DELAC / Migrant Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

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DELAC / Migrant Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

District English Learner Advisory Committee DELAC Minutes Tuesday, January 26 2016 6:00-7:30 p.m. Adult School, Library

I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Public Comments

There were no public comments shared at this time.

III. SparkPoint Solano

Maria Gabbart from the SparkPoint Solano Program, located at Cleo Gordon Elementary- room 18, spoke about the free services that are offered to the community. These services are not income based and are available to anyone. SparkPoint services include financial coaching, job placement, education Support, and tax filing assistance. They will be offering Job Readiness Workshops on February, 4, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m. and February 16, at 1:00 p.m. The workshops are presented in English and phone confirmation is requested for attendance. The number to call and confirm attendance is: (707) 421-3963. The program also offers a monthly orientation in English and Spanish. The Spanish classes take place on a Wednesday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

IV. 2015-16 CELDT Results

The CELDT scores for this year have arrived at the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District from the state. Students can score within 5 CELDT Levels: Beginner, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Early Advanced, and Advanced. Parents will receive a letter in the mail in about a week with their student’s current CELDT Scores. Parents will receive 5 scores for their child’s CELDT Exam: 1) Listening 2) Speaking 3) Reading 4) Writing and 5) an overall score. The goal for our district this year was for 62% of our total students CELDT tested to move up at least one level on the CELDT exam. Unfortunately, we did not meet the 62% district growth goal. Mr. Kornblum proposed buying Practice CELDT tests from Curriculum and Associates for each school site for the 2016-2017 school year. He will recommend that each site host a CELDT Boot Camp during the first weeks of the school year. He will encourage daily CELDT practice during the first weeks of ELD time. This will help prepare students and teachers for the Annual CELDT exam. About 3,100 students took the CELDT Exam this year (includes Initials) and we had matching scores (previous year’s scores) for 2,563 of those students.

Mr. Kornblum shared that Grange Middle School teachers tested their own students. Grange is taking ownership and demonstrating that the CELDT Exam is just as important as the state SBAC Exam.

Suisun Valley Elementary CELDT scores improved because the school site incorporated a six week CELDT Boot Camp at the beginning of the school year.

1 District English Learner Advisory Committee DELAC Minutes Tuesday, January 26 2016 6:00-7:30 p.m. Adult School, Library

V. EL Reclassification Recommendations

Now that sites have received CELDT scores, the next steps are: (1) to review the scores and determine who is eligible for reclassification, based on the new established criteria. (2) to analyze the scores by grade level to determine trends, strengths and weaknesses within the grade level spans.

The changes on the Reclassification Criteria chart that was provided to parents are highlighted in yellow. Mr. Kornblum shared that the new Interim English Learner Reclassification Criteria is for all grades. He stated that a Committee of teachers met to establish the current reclassification criteria. The new Reclassification Criteria will go to the School Board for approval on February 11, 2016. There is a new timeline to turn in reclassification paperwork to the Central Office by March 11, 2016. The reason for this change is because reclassification impacts Master Schedules at the Secondary Level. We want student placement to be accurate for the next school year.

He pointed out that one important change with the criteria during the 15/16 school year is that starting in fifth grade, students that have scored Intermediate for three consecutive years in a row can now be candidates for reclassification. We want to avoid Long Term English Learners and want students to make progress on the CELDT exam. Additionally, students on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can now be reclassified every year, not just during their Triennial Meeting. Now, students can be reclassified at an annual IEP using the Alternate Reclassification Criteria or an addendum. Students’ Case Managers can be contacted for additional guidance on this process.

Towards the end of the last school year, Crystal Middle School reclassified many Special Education students using the Alternate Reclassification Criteria. Consequently, Crystal Middle was able to demonstrate growth on the CELDT exam this school year.

VI. High School EL Restructuring Recommendations

One of the recommendations is for Intermediate High School English Learners (Level 3) to no longer be in an English Language Development Class (ELD). The Intermediate students will now be in Core classes and do not need two periods of ELD. This change helps facilitate the process of students taking the required courses they need to graduate from High School. The 2 periods of ELD will only be for High School students that are in U.S. schools for less than two years.

2 District English Learner Advisory Committee DELAC Minutes Tuesday, January 26 2016 6:00-7:30 p.m. Adult School, Library VII. Future Meetings

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. Parents would like to learn more about supporting their children with emotional needs.

VIII. Closing/Comments/Next Agenda

Mr. Kornblum shared that Long Term English Learners need more language support. As a result, during the 2016/2017 school year, new ELD materials specific to 4th-8th grade will be purchased. The program to be purchased is called English 3D written by Dr. Kate Kinsella. It incorporates current issues that are interesting and engaging for students. The program includes many opportunities for students to speak and write.

School Reports:

Grange: Inquired about the need for a full time nurse at the site because of the high student population and the number of diabetic students. This site currently shares their nurse with another site. Mr. Kornblum shared that all sites have a health plan in place and that he would forward the information to the appropriate person.

Sheldon: Inquired about the school increasing student population during the next school year. Mr. Kornblum stated that the school would not be increasing their student population.

B Gale: Held their first ELAC meeting. Parents at that meeting requested more information regarding the CELDT Parent Letter.

Sem Yeto: Has not held an ELAC meeting.

David Weir: Held their first ELAC Meeting and it was highly attended. Parents requested more information regarding helping support their children with emotional issues. They also requested parent courses in technology. Mrs. Lacy assured parents that the February ELAC meeting will have the School Psychologist present to address parent concerns. The March ELAC meeting will cover parent information regarding technology.

Anna Kyle: The site will hold their next ELAC meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 9:30 am.

Suisun Valley: Will have an ELAC meeting on Thursday, January 28th.

Armijo High School: A parent shared a concern about the high number of substitute teachers in classrooms. The parent feels that the instruction is not high quality. Mr.

3 District English Learner Advisory Committee DELAC Minutes Tuesday, January 26 2016 6:00-7:30 p.m. Adult School, Library

Kornblum asked the parent to speak to the site administrator and referred her to Maria Hernandez, the Community Liaison. Maria is available to help with interpreting on site as well.

No Cleo Gordon or Fairview representative tonight.

Mr. Kornblum continues to encourage parents/guardians to meet with administrators at their site with any concerns they may have. He also shared that he is recommending a Community Liaison for Anna Kyle Elementary as well as other sites.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.


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