XXXX • Supporting ratification of the Kigali Amendment and the orderly phase down of HFC use • Supporting conservation and energy policy improvements in the farm bill • Support for improvements to the Regional Conservation Partnership Program, Conservation Stewardship Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program • Supporting a national price on carbon Ceres’ BICEP Network was generally supportive of Congressman Curbelo’s work to introduce a national price on carbon • Supporting re-establishment of the Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to members of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science requesting that the program be reinstated • Opposing changes to cost-benefit analysis for EPA regulations Ceres’ BICEP Network submitted official comments calling for the continued measuring of co-benefits in analysis of EPA regulations • Opposing the subsidization of uneconomicBICEP coal and nuclear Network’s power plants XXXX POLICY POSITIONS • Supporting the U.S. staying in the Paris Agreement through We Are Still In and Low Carbon USA • Defending climate and clean energy2009-PRESENT appropriations Ceres’ BICEP Network sent letters to all of the House and Senate appropriations subcommittee Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy encouraging them to continue funding climate-related programs at FY17 levels (including NOAA, SmartWay, Energy Star, AgStar, WaterSense, Green Power Partnership and Natural Gas STAR) • Defending Obama-era climate regulations such as CAFE standards, federal truck standards and methane standards • Building conservative support for climate and clean energy policies through the House Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and the Republican Climate Resolution • Supporting an updated federal standard Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Trump Administration requesting that the executive order revoking the Federal Flood Risk Management System be rescinded • Opposing restrictions on solar trade • Supporting the maintenance of federal tax credits for electric vehicles and renewable energy

1 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 FEDERAL POLICY POSITIONS 2021 • Supporting a stronger bipartisan infrastructure package to include new funding for clean energy and transportation • Supporting mandatory corporate climate disclosure • Ceres sent a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signed by 180 investors ($2.7 trillion AUM), 155 companies, and 58 non-profit organizations. • Ceres was supportive of the Biden administration’s new executive order on climate-related financial risk. • Supporting ambitious methane regulations Ceres issued a statement with over 140 investors to call on the Biden administration to advance methane regulations for the U.S. oil and gas sector. • Supporting the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to achieve a 50-52% reduction from 2005 levels in GHG pollution by 2030 • Supporting strong emissions and fuel economy standards Ceres sent a letter to the EPA and NHTSA with over 80 signatories from the BICEP Network and Corporate Electric Vehicle Alliance. • Strengthening and modernizing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) by incorporating climate resilience and racial justice. Ceres issued formal comments to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. • Supporting a federal clean electricity standard to achieve 80% clean electricity by 2030 and 80% emissions reduction by 2030 on the way to 100% clean electricity by 2035. • Renewable energy and storage tax incentives Renewable energy, grid modernization, and storage tax incentives/credits were a key components advocated by businesses for a successful green recovery/infrastructure package in LEAD on Climate 2021 • Regenerative Agriculture • BICEP’s Climate-Smart Agriculture and Healthy Working Group was launched in March 2021,with fourteen large active members advocating for federal policy solutions. • Since its founding, the Working Group has submitted a sign-on letter to the USDA to expand climate- smart agriculture programs and another sign-on letter to Congressional leadership to increase conservation funding for the USDA as a part of the final infrastructure bill. 2020 • Supporting mandatory corporate climate disclosure • Encouraging the United States to rejoin the Paris Agreement • Supporting resilient, long-term climate solutions for future economy recovery from COVID-19 Ceres convened more than 330 businesses at LEAD on Climate 2020 for virtual meetings with members of Congress. • Opposing the new rule released by the Department of Labor that prevents fund managers from adequately considering ESG risks within their investment decisions. Ceres sent a comment letter to Secretary Wilson. • Opposing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s revisions to Rule 14a-8, which impairs investors’ ability to manage systemic risks • Opposing the rollback of methane standards • Opposing the new fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions rules • Opposing the administration’s proposed changes to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)

2 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 FEDERAL POLICY POSITIONS 2019 • Supporting a national price on carbon • Supporting Master Limited Partnerships (MLP) and tax incentives for the renewable energy sector Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to members on the Senate Committee on Finance to consider bills that offer MLP to the renewable energy sector as well as bills that provide appealing tax incentives • Supporting the orderly phase down of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) use Ceres’ BICEP Network was generally supportive of Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-LA) and Sen. Tom Carper’s (D-DE) work to reduce the use and production of HFCs 2018 • Supporting ratification of the Kigali Amendment and the orderly phase down of HFC use • Supporting conservation and energy policy improvements in the farm bill • Support for improvements to the Regional Conservation Partnership Program, Conservation Stewardship Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program • Supporting a national price on carbon Ceres’ BICEP Network was generally supportive of Congressman Curbelo’s work to introduce a national price on carbon • Supporting re-establishment of the Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to members of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science requesting that the program be reinstated • Opposing changes to cost-benefit analysis for EPA regulations Ceres’ BICEP Network submitted official comments calling for the continued measuring of co-benefits in analysis of EPA regulations • Opposing the subsidization of uneconomic coal and nuclear power plants 2017 • Supporting the U.S. staying in the Paris Agreement through We Are Still In and Low Carbon USA • Defending climate and clean energy appropriations Ceres’ BICEP Network sent letters to all of the House and Senate appropriations subcommittee encouraging them to continue funding climate-related programs at FY17 levels (including NOAA, SmartWay, Energy Star, AgStar, WaterSense, Green Power Partnership and Natural Gas STAR) • Defending Obama-era climate regulations such as CAFE standards, federal truck standards and methane standards • Building conservative support for climate and clean energy policies through the House Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and the Republican Climate Resolution • Supporting an updated federal standard Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Trump Administration requesting that the executive order revoking the Federal Flood Risk Management System be rescinded • Opposing restrictions on solar trade • Supporting the maintenance of federal tax credits for electric vehicles and renewable energy

3 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 FEDERAL POLICY POSITIONS 2013 • Supporting EPA’s New Source Carbon Pollution Standard 22 companies (including BICEP Network companies and others) signed a letter of support for carbon pollution standards for new power plants • Supporting President Obama’s Climate Action Plan Ceres’ BICEP Network companies (and others) signed a letter on the one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy to voice their strong support for the climate change preparedness efforts outlined in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan 2012 • Supporting Production Tax Credit for Wind Energy • Ceres’ BICEP Network companies and others signed a letter urging Congress to extend the Production Tax Credit (PTC) • Ceres’ BICEP Network companies lobbied Congress in support of the PTC in 2012 2011 • Supporting Shaheen-Portman Energy Efficiency Bill • In June 2011: Ceres’ BICEP Network members, along with other companies, NGOs, and associations, wrote a letter to the bill cosponsors expressing support for their energy efficiency legislation • In November 2011, Anne Kelly wrote a letter on behalf of the Ceres’ BICEP Network to U.S. Senate Leaders in support of energy efficiency measures, including the Shaheen-Portman Energy Savings Act of 2011 and the Sensible Accounting to Value Energy Act • In April 2013, Ceres’ BICEP Network announced its support for the reintroduced Shaheen-Portman Energy Efficiency Bill 2010 • Supporting the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act Ceres’ BICEP Network supported a bill by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) that proposed a cap and trade regime and required an emissions curb of 20% by 2020. • Supporting Fuel Efficiency Standards for Cars and Light Trucks—through 2012 • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter in October 2010 to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to voice support for a fleet-wide average standard for new cars and light trucks • President Obama announced 54.5 mpg fuel efficiency standards in August 2012. 2009 • Supporting American Clean Energy & Security Act Ceres’ BICEP Network issued a joint statement in June 2009 praising the U.S. House’s passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), which was sponsored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) & Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA)

4 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS 2021 ARIZONA • Supporting strong, enforceable clean energy standards in Arizona. • Sent a letter with 25 in-state companies and trade associations to signal their support for a car- bon-free electricity standard by 2050 and a strengthened energy efficiency standard. CALIFORNIA • Supporting the passage of SB499, climate risk disclosure legislation. • Sent a letter with over two dozen investors with $88 billion AUM urging state legislators to set a standard for climate risk disclosure. • Supporting a strong Advanced Clean Fleet standard • Supporting meaningful updates to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan • Supporting a 2022 all-electric building energy efficiency code • Supporting a comprehensive state strategic plan for offshore wind • Advancing legislation to promote water affordability assistance and strengthen existing water shut- off and bill repayment protections • Supporting the inclusion of equity across state processes and promotion of community benefits for clean energy programs • Supporting legislation to prevent water contamination and water system failure. • Sent a sign-on letter with 8 signatories to the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate in support of water affordability assistance and water shutoff protection bills. • Supporting building decarbonization and regionalization legislation • Supporting the implementation of a GHG Reduction Roadmap • Supporting the adoption of the ACT Rule and MHDV electrification ILLINOIS • Supporting a 100% clean energy standard and a more efficient, clean, and equitable transportation system. • Sent a letter with two dozen signatories to Governor Pritzker and Members of the Illinois General Assembly. • Expanding the repeal of House Bill 6 to reinstate Ohio’s renewable energy and energy efficiency resource standards. • Supporting the passage of legislation to reduce EV fees and to increase accessibility to EV and equi- table clean transportation investments MASSACHUSETTS • Supporting the Next Generation Roadmap and the state’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050. • Supporting the advancement of clean transportation policies. • Supporting building decarbonization and efficiency as well as efforts to include equitable reforms to existing programs • Supporting the inclusion of Just Transition into offshore wind industry

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MARYLAND • Encouraging the state’s participation in the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). • Supporting the enactment of meaningful climate legislation, including the Climate Solutions Now Act • Supporting the advancement of clean transportation policies • Supporting the state’s implementation and progress towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. MINNESOTA • Supporting the passage of bipartisan energy legislation. • Supporting the adoption of Advanced Clean Car standards and other policies to increase accessibility to EV and equitable clean transportation investment including for MHD ZEVs. • Supporting the acceleration of energy efficiency investments in New Hampshire by increasing the state’s energy efficiency resource standard. • Sent a letter with more than two dozen signatories to the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. • Supporting net-metering reforms and renewable energy procurement • Maintaining the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) • Supporting the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) Program. • Sent a letter with a dozen signatories to Governor Sisolak and Administrative Lovato. • Supporting participation in multi-state medium- and heavy-duty ZEV MOU • Supporting EV infrastructure legislation, appliance standards and other energy efficiency-focused legislation NEW JERSEY • Supporting the effective allocation of RGGI and clean energy funds • Supporting accelerated adoption of MHD ZEVs through adoption of the Advanced Clean Trucks rule and new programs • Supporting energy efficiency programs in school and updates to the state’s appliance efficiency standards • Supporting the development of a green jobs plan as part of the newly formed Council on the Green Economy NORTH CAROLINA • Supporting the adoption of ambitious clean energy legislation. • Sent a letter with 14 signatories to Governor Cooper and hosted virtual business meetings with lawmakers. • Supporting participation in the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). • Supporting executive actions to increase EV uptakes and other clean energy initiatives. PENNSYLVANIA • Supporting the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). • Supporting legislation that plans and scales up EV charging infrastructure • Supporting measures to increase renewable energy through passing community solar and/or strengthening renewable energy standards

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VIRGINIA • Supporting the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars program • Sent a letter with 12 signatories to Governor Northam in support of policies to accelerate a transition to low-emission and zero-emission vehicles. • Supporting Virginia’s participation in TCI and multi-state medium- and heavy-duty ZEV MOU TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE: • Supporting states (MA, CT, RI, and DC) with implementation and legislation on the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). 2020 ARIZONA • Supporting building decarbonization across the West (AZ, CA, CO, NV, and WA). • Supporting the adoption of revamped clean-energy rules. • Opposed bills challenging the Arizona Corporation Commission’s authority to move forward with clean energy standards. • Hosted a meeting with Governor Ducey’s office and recruited corporate opposition to the two Arizona bills CALIFORNIA • Supporting accelerated availability and scale of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in California. • Supporting building decarbonization across the West (AZ, CA, CO, NV, and WA). • Sent a sign-on letter with over 50 signatories to Governor Gavin Newsom. • Submitted a public comment on behalf of the BICEP Network t in support of an all-electric building code in the 2022 Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Update. • Supported the Equitable Building Electrification Executive Order. COLORADO • Supporting building decarbonization across the West (AZ, CA, CO, NV, and WA). MASSACHUSETTS • Supporting a net-zero emissions goal by 2050 with interim reductions, an annual increase to the RPS and improved representation and protection for EJ communities. • Sent a letter to Governor Baker from Mindy Lubber in support of the 2050 Roadmap Bill and prioritization of climate-smart recovery. • Supporting the inclusion of an environmental justice amendment to the Massachusetts Climate Roadmap bill. • Sent a letter from the Ceres BICEP Network to urge lawmakers to support the amendment. MICHIGAN • Supporting the Climate Action Executive Order, which includes GHG emissions reduction targets of 80% by 2050, state building energy waste reductions of 20% by 2040, and creation of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Solutions. NEVADA • Supporting building decarbonization across the West (AZ, CA, CO, NV, and WA). • Supporting low-emission vehicle standards and the creation of a zero-emissions vehicle program. • Supporting a state-wide framework for net-zero emissions by 2050.

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• Ceres hosted a business roundtable event to educate businesses and state chambers (Reno + Sparks, Latin, and Urban Chambers). NEW MEXICO • Supporting strengthened draft ozone precursor and methane regulations. • Sent a letter with over 40 investors ($100 billion in AUM) to urge Gov. Michelle Lujan’s state agencies to strengthen draft rules to reduce methane waste and pollution from the oil and gas industry. NEW JERSEY • Supporting the inclusion of cumulative impacts into permitting decisions due to disproportionate impacts of pollution in EJ communities. • Supporting the enhancement of the state’s energy efficiency transition. NORTH CAROLINA • Supporting better access to renewable energy and customer choice for businesses in North Carolina. • Supporting the Clean Energy Plan, which sets bold new climate goals: a 70% reduction (below 2005 levels) in electric-sector GHG emissions by 2030 and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. • Supporting accelerated adoption of electric vehicles and clean transportation solutions. OHIO • Supporting the immediate appeal of HB6 • Sent a letter with over 50 businesses, investors, and trade organizations to Governor Mike Dewine and other members of the Ohio Legislature. PENNSYLVANIA • Supporting the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). • Opposing attempts to undermine the Act 129 energy efficiency programs • Supporting strong existing source methane emissions regulations. • Sent a letter with 50 signatories representing $4T AUM in support of a proposal to cut emissions by 75,000 tons per year. • Mobilized investors to deliver oral public comments (virtually) and Friends Fiduciary Corp. authored an op-ed on the importance of reining in methane emissions. VIRGINIA • Supporting 100% carbon free electricity by 2050. • Supporting the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars program which includes low-emission standards and a zero-emission vehicle program. WASHINGTON • Supporting building decarbonization across the West (AZ, CA, CO, NV, and WA) with a focus on electrification incentives for utilities. • Supporting carbon pricing policies that minimize offsets and dedicates at least 35% of revenue investments towards disproportionately impact communities. • Sent a BICEP letter to the Washington Legislative Assembly in support of the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act and carbon pricing policies. TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE

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• Supporting the participation of states across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic in the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). • Sent a letter with over 100 signatories of businesses and investors to governors in the region urging the adoption of TCI and placed op-eds by Seventh Generation and Danfoss North America. • Supporting the inclusion of equity provisions into the final TCI MOU. 2019 ARIZONA • Expanding and strengthening Arizona’s clean energy standards (ongoing) • Ceres’ BICEP Network submitted a letter of support to the Arizona Corporation Commission

CALIFORNIA • Supporting a comprehensive strategy for medium and heavy-duty vehicles for California • Sent a support letter to the critical Assembly Transportation Committee • Hosted an educational roundtable with companies, policymakers and regulators • Supporting a heavy-duty vehicle inspection program for California • Sent a support letter to the Assembly Transportation Committee • Supporting SB 200, California’s Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund to supply drinking water to one million Californians without access • Sent a sign-on letter with 15 signatories

COLORADO • Adopting a carbon reduction goal in Colorado • Sent a sign-on letter with seven signatories in support of a 90% emissions reduction by 2050 goal; submitted written testimony from two of the signatories to Senate committee and sup- ported private outreach by two of signatories to targeted lawmakers • Supporting transportation electrification in Colorado • Sent a letter with 21 signatories to the Air Quality Control Commission in support of Zero Emission Vehicle program adoption • Issued a press release following Gov. Jared Polis executive order • Sent a sign-on letter in support of HB 1159 (electric tax credit extension) and SB 077 (enable utilities to build-out and own EV charging infrastructure) • Supporting coal securitization in Colorado • Sent a letter by Aspen Skiing Company in support of HB 1037

INDIANA • Improving access to renewable energy for corporate buyers in • Sent a sign-on letter with nine signatories to Gov. Eric Holcomb and the members of the state’s 21st Century Energy Task Force

MASSACHUSETTS • Supporting a net-zero emissions goal for 2050 in Massachusetts • Sent a sign-on letter with 16 signatories • Co-hosted July Lawmaker Education and Advocacy Day. Representatives from 11 major businesses and investor groups met with key policymakers on Beacon Hill • Co-hosted September discussion between business leaders and lawmakers on setting carbon neutrality goals 9 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

MICHIGAN • Supporting transportation electrification in Michigan • Wrote and placed an op-ed with University of Michigan on need or electric infrastructure development • Issued a press release in support of electric infrastructure development bills (SB 406-409, HB 4786-4789) • Hosted two electric vehicle education and discussion events at University of Michigan • Supporting Michigan participation in U.S. Climate Alliance • Issued a press release supporting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order to enter the U.S. Climate Alliance and establish an Office on Climate & Energy

MINNESOTA • Supporting Minnesota’s transition to a low-carbon economy • Sent a sign-on letter with nine signatories to executive and legislative leadership • Supporting adoption of Advanced Clean Car Program in Minnesota • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan in support of the rulemaking • Ceres’ BICEP Network submitted a letter as testimony to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s initial public comment period

NEVADA • Supporting strengthening Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard • Ceres sent a sign-on letter with six signatories to the Nevada legislature in support of SB 358 (50% by 2030) and coordinated testimony by Dignity Health • Supporting a carbon reduction goal in Nevada • Ceres sent a sign-on letter with five business signatories to the Nevada legislature in support of SB 254 (zero emissions by 2050)

NEW HAMPSHIRE • Supporting accelerated adoption of clean energy in New Hampshire • Re-released Clean Energy Principles with over 100 signatories • Supporting increase in cap on net metering from 1MW to 5MW in New Hampshire • Submitted a sign-on letter with seven signatories. • Wrote and placed supportive op-eds by leading companies • Launched targeted social media campaign • Connected priority policy makers to businesses in their districts • Supporting increased investment in energy efficiency in New Hampshire • Submitted a sign-on letter with 16 signatories to New Hampshire General Court encouraging increased investment from RGGI revenue in energy efficiency initiatives. • Supporting low-income solar in New Hampshire • Met with the Gov. Chris Sununu’s staff multiple times and submitted a detailed briefing memo. • Leveraged Dartmouth-Hitchcock to demonstrate in-state company support for low-income solar. • Supporting SB.590 science-based emissions reduction goals and path to net-zero by 2050 in New Hampshire • Held a webinar with business leaders • Drafted a sign-on letter supporting the bill to begin collecting signatures in 2020

NEW MEXICO 10 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

• Supporting extending New Mexico’s energy efficiency resource standard • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter in support of SB 136 and HB 291 to extend New Mexico’s energy efficiency resources standard through 2030 and increase spending allowance for energy efficiency programs

NORTH CAROLINA • Opposing increased electric vehicle registration fees in North Carolina • Coordinated a sign-on letter signed by four companies opposing a major increase to annual electric vehicle registration fees via the budget

OHIO • Opposing annual electric registration fees in Ohio • Ceres’ BICEP Network letter to legislature in opposition of HB 62 • Supporting Ohio’s Clean Energy Standards (RPS and EERS) and opposing rollbacks to the program in HB 6 (unsuccessful in halting proposed legislation) • Submitted a sign-on letter to lawmakers opposing HB 6 with 24 signatories. • Submitted a sign-on letter to Gov. Mike DeWine opposing HB 6 in Ohio with more than 60 signatories • Submitted an academic sign-on letter to Gov. Dewine supporting clean energy investments in Ohio with four signatories • Partnered with Cleveland Clinic (Ohio’s second largest employer) to host a “Business Roundtable on Energy Investments in Ohio” attended by representatives from both the governor’s and lieutenant governor’s offices, businesses, trade associations, hospitals and health systems • Organized three business advocacy days to meet with legislators before House and Senate votes • Coordinated a business call with six participants and the policy advisor in governor’s office • Submitted letters from Ceres’ BICEP Network and 25 signatory letter to the Public Utilities Commision of Ohio in support of maintaining utility energy efficiency programs

OREGON • Supporting expansion of a carbon market in Oregon (failed to pass) • Sent a letter signed by nine investors and companies supporting the adoption of cap-and-invest legislation in Oregon (HB 2020)

PENNSYLVANIA • Expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Pennsylvania (SB 596) • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Pennsylvania legislature supporting legislation that would incentivize the build-out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure

VIRGINIA • Expanding access to renewable energy in Virginia (SB 1584/HB 2117) • Sent a letter signed by five companies supporting legislation that would enable all customers to access 100% renewable energy offerings from both utilities and competitive suppliers • Supporting RGGI regulation in Virginia • Sent a letter signed by seven businesses as well as a letter from supporting Virginia DEQ’s plans to finalize a carbon regulation that would link Virginia to RGGI • Encouraging Dominion Energy’s greater emphasis on clean energy in Virginia (via SCC regulatory docket) • Sent a letter signed by 10 data center companies encouraging the utility to prioritize clean energy resources 11 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

WASHINGTON • Strengthening Washington’s renewable portfolio standard to 100% clean energy by 2045 • Submitted sign-on letter with eight signatories in support of SB 5116

TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE • Supporting the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), to implement regional cap on vehicle emissions (participating states include: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT) • Issued a press release with quotes from business leaders supporting adoption of draft MOU • Sent a support letter to Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker 2018 CALIFORNIA • Supporting a landmark policy (SB 100) requiring renewable energy and zero-carbon resources supply 100% of electric retail sales to end-use customers by 2045 in California • Submitted a company sign-on letter with 31 signatories • Submitted an investor sign-on letter with 20 signatories • Supporting a water conservation and efficiency framework for California • Submitted a sign-on letter with eight signatories in favor of SB 606 and AB 1668

COLORADO • Supporting adoption of Advanced Clean Cars program in Colorado • Sent a letter to Gov. John Hickenlooper; supported private company engagement to the governor; wrote and placed op-eds by major companies in support of the program; hosted an electric vehicle roadshow • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent to letters, one to the Regional Air Quality Council and the other to the Air Quality Control Commission

MASSACHUSETTS • Supporting transportation electrification in Massachusetts • Submitted a sign-on letter with recommendations for accelerating electric adoption and reducing transportation sector emissions • Held webinar educating business leaders on clean transportation issues in Massachusetts • Supporting increasing Massachusetts’ Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50% by 2030 • Held two lobby days in support of the proposal • Organized comment submission to key legislators by Trillium Asset Management

MICHIGAN • Supporting transportation electrification in Michigan • Sent a joint letter with the nonprofit community to DTE in support of an electric vehicle pilot program • Hosted an electric vehicle education and discussion event at the University of Michigan • Supporting distributed generation and microgrids in Michigan • Partnered with Health Care Without Harm to submit testimony in support of an “Energy Freedom” bill package


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• Supporting transportation electrification in Minnesota • Submitted testimony to the Public Utility Commission in support of electric vehicle infrastructure development • Supporting energy storage deployment in Minnesota • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter in support of SF3656 • Supporting state regulation of carbon pollution in Minnesota • Sent joint letter with the non-profit community supporting state agency authority to enforce a carbon pollution limit • Supporting strengthening building codes in Minnesota • Sent a sign-on letter with 21 signatories to update Minnesota’s building codes to the full 2018 International Energy Conservation Code

NEVADA • Supporting a 50% by 2030 Renewable Portfolio and community solar in Nevada • Sent a sign-on letter with six signatories to the Interim Legislative Committee on Energy • Hosted educational roundtable at Dignity Health– St. Rose Dominican hospital in Las Vegas • Expanding commercial energy efficiency in Nevada • Submitted a letter with 10 signatories supporting stronger energy efficiency programs in Nevada Energy’s integrated resource plan and wrote and placed an op-ed by Ben & Jerry’s

NEW HAMPSHIRE • Supporting accelerated adoption of clean energy in New Hampshire • Worked with NHBSR to develop Clean Energy Principles with over 70 businesses signed on • Opposed cuts to funding for energy efficiency in New Hampshire • Recruited Worthen industries to submit comments opposing HB.592, cutting the amount of RGGI funds used for energy efficiency, and HB. 317 funding for energy efficiency projects • Opposed HB.114 freezing New Hampshire’s RPS • Recruited Worthen industries to submit comments opposing the bill

NORTH CAROLINA • Improving utility green tariff programs in North Carolina • Sent a letter signed by five companies advocating for a better green tariff program from Duke Energy (“Green Source Advantage”) • Advocating for true grid modernization in North Carolina • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter arguing that Duke Energy’s grid modernization proposals fall short of what we would otherwise support as beneficial grid modernization

OHIO • Supporting Ohio’s clean energy standards (RPS & EERS) • Sent a sign-on letter with 20 signatories to legislative leadership in opposition to HB 114 • Held a lobby day in opposition to HB 114 • Supporting wind energy deployment in Ohio • Sent a sign-on letter with 11 signatories to lift Ohio’s wind setback requirements

PENNSYLVANIA • Expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Pennsylvania (HB 1446) • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Pennsylvania legislature supporting legislation that would 13 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

incentivize build-out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (legislation failed)

VIRGINIA • Supporting regulations to join RGGI in Virginia • Sent a letter signed by seven companies supporting proposed carbon trading regulations Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter opposing legislation (HB 1270) that would prohibit the Virginia DEQ from pursuing RGGI regulations • Supporting ambitious Energy Plan for clean energy in Virginia • Sent a letter signed by 12 companies and universities encouraging a bold vision for clean energy in the 2018 Virginia Energy Plan • Supporting increasing energy efficiency in Virginia • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter supporting bills (SB 855 & HB 1261) that would make it more likely for regulators to approve utility energy efficiency program proposals • Encouraging Dominion Energy’s greater emphasis on clean energy in Virginia (via SCC regulatory docket) • Sent a letter signed by five data center companies encouraging the utility to prioritize clean energy resources

TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE • Supporting the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), to implement regional cap on vehicle emissions (participating states include: CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT) • Submitted a sign-on letter with over 50 signatories to state governors and the mayor of DC 2017 MICHIGAN • Implementing Michigan’s new clean energy laws • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Michigan Public Service Commission recommending the voluntary green pricing program be designed with the needs of business in mind • Expanding the clean transportation sector in Michigan • Ceres sent a letter to the Michigan Public Service Commission outlining ways in which they can support electric vehicle adoption and investment • Supporting Michigan’s increased renewable energy standard • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent a private letter to lawmakers demonstrating support for the 50% by 2030 renewable energy standard bill (SF 1531 and HF 1772)

OHIO • Defending Ohio’s clean energy standards • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent letters and met key Republican Senators and Gov. John Kasich to demonstrate support for Ohio’s clean energy standards and opposition to HB 114 2016 CALIFORNIA • Seeing California’s SB 32 through passage • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent letters to lawmakers, attended Sacramento advocacy days and contacted lawmakers in support of passing SB 32 in California, which would extend the state’s climate goals through 2030 14 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

• After a battle in the Assembly, the bill passed in September 2016, and Ceres’ BICEP Network representatives attended Gov. Jerry Brown’s bill signing ceremony

MICHIGAN • Bolstering SB 437 and SB 438 in Michigan • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent letters to legislators urging them to strengthen energy optimization standards and increase the state’s renewable energy standard by at least 5% • In December 2016, the legislature strengthened these vital clean energy policies with bi-partisan support MINNESOTA • Supporting and strengthening Minnesota’s leadership • Ceres’ BICEP Network members met with Lt. Gov. Tina Smith in a constructive roundtable discus sion, sent letters to Gov. Mark Dayton, and lobbied the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce to support a strong climate and clean energy policy OHIO • Reinstating Ohio’s clean energy standards • Through digital advertising, in-person meetings, op-eds and strong company statements, Ceres’ • BICEP Network members expressed opposition to legislation that would continue the freeze on Ohio’s renewable energy and energy efficiency standards beyond 2017 (SB 320 and HB 554) • By vetoing this legislation in December, Gov. John Kasich reinstated Ohio’s clean energy standards VIRGINIA • Opening barriers to corporate procurement of renewable energy in Virginia • Ceres and business partners have encouraged and supported efforts to remove barriers to corporate renewable energy procurement through allowing corporate access to third-party financing, power purchase agreements, community solar, workable and cost-competitive green tariff programs, and other key procurement mechanisms • Supporting regulations to address state-wide carbon emissions in Virginia—ongoing • Ceres and partners supported and encouraged the establishment of statewide carbon emissions reduction regulations in Virginia at the leadership of the governor’s office through Executive Order 57 (2016) and Executive Directive 11 (2017)

REGIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INITIATIVE (RGGI) • Supporting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)—ongoing • Coordinated a letter from 94 investors and companies to governors of the nine states participating in the RGGI cap-and-trade program (CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT), encouraging them to strengthen the ambition of RGGI post-2020 • Ceres’ BICEP Network and Mindy Luber sent a letter to Nicole Singh, Executive Director of RGGI, encouraging RGGI to consider a 5% annual emissions cap reductions scenario in their next program review post-2020 2015 CALIFORNIA • Supporting California SB 32 & SB 350 15 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

• Ceres’ BICEP Network companies and others signed onto letters supporting pieces of legislation in California that would expand the state’s landmark climate law, AB 32 • 31 companies signed in support of SB 32, which would extend AB 32 to 2050 via a target of 80% reduction in carbon emissions below 1990 levels. • 24 companies signed in support of SB 350, which would set new “50-50-50” benchmarks for increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency and decreasing petroleum use by 2030. MICHIGAN • Preventing a clean energy rollback in Michigan • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent a letter to the legislature urging them to maintain the existing renewable energy standard MINNESOTA • Supporting an increased renewable energy standard in Minnesota • Ceres’ BICEP Network members sent a letter to the legislature in support of an increase to the states’ renewable energy standard by 40% by 2030 (SF 1431 and HF 1678) NORTH CAROLINA • Defending the North Carolina Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards • Through letters and in-person meetings, Ceres’ BICEP Network members encouraged the North Carolina legislature to refrain from weakening the state’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) • Opening barriers to corporate procurement of renewable energy (ongoing) • Ceres and its business partners encouraged and supported efforts to remove barriers to corporate renewable procurement through allowing access to third-party financing and power purchase agreements (through the Energy Freedom Act), allowing access to third-party solar leasing (through 2017’s HB 589), and creating a workable, cost-competitive Green Source Rider (green tariff) program • Extending the investment tax credit for solar energy in North Carolina—through 2016 • Ceres supported an extension of North Carolina’s solar tax credit, which equaled 35% of the cost of an installed system but had expired on December 31, 2015 WASHINGTON • Supporting Clean Fuel Standard • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to Washington state legislators calling on policymakers to move forward with implementing a Clean Fuel Standard 2014 CALIFORNIA • Supporting Low-Carbon Fuel Standard • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to California legislators commending the state’s efforts to build a clean energy economy and reiterating support for the low-carbon fuel standard 2013 OREGON 16 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021 STATE POLICY POSITIONS

• Supporting Clean Fuels Program • Ceres’ BICEP Network sent a letter to the Oregon Legislature expressing strong support for the Oregon Clean Fuels Program 2011 CALIFORNIA • Supporting Strong Amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard • Anne Kelly wrote a letter on behalf of the Ceres BICEP Network to California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary Nichols relaying business support for amendments that would strengthen the LCFS 2010 CALIFORNIA • Supporting Proposition 23 • Ceres’ BICEP Network companies urged California voters to reject Proposition 23, an initiative that would have effectively killed the state’s landmark AB 32 law.

17 | ceres.org Ceres Policy Positions 2009-2021