Age of Exploration

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Age of Exploration

Age of Exploration Test Review Packet

I. Europeans Explore the East, Chapter 3, Sec 1 (p.83-88)

Write a few sentences explaining the following people and terms or events. You need to be able to explain why we care!:

Bartolomeu Dias

Prince Henry

Vasco da Gama

Treaty of Tordesillas

Dutch East India Company

Answer the following questions:

1. What factors helped spur European exploration?

2. What role did Portugal’s Prince Henry play in overseas exploration?

3. Why were the Dutch so successful in establishing a trading empire in the Indian Ocean?

II. The Atlantic World, Chapter 4 (p. 100-123)

Write a few sentences explaining the following people and terms or events:


Hernando Cortes

Francisco Pizarro

Montezuma II

Encomienda Bartolome de Las Casas


French and Indian War

Atlantic slave trade

Triangular trade (draw a picture here)

Columbian Exchange (draw a picture here)

Commercial Revolution


Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Columbus and why did he set sail on the Atlantic? Who paid for it?

2. List three goals of the Spanish in the Americas

3. How did the Spanish treat the Native Americans? What was the Native American view of the Spanish?

4. What did the Europeans mostly grow in their Caribbean colonies?

5. What resource did New France profit from in the New World?

6. What was the result of the French and Indian War? 7. What factors led European colonists to use Africans to resupply their labor force?

8. Describe the conditions on board a slave ship.

9. Name several ways in which enslaved Africans resisted their position in the Americas

10. Why was the introduction of corn and potatoes to Europe and Asia so significant?

III. Map Work

On a map please identify the following (you may need to shade):

Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arabian Peninsula

Aztec Empire Inca Empire Europe Netherlands

India China Portugal Spain

Brazil West Indies England East Indies

Spice Islands Russia Persia West Africa

IV. Columbus Essay (see attached sheet)

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