Curriculum Vitae s166
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![Curriculum Vitae s166](
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL: Name: Randi Seljåsen Date of birth: 15.05.69 Address: Helvigåsen 52, N-4886 Grimstad, Norway Civil status: Married Nationality: Norwegian Position: Research Scientist, vegetables Tel. at work + 47 40 62 29 15 Tel. private: + 47 37 04 74 97
Most relevant education: 1996-2000 Dr scient, Agricultural University of Norway (NLH), Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences. Thesis: Effects of postharvest handling on sensory quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) in relation to chemical parameters.
1991-96: Agricultural University of Norway (NLH), M.Sc. Horticulture (Cand agric.) 1996. Emphasis on vegetables and fruits. Thesis: Effects of plant extracts from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica a. Juss) against caterpillars in cabbage.
Most relevant work experience: 2002-present: Bioforsk, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Arable Crops division, Landvik, N-4886 Grimstad, Scientist, vegetables 2000-2002: Vinterlandbruksskolen, Oslo High school teacher, horticulture 1996 – 2000: Norwegian Food Research Institute, Ås, Norway Employer and actual working site during PhD studies (vedlegg 4)
Review: Seljåsen, R., Skrede, G. and Hoftun, H. (1998). Chlorophylls, carotenoids and flavonoids: vegetable constituents with a positive role in cancer, cardiovascular and viral diseases. In: Recent Research Developments in Nutrition Research, Ed: Pandalai, S., G., Research Signpost, pp. 155-176.ed legg 17)
Scientific original work Seljåsen, R. and Meadow, R. (2006). Effects of Neem on oviposition and egg and larval development of Mamestra brassicae L: Dose response, residual activity, repellent effect and systemic activity in cabbage plants. Crop protection 25, 338-345.
Seljåsen, R., Hoftun, H., Selliseth J. and Bengtsson G. B. (2004). Effects of Washing and packing on sensory and chemical parameters in carrots (Daucus carota L). J. Sci Food Agric, 84: 955-965.
Seljåsen, R., Bengtsson, G.B., Hoftun, H., Vogt, G. (2001) Sensory and chemical changes in five varieties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) in response to mechanical stress at harvest and post-harvest. J Sci Food Agric 81:436-447 Seljåsen, R., Hoftun, H. and Bengtsson, G.B. (2001) Sensory quality of ethylene-exposed carrots (Daucus carota L, cv ’Yucon’) related to the content of 6-methoxymellein, terpenes and sugars. J Sci Food Agric 81:54-61
Seljåsen, R., Bengtsson, G., B., Skrede, G. and Vogt, G. (2000). Rapid analysis of 6- methoxymellein in carrots by boiling water extraction, solid phase extraction and HPLC. Food Chemistry 70: 397-401
Meadow, R. and Seljåsen, R. (1999). Neem extracts against caterpillars in cabbage. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 22: 213-217.
Meadow, R. and Seljåsen, R. (1999). Neem seed extract against Mamestra brassicae in field- grown cabbage. Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin 50.
Meadow, R. and Seljåsen, R. (1997). Dose-response tests with Neem Azal-T against the cabbage moth. Arthropod Management Tests 22, 411.
Proseedings: Seljåsen, R. and Slimestad, R. (2005). Fructooligosaccharides and phenolics in flesh and peel of spring harvested Helianthus tuberosus L. 1 st international symposium on human health effects of fruits and vegetables, Aug 17th –20th, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Acta Hort. (in press).
Seljåsen R., Hoftun H. and Bengtsson B. (2003). Critical factors for reduced sensory quality of fresh carrots in the distribution chain. 3rd Int. Conf. Quality in Chains, 6-9.-july 2003, Wageningen, The Netherlands …
Seljåsen, R., Bengtsson G. B., Skrede, G. and Vogt G. (2000) A convinient and rapid method to quantify the phytoalexin 6-methoxymellein in carrot root. 4th International Conference on Postharvest Science, Jerusalem, Israel, March 26-31 (Submitted). Seljåsen, R., Bengtsson, G., B. and Hoftun, H. (1998). Effect of ethylene on sensory quality of carrots. Agri-Food Quality II: Quality Management of Fruits and Vegetables. Turku, Finland, pp. 193-196.
Seljåsen, R. and Meadow, R. (1997). Bekjemping av sommerfugl-larver i hodekål ved hjelp av ekstrakter fra neemtreet. Plantevern 97. Lillehammer, Norway. Grønn forskning 2, 209-13. Meadow, R. and Seljåsen, R. (1999). Neem extracts against major pests of cabbage. Proceedings of the World Neem Conference, 19-21 May 1999, Vancouver, Canada.
Meadow, R. and Seljåsen, R. (1997). Neem extracts against caterpillars in cabbage. IOBC/OILB Meeting Working Group IPM in Field Vegetables. Chania, Greece.
Meadow, R., Seljåsen, R., & Brynildsen, P. The effect of neem extracts on the turnip root fly and the cabbage moth. 9th Workshop on Practice Oriented Results on Use and Production of Neem-Ingredients and Pheromones. 13.-15.03.2000 Hohenahr, Germany.
Publikasjoner i norske tidsskrift: Seljåsen, R. (2007) Virkning av strategi for nitrogengjødsling på kvalitet i grønnsaker. Bioforsk FOKUS 2 (1) s 50-51. Seljåsen, R. (2006) Økologisk dyrking av grønnsaker i vekstskifter som er selvforsynt med nitrogen. Bioforsk FOKUS. 1 (3). s 100-101.
Seljåsen, R., Høgetveit, L. A., Tajet, T., Bengtsson, G. B., Meadow, R. (2006). Effekt av gulrotsuger (Trioza apicalis) på sensorisk kvalitet i gulrot. Bioforsk FOKUS. 1 (3). s 90- 91.
Seljåsen, R. (2004). Gulrotsmak. Grønn kunnskap 8 (2), s 274-279, ISBN 82-479-0366-0.
Seljåsen, R. (2004). Jordskokk – status og framtid. Grønn kunnskap 8 (2), s 284-290, ISBN 82-479-0366-0.
Seljåsen, R. (2004). Ytre og indre kvalitet i brokkoli. Grønn kunnskap 8 (2), s 261-269, ISBN 82-479-0366-0.
Seljåsen, R. (2002). Brokkoli – kvalitet og ernæringsverdi. Grønn forskning 44, ISBN 82- 479-0341-5, 31 s.
Seljåsen, R. (2000). Håndtering, emballasjetype og lagringsforhold virker inn på smaken i gulrot. Gartneryrket 14, s 12-15.
Seljåsen, R., Bengtsson, B. Og Hoftun H. (2000). Dårlig smak av hardhendt behandling. Innformat 3, s 24-27.
Seljåsen, R. and Meadow, R. (1997). Bekjemping av sommerfugllarver i hodekål ved hjelp av ekstrakter fra neemtreet (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), Gartneryrket, s. 13-15.