Regular City Council Meeting s4

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Regular City Council Meeting s4

Minutes Regular City Council Meeting October 26, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers

Attendance – Mayor Carl Pederson, City Councilor Steve Ovick, City Councilor Brian Scholin, City Councilor Paul Miller, and City Councilor Mary Kay Sloan.

Staff in Attendance – City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Liquor Store Manager/Park & Rec. Supervisor Lara Smetana, and Fire Chief Tom Miller.

Call to Order – Mayor Pederson called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.

Pledge of Allegiance - Mayor Pederson lead the City Council in the pledge of allegiance.

Additions and/or Deletions to the Agenda – Motion by Sloan, seconded by Ovick, to approve the agenda with the addition of Closed Session pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 13D.01 to discuss labor negotiation strategy with Teamsters Local 320 and AFSCME Council 65. Motion carried.

Open Forum – No public comments were made or offered.

Sheriff’s Report – A representative from the Sheriff’s Office was not in attendance to present the report.

Public hearing on Resolution #16-34, adoption of Wellhead Protection Policy (Part 2) - The opened the public hearing opened. There was no public comment. Scholin motioned, seconded by Sloan, to approve Resolution #16-34 for the adoption of Wellhead Protection Policy (Part 2). Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Approval of hard surface under benches and sidewalk at Robinson Park – City Council directed staff to table discussion on this item, with the instructions to revisit use of 2017 Park and Recreation surplus with a budget amendment. Staff was instructed to report what is left in terms of surplus at that time.

Approval of upgrade to radio system for SCADA – Motion by Sloan, seconded by Pederson, to approve staff request for expending dollars for replacing the radio communication system to cellular-based system with installation costs not to exceed 10,000 with the further instruction for staff to carrier which will charge the lowest service fees. Motion carried.

Discussion and approval of granting an easement to Minnesota Energy Resources for a new gas line crossing under the Snake River – Motion by Ovick, seconded by Miller to approve a utility easement for to Minnesota Energy Resources for a new gas line crossing under the Snake River through Riverside Park near the Main Street bridge and the birdhouses. Motion carried.

City of Pine City 315 Main Street South, Suite 100, Pine City, Minnesota 55063-1619 Phone: 320.629.2575 Fax: 320.629.6081 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Pine City is an equal opportunity employer Discussion of possible purchase of Co-op Creamery property, PID#’s: 42.5190.000, 42.5191.000, 42.5192.000, and 42.5193.00 – City Council tabled this item by unanimous consent pending further research into remediation concerns and costs.

Approval of Amendments to Fire Department Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) – Motion by Ovick, seconded Scholin, to approve amendments to the department minimum attendance policy and to clarify the Fire Chief’s responsibility for approving personal use of department equipment. Motion carried.

Approval of turnout gear replacement turnout gear - Motion by Scholin, seconded by Sloan, to approve a pay request for the purchase of Fire Department replacement turnout gear in the amount of $9,091.17. Motion carried.

Discussion on Funding Request from Pine City Arts Council – This item was tabled by unanimous consent on the grounds that the request was received prior to approval of the City’s preliminary budget. The Council instructed City staff to meet with the Pine City Arts Council to inform them that the City would be willing to serve as a fiscal agent on a grant request for their organization to the Greater Pine Area Endowment as an alternative means to assist them with obtaining enough funding support their programming.

Approval of Final Plan for Foster’s Pines on Cross Lake, LLC. Petitioners – Tom Foster Sr. and Tom Foster Jr. Staff requested to table the item as application materials were not delivered on time. The City Council tabled the item by unanimous consent. The Council discussed the arrangements of a special meeting to for an approval this month. Staff indicated that a special meeting will be arranged at a later date.

Mayor: Approval of Michael Powell to be a Student Rep for the Planning Commission – The Mayor nominated to Michael Powell to serve to fill the currently vacant seat of Student Representative for the Planning Commission. The nomination was seconded by Scholin. Motion carried.

2017 Budget Workshop – The Council discussed the proposed tax rate, anticipated tax capacity, and the proposed budget. No action was taken but staff were directed to look in the following issues: - offset Debt Service Levy the amount of funds in Fund 407 to Capital Improvement Fund 305. The net effect of this change will cause the City to draw off the fund balance to pay debt service in 2017 and the total number of difference would increase. - Set a budget workshop for 21st of November. - The Council addressed the need for increasing health insurance budget lines by additional 3.5% - Look into adjustments to funding for A Place for You to $2000.

Item added Closed Sessions: Motion by Scholin, seconded by Sloan, to enter Closed Session at 8:20pm pursuant to Minnesota Stat. 13D.03 to discuss labor negotiations strategy with Minnesota Teamsters and AFSME Unit 65. Motion carried. Motion by Sloan, Seconded by Pederson, 9:09pm to open the meeting. Motion carried.

Motion by Scholin, seconded by Sloan, to enter closed session pursuant to Minnesota Stat. 13D.05 Subd. 3 to evaluate the performance of City Administrator Ken Cammilleri at 9:09PM. Motion carried.

Reconvene into Open Session to Take Possible Action and Adjournment – Council reconvened into Open Session and adjourned the meeting at 9:40pm

Ken Cammilleri City Administrator/Clerk

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