APHG Unit Seven Test-Version B

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APHG Unit Seven Test-Version B

APHG Unit Seven Test-Version B 1. The multiple nuclei model of city structure e. Like to do all their shopping in tends to be most applicable to shopping malls or centers a. Small cities 10. b. Traditional cities 11. Which of the following refers to the size and c. Latin American cities complexity of cities? d. Newer fast growing cities a. Multiplier effect e. Cities with homogenous land use b. Urban hierarchy 2. c. Basic-nonbasic ratio 3. Which of the following sets contains the d. Threshold ratio correct list of “World Cities”? e. The Sector model a. London, Paris, New York City 12. b. New York City, Paris, Shaghai 13. Which of the following is a true statement c. Mexico City, London, Tokyo about classic model of city structure? d. Tokyo, New York City, London a. The concentric zone model does not e. London, Paris, Tokyo have a transitional area 4. b. The sector model is highly 5. Which of the following is unique among influenced by transportation Latin American countries in that its capital patterns represents the concept of a foreign capital? c. The central business district has the a. Argentina most dominant position in the b. Brazil multiple nuclei model c. Chile d. The multiple nuclei model and the d. Mexico sector model are similar in that they e. Peru both have only one core 6. e. The interaction between the central 7. The number of functions in a central place city and the suburbs is the greatest in is dependent on all of the following the urban realm model EXCEPT the 14. a. Population of the central place 15. Which of the following groups of cities b. Population of the market area contains the best examples of central places c. Size of the market area with large hinterlands? d. Distance to a place with similar a. San Diego, Milwaukee, and New functions Haven e. Total number of central places in b. Atlanta, Denver, and Calgary the urban system c. Baltimore, Ottawa, and Duluth 8. d. Las Vegas, Victoria, and Buffalo 9. Cristaller’s Central Place Theory, which e. Miami, Philadelphia, and Quebec provides a reason why a certain number of City human settlements exist in an urban system, 16. assumes that all consumers 17. In Latin America, data for employment in a. Work an equal distance from one many large areas are most likely to be another incomplete because b. Will travel to the farthest point for a. Employment is growing too rapidly high order or specialty goods b. Most people are unemployed c. Are of the same ethnic background c. People change jobs regularly and kinship d. Records are kept mainly for male d. Have the same income and workers preferences when purchasing goods e. Many people work in the informal or services sector 18. 19. 36. 20. Which of the following is a correct statement about the major cities of the world? a. Most are located on rivers or seacoasts b. Most are found in areas that are not very suitable for agriculture c. Most are primate cities are located in the United States and Europe d. They are concentrated between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn e. The world’s fastest-growing cities are found in areas with the highest standards of living 21. 22. Most Latin American cities are focused around a a. Central plaza (colonial) b. Government housing project c. Zone of heavy industry d. Skyscraper office building e. Squatter settlement 37. 23. 38. 24. 39. According to the model, the road between 25. which cities will have the highest volume of 26. traffic? 27. a. S and Q b. S and V 28. c. U and S 29. d. X and Q 30. e. X and Y 31. 40. 32. 41. The Daily Rag provides news to all the cities 33. in the region and wants to build a new 34. distribution center. If The Daily Rag 35. For questions 12-14 to the illustration distributes its papers according to the city below. size, which city is best located for minimizing distribution costs? a. P b. Q c. S d. X e. Y 42. 43. Students in city Y have come up with a new flavor of ice cream. If their innovation spreads hierarchically, which city’s residents will be the last to try the new flavor? a. P b. R 52. c. U 53. Which of the following models of urban d. W structure depicts a commercial spine e. Z bordered by an elite residential sector 44. extending outward from the central business 45. In the new global economy, an increasing district? proportion of influential financial decisions a. Urban realms are being made in b. Concentric zone a. The informal sector c. Multiple nuclei b. Regional centers and small towns d. Latin American city where fax machines are used e. Southeast Asian city c. The field, close to the sources of 54. agricultural production 55. Water run-off is likely to be greatest in d. National capitals because of the which of the following settings? increasing importance of the nation a. City states b. Flat farmland e. Major corporate centers such as c. Alpine terraces New York, London, and Tokyo d. Beachfront 46. e. Forest preserve 47. Which of the following is true of an edge 56. city? 57. Which of the following describes a primate a. It is located on the edge of a lake, city? river, or other physical feature a. It is economically and politically b. It is close to bankruptcy interconnected to other cities in the c. It is an outlet for a region’s trade world d. It is increasingly used for heavy b. It is disproportionately large in industry relation to the next largest cities in e. It has a large amount of recently that country developed retail and office space c. It is surrounded by walls like a 48. fortress 49. Central Place Theory describes the d. It is linked by colonial administrators a. Spatial patterns of urban and to an imperial power outlying areas based on the flow of e. It is primarily concerned with its role goods and services as a religious center b. Tendency of different ethnic groups 58. to congregate in a single location 59. All of the following were crucial to the c. Tendency of civilizations to form emergence of the first cities EXCEPT around certain natural features a. An agricultural surplus d. Outward radiation of cultural b. A stratified social system patterns from a central place c. Labor specialization e. Tendency of wealth to concentrate in d. A system for food storage and urban core areas distribution 50. e. Separation of the ruling system 51. Bangkok, Thailand is 40 times bigger than and the religious system the next biggest city in the country. This 60. makes it a ______. 61. Today, most of the US and Canadian a. Primate City population lives in which of the following? b. Capital City a. Farming areas c. World City b. Rural nonfarming areas d. Global City c. Central cities e. Forward City d. Metropolitan areas e. Small towns function is to provide support for the 62. population in its hinterland? 63. In the United States and Canada, which a. Von Thunen’s model of land use aerial unit best approximates a city b. Concentric zone model a. A census tract c. Core-periphery model b. A county d. Rostow’s model of economic c. A municipality development d. A congressional district e. Christaller’s model or central e. A metropolitan area place 64. 74. 65. Today, the greatest number of urban 75. According to the rank-size rule, if the largest dwellers is found in city in a country has a population of 10 a. North America million, the next largest city will have a b. South America population of c. Africa a. 9 million d. Europe b. 8 million e. Asia c. 7.5 million 66. d. 5 million 67. Prior to the 1850’s the location of all major e. 3.5 million North American cities was related, chiefly, 76. the presence of 77. According to the sector model of North a. Transcontinental highways American city structure, members of low- b. Defensive sites income groups tend to live in which of the c. Railroad junctions following places? d. Navigable waterways a. The inner city only e. Water power b. Peripheral temporary settlements 68. c. Linear residential areas radiating 69. The alignment of ancient cities toward the from the center city outward cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) d. Evenly dispersed throughout the best illustrates the importance of which of urban area the following factors in the shaping of these e. The suburbs and rural areas only early cities? 78. a. Belief systems 79. b. Topography 80. c. Economics 81. All of the following are reasons for the rise d. Gender of suburban development in the 1950s e. Technology EXCEPT 70. a. The building of interstate highways 71. An urban center that is disproportionately b. The G.I. Bill of Rights larger than the second largest city in a c. Better public transportation country and that dominates the country’s d. The desire for more space social, political, and economic activities can e. Prefab construction methods be best classified as 82. a. A megalopolis 83. Which of the following regions had the b. A conurbanition smallest percentage of people living in urban c. A primate city areas at the end of the twentieth century? d. An edge city a. Australia e. An imperial city b. South Asia 72. c. North America 73. Which of the following is useful for d. Europe describing a settlement node whose primary e. South America 84. D) All of the above. E) A and C only 92. The three most important cities in the world are A) New York, Paris, and Shanghai. B) New York, London, and Tokyo. C) New York, London, and Beijing. D) New York, Paris, and Tokyo. E) E) New York, Rome, and Shanghai. 93. Squatter settlements in Least Developed 85. Countries (LDCs) cities are usually located 86. What city model is this above? A) in the zone in transition. a. Concentric Zone City Model B) adjacent to industrial areas. b. Griffin-Ford Model C) in warehouse districts. c. Burgess’ Model D) on the outskirts of the urban area. d. South East Asian City Model E) E) along major highways. e. Multiple-Nuclei Model 94. All of the following describe edge cites except 87. A) they are more convenient places of 88. Some governments with rapidly expanding employment for newer suburban megacities have used the concept of communities. greenbelts to alleviate social, economic, and B) they physically resemble a city, because environmental problems associated with of the prevalence of tall office buildings. growth. Which of the following is a an C) they typically are located at the accurate example of this policy? intersections of highways. a. Legislation that creates parks in the D) other uses such as shopping malls and center of the city. apartment complexes are also present. b. Legislation that creates a strip of E) E) they make it easier for traffic parks from one side of the city to the planners to design mass transit other. systems. c. Legislation that restricts further 95. development on the edge of the 41. Which of the following BEST describes the city. connection between range and threshold of d. Legislation that restricts further any particular business? development throughout the whole a. Range deals with the maximum city. distance people are willing to 89. travel for a good or service 90. Which of the following sectors of the whereas threshold is the minimum economy has grown the fastest in the United number of people needed for that States since the mid-1970s? business to survive. a. Service (Tertiary) b. Threshold deals with the maximum b. Agriculture (Primary) distance people are willing to travel c. Industry (Secondary) for a good or service whereas range d. Manufacturing (Secondary) is the minimum number of people e. Fishing (Primary) needed for that business to survive. 91. What concerns are there for a developing c. Range and threshold are not country if the rank-size rule does not apply? connected due to the amount of A) Services will be clustered in the primate people needed to gain access to city. employment in an area. B) Services will not be evenly distributed d. Both A and B throughout the country. e. None of these are correct. C) Smaller cities find it difficult to compete 96. for services with the primate city. 42. Which of the following would NOT be e. White flight considered a characteristic of a barriadas 101. zone in many Latin cities? 102. a. Poor sanitation for sewage disposal 46. Legally adding land to an urban area is b. Lack of employment opportunities known as what process? c. Lack of affordable housing a. Redlining d. Low-end residences, many times b. Annexation lacking four walls c. Gentrification e. Poor urban hydrology d. Blockbusting 97. e. Counter-urbanization 43. 103. 104. 47. Urban decline in Detroit, Michigan has led to many communities losing access to healthy, nutritional food, as stores have closed. In their place, many fast-food restaurants have appeared. These areas have 98. The image above is of the city of become ______. Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok has a. Degraded experienced rapid growth over the last 30 b. food deserts years due to its geographical situation. c. redlined Which of the following accurately explains d. gentrified this growth? e. redistricted a. Bangkok has a well-educated 105. workforce. 48. What are the laws enacted to combat b. The city has a coastal location in a suburban sprawl called? region of the world that has a a. Urban renewal strong economy b. Smart growth c. Bangkok has an advanced c. annexation infrastructure d. Cultural boundary d. Bangkok is the center of government e. Zoning ordinances and the capital city. 106. 99. 49. What is the most notable geographic trend in 44. Cities grow as a result of rural-urban the last thirty years regarding the world’s most migration. Which of the following cities populated cities? would have been the first to experience a. Most of the top 20 are now located in urbanization as a result of this type of MDC’s. migration? b. Most of the top 20 are now located in a. London LDC’s. b. Chicago c. Most of the top 20 are now located in c. Paris Africa. d. Moscow d. Most of the top 20 are now located in e. New York Asia. 100. e. Most of the top 20 are in Europe. 45. The process by which wealthy individuals 107. and families move into formerly poor 50. What is the one significant difference between neighborhoods is known as what process? edge cities and suburbs? a. Redlining a. Automobile assembly. b. Gentrification b. The population of edge cities increased c. Blockbusting every morning and decreases every d. Decentralization evening. c. There is no difference. e. Edge cities developed gradually over a d. Suburbs are a single-end destination period of approximately 50 years. and they develop along highways and 108. interstates. 109.

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