Convention Framework of the United Nations on the Climatic Change and the Convention on the Biological Diversity, in order to obtaining the greater possible advantages of the activities that be carried outBy virtue of each agreement, avoiding al same time the duplication of efforts. The Parts will promote the execution of joint programs, above all in matter of investigation, training, systematic observation and meeting and exchange of information, in the measure in which said activities can contribute to reach the objectives of the agreements that treat. 2. The dispositions of the present Convention will not affect to the rights and obligations that incumban to the Parts by virtue of the bilateral, regional or international agreements that have arranged before to the entrance in vigor for them of the present Convention. SPLITS III. You PROGRAM OF ACCION, COOPERACION CIENTIFICA AND TECNICA AND MEASURES OF SUPPORT SECCION 1. You PROGRAM OF ACTION I ARTICULATE 9o. FOCUS BASICO. 1. In the fulfillment of the obligations predicted in the article 5o., the countries you Split in development affected and any another country Splits affected in the framework of the I enclose of respective regional application or that have notified in writing to the Permanent Office of the secretary the intention to prepare a program of national action, they will devise, they will bring to light al public and they will execute programs of national action taking advantage of in the measure of the possible thing the plans and programs that already have themselves applied withAnd, in their case, the programs of action subregionales and regional, as central element of the strategy to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought. Those programs to will should to be brought up to date by means of a process of continuous participation on the base of the practical experience, as well as the results of the investigation. The preparation of the programs of national action will be linked narrowly to other activities directed to formulate national politics in favor of the sustainable development. 2. In the diverse forms of aid that lend the countries you Split developed according to the article 6O., priority will be attributed al support, according to it agreed to the programs of national action, subregionales and regional of the countries you split in development affected, particularly those of Africa, whether directly or through the pertinent multilateral organizations, or of both forms. 3. The Parts will encourage to the organs, funds and programs of the system of the United Nations and to other pertinent intergovernmental organizations, to the academic institutions, to the scientific community and to the not governmental organizations that they be in conditions to cooperate, according to their mandate and capacities, to that they support the elaboration, execution and monitoring of the programs of action. I ARTICULATE 10. You PROGRAM OF ACCION NATIONAL. 1. The objective of the programs of national action consists of determining which are the factors that contribute to the desertization and the necessary practical measures to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought. 2. The programs of national action should specify the respective functions of the government, the local communities and the users of the land, as well as to determine the necessary and available resources. Among others things, the programs of national action: a) Will Include long-term strategies to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, they will emphasize the aspect of the execution and they will be integrated with the national politics of sustainable development; b) they Will Keep in mind the possibility to introduce modifications in answer to the changes of the circumstances and they will be it sufficiently flexible to local level to be adapted to the different geophysical, biological, and socioeconomic conditions; c) they Will Lend special attention to the application of preventive measures for the lands not yet degraded or only lightly degraded; d) they Will Reinforce the national capacity in matter of climatology, meteorología and hidrología and the media to establish a system of early warning of the drought; and) they Will Promote politics and they will reinforce institutional frameworks to promote the cooperation and the coordination, in a spirit of association, among the community of donors, the governments to all the levels, the local populations and the common groups, and they will facilitate the access of the local populations to the information and adequate technology; f) they Will Assure the effective participation to regional, national, and local level of the not governmental organizations and the so much, local populations of women as of men, especially of the users of the resources, included the farmers and shepherds and their organizations representantivas, in the planning of politics, the adoption of decisions, the execution and the revision of the programs of national action, and G) they Will Arrange a periodic exam of their application and reports on the progresses registered. 3. The programs of national action will be able to include, among others things, some of the following measures of preparation for the drought and mitigación of their effects: a) The establishment and/or the early warning systems strengthening, as proceed, that they include national and local installations, as well as common systems to level subregional and regional, and mechanisms of aid to the persons displaced persons by ecological reasons; b) The reinforcement of the preparation and the practices of management for cases of drought, among them plans to face the contingencies of drought to national, local level, subregional and regional, that they keep in mind the so much seasonal as yearly forecasts of the climate; c) The establishment and/or the strengthening, as correspond, of systems of eating security, included installations of storage and media of commercialization, particularly in the rural zones; d) The alternative media promotion projects introduction of subsistence that can generate incomes in the zones exposed to the drought, and And) The so much sustainable irrigation programs development for the cultivations as for the cattle. 4. It had counts of the circumstances and specific needs of each one of the countries you Split affected, the programs of national action will include, among others things, as correspond, measures in some of the following priority spheres, or in all they, as soon as keep relation with the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought in the zones affected and with its populations: promotion of alternative media ofsubsistence and improvement of the national economic environment to fortify programs that consider object the eradication of the poverty, the eating security, the demographic dynamics, the sustainable management of the natural resources, the sustainable agricultural practices, the development and the efficient utilization of diverse sources of energy, the creation of legal and institutional frameworks, the strengthening of the capacity of evaluation and systematic observation, understood the weather and hydrologic services,The promotion of the capacities, the education and the sensibilización of the public. I ARTICULATE 11. You PROGRAM OF ACCION SUBREGIONALES AND REGIONAL. The countries you Split affected they will be consulted and they will cooperate to prepare, as correspond, in accordance with the anexos of pertinent regional application, programs of action subregionales or regional in order to harmonizing and to complement the national programs as well as of increasing its efficacy. The dispositions of the article 10 They will apply mutatis mutandis to the programs subregionales and regional. Said cooperation includes assemblies agreed for the sustainable management of natural resources transfronterizos, the technical and scientific cooperation and the strengthening of the pertinent institutions. I ARTICULATE 12. COOPERACION INTERNATIONAL. The countries you Split affected, in contribution with other Parts and with the international community, they should cooperate looking to assuring the promotion of a favorable international environment for the application of the Convention. That cooperation should cover also the technology transfer sectors, as well as of scientific investigation and development, meeting of information and distribution of financial resources. I ARTICULATE 13. AID FOR THE ELABORATION AND EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACTION. 1. Among the measures of support to the programs of action according to the article 9 they will figure the following: a) to Establish a financial cooperation that assure the predictibilidad in the programs of action and permit the necessary long-term planning; b) to Devise and to utilize mechanisms of cooperation that permit to lend a more efficient support to local level, even by conduit of not governmental organizations, in order to assure the possibility to repeat, when be opportune, the activities of the experimental programs that have been successful; c) to Enlarge the flexibility of design, financing and execution of the projects in a harmonious way with the experimental focus and iterativo indicated for the participation of the local communities, and D) to Establish, as correspond, budgetary and administrative procedures to increase the efficiency of the programs of cooperation and of support. 2. Al to lend that support to the countries you Split in development affected will be given priority to the countries Split African and to the countries less advanced. I ARTICULATE 14. COORDINATION IN THE ELABORATION AND EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACTION. 1. The Parts will work in narrow contribution, whether directly or through the competent intergovernmental organizations, in the elaboration and execution of the programs of action. 2. The Parts will develop operational mechanisms, above all to local and national level, to assure possible the greater coordination among the countries you Split developed, the countries Split in development and the competent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations, in order to avoiding duplication of efforts, to harmonize the interventions and the criteria and to remove the maximum party of the aid. In the countries you Split in development affected priority to the coordination of activities related to the international cooperation will be given in order to utilize the resources with the maximum efficacy, to try that the aid be well directed and to facilitate the application of the plans and national priorities in the framework of the present Convention. I ARTICULATE 15. ANEXOS OF APLICACION REGIONAL. Elements for their incorporation in the programs of action will be selected and they will adapt in function of the own climatic, geographical, and socioeconomic factors of the countries you Split or regions affected, as well as of their level of development. The guidelines to prepare programs of action, as well as their objectives and specific as for specific content subregiones and regions, figure in the anexos of regional application. SECCION 2. TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION I ARTICULATE 16. REUNION AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMACION. The Parts agree, according to its respective capacities, to integrate and to coordinate the meeting, the analysis and the exchange of data and so much, pertinent information to short as long-term, to assure the systematic observation of the degradation of the lands in the zones affected and to understand better and to evaluate better the processes and effects of the drought and the desertization. In this way would help to obtain from among other things, an early warning and a planning anticipated for the periods of adverse climatic variations, so that the users in all the levels, included especially the local populations, they could do a practical use of those knowledge. To this effect, as correspond: a) Will Facilitate and they will fortify the operation of the world network of institutions and services for the meeting, the analysis and the exchange of information and the systematic observation to all the levels that, among others things: i) Will Try to utilize norms and compatible systems, ii) Will Cover the data and the pertinent stations, even in the remote zones, iii) Will Utilize and will diffuse modern technology of meeting, broadcast and evaluation of data on degradation of the lands, and iv) Will Establish narrower bonds among the centers of data and national information, subregionales and regional and the world sources of information; b) they Will Watch because the meeting, the analysis and the exchange of information respond to the needs of the local communities and to those of the decision-making spheres, in order to resolving concrete problems, and because the local communities they participate in those activities; c) they Will Support and will expand still more the programs and multilateral and bilateral projects directed to define, to carry out, to evaluate and to finance the meeting, the analysis and the exchange of data and informations, among which they will figure, among others things, economic, social, biological, and physical series integrated of indicators; d) they Will Do full use of the knowledge specialized of the competent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations, above all in order to diffusing the corresponding information and experience among the pertinent groups of the different regions; and) they Will Grant the duty importance to the meeting, the analysis and the exchange of socioeconomic data, as well as to their integration with biological and physical data; f) they Will Exchange information originating in all the publically accessible sources that be pertinent to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought and they will direct that that information be full, open and soon accessible, and G) according to their respective legislations or political national, they will exchange information on the traditional and local knowledge, watching for their duty protection and assuring to the local populations interested an appropriate salary of the benefits derived from those knowledge, in fair form and in conditions mutually agreed. I ARTICULATE 17. INVESTIGACION AND DEVELOPMENT. 1. The Parts compromise to promote, according to its respective capacities and by conduit of the national institutions, subregionales, regional and international competent, the scientific and technical cooperation in the sphere of the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought. With that end, they will support the activities of investigation that: a) Contribute to increase the knowledge of the processes that conduct to the desertization and to the drought, as well as of the repercussions and specificity of the human and natural factors that cause you said phenomena, with purpose to fight the desertization, to improve the productivity and to assure the use and the sustainable management of the resources; b) they Respond to quite definite objectives, they attend the concrete needs of the local populations and they permit to identify and to apply solutions that improve the standard of living of the persons that live in the zones affected; c) they Protect, they integrate, they promote and they validate the knowledge, the experience and the local and traditional practices, watching because, with subjection to their respective laws and the national politics, the possessors of those knowledge be benefited directly, in fair form and in conditions mutually agreed, of any commercial use of the same or of any technological advancement derived from you said knowledge; d) they Develop and they reinforce the capacities of national investigation, subregionales and regional in the countries you Split in development affected, particularly in Africa, included the perfeccionamiento of the local practical knowledge and the strengthening of the pertinent capacities, especially in countries whose base for the investigation be weak, lending special attention to the socioeconomic investigation of multidisciplinary character and based on the participation; and) they Keep in mind, when correspond, the relation that exists among the poverty, the migration caused by environmental factors and the desertization; f) they Promote the execution of joint programs of investigation among the agencies of national investigation, subregionales, regional and international, so much of the public sector as of the private sector, for the obtaining of technologies perfected, accessible and economically accessible for the sustainable development by means of the effective participation of the populations and the local communities, and G) they Promote the water resources in the zones affected, even by means of sows it of clouds. 2. In the programs of action the priorities of investigation should be included regarding you determined regions and subregiones, priorities that reflect the different local conditions. The conference of the Parts will examine periodically the priorities of investigation, by recommendation of the Committee of Science and Technology. I ARTICULATE 18. TRANSFER, ACQUISITION, ADAPTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY. 1. The Parts compromise to promote, to finance and/or to help to finance, according to it agreed by mutual agreement and according to its respective laws and/or national politics, the transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of socially acceptable, economically viable, and ecologically rational technologies to fight the desertization and/or to mitigate the effects of the drought, looking to contributing al sustainable development in the zones affected. Said cooperation will be will carry out bilateral or multilaterally, as correspond, taking advantage of fully the knowledge Specialized of the not governmental and intergovernmental organizations. Particularly, the Parts: a) Will Utilize fully the corresponding systems of information and national data exchange centers, subregionales, regional and international existing to diffuse information on the available technologies, as well as on their sources, their environmental risks and the general conditions in which can be acquired; b) they Will Facilitate the access, particularly of the countries you Split in development affected, in favorable conditions and even in conditions concesionales and preferential, according to it agreed by mutual agreement and keeping in mind the need to protect the rights of intellectual property, to the most adequate technologies since the point of view of their practical application to attend the concrete needs of the local populations, granting special attention to the effectssocial, cultural, economic and environmental of said technologies; c) they Will Facilitate the technological cooperation among the countries you Split affected by means of the financial aid or by any another adequate middle; d) they Will Do extensive the technological cooperation with the countries you Split in development affected and even, when correspond, the joint operations, especially to the sectors that promote alternative media of subsistence, and And) they Will Adopt the adequate measures to create conditions of interior market and fiscal incentives or of another type that permit the development, the transfer, the acquisition and the adaptation of technologies, knowledge, experience and appropriate practices, even measures that guarantee the effective and adequate protection of the rights of intellectual property. 2. According to their respective capacities and with subjection to their respective laws and/or national politics, the Parts will protect, they will promote and will utilize particularly the technologies, the knowledge, the experience and the traditional practices and pertinent localities. With this end, the Parts compromise to: a) to Do inventories of said technologies, knowledge, experience and practical and of its possible applications with the participation of the local populations, as well as to diffuse information on the individual in cooperation, when be opportune, with competent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations; b) to Guarantee that those technologies, knowledge, experience and practical they be adequate protected and that the local populations be benefited directly, in a fair way and according to it agreed by mutual agreement, of any commercial use that be done of them or of any another resultant technological innovation; c) to Encourage and to support actively the improvement and the diffusion of said technology, knowledge, experiences and practical, or the development of new technologies based on them, and D) to Facilitate, in its case, the adaptation of those technologies, knowledge, experience and practical looking to applying them extensively and to integrate them, as proceed, with the modern technology. SECCION 3. MEASURES OF SUPPORT I ARTICULATE 19. PROMOTION OF CAPACITIES, EDUCATION AND SENSIBILIZACIÓN OF THE PUBLIC. 1. The Parts recognize the importance of the promotion of capacities, this is, of the institutional development, the formation and the enlargement of the national and local capacities, for the efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the drought. The Parts will promote those capacities, as correspond, by means of: a) The full participation of the population to all the levels, especially to local level, particularly of the women and the youths, with the cooperation of the local and not governmental organizations; b) The strengthening of the capacity of formation and investigation to national level in the sphere of the desertization and the drought; c) The establishment and/or the strengthening of the services of support and extension in order to diffusing more really the corresponding technical and technological methods, and by means of the agricultural extension agents training and members of rural organizations so that can apply foci of participation to the conservation and the sustainable use of the natural resources; d) The promotion of the use and the diffusion of the knowledge, the experience and the practices of the local population in the programs of technical cooperation where be possible; and) The adaptation, when be necessary, of the corresponding ecologically rational technology and of the traditional methods of agriculture and of pastoreo to the modern socioeconomic conditions; f) The supply of training and adequate technology for the energy sources utilization sustitutivas, especially the renewable energy resources, particularly in order to reducing the dependence of the firewood for fuel; g) The cooperation, in the form mutually agreed, to reinforce the capacity of the countries you Split in development affected to devise and to execute programs in the spheres of meeting, analysis and exchange of information according to the article 16; h) innovative Media to promote media of alternative subsistence, included the training in new techniques; i) The training of executive personnel and of administration, as well as of personnel responsible for the meeting and the analysis of data, of the diffusion and utilization of information on early warning in situations of drought, and of the food production; j) The most efficient operation of the institutions and existing national legal structures and, when correspond, by means of the creation of other new, as well as the strengthening of the planning and the strategic management; and K) The visitors exchange programs to promote the capacities of the countries you Split affected by means of an interactive process of teaching and long-term learning. 2. The countries you Split in development affected they will carry out, in cooperation with other Parts and with the competent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations, as correspond, an exam interdisciplinario of the capacity and the available services to national and local level, as well as of the possibilities to reinforce them. 3. The Parts will cooperate between itself and through competent intergovernmental organizations, as well as with not governmental organizations, to the effects to undertake and to support programs of sensibilización of the public and of education in the countries affected and, where proceed, in the countries you Split done not affect, to promote a comprehension of the causes and effects of the desertization and the drought and of the importance to reach the objectives ofPresent Convention. To this effect: a) Will Launch campaigns of sensibilización directed al public in general; b) Will Promote in a permanent way the access of the public to the pertinent information, as well as an extensive participation of the same one in the activities of education and sensibilización; c) they Will Encourage the establishment of associations that contribute to sensibilizar al public; d) they Will Prepare and they will exchange material, in the possible thing in the local languages, to give education and sensibilizar al public, they will exchange and will send experts to qualify to personnel of the countries you Split in development affected in order to that can apply the corresponding programs of education and sensibilización, and they will take advantage of fully the pertinent educational material that they arrange the competent international agencies; and) they Will Evaluate the needs of education in the zones affected, they will devise plans of adequate studies and they will expand, as be necessary, the programs of education and of elementary instruction for adults, as well as the opportunities of access for all, especially for the youths and the women, on the identification, the conservation, the use and the sustainable management of the natural resources of the zones affected, and F) they Will Prepare you program interdisciplinarios based on the participation that integrate the sensibilización in matter of desertization and drought in the systems of education, as well as in the programs of not academic education, of adults, to distance and practical. 4. The Conference of the Parts will establish, and/or will reinforce, networks of regional centers of education and training to fight the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought. The coordination of those networks will be in charge of an institution created or appointed to that effect, in order to qualifying al personal scientific, technical and administrative and of fortifying to the institutions responsible for the education and the training in the countries you Split affected, as correspond, looking to the harmonization of programs and the exchange of experience among them. The networks will cooperate narrowly with the competent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations to avoid the duplication of efforts. I ARTICULATE 20. FINANCIAL RESOURCES. 1. It given the central importance of the financing to reach the objective of the Convention, the Parts, keeping in mind their capacities, they will do all the possible efforts by assuring that it be arranged of sufficient financial resources for the programs of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought. 2. For it, the countries you Split developed, offering priority to the countries Split African affected and without neglecting to the countries Split in development affected of other regions, according to the article 7o., compromise to: a) to Mobilize substantial financial resources, even as donations and loans in favorable conditions, to support the execution of the programs of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought; b) to Promote the mobilization of foreseeable, opportune, and sufficient resources, with inclusion of additional and new resources of the Fund for the World Environment for the additional expenses agreed of the activities of fight against the desertization related to its four main spheres of action, according to the pertinent dispositions of the instrument by which that Fund was established; c) to Facilitate by means of the international cooperation the transfer of technologies, knowledge and experience, and d) to Investigate, in cooperation with the countries you Split in development affected, novel methods and incentives to mobilize and to channel the resources, even the coming of foundations, not governmental organizations and other companies of the private sector, particularly the exchanges of the debt and other novel media that permit to increase the financial resources al to reduce the load of the external debt of the countries Split in development affected, particularly theAfrica. 3. The countries you Split in development affected, keeping in mind its capacities, compromise to mobilize sufficient financial resources for the application of its programs of national action. 4. Al to mobilize financial resources, the Parts will try to utilize fully and to improve qualitatively all the sources and mechanisms of multilateral, bilateral, and national financing, traveling through to consortiums, joint programs and parallel financing, and they will try that they participate sources and mechanisms of financing of the private sector, included those of organizations not governmental. With this purpose, the Parts will utilize fully the operating mechanisms established by virtue of the article 14. 5. In order to mobilize the necessary financial resources so that the countries you Split in development affected they fight against the desertization and they mitigate the effects of the drought, the Parts: a) Will Rationalize and they will fortify the management of the resources already assigned to fight against the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, utilizing them of efficient and more efficient way, evaluating their successes and their limitations, eliminating the obstacles that impede their effective utilization and reorienting, in necessary case, the programs to the light of the criterion integrated and long- term adopted in accordance with the present Convention; b) In the environment of the executive organs of the institutions and financial services and multilateral funds, included the banks and regional funds of development, they will give the duty priority and they will lend the duty attention al support to the countries you Split in development affected, particularly those of Africa, to carry out activities that facilitate the application of the Convention, particularly the programs of action that these countries undertake inthe framework of the anexos of regional application, and C) they Will Examine the forms to reinforce the regional cooperation and subregional to support the efforts that be undertaken to national level. 6. It is encouraged to other Parts to that they facilitate, to voluntary title, knowledge, experience and technical related to the desertization and/or financial resources to the countries you Split in development affected. 7. The full application by the countries you Split in development affected, especially by the Africans, of its obligations by virtue of the Convention, will be seen very facilitated by the fulfillment by the countries Split developed of its obligations according to the Convention, included particularly the relating to financial resources and to transfer of technology. The countries you Split developed they should have fully in account in the fulfillment of their obligations that the social and economic development and the eradication of the poverty are the main priorities of the countries Split in development affected, particularly the Africans. I ARTICULATE 21. FINANCIAL MECHANISMS. 1. The Conference of the Parts will promote the availability of financial mechanisms and will encourage to those mechanisms to that they try to enlarge in all the possible thing the availability of financing so that the countries you Split in development affected, particularly those of Africa, can apply the Convention. With this end, the Conference of the Parts will consider the adoption, among others things, of foci and political that: a) Facilitate the supply of the necessary financing to the national levels, subregional, regional and world, for the activities that be carried out in accordance with the pertinent dispositions of the Convention; b) they Promote modalities, mechanisms and devices of financing on the base of multiple sources, as well as their evaluation, that be compatible with the arranged thing in the article 20; c) they Provide regularly to the Parts interested, as well as to the pertinent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations, information on available sources of funds and on criteria of financing in order to facilitate the coordination among them; d) they Facilitate the establishment, as correspond, of mechanisms as national funds of fight against the desertization, included the ones that contain the participation of not governmental organizations, in order to channel, in a fast way and efficient, financial resources for actions to local level in the countries you Split in development affected, and And) they Reinforce the funds and the existing financial mechanisms to level subregional and regional, particularly in Africa, to support more efficiently the application of the Convention. 2. The Conference of the Parts will encourage also, by conduit of diverse mechanisms of the system of the United Nations and by conduit of multilateral institutions of financing, the support to national level, subregional and regional of the activities that permit to the countries you Split in development to comply its obligations dimanantes of the Convention. 3. The countries you Split in development affected they will utilize and, when be necessary, they will establish and/or they will reinforce the national mechanisms of coordination integrated in the programs of national development, that assure the efficient use of all the available financial resources. They will resort also to processes of participation, that they cover to not governmental organizations, local groups and the private sector, in order to obtain funds, to devise and to execute programs and to assure that groups of local level they have access to the financing. Those actions will be able to be facilitated by means of a better coordination and a flexible programming of part of the ones that lend aid. 4. With the purpose to enlarge the efficacy and efficiency of the existing financial mechanisms, by the present a World Mechanism is established destined to promote measures to mobilize and to channel toward the countries you Split in substantial financial development affected resources, included the transfer of technology from the base of donations and/or loans in favorable conditions or other analogous conditions. This World Mechanism will function under the direction and orientation of the Conference of the Parts and will be head before this. 5. In its first ordinary period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts will identify the company that should be guest organization of the World Mechanism. The Conference of the Parts and the organization that this identify should agree you determined modalities that assure, among others things, that the World Mechanism: a) Identify and do an inventory of the pertinent programs of multilateral and bilateral cooperation that is arranged for the application of the Convention; b) Lend advice to the Parts, to its request, as for innovative methods of financing and sources of financial aid, and the way to improve the coordination of the activities of cooperation to national level; c) Supply to the Parts interested and to the pertinent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations information on the available sources of funds and on the modalities of financing, to facilitate the coordination among happinesses you Split; and D) Report on its activities to the Conference of the Parts, from its second ordinary period of sessions. 6. In its first period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts should adopt with the company that have identifying as guest organization of the World Mechanism, the appropriate dispositions for the administrative operation of said mechanism, on the base, in the possible thing, of the budgetary resources and of the existing human resources. 7. In its third ordinary period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts will examine the politics, modalities of operation and activities of the responsible World Mechanism before her according to the paragraph 4o., keeping in mind the dispositions of the article 7O. On the base of this exam will study and will adopt the pertinent measures. SPLITS IV. INSTITUTIONS I ARTICULATE 22. CONFERENCE OF THE PARTS. 1. It is established for the present a Conference of the Parts. 2. The Conference of the Parts will be the supreme organ of the Convention and, according to its mandate, will adopt the necessary decisions to promote its effective application. Particularly, the Conference of the Parts: a) Will Examine regularly the application of the Convention and of the institutional agreements to the light of the experience acquired to national level, subregional, regional and international and on the base of the evolution of the technological and scientific knowledge; b) Will Promote and will facilitate the exchange of information on the measures that adopt the Parts, will determine the form and the moment of the broadcast of the information that should be presented according to the article 26, it will examine the reports and will formulate recommendations on these; c) Will Establish the subsidiary organs that reckon necessary to apply the Convention; d) Will Examine the reports presented by its subsidiary organs and will give orientation to those organs; and) it Will Agree and will approve, by consensus, its regulation and financial regulation, as well as the of the subsidiary organs; f) Will Approve amendments to the Convention, according to the articles 30 and 31; g) Will Approve a program and a budget for its activities, included those of its subsidiary organs, and will adopt the necessary dispositions for its financing; h) Will Request and will utilize, as correspond, the services of organs and national so much, competent agencies or international as intergovernmental and not governmental and the information that these provide it; i) Will Promote and will reinforce the relations with other pertinent conventions avoiding the duplication of efforts; and J) Will Perform the other functions that be reckoned necessary to reach the objective of the Convention. 3. In its first period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts will approve for consensus its own regulation, that will include procedures for the adoption of decisions on matters to the ones that himself do not apply the stipulated decisions adoption procedures in the Convention. In those procedures will be able to be specified the necessary majority for the adoption of certain decisions. 4. The first period of sessions of the Conference of the Parts will be called by the provisional office of the secretary to that refers the article 35 And will take place to more delay a year after the entrance in vigor of the Convention. Unless the Conference of the Parts decide another thing, the ordinary periods of second sessions, third and fourth they will be celebrated annually; subsequently, the ordinary periods of sessions will take place each two years. 5. The extraordinary periods of sessions of the Conference of the Parts will be celebrated each time that the Conference decide it in a period of ordinary sessions, or when one of the Parts request it in writing, provided that inside the three following months to the date in which the Permanent Office of the secretary have transmitted to the said Parts request, this receive the support of al except a third of the Parts. 6. In each ordinary period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts will elect a Table. The structure and functions of the Table will be stipulated in the regulation. Al to elect the Table there will be to be lent the duty attention to the need to assure a fair geographical distribution and an adequate representation of the countries you Split affected, particularly those of Africa. 7. The United Nations, their agencies specialized, as well as Member every State or observer in them that do not be Part in the Convention, they will be able to be represented in the periods of sessions of the Conference of the Parts as observers. Every organ or agency be national or international, governmental or not governmental, competent in the matters that treats the Convention that have informed the Permanent Office of the secretary of its desire to be represented in a period of sessions of the Conference of the Parts as observer will be able to be admitted in that quality, unless a third of the present Parts be opposed. The admission and participation of the observers will be governed for the regulation approved by the Conference of the Parts. 8. The Conference of the Parts will be able to request to organizations national and international competent and especially in the pertinent spheres that they provide it information in relation to the clause g) of the article 16, the clause c) of the paragraph 1o. of the article 17 and the clause b) of the paragraph 2o. of the article 18. I ARTICULATE 23. PERMANENT SECRETARY. 1. It is established for the present a Permanent Office of the secretary. 2. The functions of the Permanent Office of the secretary will be the following: a) to Organize the periods of sessions of the Conference of the Parts and of the subsidiary organs established by virtue of the Convention and to lend them the necessary services; b) to Meet and to transmit the reports that are felt it; c) to Lend aid to the countries you Split in development affected, particularly those of Africa, if these thus request it, so that they gather and they transmit the information required in accordance with the dispositions of the Convention; d) to Coordinate their activities with the Offices of the secretary of other organs and pertinent international conventions; and) to Do the contractual and administrative arrangements that require the efficient performance of its functions, under the general direction of the Conference of the Parts; f) to Prepare reports on the performance of its functions by virtue of the Convention and to present them to the Conference of the Parts; and G) to Perform the other functions of Office of the secretary that determine the Conference of the Parts. 3. In its first period of sessions, the Conference of the Parts will appoint in its first period of sessions a Permanent Office of the secretary and will adopt the necessary dispositions for its operation. I ARTICULATE 24. COMITE OF SCIENCE AND TECNOLOGIA. 1. By the present a Committee of Science is established and Technology, as subsidiary organ, responsible for providing to the Conference of them you Split information and technological and scientific advice on questions relating to the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought. The Committee, whose meetings will be celebrated as a group with the periods of sessions of the Parts, will have multidisciplinary character and will be open to the participation of all the Parts. Will be comprising competent governmental representatives in the corresponding spheres of specialization. The Conference of the Parts will approve the mandate of the Committee in its first period of sessions. 2. The Conference of the Parts will devise and will maintain a list of independent experts that have knowledge specialized and experience in the pertinent spheres. The list will be will base on the candidacies received in writing of the Parts, and in her the need of a multidisciplinary focus will keep in mind itself and an extensive geographical representation. 3. The Conference of the Parts will be able, as correspond, to name groups ad hoc responsible for providing, by conduit of the Committee, information and advice on specific questions relating to the technological and scientific advancements of interest for the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought. Those groups will be comprising experts that figure in the list, and in its integration the need of a multidisciplinary focus will keep in mind itself and an extensive geographical representation. Those experts should have scientific formation and experience on the land and its appointment incumbirá to the Conference of the Parts, by recommendation of the Committee. The Conference of the Parts will approve the mandate and the modalities of work of these groups. I ARTICULATE 25. NETWORK OF INSTITUTIONS, AGENCIES AND ORGANOS. 1. The Committee of Science and Technology, under the supervision of the Conference of the Parts, will adopt dispositions to undertake a study and an evaluation of the networks, the institutions, the agencies and the already existing pertinent organs that desire to be constituted in units of a network. That network will support the application of the Convention. 2. On the base of the results of the study and the evaluation to that refers the paragraph. and the present article, the Committee of Science and Technology will do recommendations to the Conference of the Parts on the media to facilitate and to reinforce the integration in networks of the units to national and local level or to other levels in order to assuring that it be attended to the specific needsthey are indicated in the articles 16 to 19. 3. Keeping in mind those recommendations, the Conference of the Parts: a) Will Identify which are the national unities, subregionales, regional and international more apt to be integrated in networks and will recommend the operational procedures and the calendar for it; and B) Will Identify which are the most apt units to facilitate the integration in networks and reinforcing it to every level. SPLITS V. PROCEDURES I ARTICULATE 26. COMUNICACION OF INFORMACION. 1. Each one of the Parts will communicate to the Conference of the Parts, by conduit of the Permanent Office of the secretary, reports on the measures that have adopted in application of the present Convention so that the Conference examine them in its ordinary periods of sessions. The Conference of the Parts will determine the time limit of presentation and the format of you said reports. 2. The countries you Split affected they will facilitate a description of the strategies that have adopted according to the article 5O. of the present Convention, as well as any pertinent information on their application. 3. The countries you Split affected that they execute programs of action according to the articles 9o. to 15, They will facilitate a description detailed of those programs and of their application. 4. Any group of countries you Split affected will be able to present a joint communication on the measures adopted to level subregional or regional in the framework of the programs of action. 5. The countries you Split developed they will report on the measures that have adopted to contribute to the preparation and execution of the programs of action, with inclusion of information on the financial resources that they have provided or they are providing by virtue of the present Convention. 6. The information transmitted according to the paragraphs 1o. to 4o. of the present article will be communicated as soon as possible by the Permanent Office of the secretary to the Conference of the Parts and to the pertinent subsidiary organs. 7. The Conference of the Parts will facilitate the installment to the countries you Split in development affected, particularly in Africa, subject to request, financial and technical support to meet and to communicate information with arrangement al present article, as well as to identify the financial and technical needs related to the programs of action. I ARTICULATE 27. MEASURES TO RESOLVE QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION. The Conference of the Parts will examine and will adopt procedures and institutional mechanisms to resolve the questions that can be presented in relation to the application of the convention. I ARTICULATE 28. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTROVERSIES. 1. Every controversy among the Parts on the interpretation or the application of the Convention, will be resolved by means of negotiation or any another peaceful middle of its election. 2. Al to ratify, to accept or to approve the Convention or to be adhered her, or in any moment from then, any Part that do not be a regional organization of economic integration will be able to declare in an instrument written presented al depository that, as for any controversy on the interpretation or the application of the Convention, recognizes as obligatory in relation to any Part that accept the same obligation one orboth of the following media for the arrangement of controversies: a) The arbitration according to a procedure adopted as soon as be possible by the Conference of the Parts in an I enclose; B) The presentation of the controversy to the International Cut of Justice. 3. A Part that be a regional organization of economic integration will be able to do a statement of analogous effect in relation to the arbitration, with arrangement al procedure indicated in the clause a) of the paragraph 2o. of the present article. 4. The statements that be formulated according to the paragraph 2o. of the present article they will continue in vigor to its expiration in the time limit predicted in them or until expire a time limit from three months to count of the date in which have itself delivered al depository the notification written of its revocación. 5. The expiration of a statement, a notification of revocación or a new statement will not affect in any way the pending procedures before a court of arbitration or before the International Cut of Justice, unless the Parts in the controversy they agree another thing. 6. The Parts in a controversy, in the event that they accept the same procedure neither none of the procedures predicted in the paragraph 2o. of the present article, if have not managed to resolve their controversy inside the 12 following months to the date in which one of them have notified to the other the existence of said controversy, they will submit it to conciliation, at the request of any of them, of conformityThe procedure adopted as soon as be possible by the Conference of the Parts in an I enclose. I ARTICULATE 29. RANK JURIDICO OF THE ANEXOS. 1. The anexos form splits member of the Convention and, unless another thing be arranged explicitly, every reference to the Convention constitutes a reference to its anexos. 2. The Parts will interpret the dispositions of the anexos in an in agreement way with the rights and the obligations that them incumben in accordance with the articles of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 30. You AMEND TO THE CONVENCION. 1. Any of the Parts will be able to propose amendments to the Convention. 2. The amendments to the Convention should be approved in an ordinary period of sessions of the Conference of the Parts. The Permanent Office of the secretary should communicate to the Parts the text of the project of amendment al less six months before the session in which happiness approval be proposed. The Permanent Office of the secretary will communicate likewise the projects of amendment to the signatorios of the Convention. 3. The Parts will put the maximum pledge in arriving at an agreement by consensus on any project of amendment to the Convention. In the event that they be exhausted all the possibilities of consensus without have arrived at an agreement, as last resource the amendment will be approved by majority of two thirds of the present Parts and voters in the session. The Permanent Office of the secretary will communicate the amendment approved al depository, that will cause will arrive it at all the Parts for its ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion. 4. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendments or of adhesion to will be delivered them al depository. The amendments approved according to the paragraph 3o. of the present article will enter vigor for the Parts that they have them accepted al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which the depository have received the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion of at least two thirds of the Parts in the Convention, that have been also you Split in her to the epoch of the approval of the. 5. The amendments will enter vigor for the others you Split al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which they have delivered al depository their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendments or of adhesion to them. 6. To the end of this article and of the article 31, By "you Split present and voters" is understood the present Parts that emit an affirmative or negative vote. I ARTICULATE 31. APROBACION AND AMENDMENTS OF THE ANEXOS. 1. All I enclose additional of the Convention and every amendment to an I enclose they will be proposed and approved with arrangement al procedure of amendment of the Convention established in the article 30, To condition that, when be approved an I enclose additional of regional application or an amendment to any I enclose of regional application, the predicted majority in that article understand a majority of two thirds of the present Parts and voters of the region of that treat. The approval or the amendment of an I enclose will be communicated by the depository to all the Parts. 2. All I enclose that it be not an I enclose of regional application, or every amendment to an I enclose that it be not an amendment to an I enclose of regional application, that they have been approved with arrangement the paragraph 1o. of the present article, they will enter vigor for all the Parts in the Convention six months after the date in which the depository have communicated to the Parts the approval of said I enclose orWith exception of the Parts that have notified in writing al depository, inside that period, its not acceptance of the I enclose or of the amendment. For the Parts that have withdrawn their notification of not acceptance, the I enclose or the amendment they will enter vigor al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which the depository have received the retreat of said notification. 3. All I enclose additional of regional application or every amendment to any I enclose of regional application that they have been approved with arrangement al paragraph 1o. of the present article, they will enter vigor for all the Parts in the Convention six months after the date in which the depository have communicated to the Parts the approval of said I enclose or amends, with exception of: A) The Parts that have notified in writing al depository, inside that period of six months, its not acceptance of said I enclose additional of regional application or amends to an I enclose of regional application. For the Parts that have withdrawn their notification of not acceptance, the I enclose or the amendment they will enter vigor al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which the depository have received the retreat of said notification; and B) The Parts that have done a statement with regard to the anexos additional of regional application or the amendments to the anexos of regional application, according to the paragraph 4o. of the article 34. In this case, the anexos or amend you will enter vigor for happinesses Split al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which they place its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the anexos or amend, or of adhesion to them. 4. If the approval of an I enclose or of an amendment to an I enclose supposes to amend the Convention, said I enclose or amends will not enter vigor in the meantime not among in vigor the amendment to the Convention. I ARTICULATE 32. RIGHT OF VOTE. 1. To reserve of the arranged thing in the paragraph 2o. of the present article, each Part in the Convention will have a vote. 2. The regional organizations of economic integration, in the matters of their competence, they will exercise their right of vote with a number of equal votes al number of their Member States that be Parts in the Convention. Those organizations will not exercise their right of vote if any of their Member States exercises theirs and vice versa. It SPLITS I SAW. FINAL DISPOSITIONS I ARTICULATE 33. SIGNS. The present Convention will remain open to the firm of the Member States of the United Nations or of any of their agencies specialized or that be Parts in the Statute of the International Cut of Justice, and of the regional organizations of economic integration, in Paris, the 14 and October 15 of 1994, and subsequently in the Headquarters of the United Nations, in New York, to the 13 ofOctober of 1995. I ARTICULATE 34. RATIFICACION, ACEPTACION, APROBACION AND ADHESION. 1. The Convention will be holds to ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion of the States and of the regional organizations of economic integration. Will remain open to the adhesion from the following day of that in which the Convention remain closed to the firm. The instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion will be placed in being able of the depository. 2. The regional organizations of economic integration that even to be Parts in the Convention without none of its Member States be they will remain you hold it to all the obligations that them incumban by virtue of the Convention. In the case of the organizations that have one or more Member States that be Parts in the Convention, the organization that treat and its Member States will determine its respective responsibilities as soon as al fulfillment of the obligations that them incumban by virtue of the Convention. In those cases, the organization and its Member States will not be able to exercise simultaneously the rights conferred by the Convention. 3. The regional organizations of economic integration will define in their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion the reach of their competence with regard to the questions governed by the Convention. Likewise, those organizations will communicate without delay any substantial modification of the reach of its competence al depository, who will communicate it, at the same time, to the Parts. 4. In its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion any Part will be able to declare in relation to all I enclose additional of regional application or every amendment to an agreement of regional application, that they will enter vigor for that part only once be placed the respective instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion. I ARTICULATE 35. PROVISIONAL DISPOSITIONS. The functions of the Office of the secretary to that reference in the article is done 23 They will be performed to provisional title, until the Conference of the Parts conclude its first period of sessions, by the Office of the secretary established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution 47, 188, of December 22, 1992. I ARTICULATE 36. ENTRANCE IN VIGOR. 1. The Convention will enter vigor al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which have himself placed the quincuagésimo instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion. 2. As for each State or regional organization of economic integration that ratify, accept or approve the Convention or himself adhiera to her once placed the quincuagésimo instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or adhesion, the Convention will enter vigor al nonagésimo counted day since the date in which the State or the organization that treat have placed its instrument of ratification, acceptance approval or adhesion. 3. To the effects of the paragraphs 1o. and 2o. of the present article, the instrument that place a regional organization of economic integration themselves will not be considered as additional of the ones that they have placed the Member States of the organization. I ARTICULATE 37. You RESERVE. Themselves they will not be able to formulate reserves to the present Convention. I ARTICULATE 38. It DENOUNCES. 1. Any of the Parts will be able to denounce the Convention by means of notification in writing al depository in any moment after have elapsed three years from the date in which the Convention have entered vigor for the Part that treat. 2. The accusation will work al tip of a counted year since the date in which the depository have received the corresponding notification or, subsequently, in the date that be indicated in the notification. I ARTICULATE 39. DEPOSITORY. The Secretary general of the United Nations will be the depository of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 40. TEXTS AUTENTICOS. The original one of the present Convention, whose texts in Arab, Chinese, Spanish, French, English and Russian are likewise authentic, will be placed in being able of the Secretary general of the United Nations. In testimony of which the signers, properly authorized al effect, have signed the present Convention. Fact in Paris, on the seventeen of June of thousand nine hundred ninety-four. I ENCLOSE I. I enclose of regional application for Africa I ARTICULATE 1o. REACH. The present I enclose applies to Africa, in relation to each one of the Parts and according to the Convention, particularly its article 7o., to the effects to fight against the desertization and/or to mitigate the effects of the drought in its dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry. I ARTICULATE 2o. OBJECT. To the light of the private conditions of Africa, the object of the present I enclose, in the national plans, subregional and regional of Africa, is the following one: a) to Determine measures and dispositions, with inclusion of the character and the processes of the aid lent by the countries you Split developed according to the pertinent dispositions of the Convention; b) to Provide to an efficient application and practice of the Convention that respond to the specific conditions of Africa, and C) to Promote processes and activities related to the fight against the desertization and/or the mitigación of the effects of the drought in the dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry of Africa. I ARTICULATE 3o. PRIVATE CONDITIONS OF THE REGION African. In accordance with the obligations contracted by virtue of the Convention, the Parts, al to apply the present I enclose, they will adopt a basic criterion that take in consideration the following private conditions of Africa: a) The great proportion of dry zones, semiáridas and subhúmedas dry; b) The considerable number of countries and of inhabitants adversly affected by the desertization and by the frequency of the serious droughts; c) The great number of countries without seaboard affected; d) It diffused poverty in the majority of the countries affected, the great number of countries less advanced than there is among them, and the need that have of a considerable volume of consistent, external aid in donations and loans in favorable conditions, for the pursuit of its objectives of development; and) The difficult socioeconomic conditions, irritated by the deterioration and the fluctuations of the relation of exchange, the external indebtedness and the political instability, that cause internal, regional and international migrations; f) The great dependence of the populations regarding the natural resources for its subsistence, which, aggravated by the effects of the tendencies and the demographic factors, a scarce technological base and practices of unsustainable production, contributes to a serious degradation of the resources; g) The deficient legal and institutional frameworks, the scarce base of infrastructure and the lack of an educational, technical, and scientific capacity that does that there be large needs of promotion of the capacities; and H) The central role of the activities of fight against the desertization and/or mitigación of the effects of the drought in the priorities of national development of the African countries affected. I ARTICULATE 4o. COMMITMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNTRIES you SPLIT African. 1. According to its respective capacities, the countries you Split African compromise to: a) to Assume the fight against the desertization and/or the mitigación of the effects of the drought as central strategy of its efforts by eradicating the poverty; b) to Promote the cooperation and the regional integration, in a spirit of solidarity and association based on the mutual interest, in programs and activities of fight against the desertization and/or mitigación of the effects of the drought; c) to Rationalize and to reinforce the already existing institutions that are in charge of the desertization and the drought and to cause to participate to other existing institutions, as correspond, in order to increase its efficacy and to assure efficient one more utilization of the resources; d) to Promote the exchange of information on appropriate technologies, knowledge, experience and practical among the countries of the region; and And) to Devise plans of contingency to mitigate the effects of the drought in the zones degraded by the desertization and/or the drought. 2. In accordance with the specific and general obligations established in the articles 4o. and 5o. of the Convention, the countries you Split African affected they will try: a) to Assign appropriate financial resources of their national budgets according to the conditions and national capacities, that reflect the new degree of priority that attributes Africa al phenomenon of the desertization and/or the drought; b) to Carry ahead and to consolidate the reforms at present in motion in matter of decentralization, possession of the resources and promotion of the participation of the populations and local communities; and C) to Determine and to mobilize new financial resources and additional to national level and to increase, as matter of priority, the capacity and the national media to mobilize the internal financial resources. I ARTICULATE 5o. COMMITMENTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE STATES PARTESDESARROLLADOS. 1. Al to comply the obligations predicted in the articles 4o., 6o. and 7o. of the Convention, the countries you Split developed they will attribute priority to the countries Split African affected and, in this context: a) they will help Them to fight the desertization and/or to mitigate the effects of the drought among others financial things providing them resources or of another kind or facilitating them the access to them and promoting, financing or helping to finance the transfer and adaptation of technologies and appropriate environmental knowledge and the access to these, according to it agreed by mutual agreement and according to the national politics, keeping in mind their adoption ofthe strategy to eradicate the poverty, as central strategy; b) they Will Continue destining considerable resources and/or they will enlarge the resources to fight against the desertization and/or to mitigate the effects of the drought, and C) they will help Them to reinforce their capacities so that can improve their institutional structures and their technical and scientific capacities, the meeting and the analysis of information and the work of investigation and development to the effects to fight the desertization and/or to mitigate the effects of the drought. 2. Other countries Split you will be able to facilitate in voluntary form technology, knowledge and experience related to the descertificación and/or financial resources to the countries Split African affected. The international cooperation will facilitate the transfer of you said practical and theoretical knowledge and technical. I ARTICULATE 6o. FRAMEWORK ESTRATEGICO OF PLANIFICACION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 1. The programs of national action will be splits central and integral of a more extensive process of formulation of national politics of sustainable development in the countries you Split African affected. 2. A process of consultation will be will set in motion and of participation, in which they will intervene the levels of appropriate Government, the populations and local communities and not governmental organizations, in order to giving orientation on a strategy of flexible planning that permit the maximum participation of the populations and local communities. As it correspond, they will be able to participate in this process the multilateral and bilateral agencies of aid, at the request of a country Splits African affected. I ARTICULATE 7o. CALENDAR OF ELABORATION OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACTION. To the entrance in vigor of the Convention the countries you Split African, in contribution with other members of the international community, as correspond and in the measure of the possible thing, will apply provisionally the dispositions of the Convention relating to the national action programs elaboration, subregionales and regional. I ARTICULATE 8o. CONTENT OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCION NATIONAL. 1. According to the arranged thing in the article 10 of the Convention, the general strategy of the programs of national action will do emphasis in programs of local development integrated of the zones affected, based on mechanisms of participation and in the eradication strategies integration of the poverty in the efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought. The programs will consider object to reinforce the capacity of the local authorities and to assure the active participation of the populations, the communities and the local groups, with special insistence in the education and the training, the mobilization of not governmental organizations of recognized experience and the consolidation of governmental structures decentralized. 2. As it correspond, the programs of national action will present the following general characteristics: a) The aprovechamiento in their elaboration and execution of the experience of the fight against the desertization and/or the mitigación of the effects of the drought, keeping in mind the ecological, economic, and social conditions; b) The decision of the factors that contribute to the desertization and/or the drought and the resources and necessary and available media, and the establishment of appropriate politics and the measures of reaction and institutional dispositions and of another necessary kind to fight those phenomena and/or to mitigate its effects; and C) The increase of the participation of the populations and local communities, particularly the women, the farmers and the shepherds, and the delegation in them of more responsibilities of management. 3. As it correspond, the programs of national action will include the following measures: a) Measures to improve the economic environment looking to eradicating the poverty: i) to Provide al increase of the incomes and the opportunities of employment, especially for the poorest members of the community, by means of: - The creation of markets for the farm products. - The creation of financial instruments adapted to the local needs. - The promotion of the diversification in the agriculture and the creation of agricultural businesses, and - The development of economic activities for agricultural and not agricultural, ii) to Improve the long-term perspectives of the rural economies by means of: - The creation of incentives for the productive investments and possibilities of access to the media of production, and - The prices politics adoption and tax and of commercial practices that they promote the growth; iii) Adoption and population politics application and migration to reduce the demographic pressure on the lands; and iv) Promotion of the resistant cultivations to the drought and of the systems of cultivation of secano integrated with end of eating security; b) Measures to conserve the natural resources: i) to Watch for a management integrated and sustainable of the natural resources, that cover: - The agricultural lands and of pastoreo. - The vegetable cover and the flora and wild fauna. - The forests. - The water resources and its conservation, and - The biological diversity. ii) to Give training in the techniques related to the sustainable management of the natural resources, to reinforce the campaigns of sensibilización and environmental education and to diffuse knowledge al respect; and iii) to Watch for the development and the efficient utilization of diverse sources of energy, the promotion of sources sustitutivas of energy, particularly the solar energy, the energy eólica and the biogás, and to adopt concrete dispositions for the transfer, the acquisition and the adaptation of the pertinent technology in order to alleviate the pressures to that are submitted the fragile natural resources; c) Measures to improve the institutional organization: i) to Determine the functions and responsibilities of the central administration and of the local authorities in the framework of a politics of planning of the use of the land; ii) to Promote a politics of active decentralization by the one that be delegated in the local authorities the responsibilities of management and adoption of decisions, and to stimulate the initiative and the responsibility of the local communities and the creation of local structures, and iii) to Introduce the necessary adjustments in the institutional framework and regulator of the management of the natural resources to guarantee the security of possession of the land to the local populations; d) Measures to improve the knowledge of the desertization: i) to Promote the investigation and the meeting, the processing and the exchange of information on the socioeconomic, technical, and scientific aspects of the desertization; ii) to Promote the national capacity of investigation as well as of meeting, processing, exchange and analysis of the information to achieve that the phenomena be understood better and that the results of the analysis be expressed in concrete operations, and iii) to Promote the study to medium and long time limit of: - The cultural and socioeconomic tendencies in the zones affected, - The quantitative and qualitative tendencies of the natural resources, and - The interaction of the climate and the desertization, and and) Measures to watch and to calibrate the effects of the drought: i) to Devise strategies to calibrate the effects of the natural climatic variations on the drought and the desertization to regional level and/or to utilize the forecasts of the climatic variations in seasonal or yearly scales of time in the efforts by mitigating the effects of the drought; ii) to Improve the systems of early warning and the capacity of reaction, to watch for the efficient administration of the help of emergency and the eating aid and to perfect the systems of provision and distribution of food, the programs of protection of the cattle, the public works and the media of subsistence for the prone zones to the drought, and Iii) to Watch and to calibrate the ecological degradation to facilitate opportune and trustworthy information on that process and the dynamics of the degradation of the resources in order to facilitate the adoption of better politics and measures of reaction. I ARTICULATE 9o. ELABORATION OF THE PROGRAMS OF NATIONAL ACTION AND INDICADORESPARA THE EXECUTION AND EVALUATION. Each one of the countries you Split African affected will appoint to an appropriate organ of national coordination so that perform a function catalizadora in the elaboration, execution and evaluation of its program of national action. This organ of coordination, according to the article 3o. and as correspond: a) Will Determine and will examine measures, beginning for a process of consultation to local level in which they participate the populations and local communities and they cooperate the local administrations, the countries you Split donor and intergovernmental organizations and not gobernamentales from the base of initial consultations of them interested to national level; b) Will Determine and will analyze the limitations, needs and shortages that affect al development and the sustainable utilization of the land and will recommend practical measures to avoid the duplication of efforts removing the maximum party of the pertinent activities under way and to promote the application of the results; c) Will Facilitate, will plan and will formulate flexible and interactive criteria based on projects activities to assure the active participation of the populations of the zones affected and to reduce al most minimum the adverse effects of those activities, and will determine the needs of financial aid and technical cooperation establishing an order of priorities among them; d) Will Establish pertinent indicators that be cuantificables and easily verificables to assure the preliminary exam and evaluation of the programs of national action, that understand measures to short, medium and long time limit, and of the execution of those programs of national action agreed; and And) to Prepare reports on the progresses carried out in the execution of the programs of national action. I ARTICULATE 10. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCIÓNSUBREGIONALES. 1. According to the article 4o. of the Convention, the countries you Split African they will cooperate in the elaboration and execution of the programs of action subregionales for Africa Central, Oriental, Northern, Southern and Western. To that effect, they will be able to delegate in the competent intergovernmental organizations the following responsibilities: a) to Serve of centers of coordination of the activities prep schools and to coordinate the execution of the programs of action subregionales; b) to Lend aid for the elaboration and execution of the programs of national action; c) to Facilitate the exchange of information, experience and knowledge and to lend advice for the revision of the national legislation; and D) All another responsibility related to the execution of the programs of action subregionales. 2. The institutions subregionales specialized will be able to lend its support, subject to request, and will be able to entrust itself to them to these the responsibility to coordinate the activities in its respective spheres of competence. I ARTICULATE 11. CONTAINED AND ELABORATION OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCIÓNSUBREGIONALES. The programs of action subregionales will be centered in the questions that more be lent for to be undertaken to level subregional. The programs of action subregionales will establish, where be necessary, mechanisms for the management of the natural resources shared. Besides, such mechanisms will be occupied efficiently of the problems transfronterizos related to the desertization and the drought and they will lend support for the execution arranged of the programs of national action. The priority spheres of the programs of action subregionales will be centered, as correspond, in the following thing: a) you Program joint for the sustainable management of the natural resources transfronterizos through multilateral and bilateral mechanisms, as correspond; b) The coordination of programs for the energy sources development sustitutivas; c) The cooperation in the management and the control of them yourself plague and illnesses of plants and animal; d) The activities of promotion of the capacities, education and sensibilización that more be lent for to be carried out or supported to level subregional; and) The technical and scientific cooperation, particularly in matter of climatology, meteorología and hidrología, with inclusion of the creation of networks for the meeting and evaluation of data, the exchange of information and the caution of projects, as well as the investigation activities coordination and development and the obsession of priorities for these; f) The systems of early warning and the joint planning to mitigate the effects of the drought, with inclusion of measures to undertake the caused problems by the migrations induced by environmental factors; g) The search of media to exchange experience, particularly in relation to the participation of the populations and local communities, and the creation of a favorable environment al improvement of the management of the use of the land and the utilization of appropriate technologies; h) The promotion of the capacity of the organizations subregionales to coordinate and to lend technical services and the establishment, the reorientación and the strengthening of the centers and institutions subregionales; and I) The formulation of politics in spheres that, as the commerce, result in the zones and populations affected, even political to coordinate the regional states of commercialization and to create a common infrastructure. I ARTICULATE 12. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF THE PROGRAM OF REGIONAL ACTION. 1. According to the article 11 of the Convention, the countries you Split African will determine jointly the procedures to devise and to apply the program of regional action. 2. The Parts will be able to lend the necessary support to the institutions and pertinent regional organizations of Africa so that be in conditions to comply the responsibilities that the Convention attributes them. I ARTICULATE 13. CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM OF ACCION REGIONAL. The program of regional action will contain measures related to the fight against the desertization and/or the mitigación of the effects of the drought in the following priority spheres, as correspond: a) Development of a regional cooperation and coordination of the programs of action subregionales to create consensus to regional level on the main regulatory spheres, even by means of the celebration of periodic consultations among the organizations subregionales; b) Promotion of the capacity with regard to the most indicated activities for the execution to regional level; C) The search of solutions as a group with the international community for the social and economic questions of world character that result in the zones affected, keeping in mind the clause b) of the paragraph 2o. of the article 4o. of the Convention; d) Promotion of the exchange of information, appropriate techniques, technical knowledge and pertinent experience among the countries you Split affected of Africa and its subregiones and with other regions affected; promotion of the technological and scientific cooperation, particularly in matter of climatology, meteorología, hidrología and sources of energy sustitutivas; coordination of the activities of investigation subregionales and regional; and decision of the regional priorities in matter of investigation and development; and) Coordination of networks for the systematic observation and the evaluation and the exchange of information, and integration of those networks in world networks; and F) Coordination and strengthening of the systems of early warning and the plans subregionales and regional to face the contingencies of the drought. I ARTICULATE 14. FINANCIAL RESOURCES. 1. According to the article 20 of the Convention and with the paragraph 2o. of the article 4O., the countries you Split affected of Africa will try to create a favorable macroeconomic framework to the mobilization of financial resources and they will establish politics and to channel better procedures the resources toward the programs of local development, even through not governmental organizations, as correspond. 2. In accordance with the paragraphs 4o. and 5o. of the article 21 of the Convention, the Parts agree in establishing an inventory of the sources of financing to the national levels, subregional, regional and international to watch for the rational utilization of the existing resources and to determine the shortages in the assignment of the resources in order to facilitate the execution of the programs of action. The inventory will be revised and brought up to date periodically. 3. According to the article 7o. of the Convention, the countries you Split developed they will continue assigning considerable resources or will increase the resources destined to the countries Split affected of Africa as well as other forms of aid on the base of the agreements and arrangements of association to that refers the article 18, lending the duty attention from among other things, to the questions related to the debt, the international commerce and theSystems of commercialization, according to the arranged thing in the clause b) of the paragraph 2o. of the article 4o. of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 15. FINANCIAL MECHANISMS. 1. According to the arranged thing in the article 7o. of the Convention, in which is stipulated that priority to the countries will be granted you Split affected of Africa, and taking in consideration the prevailing private situation in that region, the Parts will lend a special attention to the application in Africa of the dispositions of the clauses d) and and) of the paragraph 1o. of the article 21 of the Convention and, in a) TO facilitate the establishment of mechanisms, as national funds of fight against the desertization, in order to channel financial resources for actions to local level; and B) TO reinforce the funds and the existing financial mechanisms to level subregional and regional. 2. According to the articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, the Parts that be also members of the executive organs of regional financial institutions and subregionales pertinent, understood the African Bank of Development and the African Fund of Development, they will carry out efforts so that the duty priority be granted and attention to the activities of those institutions that promote the application of the present I enclose. 3. The Parts will rationalize, in the measure of the possible thing, the procedures to channel financial resources toward the countries you Split African affected. I ARTICULATE 16. AID AND COOPERACION TECNICAS. The Parts compromise, according to its respective capacities, to rationalize the technical aid lent to the countries you Split African and the cooperation with them in order to enlarge the efficacy of the projects and programs among others things, by means of: a) The reduction of the cost of the measures of support and aid, especially of the expenses of administration; in any case, such expenses will represent only a small percentage of the total cost of each project in order to assure the maximum efficiency of the projects; b) The assignment of priority to the utilization of competent national experts or, when be necessary, of competent experts of the subregión or of the region for the formulation, preparation and execution of the projects and for the creation of local capacity there where lack her; and C) The administration, coordination and efficient utilization of the technical aid that be lent. I ARTICULATE 17. TRANSFER, ACQUISITION, ADAPTATION OF TECNOLOGÍAAMBIENTALMENTE SUITABLE AND ACCESS TO THIS. Al to apply the article 18 of the Convention relating to the transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of technology, the Parts compromise to give priority to the countries you Split African and, if is necessary, to develop new models of association and cooperation with them in order to reinforce their capacities in matter of scientific investigation and development and of meeting and diffusion of information so that they can apply their strategies of fightAgainst the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought. I ARTICULATE 18. AGREEMENTS OF COORDINACION AND ASOCIACION. 1. The countries you Split African they will coordinate the preparation, negotiation and execution of the programs of national action, subregionales and regional. They will be able to cause to participate, as correspond, to other Parts and to the pertinent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations in the process. 2. The objective of said coordination will be to assure that the technical and financial cooperation be consequent with the convention and to provide to the necessary continuity in the utilization and administration of the resources. 3. The countries you Split African they will organize processes of consultation to the national levels, subregional and regional. Those processes of consultation will be able: a) to Serve of forum to negotiate and to arrange national programs you said based on association agreements, subregionales and regional; and B) to Specify the contribution of the countries you Split African and other members of the consultative groups to the programs and to establish priorities and agreements regarding the indicators for the execution and the evaluation, as well as financial dispositions for the execution. 4. The Permanent Office of the secretary, at the request of the countries you Split African and according to the article 23 of the Convention, will be able to facilitate the convocation of such consultative processes: a) Assessing on the efficient in agreement consultative organization, taking advantage of the experience of other agreements of the same type; b) Facilitating information to pertinent multilateral and bilateral agencies about meetings or processes of consultation, and inciting them to participate in them actively; and C) Facilitating any another pertinent information for the execution or improves in agreement consultative. 5. The organs of coordination subregionales and regional, among others things: a) Will Recommend the introduction of appropriate adjustments in the agreements of association; b) they Will Watch and they will evaluate the execution of the programs subregionales and regional agreed and they will report al respect; and C) they Will Try to assure a communication and efficient cooperation among the countries you Split African. 6. The participation in the consultative groups will be open, as correspond, to the governments, the groups and donor interested, the organs funds and pertinent programs of the system of the United Nations, the organizations subregionales and regional pertinent and the representatives of the pertinent not governmental organizations. The participants in each consultative group will determine the modalities of their management and operation. 7. According to the article 14 of the Convention, is encouraged to the countries you Split developed to that they begin, by its own initiative, a process oficioso of consultation and coordination among them to the national levels, subregional and regional, and to that they participate, subject to request of a country Splits African affected or of an organization subregional or regional appropriate, in a process of national consultation, subregional or regional that permit to evaluateAnd to attend the needs of aid in order to facilitate the execution. I ARTICULATE 19. DISPOSITIONS OF MONITORING. Of the monitoring of the dispositions of the present I enclose the countries will be entrusted you Split African, according to the pertinent articles of the Convention, in the following way: A) In the national plan, through a mechanism whose composition will be determined by each one of the countries you Split African affected. This mechanism will count on the participation of representatives of the local communities and will function under the supervision of the national organ of coordination to that refers the article 9o.; b) In the flat one subregional, through a scientific consultative committee and technician of multidisciplinary character whose composition and modalities of operation will be you determined by the countries Split African of the subregión that treat; and C) In the regional plan, through specific mechanisms according to the pertinent dispositions of the Tried by the one that the African Economic Community is established and through a Committee Technological and Scientific Advisor for Africa. I ENCLOSE II I enclose of regional application for Asia I ARTICULATE 1o. OBJECT. The object of the present I enclose is to indicate guidelines and dispositions for the effective application of the Convention in the countries you Split affected of the region from Asia to the light of the private conditions of that region. I ARTICULATE 2o. PRIVATE CONDITIONS OF THE REGION OF ASIA. In the fulfillment of the obligations contracted by virtue of the Convention, the Parts should keep in mind, as correspond, the following private conditions, that are pertinent in the different degree to the countries you Split affected of the region: a) The great proportion of zones of its territories affected by the desertization and the drought or vulnerable to them and the enormous diversity of those zones in which concerns al climate, the topography, the use of the land and the socioeconomic systems; b) The strong pressure on the natural resources as media of subsistence; c) The production systems existence directly related to the poverty generalized, that cause the degradation of the lands and exercise pressure on the scarce water resources; d) The important repercussion in those countries of the situation of the world economy and of social problems as the poverty, the deficient conditions of health and nutrition, the lack of eating security, the migration, the displacement of persons and the demographic dynamics; and) The fact that its capacities and its institutional structures although are being expanded still are insufficient to face the problems of the desertization and the drought in the national plan; and F) Their need of an international cooperation to achieve objectives of sustainable development related to the fight against desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought. I ARTICULATE 3o. FRAMEWORK OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCION NATIONAL. 1. The programs of national action will be splits member of more extensive national politics for the sustainable development of the countries you Split affected of the region. 2. The countries you Split affected they will devise the programs of national action that be convenient according to the articles 9o. to 11 of the Convention, lending special attention al clause f) of the paragraph 2o. of the article 10. In that process they will be able to participate at the request of the country Splits affected that treat, agencies of multilateral and bilateral cooperation, as correspond. I ARTICULATE 4o. You PROGRAM OF ACCION NATIONAL. 1. Al to prepare and to apply their programs of national action the countries you Split affected of the region, according to their respective circumstances and political, they will be able to adopt, among others, the following measures that consider appropriate: a) to Appoint appropriate organs that take charge of the preparation coordination and application of their programs of action; b) to Do that the populations affected, inclusive the local communities, participate in the elaboration, coordination and application of their programs of action by means of a consultative process carried out locally, in cooperation with the local authorities and the pertinent not governmental and national organizations; c) to Study the state of the environment in the zones affected to evaluate the causes and the consequences of the desertization and to determine the priority zones of action; d) to Evaluate, with the participation of the populations affected, the programs already applied and the ones that are applying in matter of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought, to design a strategy and to indicate the activities of its programs of action; and) to Prepare you program technical and financial on the base of the information obtained as a result of the activities indicated in the clauses a) to d); f) to Devise and to apply procedures and model to evaluate the execution of its programs of action; g) to Promote the management integrated of the hydrographic basins, the conservation of the resources of floors and the improvement and rational use of the water resources; h) The establishment and/or information systems strengthening, evaluation and monitoring, as well as systems of early warning, in the prone regions to the desertization and the drought, keeping in mind the factors climatológicos, weather, hydrologic, biological and other pertinent factors; and I) to Adopt, in a spirit of association and when be a matter of the international cooperation, included the technical and financial aid, appropriate dispositions in support of its programs of action. 2. According to the article 10 of the Convention, the general strategy of the national programs will do emphasis in the local programs integrated of development for the zones affected, based on mechanisms of participation and in the integration of the strategies of eradication of the poverty in the efforts of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought. The sectorial measures of the programs of action should be grouped in accordance with priority criteria that they keep in mind the great diversity of the zones affected from the region to that reference in the clause is done a) of the article 2o. I ARTICULATE 5o. You PROGRAM OF ACCION SUBREGIONALES AND JOINT. 1. According to the article 11 of the Convention, the countries you Split affected of Asia they will be able to decide for mutual agreement to celebrate consultations and to cooperate with other Parts, as correspond, looking to preparing and to execute programs of action subregionales or joint, as correspond, in order to complement the programs of national action and to promote its efficiency. In any case, the pertinent Parts will be able to decide by common consent to trust to organizations subregionales, of bilateral or national character, or to institutions specialized, the responsibility to prepare, to coordinate and to execute the programs. Those organizations or institutions will also be able to serve of centers of action to promote and to coordinate the measures applied according to the articles 16 to 18 of the Convention. 2. Al to prepare and to apply programs of action subregionales or joint, the countries you Split affected of the region they will be able to adopt, among others, the following measures that consider appropriate: a) to Identify, in cooperation with national institutions, the priorities in matter of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the drought that can be attended more easily with those programs, as well as the pertinent activities that can be can carry out of efficient way by means of the same; b) to Evaluate the operational capacities and operational activities of the regional institutions, subregionales and national pertinent; c) to Evaluate the existing programs relating to the desertization and the drought of all the Parts of the region or subregión or of some of them, and its relation with the national programs; and D) to Adopt, in a spirit of association and when be a matter of the international cooperation, included the technical and financial resources, measures bilateral and/or multilateral appropriate in support of the programs. 3. The programs of action subregionales or joint will be able to include you program joint agreed for the sustainable ordering of the natural resources transfronterizos that keep relation with the desertization and the drought, priorities for the coordination as well as other activities in the spheres of the promotion of the capacity, the technical and scientific cooperation, particularly droughts early warning systems and exchange of information, and the media to fortify the organizationsInstitutions subregionales pertinent. I ARTICULATE 6o. REGIONAL ACTIVITIES. The regional activities directed to reinforce the programs of action subregionales or joint will be able to include among others things, measures to fortify the institutions and mechanisms of coordination and cooperation to national level, subregional and regional, and to promote the application of the articles 16 to 19 of the Convention. Those activities will be able to include: a) The promotion and the technical cooperation networks strengthening; b) The technologies inventories elaboration, knowledge, experience and practical, as well as of technologies and local and traditional experience, and the promotion of its disclosure and utilization; c) The evaluation of the needs in technology transfer matter and the promotion of the adaptation and utilization of those technologies; and D) The promotion of programs of sensibilización of the public and the promotion of the capacity to all the levels, the strengthening of the training, the investigation and the development as well as the application of systems for the development of the human resources. I ARTICULATE 7o. RESOURCES AND FINANCIAL MECHANISMS. 1. It given the importance that has to fight the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought in the Asian region, the Parts will promote the mobilization of considerable financial resources and the availability of financial mechanisms, according to the articles 20 and 21 of the Convention. 2. According to the Convention and on the base of the mechanism of coordination predicted in the article 8o., as well as according to their national politics of development, the countries you Split affected of the region they will owe, individual or jointly: a) to Adopt measures to rationalize and to reinforce the mechanisms of financing through private and public investments, with concrete purpose to achieve results in the fight against the desertization and the mitigación of the effects of the drought; b) to Identify the requirements in matter of international cooperation in support of technological, technical, especially financial, and national efforts; and C) to Promote the bilateral or multilateral participation of institutions of financial cooperation in order to assure the application of the Convention. 3. The Parts will rationalize in all the measure of the possible thing the procedures destined to channel funds to the countries you Split affected of the region. I ARTICULATE 8o. MECHANISMS OF COOPERACION AND COORDINACION. 1. The countries you Split affected, by conduit of the pertinent organs appointed according to the clause a) of the paragraph 1o. of the article 4o. and other Parts of the region will be able, as correspond, to establish a mechanism with the purpose from among other things, of: a) to Exchange information, experience, knowledge and practical; b) to Cooperate and to coordinate measures, included the multilateral and bilateral arrangements, to level subregional and regional; c) to Promote the financial, technological, technical, and scientific cooperation, according to the articles 5o. to 7o.; d) to Identify the needs in matter of exterior cooperation; and And) to Adopt dispositions for the monitoring and the evaluation of the programs of action. 2. The countries you Split affected, by conduit of the pertinent organs appointed according to the clause a) of the paragraph 1o. of the article 4o., and other Parts of the region will be able also, as correspond, to apply a process of consultation and coordination as for the programs of national action, subregionales and joint. In its case, those Parts will be able to require the participation in that process of other Parts and of pertinent not governmental and intergovernmental organizations. Among others things, that coordination will be directed to achieve agreement on the opportunities of international cooperation according to the articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, to promote the technical cooperation and to channel the resources so that be utilized efficiently. 3. The countries you Split affected of the region they will celebrate periodic meetings of coordination whose convocation will be able to be facilitated by the Permanent Office of the secretary, according to the article 23 of the Covenant, if thus it is requested: a) Assessing on the organization of efficient arrangements of coordination based on the experience acquired with other similar arrangements; b) Facilitating information to pertinent multilateral and bilateral institutions on meetings of coordination and inciting them to that they participate actively in them; and C) Facilitating any another pertinent information for the establishment or improves of processes of coordination. I ENCLOSE III I enclose of regional application for Latin America and the Caribbean I ARTICULATE 1o. OBJECT. The object of the present I enclose is to indicate the general lines for the application of the Convention in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, to the light of the private conditions of the region. I ARTICULATE 2o. PRIVATE CONDITIONS OF THE REGION OF Latin America AND ELCARIBE. According to the dispositions of the Convention, the Parts should take in consideration the following specific characteristics of the region: A) The existence of extensive vulnerable areas, severely affected by the desertization and/or the drought, in which heterogeneous characteristics are observed depending on the area in which they be produced. This growing and cumulative process results negatively in the environmental, economic, cultural, and social aspects, and its gravity is accentuated due to that in the region is found one of the greater world reserves of biological diversity; b) The frequent application in the not sustainable development models affected zones as result of the complex interaction of economic, cultural, social, political, biological, and physical factors, included some international economic factors as the external indebtedness, the deterioration of the relation of exchange and the commercial practices that distort the international markets of forest, fishing, and agricultural products; and C) The severe reduction of the productivity of the ecosystems, that is the main consequence of the desertization and the drought and that himself express in the decrease of the agricultural performances, pecuarios and forest, as well as in the loss of the biological diversity. Since the social point of view, processes of impoverishment are generated, migration, internal displacements and deterioration of the quality of life of the population; therefore, the region should face in an integral way the problems of the desertization and the drought, promoting models of harmonious, sustainable development with the social, economic, and environmental reality of each country. I ARTICULATE 3o. You PROGRAM OF ACCION. 1. According to the Convention, particularly the articles 9o. to 11, and according to its politics of national development, the countries you Split affected of the region they will owe, as correspond, to prepare and to execute programs of national action to fight the desertization and to mitigate the effects of the drought, as part member of its national politics of sustainable development. The programs subregionales and regional they will be able to be prepared and executed in the measure of the requests of the region. 2. Al to prepare their programs of national action the countries you Split affected of the region they will lend special attention to the arranged thing in the clause f) of the paragraph 2 of the article 10 of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 4o. CONTENT OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCION NATIONAL. In function of their respective situations and according to the article 5o. of the Convention, the countries you Split affected of the region they will be able to keep in mind the following thematic areas in their strategy of fight against the desertization and mitigación of the effects of the drought: a) Increase of the capacities, the education and the public awareness-raising, the technological, scientific, and technical cooperation, as well as the resources and financial mechanisms; b) Eradication of the poverty and improvement of the quality of human life; c) Achievement of the eating security and sustainable development of agricultural activities, pecuarias, forest and of multiple end; d) sustainable Management of the natural resources, particularly the rational management of the hydrographic basins; and) sustainable Management of the natural resources in zones of height; f) rational Management and conservation of the resources of floor and aprovechamiento and efficient use of the water resources; g) Formulation and emergency plans application to mitigate the effects of the drought; h) Establishment and/or information systems strengthening, evaluation and monitoring and of early warning in the prone regions to the desertization and the drought, keeping in mind the aspects climatológicos, weather, hydrologic, biological, edafológicos, economic and social; i) Development, aprovechamiento and efficient utilization of other sources of energy, included the promotion of sources sustitutivas; j) Conservation and sustainable utilization of the biodiversidad, according to the dispositions of the Convention on the biological diversity; k) demographic Aspects interrelated with the processes of desertization and drought; and L) Establishment or strengthening of legal and institutional frameworks that permit the application of the Convention, contemplating, among others, the decentralization of the structures and administrative functions that keep relation with the desertization and the drought, assuring the participation of the communities affected and of the company in general. I ARTICULATE 5o. COOPERACION TECNICA, CIENTIFICA AND TECNOLOGICA. According to the Convention, particularly the articles 16 to 18, and in the framework of the mechanism of coordination predicted in the article 7o. of this I enclose, the countries you Split affected of the region, individual or jointly: a) Will Promote the strengthening of the networks of technical cooperation and of systems of national information, subregionales and regional, as well as its integration to world sources of information; b) they Will Devise an inventory of available technologies and knowledge, promoting their diffusion and application; c) they Will Promote the utilization of the technologies, the knowledge, the experience and the traditional practices according to the arranged thing in the clause b) of the paragraph 2 of the article 18 of the Convention; d) they Will Determine the technology transfer requests; and And) they Will Promote the development, the adaptation, the adoption and the transfer of existing technologies and environmentally rational of new technologies. I ARTICULATE 6o. RESOURCES AND FINANCIAL MECHANISMS. According to the Convention, particularly the articles 20 and 21, and according to its politics of national development, in the framework of the mechanism of coordination predicted in the article 7o. of this I enclose, the countries you Split affected of the region, individual or jointly: a) Will Adopt measures to rationalize and to fortify the funds provision mechanisms through the private and public investment that permit to reach concrete results in the fight against the desertization and in the mitigación of the effects of the drought; b) they Will Determine the requests of international cooperation to complement their national efforts; and c) they Will Promote the financial bilateral and/or multilateral cooperation institutions participation, in order to assuring the application of the Convention, I ARTICULATE 7o. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. 1. To the effects to give operatividad al present I enclose, the countries you Split affected of the region: a) Will Establish and/or they will fortify points focales national, responsible for the coordination of the actions relating to the fight against the desertization and/or the mitigación of the effects of the drought; b) they Will Establish a mechanism of coordination among the points focales national, with the following objectives: i) to Exchange information and experiences, ii) to Coordinate actions to level subregional and regional, iii) to Promote the financial, technological, scientific, and technical cooperation, iv) to Identify the requests of external cooperation, and V) to Carry out the monitoring and the evaluation of the execution of the programs of action. 2o. The countries you split affected of the region they will celebrate periodic meetings of coordination whose convocation will be able to be facilitated by the Permanent Office of the secretary, according to the article 23 of the Convention, if thus it is requested: a) Assessing on the organization of efficient arrangements of coordination, based on the experience acquired with other similar arrangements; b) Facilitating information to pertinent multilateral and bilateral institutions on meetings of coordination and inciting them to that they participate actively in them; and C) Facilitating any another pertinent information for the establishment or improves of processes of coordination. I ENCLOSE IV I enclose of regional application for the north Mediterranean I ARTICULATE 1o. OBJECT. The object of the present I enclose is to indicate guidelines and dispositions for the practical application and cash of the Convention in the countries you split affected of the region of the north Mediterranean to the light of its private conditions. I ARTICULATE 2o. PRIVATE CONDITIONS OF THE REGION OF THE NORTH MEDITERRANEAN. The private conditions of the region of the north Mediterranean to that reference in the article 1o is done. include: a) climatic Conditions semiáridas that affect to large zones, extreme, seasonal droughts variabilidad of the rains and sudden rains of great intensity; b) poor Floors with marked tendency to the erosion, prone to the formation of superficial barks; c) An uneven relief, with steep slopes and landscapes very diversified; d) Large losses of the forest cover on account of repeated fires of forests; and) Conditions of crisis in the traditional agriculture, with the consequent abandonment of lands and deterioration of the floor and of the structures of conservation of the water; f) unsustainable Exploitation of the water resources, that is cause of serious environmental damages, included the chemical contamination, the salinización and the exhaustion of the acuíferos; and G) Concentration of the economic activity in the coastal zones as result of the urban growth, the industrial activities, the tourism and the agriculture of irrigation. I ARTICULATE 3o. FRAMEWORK OF STRATEGIC PLANNING OF THE DESARROLLOSOSTENIBLE. 1. The programs of national action will be splits member of the framework of strategic planning for a sustainable development of the countries you split affected of the north Mediterranean. 2. A process of consultation will be undertaken and participation, in which they take part the pertinent governmental instances, the local communities and the not governmental organizations, in order to give orientation on a strategy based on the flexible planning that permit a maximum local participation, according to the clause f one of the paragraph 2o. of the article 10 of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 4o. NATIONAL ACTION PROGRAMS TO DEVISE OBLIGATION AND UNCALENDARIO. The countries you Split affected of the region of the north Mediterranean they will devise programs of national action and, as correspond, programs of action subregionales, regional or joint. The preparation of you said programs it should be completed it before possible. I ARTICULATE 5o. ELABORATION AND NATIONAL ACTION PROGRAMS EXECUTION. Al to prepare and to apply the programs of national action according to the articles 9o. and 10 of the Convention, as correspond, each country splits affected of the region: a) Will Appoint appropriate organs that take charge of the elaboration, coordination and execution of its program; b) Will Cause will participate to the populations affected, included the local communities, in the elaboration, coordination and execution of the program by means of a process of local consultation, with the cooperation of the local authorities and the pertinent not governmental organizations; c) Will Examine the state of the environment in the zones affected to evaluate the causes and consequences of the desertization and to determine the priority zones of action; d) Will Evaluate, with the participation of the populations affected, the programs already applied and under way of execution in order to establish a strategy and to determine the activities of the program of action; and) it Will Prepare you program technical and financial on the base of the information obtained by means of the activities predicted in the clauses a) to d); and F) Will Devise and will utilize procedures and criteria to watch and to evaluate the execution of the program. I ARTICULATE 6o. CONTENT OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACCION NATIONAL. The countries you Split affected of the region they will be able to include in their programs of national action measures related to: a) The administrative, institutional, and legislative spheres; b) The modalities of use of the land, the ordering of the water resources, the conservation of the floor, the silvicultura, the agricultural activities and the ordering of pasturelands and meadows; c) The ordering and conservation of the fauna and wild flora and other demonstrations of the biological diversity; d) The protection against the forest fires; and) The promotion of alternative media of subsistence; and F) The investigation, the training and the sensibilización of the public. I ARTICULATE 7o. You PROGRAM OF ACTION SUBREGIONALES, REGIONAL AND JOINT. 1. The countries you Split affected of the region they will be able, according to the article 11 of the Convention, to prepare and to apply a program of action subregional and/or regional in order to complement and to increase the efficacy of the programs of national action. Likewise, two or more countries you Split affected of the region they will be able to agree in devising a program of joint action. 2. The dispositions of the articles 5 and 6 of the present I enclose they will apply mutatis mutandis to the preparation and action programs application subregionales, regional and joint. Besides these programs will be able to include the investigation activities execution and development relating to you determined ecosystems of the zones affected. 3. Al to devise and to apply programs of action subregionales, regional or joint, the countries you Split affected of the region they will proceed, as correspond, to: a) to Determine, in cooperation with national institutions, the national objectives related to the desertization that can be reached more easily by means of those programs, as well as the pertinent activities that can be carried out really by conduit of those programs; b) to Evaluate the operating capacities and the activities of the regional institutions, subregionales and national pertinent; and C) to Evaluate the existing programs in matter of desertization among the countries you Split of the region and its relation with the programs of national action. I ARTICULATE 8o. COORDINATION OF THE PROGRAMS OF ACTION SUBREGIONALES, REGIONALESY JOINT. Al to prepare a program of action subregional, regional or joint, the countries you Split affected they will be able to establish a committee of coordination, composed of representatives of each one of the countries Split affected that treat, responsible for examining the progresses in the fight against the desertization, to harmonize the programs of national action, to do recommendations in the diverse phases of preparation and application of the program of action subregional, regional or joint,Serving of center for the promotion and the coordination of the technical cooperation, according to the articles 16 to 19 of the Convention. I ARTICULATE 9o. COUNTRIES THAT do NOT GATHER THE CONDITIONS TO RECEIVE AID. Do not they gather the conditions to receive aid in the framework of the present Convention for the execution of the programs of national action, subregionales, regional and joint the countries you Split developed affected of the region. I ARTICULATE 10. COORDINACION WITH OTHER SUBREGIONES AND REGIONS. The programs of action subregionales, regional and assemblies of the region of the north Mediterranean will be able to be devised and to be applied in contribution with the programs of other subregiones or regions, particularly with the of the subregión of Africa northern.¯ The it subscribed Leader of the Legal Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs, CAUSES IS EVIDENT: That the present reproduction is faithful photocopies taken of the text certificate of the "Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertization in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly Africa", fact in Paris the seventeen (17) of June of thousand nine hundred ninety- four (1994), document that rests in the files of the Legal Office of this Department. It given in Holy Faith of Bogota, D. C., to the nine (9) days of the month of July of thousand nine hundred ninety-seven (1997). The Chief Legal Office, Héctor Adolfo Sintura Varela. EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE POWER I PUBLISH PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC Holy Faith of Bogota, D. C., 3 of July of 1997 It approved. It be submitted to the consideration of the honorable one National Congress for the Constitutional effects. (Fdo.) ERNESTO SAMPER PIZANO The Minister of Foreign Affairs, (Fdo.) María Emma Mejía Vélez. It DECREES: I ARTICULATE 1o. You be approved the "Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertization in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly Africa", fact in Paris the seventeen (17) of June of thousand nine hundred ninety-four (1994). I ARTICULATE 2o. According to the arranged thing in the article 1o. of the Law 7a. of 1944, the "Convention of the United Nations of fight against the desertization in the countries affected by serious drought or desertization, particularly Africa", fact in Paris the seventeen (17) of June of thousand nine hundred ninety-four (1994), that by the article 1o. of this law is approved, will oblige al country from the dateIn which the international bond regarding the same one be perfected. I ARTICULATE 3o. The present law governs from the date of its publicacion. The President of the honorable Senate of the Republic, AMYLKAR GOES TO BED MEDINA. The Secretary general of the honorable Senate of the Republic, PEDRO PUMAREJO FERTILE PLAIN. The President of the honorable Chamber of Representatives, CARLOS ARDILA CROSSBOWMEN. The Secretary general of the honorable Chamber of Representatives, DIEGO you LIVE TAFUR. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA - NATIONAL GOVERNMENT COMUNÍQUESE AND PUBLÍQUESE. It be executed subject to revision of the Constitutional Cut, comply al article 241-10 of the Political Constitution. It given in Holy Faith of Bogota, D. C., to 4 of August of 1998. ERNESTO SAMPER PIZANO The Minister of Foreign Affairs, CAMILO KINGS RODRIGUEZ. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, ANTONIO EDUARDO GÓMEZ MERLANO.

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Dispositions analyzed by Legal Advance Marries Editorial Ltda.© ISSN 1657-6241, "Laws since 1992 - Express Force and Sentences of Constitutionality", 4 of June of 2004. It includes analysis of force express And they published constitutionality failures analysis until 4 of June of 2004. The contained information in this middle was worked on transcriptions carried out from the Official Newspaper; the failures of constitutionality were supplied by the Constitutional Cut. When it was possible the texts of the Official Newspaper were taken published by the National Press in Internet.

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