Coastal San Luis RCD Regular Board Meeting s2

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Coastal San Luis RCD Regular Board Meeting s2

Coastal San Luis RCD Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2017 UC Cooperative Extension 2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA 12:30 PM

I. Call to Order – President Neil Havlik called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM.

A. Directors Present: Neil Havlik, Linda Chipping, Dave Alford, Jean-Pierre Wolff, and Cheryl Lenhardt B. Directors Absent: Rob Rutherford C. Staff and Associates Present: Associate Director Ron Munds, Staff Members Jackie Crabb, Della Barrett, and Jen Nix, and NRCS Representative Margy Lindquist D. Guests: None

II. Public Comment Period – Linda mentioned the California Agriculture magazine article about wood chip denitrification bioreactors. She will get the article on-line and e-mail it to members and staff.

III. Election of Officers – Della reviewed the section of the Director’s Handbook that applies to election of officers: paid staff members can hold the positions of Treasurer and Secretary, but the positions of President and Vice President must be Directors. After discussion, Cheryl nominated Director Neil Havlik as President, Director Jean-Pierre Wolff as Vice-President, staff member Jackie Crabb as Treasurer and staff member Della Barrett as Secretary. Linda seconded the motion, and the slate of officers was elected unanimously. Ayes: Neil, Jean-Pierre, Linda, Cheryl, and Dave. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None.

IV. Approval of Minutes of January 27, 2017 – On a motion by Cheryl, seconded by Linda, the Minutes of January 27, 2017 were approved as amended. Ayes were Linda, Cheryl, and Neil. Opposed: None. Abstentions: Jean-Pierre and Dave, as they had not been at the meeting.

V. Financial Report A. Ratification of Disbursements of February 15 and Approval of February 24, 2017 Disbursements – Cindy had e-mailed the Check Disbursement List earlier. Jackie reviewed them it the Board and answered questions. On a motion by Cheryl, seconded by Dave, the February 15 Disbursements were ratified and the February 24 Disbursement List was approved. Ayes were Linda, Neil, Jean-Pierre, Dave, and Cheryl. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. B. Financial Reports and Finance Manager Report –The Board discussed the financial statements that Cindy had e-mailed earlier. Jackie answered Board questions. There was substantial discussion. In general, the Board liked the new formats.

VI. Discussion and/or Board Action Items A. Conservationist of the Year - criteria for selection- Jackie had e-mailed the proposed criteria. After discussion and some amendment, it was the sense of the Board to approve the proposed criteria, including expanding it to include those who inspire others, but are not doing specific on-the-ground projects. B. Discussion of the ARP Program – Neil reported on the Planning Commission meeting that he had attended. The fundamental question had been whether ag ponds should be handled through the ARP. The road grading and other parts of the program were not in question. Staff had recommended ponds under five acre feet could be included. Neil had given testimony, explaining the CSL RCD has a board adopted policy regarding ag ponds, and has the capability of performing CEQA reviews. The Planning Commission approved the staff recommendation, and it will go to the Board of Supervisors in March. Jean-Pierre mentioned the coming change in dynamics when the GSAs are formed. The current CSL RCD ag pond requirements check list may have to be revised at that time. Jean-Pierre suggested that once DWR has approved a GSA that the CSL RCD send a letter of notification to the relevant GSA when an ag pond application comes in. C. Discussion of Future Grant Opportunities and Board Member updates –Cheryl mentioned the Water Board representative is excited about the nitrate studies being done at Oso Flaco. There were discussions of challenges related to the maintenance of the bioreactors. Directors and staff also discussed potentially adding a new service provided by the CSL RCD where an employee could do a “grab” of either ground, surface, or irrigation water and then sending the sample to a lab for nitrate level measurement as part of the mobile irrigation service. Such a service could be added to the request for SLO County grant funds, which would be a service needed by small farmers. Directors felt this would be a needed service that RCDs could provide. D. Discussion of Corbett Creek/Clark Contingent Purchase and Sale Agreement– Neil updated the Board regarding the current escrow status. He also wanted to add to the name of this agenda item “and other activities”. Jen and Jackie reported on the previous day’s tour of the property. Included in the tour had been four or five Fish and Wildlife Service (both federal and state) employees as well as Arroyo Grande city employees. Because of the recent heavy rains, there was water flowing, trees were downed, and the area could be seen in post-storm conditions. Neil also commented. D. Future Board Meeting Dates - March 24 and April 28, 2017. Both meetings will be at 12:30 pm at the UC Co- Op Extension. Neither Jen nor Cheryl will be available in April.

VII. Report Items A. & B. Conservation Programs Manager Report and Project Manager Report – Jen reviewed her extensive report item by item, and with Jackie participating, Board Members discussed. While discussing Jen’s work load, it became obvious that a needs assessment study is needed at least one more employee is needed even without her upcoming maternity leave. Jackie and Jen will do the needs assessment and make up a job description so recruitment can begin. B. Natural Resources Conservation Services– Margy reported on EQIP funding as well as the SLO County storm related damages and storm water management program which has renewed interest in ag conservation easements that may be used for wetlands protection and storm related projects. Jen mentioned getting calls regarding culverts being plugged with sediment from farm fields. Neil asked about the possible use of some low-lying areas for flood control and water infiltration if the soils are right.

VII. Meeting Updates A. CARCD – No report. B. ALAB, Edna Valley/Pismo Creek Watershed Group, and RWQCB – Jean-Pierre reported there had been no ALAB meeting. Regarding Edna Valley, he reported he had met with Sentinel Oil, which is waiting for the aquifer exemption. He also reported on activities with SLO City Council. Then regarding the RWQCB, he reported the current ag order will be presented and three days of hearings will be held. Also pending is a recycled water project “Monterey Pure Water” which will purify water taken from irrigation ditches and then inject the purified water for groundwater recharge. C. WRAC – Linda reported there was a presentation from the Planning Department regarding the draft bi-annual Resources Summary report. The WRAC set up a sub-committee to review the water resources and waste water sections. Nest week the subcommittee will present its comments and the WRAC will vote on recommendations to the Supervisors. Linda also reported on the presentation by Carolyn Berg about Denmark’s water management, using imaging and well monitoring. She mentioned all of Denmark’s water is from groundwater. Jean-Pierre added to the discussion. Separately, there had also been a recommendation regarding ag ponds and that evaporation needs to be addressed. On a different subject, the WRAC discussed the possibility of setting up a sub-committee to review the oak woodlands ordinance based on the fact that woodlands and watersheds are now being looked at as infrastructure because of their water-holding capacities. There was not sufficient support to form a subcommittee. D. Zone 9, LAFCO, and CSDA – Neil mentioned the work being done by Zone 9 to deal with flooding.

IX. Other Business – Neil announced the Conservationist of the Year presentation will be held on March 7 at the Supervisors’ meeting.

X. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Della Barrett, Board Secretary

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