Orem City Corporation s2

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Orem City Corporation s2


August 31, 1976 7:00 PM

CONDUCTING: Mayor James E. Mangum

ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mayor James E. Mangum, Councilmen Lee Bamgartner, Merrill Gappmayer, Harley Gillman, Wayne Watson, and Glen Zimmerman

APPOINTED STAFF: Albert E. Haines, City Manager, Barry Bartlett, Assistant City Manager; Frank Butterfield, City Attorney; Alan Homer, Director of Finance; Jack Jones, Public Works Director; Arnold Long, Fire Chief; Robert Wadman Chief of Police; Russ Brown, City Engineer; Wally Baird Zoning Administrator; and Chris Moores, Secretary.

Others Present were as listed: Hal Williams Orem Geneva Times Glen S. Thurgood Representing Orem Utah Sharon west Stake M. Glade Pincock General Interest Richard E. Madsen Zoning Change Buddy Peterson Zoning Change Parlell Peterson Zoning Change Michael Allen KBYU - TV David J. Stae Chamber of Commerce Milton Johnson General Interest LaMar Bylund General Interest Mrs. LaMar Bylund General Interest Phyllis F. Johnson Mary Steineckert Zoning Change Carl M. Rowley Zoning Change Zeeeb Beagler Zoning Change Pat McCourt Zoning Change Duane Herbert Hearing Edward Creer Zoning Change Ralph J. Kirkim Own Property East Connive Barker Chamber of Commerce Dick Luke Marjorie Luke Frances E. Bowen Zoning Change Carolyn C. Horne Traffic Problen Lawrence A. Johnson Ronald D. Damamarer Auto Mall S. Seenland Eel Torsseto Traffic J.R. Pwsey Traffic S.G. Shmro Traffic Helene H. Manookeir Traffic Sharon Lee Paulsen Traffic Earl Woolley Auto Mall, Traffic Merrwin Bradfield Judie Meyer Traffic Mr. & Mrs. Geirge Tanner Gloria Tunhi Celia R. Geerlsen

INVOCATION: Councilman Watson

Approval of minutes

Mr. Gappmayer moved that the minutes of August 24, 1976 be approved as corrected. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Deferred Compensation Program for Orem City Corporation Employees

Mr. Haines introduced Glade Pincock of Galbraith and Green who explained the program to the Council. There were many questions asked concerning the different plans, what the advantages were and if all the employees would be under this plan. Mr. Bamgartner moved to adopt the Deferred Compensation Plan as presented and authorize its administration by Galbraith and Green, Inc. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Public Hearing Rezone Property From R-l-A and A-1 to SC-2 at 1300 South and 400 West

A public hearing was held at 7:30 PM to consider the rezoning of property from R-l-A and A-1 to SC-2 at 1300 South and 400 West. Mr. Haines explained that the SC-2 zone had very strict provisions on the architectural plan and the landscaping. He further explained that the proposed development would generate an estimated sales volume of $1-$1.5 million per month. He turned the floor over to Dave Stone of the Chamber of Commerce who explained that the Chamber had appointed an industrial committee to find a piece of property that looked attractive and that the city could buy. DeLance Squire of the Industrial Development Committee said there were many possibilities for a revenue source and that an automobile mall will generate sales tax revenue from prospective buyers over a wide geographic region. The Mayor opened the hearing to the public. There were many citizens opposed to the rezoning because they felt it would create noise close to a residential zone, that it was "spot zoning", that it was close to a residential zone, and they felt a park should be built instead of the auto mall. Mr. Baird, Zoning Administrator reviewed the SC-2 zoning requirements with those in attendance. Several people felt that when the 1300 South diagonal went in that many felt the area would naturally develop commercially. The hearing ran into a hearing scheduled for 8:00. Mr. Watson moved to continue and resolve the current public hearing. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The Mayor and Council each addressed the subject as to their feelings. Mr. Watson moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Gappmayer moved to take a 5 minute break to review the proposed plans. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting reconvened. Mr. Zimmerman moved to the accept the recommendation of the City Manager and Chamber of Commerce and change the zone from R-l-A and A-1 to SC-2 at 1300 South and 400 West. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Watson moved to instruct the city staff to negotiate with the property owner on the west of the triangle shown on the map to square the property up. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Public Hearing - Consider Speed Limits on 300 East from 200 to 400 South and a 4- Ways Stop Sign at 200 South and 300 East.

The public hearing was to be held at 8:00 PM but due to the previous public hearing running over the hearing was held at 9:30 PM to consider speed limits on 300 East from 200 to 400 South and a 4-Way stop sign at 200 South and 300 East as requested. There wasn't anyone present opposed to changing the speed limit from 25 mph to 15 mph. Mr. Gappmayer moved to change the speed limit on 300 East from 200 to 400 South from 25 mph to 15 mph. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Chief of Police Wadman told the Council that the felt the 4-Way stop sign would be a hinderance rather than improving traffic conditions. Lyle Gomm a property owner in the area gave a brief presentation as to why the 4-way: stop sigh was requested by the residents in the area. Mr. Gappmayer moved to take the action at this time until such time as the comprehensive traffic study is completeted. Mr. Gillman, seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Mr. Gappmayer, Mr. Gillman, Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Bamgartner, aye. Mr. Watson, nay. The motion carried. Mr. Watson felt that the 4-way stop should be installed now and removed later if the traffic study indicated it wasn't needed.

Residency Requirements Directive

Mr. Gappmayer moved to table this until next week. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Bid Award on New Lawn Mower

Mr. Haines told the Council that Boyd Martin Co. had submitted the only bid received in the amount of $2,395.00. Mr. Gillman moved to authorize the purchase of a lawn mower from Boyd Martin Co. in the amount of $2,395.00. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Bid Award for New City Solid Waste Packer

Mr. Gappmayer moved to award the bid for a new solid waste packer to Utah White Trucks, Inc. in the amount of $27,870. for the truck, as per specifications; and to Tate Equipment Co. in the amount of $23,284. for the packer bed, as per specifications. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Bid Specifications for Aerial Platform Truck

The Council reviewed the specification for an Aerial Platform Truck for the Fire Department. Mr. Haines explained that $50,000 has been budgeted for this pending approval of Revenue Sharing by Congress. The balance of the amount required to purchase this will be budgeted in future Revenue Sharing Entitlement periods since delivery will not be prior to January 1, 1978. Mr. Zimmerman moved to approve the specifications for an Aerial Platform Truck and authorize the advertising of bids with the stipulations on the approval of Revenue Sharing moneys. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Bid for 10 Wheel Dump Truck

Mr. Gappmayer moved to approve the specifications and authorize the advertising of bids with the stipulations on the approval of Revenue Sharing moneys. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Center Street Sidewalk Project Between 200 West and 700 West

Mr. Haines explained that the city has received a State grant in the amount of $16,500 to install sidewalk as a pedestrian safety feature on the north side of Center Street between 200 and 800 West. The total project cost is estimated at $23,637. The City will be required to pay the difference between the project cost and the grant amount of $7137 which is requested as a transfer from the General Fund Contingency Account to the Streets Division. Mr. Bamgartner moved to authorize the Mayor's signature on the agreement with the Utah State Department of Transportation for funds for the Center Street Sidewalk Project. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Watson moved to authorize the transfer of $7,137 from the Mayor and Council Contingency to the Streets Division. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Bid Award for New Carteryille Area Waste Water Pump Station

Mr. Haines told the Council the following bids were received for the Carteryille Pump Station: Schedule I Schedule II Clegg Construction $ 49,500.00 - Cox Brothers, Inc. $189,499.05 Dunn Construction 66,344.28 132,644.15 K & P Plumbing 72,381.00 160,465.45 Tyler Construction 187,702.05 -

Mr. Watson moved to award the Bid for the Carterville Pump Station to Clegg Construction for Schedule I for $49,500.00, and to Dunn Construction for Schedule II for $132,644.15. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Motion To Adjourn

Mr. Gappmayer moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 PM.

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