Tours – Notification and Permission Note : Any Rugby activity which involves an overnight stay is treated as a Tour ( this would include a rugby camp over night at the home club.) You do not need formal permission from the RFU to tour in England; Scotland; Wales and both parts of Ireland if the tour falls within the structured season. However, you do need to notify Yorkshire of your intention to Tour and there is a simple form to complete with the key details of the activity – when, where, who, how. Wales and Ireland have different structured season. This form needs to be submitted at least one month in advance of the start of the Tour so any issues can be resolved. If the tour -to anywhere - is outside the structured season then you must apply for permission in advance to the RFU through the Yorkshire Office and you should note that this is not just a formality – permission may not be given. If the tour is to an Overseas Union - the proposed overseas tour form must be completed and sent to the Yorkshire Office not less than one month prior to the start of the proposed tour. The County will endorse the form and forward it to the RFU for permission. Note: The RFU reserves the right to decline permission of the proposed tour if: a. The form is submitted late b. The form is incomplete c. The club has failed to submit a report for a previous tour d. The club is unable to confirm that it has taken out the required insurance. You should be aware, however, that Page 8 of the Tour Guide - the Insurance section states : When planning the tour the Tour Manager must contact the RFU to establish:

 Type of cover required  Type of cover the club already has When liaising with accommodation venues and host clubs, the Tour Manager must confirm that they have the appropriate insurance cover. The types of insurance to consider are:  RFU or other overseas Rugby Union insurance cover  Public liability  Employers Liability – if applicable  Civil Liability  Personal Accident  Travel insurance When liaising with insurers the Tour Manager must be clear about:

• The nature of both the main activity and other potential organised activities • The age(s) of participants • The travel arrangements • What the insurance covers When Travelling Abroad approved travel insurance which covers specified hazardous activity and repatriation costs in addition to the RFU insurance will be required. You may want to extend cover to include other areas such as luggage for example. Note that Eire is perhaps in a different position

John Sheppard CB Safeguarding Manager - Yorkshire [email protected] 01302 724383 (H) 07801 537130 (M) to the other Home Unions and it may be prudent to take out the additional insurances that you would take out if travelling abroad.

John Sheppard CB Safeguarding Manager - Yorkshire [email protected] 01302 724383 (H) 07801 537130 (M)