Astd-Rmc Tentative Board Agenda - March 17, 2014

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Astd-Rmc Tentative Board Agenda - March 17, 2014

ATD-RMC TENTATIVE BOARD AGENDA With Special Guest – Ken Phillips October 1, 2014 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm Daniel’s Fund – 101 Monroe St., Denver 80206

Attended: Becky, Michele, Sue, Robin, Rachel, Stephanie Johnson (guest) and Ken Phillips (guest)

Via Phone: Sid, Tara

Excused: Yvonne, Ted, Mark

The meeting began at: 6:15 officially – Dinner provided by Etai’s since we had a guest speaker

 Facilitator – Becky

 Note Taker - Becky

 September Minutes Approved Virtually

 On-Going Business o ATD Treasurer - Sid . Because this meeting is earlier than usual Sid will prepare and share the budget once he receives numbers from Glenda and then bank . Funds – we have over $14,000 in both the Savings and Checking Account . Sid has started a call with VP Finance of other chapters to discuss lessons learned. Some of the topics discussed:  Use of Square  Platform to share information – many using Google Drive since they don’t have an admin like Glenda  Name Change – questions around IRS Filings . Now that our name change is official with the Secretary of State, Sid is going into Wells Fargo to change our name (dba) and also address . Diane still needs to complete the review of our books before year-end – Sid is following up on that.  His goal is to complete in the first 3 months of 2015 . Sandi Ruther suggested that Becky submit an SoS on how we requested the local CPA chapter to advertise if a member would like board experience to find a VP of Finance who would bring expertise to the role, and a higher level of financial and business acumen to the chapter. If we do this, we will hit our goal of 3 SoSs in 2014. o Brand/Name Change – Yvonne was excused – but it appears we are close to being completed with this effort. GREAT JOB! o Programming – . Ken Phillips – 18 had registered at this point. We ended up with 26 paid attendees 26 ATD-RMC TENTATIVE BOARD AGENDA With Special Guest – Ken Phillips October 1, 2014 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm Daniel’s Fund – 101 Monroe St., Denver 80206

. November 20 – Nathan Lindsey returns. Once the venue is secured, we’ll get on our site. . Holiday Party December 11 at La Rumba – Robin is working through the details . Calendar for 2015 – After talking with the board, next year events will be on 2nd Wednesday. We will have the board meeting the week before. o Communication – Tara . Amy Bethel from Connect for Health has expressed interest in taking over VP of Communication. Tara knows her and is very comfortable. She is going to have a conversation with her to tell her what is required and see if she is still interested. . This person would do the newsletter, and be a final review for the weekly email. o Membership – Rachel . We have 217 members, an increase of 30 since the beginning of the year, and only 10 short of Rachel’s goal of 40! . The membership drive brought in 10 new members (including one we let in late) . We received new PowerMember brochures from National that Rachel will use at future events . The new member event is October 22nd at Angelo’s Taverna. We agreed to also invite all 82 new 2014 members. Rachel asked all board members who can to be there. She will email her plan for the event to all which will include mingling and a means for new members to circulate and learn about our organization, and volunteer opportunities. . We agreed to have a table, and sponsor a snack ($200) for the Metro State University Teaching and Learning with Technology symposium on October 24th. Robin and Rachel will be available for this. Rachel will also try to get Student SIG involvement. Ted – Thank you for telling us about this opportunity! o Volunteer – Sue . This has been light, and we need to keep working to convert new members to volunteers. . Sue will start announcing at events what we are looking for to get the word out. . Keeping this in mind for our event on October 22. o Technology – Yvonne was excused o Social Media – Ted was excused o Virtual Programs – Mark/Yvonne – Both excused o Sponsorship Update – Tara . Tara requested to talk with Becky and Michele to scope out what we want the VP of Sponsorships to look like, she will make up her mind if she wishes to transition to this role after that conversation. o All Leader’s Conference – Becky, Yvonne and Robin (October 10-11) . We are looking at the schedule and ensuring we attend pertinent sessions to bring good information back to the chapter. ATD-RMC TENTATIVE BOARD AGENDA With Special Guest – Ken Phillips October 1, 2014 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm Daniel’s Fund – 101 Monroe St., Denver 80206

. All will take notes for each session, and afterwards we’ll compile for all, and we will also recommend the top 3 areas we think the board should consider in 2015. o President – Becky . 2015 Officers were discussed and the following roles were filled  President Elect – Robin Doss has volunteered. Tara will send out a ballot to our members to have her approved.  Rachel has agreed to transition to Robin’s role of VP Professional Development  Stephanie Johnson agreed to become our VP of Memberships  VP Communication – Amy Bethel will discuss with Tara  VP Virtual Programs – Yvonne Bogard is taking over from Mark  VP Technology – Still open  VP Sponsorship – TBD depending upon conversation to determine the role . Board Holiday Thank You Event – Becky will send out a Doodle for this for a brunch on one of these weekend days - 12/6, 7, 13 or 14 o SIGs – Update – Rachel and Becky . Student/Young Professionals – Is moving forward! They need to make some decisions, but Rachel was very comfortable with the work they have done. . Facilitator’s Exchange – 2nd meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 16th at Daniel’s Fund . Learning Leaders – December – We have some good thoughts, and are now considering a breakfast meeting with a guest speaker. We have information from the Dallas Chapter of what they did in 2013, and Christie Ward is sharing information about what she did when she tried this during her Presidency.  Review Action Items o All – Consider who would be good for the VP Technology opening o Becky . Doodle out for Board holiday event . Suggestion for ALC sessions to Yvonne and Robin . Send out Meeting notes o Robin . Finalize info for upcoming events and holiday party o Sue – Talk about needs at events, including the Angelo’s event o Rachel . Invite 82 new members to Angelo’s event . Send information to the board about the event o Tara . Meet with the potential VP of Communications on Thursday . Talk with Becky and Michele about sponsorship position . Set-up Robin’s Election . Report out on finalization of by-laws vote ATD-RMC TENTATIVE BOARD AGENDA With Special Guest – Ken Phillips October 1, 2014 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm Daniel’s Fund – 101 Monroe St., Denver 80206

 Ken Phillips o Ken discussed what he does as a NAC and how National supports us o There is an announcement that is going to be made at ALC about the percentage of Power Members required for CORE

 Adjourn 8:00pm

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