1. Read through this Form carefully. 2. Fill the Form in print, not cursive writing unless your handwriting is clear and neat. 3. Return the form to the address appearing above or to an Admissions Officer where on-the-spot registration is taking place. 4. Cancel error with one straight line. An example is shown below. Johannburged. Cancel once only.

First Name Surname Ring the correct title: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr, etc Date of Birth Home address

Marital Status Telephone Number/s Cell______[ ] Single [ ] Married Home______[ ] Divorced Work______[ ] Widowed Are you employed?

Are you a student in some institution? For how long have you know Christ?

Do you hold any church office? Title ______

If YES to the above question, write down your church title. How did you know about the School of Prophets? Are there any Gifts you have Yes [ ] identified in your life? No [ ] Name of your Church or Fellowship