PART a Executive and Regulatory Functions

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PART a Executive and Regulatory Functions

PART A Executive and Regulatory Functions Marks 25

Name of concerned Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch score score

i) Collection of Stamp duty/ % achieved versus targets 1 HRC Branch Registration Fee assigned by FCR

1(a) Revenue ii)Recovery of arrears of previous % of old arrears recovered HRC Branch (25% recovery of arrears 2 Collection years qualifies for marks) iii) Recovery of demand accrued % of demand recovered 1 HRC Branch during the year

1(b) Court work as Peshi-1/2 & S.K. Branch Cases disposed of versus Court cases decided instituted (including pendency 3 Collector of previous years)

1. Land Cases disposed of versus 1(c) Supervision over S.K. Branch 15 Court cases decided instituted (including pendency 2 Revenue Subordinate officers Administration of previous years).

Jamabandis consigned versus i) Consignment of jamabandis 1 1(d) Maintenance and S.K. Branch due updating of revenue records. ii) Digitization of Mussavi and Achievement versus targets 2 S.K. Branch validation

Mutations sanctioned within 30 1(e)Computerization S.K. Branch Timely sanction of mutations 1 days versus mutations entered

Encroachments removed versus 1(f) Protection of LBA Branch Removal of encroachments identified (excluding subjudice 2 D.D.P.O public property cases)

PART A Executive and Regulatory Functions Marks 25 Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Name of concerned Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch score score

2(a) Maintenance of Divisional Commissioner to Rating by Divisional M.A. Branch 2 law and order determine with DC Commissioner 2.Administrati 2(b)Regulation of arms Timely renewal/cancellation of on of criminal P.L.A. Branch Adherence to time schedule 1 justice, law & 5 licences arms licences order and 2(c)Monitoring review No. of meetings held Peshi-I Branch prosecution meetings with District Quarterly meetings to review 2 and Sessions Judge, prosecution & police work (only meetings attended by all SSP and DA members to qualify)

Inspections conducted versus 3.Inspection 1 Inspections Peshi-I Branch Offices inspected 1 prescribed

4(a) Inspection of flood i) Pre-monsoon D.R.A.(T) Inspections conducted/ not 2 protection works ii) Post- monsoon conducted

4.Disaster Mock drills conducted/not 4 4(b) Mock drills D.R.A.(T) Mock drills conducted 1 Management conducted

4(c) Preparedness for Advance action as per district D.R.A.(T) Action taken/not taken 1 meeting any disaster disaster management plan PART B Public Service Delivery Marks 10

Name of concerned Un Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Weight Achievement Department/Branch it Score score

10 No 5.Public District Technical i) Number of services provided in . of 1 Service Coordinator, S.A.S.Nagar. each Suvidha Centre ser Delivery and vic Grievance ii) Services delivered within Ser 5(a) Service District Technical 2 Redressal prescribed period. vic availability at Coordinator, S.A.S.Nagar. es Suvidha Centre District Technical iii) Monitoring of service delivery: Coordinator, S.A.S.Nagar. -by officer in charge daily Ad 1 her -by DC weekly enc e

5(b) Service Nu DSM, P.L.R.S. Delivery of documents within mb 2 delivery of prescribed time limit. revenue er of 5(c) Redressal i) Grievance redressal MI 1 C.I.A Branch of public S grievances ii) Promptness in initiating action Ac 1 C.I.A Branch tio iii) Disposal of complaints online. No 1 C.I.A Branch . of co PART B Public Service Delivery Marks 10

Name of concerned Un Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Weight Achievement Department/Branch it Score score

No C.I.A Branch . of co mp lai nts dis (iv)Disposal of complaints pos 1 manually ed of ver sus rec eiv ed

PART C Activities as Coordinator Marks 50

Name of concerned Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch Score score

6. Food and 6 Total arrival in the market Vs 6 (i) (a) Purchase of food grains D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. Purchase within 24 hrs 1 Supplies purchased within 24 hours

6 (i) (b) Lifting of food grains Lifting within 72 hrs Quantity purchased versus 2 D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. lifted within 72 hrs. PART C Activities as Coordinator Marks 50

Name of concerned Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch Score score

6 (i) (c) Payment for foodgrains D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. Payment made within 48 % of payment made versus 1 procured hours of purchase due.

6( ii ) Checking of agencies for D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. essential commodities i.e. petrol As per norms Checked/not checked 2 pumps, gas agencies, wholesalers of kerosine oil and brick kilns

Distribution of material 7( i ) MIS of Public Distribution D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. % of material distributed 7. Management within the specified time 2 versus lifted of Public System frame 4 Distribution 7(ii) Checking of Fair Price Shops System D.F.S.C., SAS Nagar. As per norms Checked/not checked 2

District Welfare Officer, Applications processed within 8(a) Shagun Scheme Processing of applications 2 SAS Nagar. time versus received

8.Delivery of % of pensions disbursed within 4 8(b) Financial Assistance in Social District Social Security 1 month Social Services Security Sector (Old age, widows, Officer, SAS Nagar. Disbursment to the destitute women and dependent 2 beneficiaries children and physically (80% or above as per actual payment receipts qualifies for handicapped) marks)

9(a)Monitoring of programmes D.E.O (P/S), SAS Nagar. and schemes including SSA, Utilization of funds Funds utilized versus received 3 9. School RMSA & Mid day Meal 4 Education 9(b) Review meeting of District D.E.O (P/S), SAS Nagar. Education Development 12 meetings in a year Meetings held /not held 1 Committee PART C Activities as Coordinator Marks 50

Name of concerned Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch Score score

10(a) Strengthening of CMO, SAS Nagar. Utilization of funds. Funds utilized versus received 2 infrastructures in hospitals/CHCs

10(b) Review of activities under A.D.C.(D) Meetings of District Health Regular monthly meetings National Rural Health Mission 2 Society held/not held 10. Health & (NRHM) CMO, SAS Nagar. 8 Family Welfare No. of students examined CMO, SAS Nagar. No. of school students 10(c) School health checkup versus target assigned by the 2 examined department

10(d) Review of functioning of CMO, SAS Nagar. Meetings of other health Regular monthly meetings other health societies headed by 2 societies held/not held Deputy Commissioner

11a) MGNREGA Sec. Z.P., SAS Nagar. Utilization of funds. Funds utilized versus received 3

Encroachments removed 11(b) Protection of village DDPO, SAS Nagar. Removal of encroachments versus total area under 3 common land encroachment

11(c) District Level Bankers' A.D.C.(D), SAS Nagar 11. Rural Quarterly meetings Meeting held or not held 2 13 Committee meetings Development

11(d) Management of funds for A.D.C.(D), SAS Nagar Utilization of funds. Funds utilized versus received 2 rural development Dy. E.S.A., SAS Nagar. D.D.P.O. Bi-annual meetings of Gram 11(e) Meetings of Gram Sabhas DDPO, SAS Nagar. Sabhas in each village Meetings held/not held 3 panchayat as per the Act/rules PART C Activities as Coordinator Marks 50

Name of concerned Raw Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Weight Achievement Department/Branch Score score

12(a) National Rural Water E.E., Public Health, Utilization of funds Funds utilized versus received 1 Programme Division No.3

No. of water samples E.E., Public Health, 12(b) Water Sampling collected and tested against % of targets 1 12. Rural water Division No.3 targets supply and 4 sanitation Targets assigned by the 12(c) Water supply E.E., Public Health, % of targets achieved 1 Department Division No.3

12(d) Sewerage E.E., Public Health, Utilization of funds Funds utilized versus received 1 Division No.3

Municipal Corporation SAS 13(a) Monitoring of utilization of Funds utilized versus funds Nagar/All Municipal Funds utilized 2 funds Council, GMADA, & Dy. received. E.S.A., SAS Nagar. 13.Urban 4 Development Municipal Corporation SAS 13(b) Monitoring of schemes Nagar/All Municipal Achievements of targets % of targets achieved. 2 Council, GMADA, & Dy. E.S.A., SAS Nagar.

District website to be updated 14(a) District Website Updation DIO, NIC No. of times website updated 1 quarterly

14. Adoption of For- DIO, NIC Information 3 i. Court case management Rating by Divisional Technology 14(b) Use of NIC designed system system, 2 Commissioner ii. dak monitoring system and iii. iii) other projects PART D Systems, Initiatives and Innovations Marks 15

Weighted raw Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Achievement Raw Score score

Timely Rating by Divisional On-time submission 15. Efficient submission of Commissioner draft for functioning of the 2 Timely Rating by Divisional RFD System submission of On-time submission Commissioner Results

16. Meeting extraordinary To be mentioned Rating by Divisional To be specified by DC by the DC Commissioner challenge(s) in the 2 district

17. Execution of 5 State Commissioner to determine with DC Rating by Divisional projects of State Government Commissioners priority. Government Examples: priority  Mainten ance of heritage building s  Cleaning of water bod   ies  Border fencing  Others

18. Special initiatives taken Action(s) to be Rating by Divisional 6 Outcome of initiative/innovation and innovation defined by DC Commissioner displayed

I hereby agree and undertake to implement the above Results-Framework Document (RFD) for the year 2015-16.Deputy Commissioner______Divisional Commissioner______

Comments and constraints if any:

Observations of Deputy Commissioner:

Observations of Divisional Commissioner: (These observations will be considered when the format for RFD is to be revised)

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