Hallinan PTO Meeting Minutes
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Hallinan PTO Meeting Minutes
2 November 2017
Attendees: Megan Tracy, Lisa Decker, Alix Pickett, Nancy Wakefield, Shellee Ensing, Brandy Begin, Linda Lee, Chris Huettemeyer, Andrea Serochi, Lupe Folegatti, Kim Hottel, Sarah Padfield, Stephanie Holderman
Handouts: Agenda, Budget
Welcome and Thank You:
-Brandy Begin opened the meeting at 7:05PM. -With lots of new faces with it being an evening meeting we began the meeting with introductions. -Thank you! We gave thanks to all those who support the PTO, Bridget Coyne and Nicole Blum for their hard work with My School Anywhere, Monica McGee for helping bring awareness to Dyslexia awareness month, the HOPES committee, Stephanie Holderman for the Jog-A-Thon, and Leanne Leon/Pilar Tragresser/Monicah Blair/Kemi Mclaren for their continued hard work organizing the party boards. Thank you to Kemi McLaren for her work with the OBOB teams again this year!
Important Dates:
-12/4-12/8 Book Fair week -12/5 Vision Screening -12/7 PTO Meeting 830-10AM. (Will be off site. Location TBD) -12/15 Winter Classroom Parties -No PTO meeting in January
President’s Report: (Brandy Begin)
-Future PTO meeting schedule likely location for am PTO meetings is at C3 Church on Stafford, waiting for final confirmation from Stephanie Fitts.
December 7 8:30-10AM Location TBD January- No PTO Meeting February 1 7-8:30PM Location: Hallinan Library March 1 8:30AM-10AM Location TBD April 19 7-8:30PM Location: Hallinan Library May 3 8:30-10AM Location TBD
-Reminder that PTO communication is via the school newsletter, Facebook, and the PTO website. If you want something broadcasted make sure you include Alix Pickett, Micheelle Huntington, and Katie Brown to spread the word. -Don’t forget to complete the PTO survey. It takes 10-15 minutes but will help best utilize Diana Cutaia resources.
President’s Report Cont.
-Assessment road show. Dr. Beck is doing an assessment road show to help spread the word on how changes have come in regards to Oregon’s standardized testing. The rules in Oregon are changing. Opting out of the testing will bring our averages from the 90th to the 30th percentile which affects funding and how the teachers utilize the test to best teach the students in our schools. Encourage families to attend the roadshows at each of the high schools, check Dr. Beck’s blog for dates/times. Plan to invite Dr. Beck to upcoming PTO meeting, will update with date/time.
Treasurer Report: (Linda Lee)
-Bank Balance minus outstanding checks was $121,762.27. -76% of families have paid PTO dues/confirmed info. -We discussed having the PTO sign-up @ the June Carnival so we can access the data over the summer for volunteer opportunities. -The Hoedown has brought in $29,615.00 (expenses $15,000) so net is approx $15,000 so far this year. Revenue from party boards is still coming in. The Party Boards have been the largest revenue source. Excess proceeds will go to the general PTO fund. -Jog-a-thon brought in $19000 and $4000 in sponsorship. We will be buying one additional chrome cart with the funds raised which will put us at 8 chrome carts. The goal is to have a minimum of 9 chrome carts. We will also be purchasing items on the makerspace wishlist for approx $10,000.
Principal’s Report (Alix Pickett):
-Alix shared with the PTO how the school uses the technology the PTO provides. They currently have 7 chrome carts. They also have 2 iPad carts. The preference for chrome carts is that iPads are expensive to fix and replace. Also as technology some of the apps change and the iPad doesn’t seem to support them. They want to standardize with the Chrome books even for the younger levels. Each cart has 30-35. The long term goal would be to have one per class in grades 3-5. Examples of how different students use the carts. Fifth graders are using them to research, third graders are using them to learn to type, and all the grade levels are utilizing them to practice sharing and presenting. -Alix also shared how we are utilizing Chris Hesselbein. and Larry Zurcher. They have been hired by the district as TOSA’s (teachers on special assignment)work for the entire school district but assist with STEM TOSA. A current example of what they have worked with our students is that they were use exploratory goggles in the second grade to go visit the rain forest. They are also there to assist with the outdoor classroom etc., aligning the garden programs in all schools with the new science curriculum, hot wheels tracks in Kindergarten to study slopes/speed. -We are also in need of parent volunteers to help with morning traffic. Please see the newsletter to sign up if you are interested.
Committee Reports:
*Makers Space: -Mrs. Landau sent a board with a special wish list. -The maker space can be during recess. Currently the area is being maxed out daily. There is also a binder available to see the current projects being completed. -Jinga, Legos, Magnatiles, and Lincoln Logs are just a few of the activities available in the space., coding. Committee Reports cont:
*Makers Space: -She is in search of both cut up wood pieces and toilet paper rolls. -the Door is always open. Feel free to pop your head in at any time to explore. *Hoedown Committee: -Report was completed under Linda Lee’s report *Garden/Outdoor Classroom: -$8,000 over budget for outdoor classroom construction. - We will need to vote on how to cover this expense. Some ideas include a tile fundraiser, the school store, and/or the proceeds from the Hoedown. -It was asked if he gave an itemized budget? He did. -We also still need to stain the classroom, and add benches and classroom. Everyone was in agreement that whoever stains the classroom needs to be licensed and bonded. Jen Daniello is obtaining bids for this. *Book Fair (chair Shellee Ensing): -The Book Fair is December 4th-8th. Set-Up will be Friday December 1st. -Hours most likely will be 7:45AM-4:30PM -Tuesday December 5th will be Doughnuts for Dads -Wednesday December 6th will be Grandparents Day. Alix will do a presentation on Grandparents Day. -Watch your email for an opportunity to volunteer. -Stephanie Holderman will help coordinate the classroom preview/wish lists. -Will be in need of a mascot coordinator (5th grade?) and just general spreading the word about the book fair. -HOPES will be doing a used book drive during the book fair. -Online shopping is available. -25% of proceeds will go back to the school Last year that was about $16,500. *HOPES (chair Nancy Wakefield) -The HOPES committee stands for Hands on Projects Encouraging Service. -Typically low risk exposure. -Currently we have 61 families signed up excluding the families of the four chairs. -Currently collecting candy for the troops. As of November 2nd we had two full trash cans of candy ready to donate. Along with the candy the kids will be writing a letter to the troops for Veteran’s Day. -The HOPES committee will also be in search of families (parents only) to decorate Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. This will be decorations the kids decorated. The kids will be welcome to assist with removing the decorations. *Science Fair (chair Jennifer Wells) -The science fair is Februrary 15th. Please check the newsletter for volunteer opportunities.
-Fundraiser for the foundation. We will be doing a Dance-a-thon like last year for the primary fundraiser. The talent show has been a fun time in the past so we may have a talent show in the future. If we decide to do both we will need a talent show chair. -Andrea Serochi (volunteer coordinator) also brought up that while most opportunities are full to continue watching for emails and that we are still in need of garden volunteers.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15PM
Respectfully Submitted:
Megan Tracy
Hallinan PTO Secretary