Ewhurst Parish Council

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Ewhurst Parish Council

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EWHURST PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held at the St Marks Church Room, Northiam Road, Staplecross on Thursday 8 September 2016

PRESENT Councillors Dor Catt, Bill Hooper, Jacqui Hyett, Anne Reed, Ian Stephenson (Vice Chairman), Maggie Whitaker, Dave Young (Chairman) IN ATTENDANCE Richard Farhall – Parish Clerk; Cllr Angharad Davies [part]; 3 members of the public ______

The meeting commenced at 7.35pm.


16.60 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE It was noted that Cllr Ganly was unable to be present.


Cllr Hyett item 16.74 EPAA Committee Member

16.62 ADJOURNMENT The Chairman adjourned the meeting for the District Councillor’s Report and Public Question Time. (See Appendix A.)

The Chairman reconvened the meeting after PQT had concluded.


RESOLVED To adopt the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2016 as a correct record of the proceedings.


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15.125 Recycling Centre (seeking the removal of the ‘rollover’ containers) Still on site and being monitored by RDC. (In conjunction with the Village Hall Committee) To ask for the two plastics, cans and paper containers to be removed – and to copy in Cllr Ganly. Clerk

15.125 Recycling Centre (seeking the re-siting of the clothing, books and small electrical items containers) These remain in the same position.

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Asking ESCC to prioritise white lines at the CC crossroads The work had been completed.

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16.52 Verge Opposite Solomons Garden (ESCC announcing new Community Match scheme, late summer 2016) Close to being concluded – EPC will be invited to attend a re-launch event in early October. It was agreed to monitor the situation over the next few months.

16.54 Ewhurst Green Bus Shelter (bring away from bank and replace), Resolved 2 (establishing if planning consent would be required) Based on informal advice provided by RDC the Clerk had concluded that permitted development rights would apply.

16.54 Ewhurst Green Bus Shelter, Resolved 4 (seeking the Highways Authority’s view on bringing forward the shelter) ESCC would be minded to agree to issue a licence.

Cripps Corner Village sign repair The Clerk reported that Michael Hart had again apologised for the delay, saying the gilding should be finished w/c 12.9.16. Cllr Reed considered the lengthy delay to be unacceptable

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for the County Councillor’s report (see Appendix A).

The meeting reconvened and Cllr Davies left the meeting.

16.65 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RESOLVED To note the decisions following, submitted under the Clerk’s delegated authority.

RR/2016/1606/P The Old Chapel, Village Street, Ewhurst Green TN32 5TD Re-alignment and re-positioning of proposed summer house approved under application RR/2015/1460/P. Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Stephenson, The Old Chapel, Ewhurst Green SUPPORT APPROVAL

RR/2016/1795/T Brewery House, Bodiam Road, Ewhurst Green TN32 5QB T1 Oak – reduce overhanging branches by 3m. T2 Oak – lift lower branches up to9 3m. T3 Oak – lift lower branches up to 3m. Applicant: Tom Gooders Tree Surgery, 121 Beaconsfield Rd, Hastings SUPPORT APPROVAL

RR/2016/1938/P Benedict House, Northiam Road, Staplecross TN31 6JJ Proposed demolition of existing garage and erection of new garage with studio above. New canopy over rear patio door of Benedict House. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Chapman, Benedict House, Northiam Rd, Staplecross SUPPORT APPROVAL Subject to the approval of the Design & Conservation Officer

RR/2016/1939/L Benedict House, Northiam Road, Staplecross TN31 6JJ New canopy over rear patio door of Benedict House. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Chapman, Benedict House, Northiam Rd, Staplecross Ewhurst PC Minutes 8 September 2016 P a g e | 3

SUPPORT APPROVAL Subject to the approval of the Design & Conservation Officer

RR/2016/1950/P 1 & 2 Gate Farm Cottages, Ellenwhorne Lane, Ewhurst Green TN32 5RP Extensions and alterations to improve both cottages, including a detached summerhouse within the garden of number 1. Applicant: Mr S Evans, 26 Oakhill Drive, Broad Oak, Brede SUPPORT APPROVAL

RR/2016/2011/P Octagon, Northiam Road, Staplecross TN31 6JJ Erection of sand school. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Cheevers, Octagon, Northiam Rd, Staplecross SUPPORT APPROVAL Subject to no floodlighting.

RR/2016/2073/L Prawles Court, Shoreham Lane, Ewhurst TN32 5RG Internal alterations to kitchen layout and first floor bathroom/dressing room, removal of modern second floor bathroom and replacement of joinery to room formed in original loggia. Applicant: Mrs L Holmes, Prawles Court, Shoreham Lane, Ewhurst SUPPORT APPROVAL Subject to the approval of the Conservation & Design Officer

RR/2016/2089/P Cripps Cottage, Cripps Corner Road, Staplecross TN32 5QS Detached garage. Applicant: Mr A House, Cripps Cottage, Cripps Corner Rd, Staplecross SUPPORT APPROVAL

16.66 FINANCE (a) Report

RESOLVED 1 To note the receipts and payments following:

Receipts (June- July 2016) ESCC – finger posts contribution £1,027.80 RDC – grant (allotment sheds and mesh) £6,000.00 £7,027.80

Payments (June-July 2016) R Farhall - pay June 2016 £716.67 Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE June 2016 £272.23 R Farhall expenses – June 2016 £86.89 East Sussex Pension Fund – June 2016 £251.89 National Allotment Society – sub 2016-17 (incl VAT £11.00) £66.00 Mr M J Hart – 40% of CC village sign repair £715.44 DVLA – Megane keeper details £2.50 R Farhall - pay July 2016 £714.33 Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE July 2016 £279.24 R Farhall expenses – July 2016 £48.15 East Sussex Pension Fund – July 2016 £251.89 Information Commissioner – registration renewal £35.00 £3,440.23

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RESOLVED 2 To receive and adopt the Unity Trust bank reconciliation as at 31 July 2016.

RESOLVED 3 To receive and adopt the Budget Monitor as at 31 July 2016.

RESOLVED 4 To receive and adopt the Earmarked Reserves Statement as at 31 July 2016.

RESOLVED 5 To receive and adopt the Cash Flow Statement as at 31 July 2016.

RESOLVED 6 To note the reconciled account balances as at 31 July 2016: Unity Trust bank £38,516.25 Co-op current account £2,846.38 Julian Hodge Bank Fixed Rate bond (to 8.4.16) £31,165.57 £72,528.20 RESOLVED 7 To ratify/approve the payments following: R Farhall - pay Aug 2016 £714.46 Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE Aug 2016 £270.80 R Farhall expenses – Aug 2016 £108.70 East Sussex Pension Fund – Aug 2016 £251.89 Get Mapping plc – Parish Online renewal (incl VAT £5.60) £33.60 £1,379.45

b) Internal Auditor

RESOLVED To appoint Angela Alexander to succeed Dennis Farnsworth and to increase the fee payable from £75 to £100 (with effect from April 2017). Clerk

c) Earmarked Reserve

RESOLVED To vire £3,000 from the Finger Posts Earmarked Reserve to the General Reserve. Clerk

d) Julian Hodge Bank

Members noted that the interest rate received on the 7 Days’ Notice account had reduced from 0.25% to 0.05% (the same as the Unity Trust current account) and were invited to consider whether to open an alternative account.

RESOLVED (Given the general reduction in the interest rates paid on deposit/current accounts) To take no action.

16.67 VILLAGE HALL CONIFER Cllr Reed conveyed a request from the Village Hall Committee that the conifer immediately fronting the car park (EPC land) be felled. It was felt that this would open up the view of the lawned area and let in more light.

Cllr Whitaker added that the conifer obscured much of the Village Hall when viewed from the pavement, its removal would provide more space for an (existing) adjacent ornamental tree – otherwise, the conifer will keep on growing.

Cllr Hyett advised that the branches of the cherry are sometimes hit by lorries.

RESOLVED To arrange for the conifer to be felled. Clerk

16.68 PRIORITY SETTING MEETING 2016 Ewhurst PC Minutes 8 September 2016 P a g e | 5

RESOLVED To note that this will be held at the Arthur Herdman Pavilion on 29 September, 7.30pm.

Cllr Reed confirmed that the meeting would be mentioned in Village Voice.


Off-road horse riding Cllr Catt reported that Patricia Brigden had met recently with a Rights of Way officer and the Bruderhof Community concerning access. The next step was to liaise with another landowner and determine costs.

Herdman Playing Field Cllr Hooper reported that, as of the preceding Sunday, football is again being played by 7-11-year-olds. Cllr Hooper added that the club involved, Westfield FC, does not play if ground conditions are unsuitable.

The event had entailed a large number of cars being parked in the vicinity – including on a section of verge maintained by a resident but owned by ESCC. It was noted that parking on verges is not unlawful.

Village Hall Committee Cllr Reed reported that the Committee was keen to clearly reinstate the boundary once the two recycling bins had been removed.


16.70 PSCOs Members considered Acting Inspector Dan Russell’s presentation (immediately prior to the meeting – see Appendix B) and were asked to agree/confirm a course of action. RESOLVED To formally invite Acting Inspector Russell to address the 2017 Annual Parish Assembly. Clerk

16.71 DOG CONTROL Members noted that: a) Under Rother District Council’s Dog Control Orders, dogs are excluded from Staplecross Children’s Play Area only – and dog walkers are required to clear up after their dogs on other open/recreational land owned by EPC (or its charities).

b) The Dog Control Orders are to be incorporated into Public Space Protection Orders - and were asked to consider whether to take the opportunity to introduce further dog control provisions – such as formally excluding (non -assistance) dogs from other areas or requiring dogs to be kept on a lead.

The Clerk could find no evidence that EPC had expressed its wishes when RDC had originally consulted on the introduction of DCOs. The Head of Environmental Health had advised him previously that the DCOs replaced all relevant by-laws within the Rother District.

Speaking from the Gallery, Larry Hyett suggested that, as the trustee of the Staplecross and Herdman Playing Fields, EPC could introduce whatever restrictions it liked.

RESOLVED To ask that the proposed PSPOs exclude (non-assistance) dogs from both playing fields. Clerk Ewhurst PC Minutes 8 September 2016 P a g e | 6

16.72 ST MARKS CAR PARK: ABANDONED RENAULT MEGANE The meeting noted that, in response to a request from EPC for the registered keeper details, the DVLA had asked for additional information – including whether the space is well marked so that it can be identified as a private parking space – and Members were asked to agree a course of action.

RESOLVED To reinstate a suitable sign – setting out conditions of use (parking for those using/visiting St Marks or the Playing Field). Clerk

16.73 CONTRACTORS The Chairman proposed that, where possible, EPC should place work with contractors resident within the Parish – although he acknowledged that it can be difficult to get them to pitch for work.

Cllr Stephenson suggested seeking quotes from those resident/based in adjoining parishes if finding contractors within the parish was proving to be problematic.

RESOLVED (Subject to the quote accepted not significantly exceeding the ‘going rate’) To favour the placing of work with contractors in the order following: (a) Those resident within the Parish; (b) Those located within the Parish; (c) Those resident – or based – in neighouring parishes; (d) Others. Clerk

16.74 KNOWLE CORNER WOOD ALLOTMENTS Cllr Hyett reported that a (general maintenance) work day had been held recently and a new plot holder had joined the Association, There are currently 5 vacant plots.

Cllr Reed observed that accessing the site was awkward for those without transport.

The meeting ended at 8.22pm.

Date ……………………………… Chairman ……………………………………



(a) District Council Report Cllr Ganly was not present and no written report had been provided.

(c) Public Question Time

Outdoor rower Bryan Taylor advised that this makes a ‘clunking’ sound when in use – which, after a period of prolonged use, can become annoying for those living in nearby properties. It was agreed that the Clerk would seek advice from the installer. Clerk

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(b) County Council Report Cllr Davies reported that:

Education This year, 60% of students had achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*-C (incl English and Maths) – compared with 55-56% in a typical year.

Rye College results had improved by 19% and Eastbourne Academy by 18%.

16.2% of students taking A levels in East Sussex achieved an A* or A grade. 98.2% obtained a grade between A* and E.

30.2% of students at Helenswood and William Parker achieved an A* or A graded A level.

Celebrating older people 150 events/activities for the over 50s have been arranged September-October to mark Older People’s Day on 1 October.

Road markings The ‘keep clear’ markings outside all the county’s schools will be repainted.

Skills East Sussex Businesses are being encouraged to take on Year 9 students for work experience.


Notes of Public Meeting with Acting Inspector Dan Russell (DR) (Hastings & Rother NPT) – the new role of PCSOs

St Marks Church Room, 8 September 2016, 7pm

 Until 6 years ago DR was the Battle NPT Sergeant.  Sussex Police needs to have saved a total of £80m.  Since 4.7.16 the PCSO role in Sussex has changed.

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 When the role was established 11 years ago it was primarily to provide public reassurance and to ensure the Police are visible in local communities.  Quite a few PCSOs chose redundancy – the remainder had to re-apply for their post and the successful have had to been trained to exercise their additional powers.  Six years ago the Battle NPT comprised 6 PCOs – now there are 9 for the whole of Rother. They work three shifts. The most that can be on duty is therefore three – however, annual leave and sickness can bring this down to one.  Hastings & Rother is now one policing district. Hastings has 15 PCSOs – and PCSOs from either district can be deployed in the other.  Bexhill, Battle and Rye still have 4 NPT police officers each – however, this is under review and may well be reduced next year.  There are three general areas of policing: a) Prevention; b) Emergency response; c) Investigations. The resourcing of b) is protected and c) has been enhanced. Prevention has provided the largest proportion of the savings achieved.  The emergency response officers for H&R are based at the hub (Hastings).  The current priorities are: protecting vulnerable people; preventing crime and apprehending criminals; being there when needed the most.  Crime patterns have changed considerably – it is now less risky for criminals to commit cybercrime or scams than to commit burglaries.  Arguably, visible policing still has a place – but limited resources mean that it has to be targeted.  The work of PCSOs is planned but operational needs are assessed daily.  PCSOs are now able to take statements and visit licensed premises. They are no longer permitted to attend community events (including organised bonfires) or council meetings – there is no longer a Police presence at the Hastings Breer Festival.  Local intelligence (a key to crime solving) can be sent to the generic Rother email address: [email protected].  The new PCSO model will be evaluated next July.  The Battle, Bexhill and Rye Police Stations will not be closing in the foreseeable future – but the Battle premises will be sold at some point.  The Police obtain information on the vulnerable from those agencies that visit their homes – eg ESFR, community health workers.  Many calls to the Police Control Centre are medical/health-related – consequently, the Police are working more closely with relevant partners.  If there is an issue locally resources will be allocated. An operation in Crowhurst (following a spate of burglaries) saw a Hastings Police Officer make an arrest.  Some types of crime are no longer investigated.  30-40% of crimes are dealt with by the Resolution Centre (having been referred from the Control Room).

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 In the past a few parishes part-fund/sponsored their PCSO. The Chief Constable and PCC have decided these arrangements are too complicated.  Traffic wardens have been phased out. PCSOs will enforce parking regulations if a vehicle is posing a hazard only.  Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) is being discussed.

Larry Hyett considered that the content of DR’s presentation was depressing and suggested that the Police had lost the trust of the public. Even before the current cuts, during the first 5 years he had lived in Sussex there was a 20% reduction in Police numbers. Austerity is a choice and the Police have been complicit in accepting the Government’s funding cuts. He suggested that parishioners are more concerned that the Police are able to pro-actively prevent crime – rather than programme a response to crime that has already taken place.

DR advised that burglaries are still likely to be investigated – currently, they are discussed on a daily basis.

Mr Hyett was concerned that cybercrime appeared to be taking precedence and observed that the last time someone other than a PCSO was present at an EPC meeting was when Sergeant Masterson attended.

The Chairman’s was concerned that the changed role of PCSOs would mean the Police receiving less local intelligence. NPTs (including PCSOs) had been built up over 15 years. DR responded that the new model would be evaluated after a year.

7.30pm Cllr Whitaker arrived.

Cllr Hooper was aware personally that Police officers are under great pressure to deliver a service with fewer resources. Cllr Stephenson acknowledged that the Police have to work within a budget. In the old days local beat bobbies could nip problems in the bud.

DR added that the public need to be encouraged to continue to report concerns. There were different ways of doing this – including social media or the generic email address: ([email protected].)

He confirmed that he would be happy to attend the next APA.

Ewhurst PC Minutes 8 September 2016

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