Improving CGIAR Effectiveness through Knowledge Sharing (KS) A project of the ICT-KM Program of the CGIAR

Call for proposals for pilot activities to support institutional and scientific knowledge sharing

I. Background

Many voices in the CGIAR are calling for a new emphasis in the work of the international agricultural research centers on knowledge sharing, learning, and innovation. Since 2004 the Knowledge Sharing (KS) Project of the CGIAR’s ICT-KM Program has demonstrated concretely how we can collectively bring about this change.

The ICT-KM Program defines Knowledge Sharing as communication processes that aim to strengthen our staff experiences and skills, and contribute to a learning process that results in more efficient and effective research and development.

The first phase (2004-2005) of this project was conducted jointly by CIAT, CIFOR, CIMMYT, and IWMI, in partnership with the Bellanet International Secretariat at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada. Each Center successfully incorporated KS principles and approaches into high-profile events, which served as entry points for promoting change in the Centers’ institutional culture. In addition to achieving concrete outcomes through these pilot initiatives, the KS Project created a core team of KS specialists in the CGIAR with the skills and motivation necessary to move this work forward.

The project has also developed a Web-based “toolbox” ( for KS practitioners in the CGIAR, which presents a selection of methods and approaches. In addition, the KS Project, in collaboration with Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative, carried out a joint study on the role of human resources policies and practices in fostering KS and organizational learning to gain a better knowledge of the issues and to identify key areas for future intervention.

Throughout 2006, KS was at the very heart of activities that the ICT-KM Program supported, including the Virtual Conversation on CSO-CGIAR engagement and the CSO-CGIAR Forum at AGM 06, the Conference of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), where ICT-KM organized one of nine parallel working group sessions, as well as the one-day side event on knowledge sharing in research conducted during the ‘First IAALD Africa Chapter Conference’ in Nairobi.1

1 Read more at:

1 II. The second phase

The second phase of this project has now been approved in the framework of the ICT-KM Investment Plan. The objective of this second phase of the KS project is to improve CGIAR effectiveness by promoting collaborative learning and innovation through the effective use of KS approaches and tools within the CGIAR and in its research activities.

CIAT and IWMI will be the leading centers: IWMI will identify and pursue opportunities to enhance collaborative learning and innovation in CGIAR research activities and projects (KS in research), while CIAT will support KS at the System level, mainstream KS in other Centers, and foster further development of the community of KS practitioners (institutional KS). Those actions should go a long way toward making Centers more efficient in planning, conducting and evaluating their work, as well as improve the effectiveness of selected research projects in delivering research results and development outcomes. A complete description of the knowledge sharing project activities and budget can be found at

The KS project is now calling for proposals to support a total of 12 pilot activities that offer CGIAR centers, Challenge Programs, Systemwide and Ecoregional Programs, and System Office Units new opportunities to develop, apply, evaluate and share innovative knowledge sharing approaches for making their work more effective.

This document includes: - The guidelines for preparing short proposals - Possible areas of support - Information about eligibility criteria - The outline of the nature of support and the expected contributions - Information on the submission and selection process of the proposals.

III. General Overview and Criteria

1. Goal of the KS pilot projects To offer CGIAR centers new opportunities to develop, apply, evaluate and share innovative knowledge sharing approaches for making their work more effective.

2. Project Components

2.1. KS in research

Objective: Bridge the gap between researchers and end users; increase the uptake of research outputs.

The focus will be on adaptation and innovation of existing research methods using KS approaches, participatory planning, M&E and Impact Assessment. The project will build on existing experience and approaches of the IWMI/CPWF KS in Research Pilot Project, for further information contact [email protected].

To support the introduction of new approaches to the research cycle, capacity building activities will be organized as part of the project’s effort to foster an active and expanding community of KS practitioners. An example of this could be an Outcome Mapping training workshop.

2 Expected outcome: KS and participatory approaches integrated across entire research project cycles, including proposal development, partnership formation, research-for-development activities, project monitoring and evaluation, outreach of project results and the documentation and communication of outcomes shared.

Supported areas: 6 pilot activities that are related to the following areas:  Planning, M&E: Using planning meetings with partners to build relationships that provide a basis for effective collaboration. Supporting effective researcher/end user interaction, especially during the planning stage of each initiative. Supporting the use of collaborative tools in research for development (R for D) partnerships to complement face-to-face interactions. Support innovative approaches used for planning, monitoring and evaluation (M & E) and impact assessment (Outcome Mapping, Most Significant Change, Impact Pathways and Network Mapping).  Networking: Supporting the creation and facilitation of effective R for D networks and communities of practice  Research for Development activities: Introducing and adapting KS tools (e.g., knowledge fairs, after action reviews, peer assists, chat shows, and so forth) into specific R for D activities. Validating the use of KS approaches in high-profile areas of R for D, such as high- value agriculture and disaster relief.  Training: Offering easy access to facilitation training (including online facilitation) and to other KS capacity building activities, organized as part of the project’s effort to foster an active and expanding community of KS practitioners in the CGIAR.  Documentation: Supporting the documentation of the knowledge sharing approaches and experiences of the pilot projects both comprehensively and descriptively using different media.

Nature of support and benefits: US$180,000 is available for 6 KS in research pilot projects (maximum US $30,000 for each project). In addition to the US$30,000 available, each project will also benefit from a number of activities organized by the larger KS project: 1. Capacity building/training activities. The subjects for training will be based on the needs of the group. Examples: Outcome mapping training or Facilitation training. 2. Access to a larger group of KS practitioners within and outside the CGIAR. 3. Access to an online discussion forum that will support the sharing of lessons, provide informal mentoring and provide other useful links and leads to support your work. 4. Being part of an active Community of Practice.

2.2. Institutional KS

Objective: Introduce KS into organizational change management projects of CGIAR Centers, Programs and System Units.

With a view to contributing to profound institutional change, the project will apply KS approaches within selected centers and learn about their effectiveness at Center/Program/Unit management level. The project will extend the lessons learned from the first phase of the KS project to new institutional areas and domains, including research support, administration, management, and capacity building, and other organizational change management projects.

Expected outcome: KS principles and approaches applied in the area of organizational change management. Experiences shared and documented.

3 Supported areas: 3 pilot activities that are related to organizational learning and change, such as:  Using KS approaches to increase trust in institutional expertise, and people, such as strategic planning, business process reengineering, monitoring and evaluation of institutional services and their impact.  Using KS approaches to strengthen organizational culture, such as definition of core values, headquarter-regional relationships, internal communication strategies and activities;  Facilitating institutional communication, like design and adoption of ICT-related projects (institutional memory, intranet, use of collaborative tools), cross-thematic institutional networks, communities of practice, and events (seminars, fairs, internal capacity building activities).

Nature of support and benefits: US$60,000 is available for 3 pilot projects (maximum US $20,000 per project). In addition, each project will benefit from a number of activities: 1. Access to a larger group of KS practitioners within and outside the CGIAR. 2. Access to an online discussion forum that will support the sharing of lessons, provide informal mentoring and provide other useful links and leads to support your work. 3. Being part of an active Community of Practice.

2.3. Support to virtual teams and communities

Objective: Strengthen collaborative efforts of virtual teams and communities including CGIAR center staff and partners in the area of administration, research support, and research.

The aim is to support on-line events or activities (planning, and implementation of virtual consultations, and dialogues, e-surveys), and to mentor and train the team leaders and/or team facilitators in on-line facilitation skills. This activity will strengthen cross–center, and multi-partner initiatives, and emphasize the importance of facilitation as a main KS practice.

Expected outcome: Strengthened virtual teams with enhanced on-line facilitation skills.

Supported areas: Support the planning, implementation, and facilitation of on-line events or activities of 3 teams or communities such as:  Virtual research or project teams including R for D partnerships and networks  Virtual research communities including R for D partnerships  Virtual CGIAR communities in the area of administration and research support  Virtual System wide teams and communities

Nature of support and benefits: US$ 15,000 is available for the support of 3 virtual teams (maximum US $5,000 per project).

3. Eligibility Proposals may only be submitted by CGIAR staff from any of the following:  CGIAR centers  Challenge Programs  Systemwide and Ecoregional Programs (SWEPs) & Convening Center  System Office Units and related committees and communities

Proposals must be submitted through the office of a CGIAR Centre Director General; for system-wide Programs and System Office Units, proposals must be submitted through the had of the Unit or Program

4 4. Conditions for participation Proposals must be submitted in the format provided and according to the time schedule appearing in this document.

5. Conflicts of interest Members of the evaluation panel assessing the proposals, and the KS project team members may not submit proposals.

6. Nature of support and contributions  A total of US$ 255,000 is available for the 12 pilot activities:  US$ 180,000 for the 6 KS in research pilot projects: maximum budget to be provided for each KS in Research Project is US$ 30,000.  US$ 60,000 for the 3 institutional KS pilot projects: maximum budget to be provided for each Institutional KS Project is $ 20,000.  US$ 15,000 for the virtual team support: maximum budget to be provided for each virtual team is US$ 5,000.

 Additionally the supported initiatives and centers are expected to cover no less than 30% of the project budget through in-kind or cash contributions.

 Proposals must include commitment to cover 50% participation of project leaders in inception and end-of-project workshops. This commitment will not be necessary for virtual teams projects.

 We are looking for projects, or project segments that have a maximum duration of:  18 months or less (KS in research),  12 months or less (institutional KS),  3 months or less (Virtual teams)

Please note the following:  The funds are provided as seed money that enables the selected pilot project leaders and their teams to enter into a new domain, test plans/methodology or increase capacity.  The funds are provided as seed money that enables the selected pilot project leaders and their teams to be part of a group of practitioners that share their findings and expertise throughout the process.  In many cases the funds that are being made available may not cover the complete cost for each activity.

7. Intellectual Property Any products, processes, technologies, information and/or knowledge developed as a result of the pilot projects will be considered public goods unless exceptional circumstances apply. Pilot projects will also include attribution to the KS project and the ICT-KM Program.

IV. Proposal submissions and selection

1. Process

 Launch of call for proposals: Wednesday 18 April 2007  All eligible entities are invited to submit brief proposals (maximum of 1,500 words, approx. 4 pages in Times New Roman 12) by Wednesday 15 May, 2007 at 13:00:00 GMT  The proposals should be sent to [email protected]

5  The proposals must be submitted in English and must observe the deadlines and provisions provided in these guidelines.  The proposals must be submitted through the office of a CGIAR Centre Director General; in the case of a system-wide Program through the head of the Program; in the case of a System Office Unit, through the head of the Unit.  The KS project team will undertake a pre-evaluation to verify compliance with the call for proposals and its guidelines. The pre-evaluation criteria are: (1) The proposed project has to fall within the supported areas stated in this document (2) The project has to be submitted by one of the eligible entities mentioned in this document (3) The amount of the requested budget cannot exceed the limits stated in this document (4) The proposal and budget have to meet the requirements stated in this document.  Reasons for ineligibility of proposals will be communicated to submitters once the entire process has been finalized.  An external evaluation panel will review the proposals.  All eligible proposals will be forwarded to the external evaluation panel through a secured workspace on the Web.  The final selection is made by the ICT-KM Program Management in consultation with the Knowledge Sharing Project Team, based on the recommendations of the evaluation panel.  The selected proposals will be posted on the KS project Web site at on Tuesday 26 June, 2007.  Any clarifications or complaints related to the call for proposal should be addressed to [email protected].

2. Criteria for review of proposals There are 5 weighted criteria against which the proposals are to be assessed: 1. Objectives (25%): Quality and suitability with respect to the objectives of the KS pilot projects as described in this document 2. Implementation (25%): o Clarity of objectives o Strategy and methodology o Partners – (Note to KS in Research submitters - in the KS in research projects we are looking for partnerships that include key stakeholders, including end user/beneficiary groups. An optimal partnership could be: a CGIAR centre, NARES partner, NGO or CBO and an extension service. o Personnel and expertise needed to implement the project o Timeline o Budget 3. Expected results and sustainability (25%): o Identified output and outcomes o Description of who will use or be affected by the outputs and outcomes o Explanation on how the outputs and outcomes go beyond the period of the pilot project 4. Innovation (15%): Extent to which the proposed project idea varies from current approaches, is innovative or unique 5. Replicability and shared learning (10%): o Potential for replicating in other centers, initiatives and research projects o Potential for shared learning

6 3. Inception workshop and end of project workshop The leaders of the selected projects (KS in Research, Institutional KS) will be required to attend a three-day inception workshop in mid August 2007 (place and dates to be defined) and an end-of-project-workshop (late 2008). The requested proposal must include commitment to cover 50% of the cost to attend both the inception and end of project workshops. The project will cover the balance 50% for each workshop.

The inception workshop objectives are to: 1) Plan pilot activities, including a plan for monitoring and evaluation of all activities 2) Form a solid core team 3) Clarify expectations The workshop will use the Impact Pathways Approach that will help the selected pilots make their change models explicit, and then monitor, evaluate and update them.2

The support for virtual teams will be organized on-line; attendance at the inception workshop is not required for virtual team project leaders.

4. Proposal template The attached template should be filled out with a maximum of, 1,500 words (approx. 4 pages in times New Roman 12)

5. Reporting Chosen projects will be expected to fulfill the following components:  Quarterly reporting  Final project report  Involvement in M & E activities  Participation in activities, like inception workshop, on-line or face-to-face capacity building events that may be scheduled (see Objectives; KS in Research bullet), end of project workshop.

The virtual team projects will have to produce only one final report.

6. Timeline  Launch of call for proposals: Wednesday 18 April 2007  Deadline for submission: Wednesday 15 May, 2007 at 13:00 GMT  Announcement of selected pilot projects on the KS Web site: Tuesday 26 June 2007  Inception workshop: mid August 2007 - TBC

2 See:

7 Annex

Template for proposal submission Improving CGIAR Effectiveness through Knowledge Sharing (KS) A project of the ICT-KM Program of the CGIAR

Call for proposals for pilot activities to support institutional and scientific knowledge sharing

Template for proposal submission

Note: the proposal must not exceed 4 pages and should be sent to [email protected] by Wednesday 15 May, 2007 at 13:00 GMT.

Contact Information – Project Leader

Last Name First Name Email address Organization Name Telephone/ Fax/ Skype

Project Details Title of Proposal

Area (please include one area: KS in Research; Institutional KS; Virtual Team) List of staff/partners and expertise working on the project Project Duration using Grant Funds (in month) Country(ies) of Implementation / Languages used or needed for virtual team projects

8 Project Questions

PROBLEM DEFINITION: Describe the specific challenge you will try to address and why it is significant. Include causes of the problem and estimates of the number of people affected in your target area.

OBJECTIVES: List the specific objectives of your project

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: How will you implement your idea? List and describe the specific steps you will take to meet your objective(s). This section should contain information about: o The status of the project: is it a new project or a new phase of an ongoing project? Have you already tested the idea on the ground? o Strategy and methodology o For KS in research projects: Partners – including end user/beneficiary groups. An optimal partnership could be: a CGIAR centre, NARES partner, NGO or CBO, beneficiary group and an extension service. o Additional expertise needed to implement the project o Timeline o Budget

EXPECTED RESULTS: This section should contain information about: o Identified output and outcomes o Description of who will use or be affected by the outputs and outcomes o Explain how the outputs and outcomes go beyond the period of the pilot project o How will your project continue beyond the phases funded by the CGIAR grant?

INNOVATION: How is your project idea innovative or unique?

REPLICABILITY: What is the potential for shared learning and scaling-up of your project idea? What is the possibility of implementing your project idea in the different centers and initiatives of the CGIAR?