E-Meeting Goals and Procedures
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WG(s): ALL 5th FG IPTV meeting: Geneva, 23-31 July 2007 CONTRIBUTION Source: WG3 Leader Title: WG 3 E-Meeting report
Working Group 3 met electronically from June 11 to June 21 to discuss the Working Documents on IPTV services requirements security part (FGIPTV-DOC-0083, sub-clause 6.3) and IPTV service security and content protection aspects (FGIPTV-DOC-0090). The meeting was chaired by Mr. Dong WANG and Mr. Glenn Adams assisted by Mr. Ghassem Koleyni. As a result of these activities two contributions were prepared for submission to the upcoming July meeting. One is providing changes to FG IPTV-DOC-0083 and the other one for FG IPTV-DOC-0090. The editor of FG IPTV_DOC-0090, Ms. Wei XIE, helped to prepare the contributions.
1 E-Meeting Goals and Procedures The electronic meeting was organized to progress the security part of IPTV Service Requirements Working Document (FG IPTV-DOC-0083) and IPTV Security Aspects (FG IPTV-DOC-0090) Working Documents. The Terms of Reference of this E-Meeting are as follows: Review and prepare update Security Aspects part of WG1 “Working Document: IPTV Service Requirement” Review and update of WG3 “Working Document: IPTV Security Aspects” FG IPTV WG3 Leaders requested the FG IPTV community to post their comments on the FG IPTV exploder prior and during the E-Meeting. Such comments were discussed and were consolidated during the E-Meeting, which was split into two sessions: Session 1, from June 11 to June 15 was dedicated to the WG3 Working Document FG IPTV-DOC-0090. Session 2, from June 18 to June 21 was dedicated to the security related parts of WG1 Working Document FG IPTV-DOC-0083. For the sake of efficiency, WG3 leaders prepared a table to collected comments. . These tables were expanded to provide resolution to the received comments (see Annexes A and B of this report). A colouring scheme is used to show the action taken. : 1. Green colour shows the comment has been accepted 2. Red colour indicates rejection of the comment Contact: Dong WANG Tel: +86-25-5287-2009 ZTE Corporation Fax: +86-25-5287-1000 P.R China Email : [email protected] Attention: This is a document submitted to the work of ITU-T and is intended for use by the participants to the activities of ITU-T's Focus Group on IPTV, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU-related work. It is made publicly available for information purposes but shall not be redistributed without the prior written consent of ITU. Copyright on this document is owned by the author, unless otherwise mentioned. This document is not an ITU-T Recommendation, an ITU publication, or part thereof. - 2 - FG IPTV–C–0611
3. Orange colour indicates further discussion is required at the next WG3 meeting of July in Geneva, Switzerland.
2 IPTV Security Aspects Output Document As per the procedures defined in section 1, Annex A reflects the consensus that has been reached by the participants about the WG3 Working Document. Such consensus has yielded the publication of a proposed update of the IPTV Security Aspects document, referenced as FG IPTV-C-0612.
3 IPTV Service Requirements Output Document As per the procedures defined in section 2, Annex B reflects the consensus that has been reached by the participants about the security part of WG1 Service Requirement Working Document. Such consensus has yielded a contribution of a proposed update for the security part of IPTV Service Requirement document, referenced as FG IPTV-C-0613
4 Output Documents The following output documents were prepared. They should be used as input contributions for the July meeting.
Document number Title
FG IPTV-C-0612 Proposed update for IPTV Security Aspects FG IPTV-C-0613 Proposed update for sub-clause 6.3 of IPTV service requirements
5 Acknowledgements
WG 3 leaders would like to thank all participants for their comments and hard work during this E- Meeting. Thank you to the editor. Special thanks to FG IPTV Chairman Mr. Ghassem Koleyni on his assistance in chairing the E-Meeting, and Mr. Shinji Ishii and Mr. Joseph Oren on commenting the Working Documents. - 3 - FG IPTV–C–0611
ANNEX A: Table of Consolidated Comments and Proposed Actions related to working document FG IPTV-DOC-0090. (Please double click to open the attachment as below)
Comments WG3-D90_Table_v01_rev_clean.doc ANNEX B: Table of Consolidated Comments and Proposed Actions related to working document FG IPTV-DOC-0083. (Please double click to open the attachment as below)
Comments WG3-D83_Table_v02_clean.doc ______