MINUTES FACULTY COUNCIL Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine September 21, 2009 – 4:30 p.m., Room E-401

A) Joseph Carter, chair of Faculty Council, opened the meeting with what is considered the role and charge of Faculty Council. The structure of the University follows as: Board of Trustees, President of the University, and Faculty Senate. Each school has its Dean, Constituent faculty, and Faculty Council. Faculty Council is the “voice” of the faculty as defined in the bylaws (Article 2 and 3). The purpose and the function of Faculty Council is to act for the Faculty of Medicine regarding the planning and execution of educational programs and the formation of policies concerning curricula, student admissions, and the conduct of research. It shall also have the responsibility to review the requirements for the M.D. degree and to approve student standings and student promotions. Faculty Council will also: • hear reports of the committees of the faculty and of the Faculty Council and recommend action on such reports • determine the establishment, discontinuance, and representative composition of the membership of all faculty standing committees • elect a chair, a chair elect, members of the Steering Committee, and the Faculty Council members of the Nominating Committee.

The Standing Committee of the Faculty are: – Admissions committee – Bylaws committee – Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure – Committee on Medical Education – Committee on Students – Lecture committee – Nominating committee – Research committee

Dr. Carter also stated that ad hoc committees are formed to carry out special tasks for the faculty or the Dean, as needed, and may be appointed by the Faculty Council, by the Faculty Council and the Dean together, or by the Dean alone. Additional information can be found on these websites: • http://casemed.case.edu/facultyaffairs/ • http://casemed.case.edu/facultyaffairs/faculty_resources/School_of_Med_Faculty_Bylaw s.pdf

In wide-ranging discussions, Council stated faculty in the school are were generally dissatisfied and felt separated from the school and its governance. Many members felt that Faculty Council was only concerned with hearing a series of reports and not so well focused on groups or committees. However, it was stated that most of the role of the faculty is done by the committees (i.e. CME, Admissions, CAPT, Student, etc.). In a continuation of these issues, thoughts, and suggestions from last year a new structure for Faculty Council was recommended by an ad hoc committee that was formed. This committee will be meeting in the next few days and report back to Faculty Council for review.

B) Dan Anker Dan Anker updated the committee on what will be a bylaws amendment concerning the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME). The Department of Biomedical Engineering is currently unique among the departments. It is a single department jointly based in the School of Medicine and the School of Engineering. Deans at both schools (Pamela Davis and

Approved Minutes 9/21/09 Jeff Duerk) have agreed that the department chair will designate each faculty member, at the time of initial appointment, as being principally based in the School of Medicine or the School of Engineering. The principal designation will determine which School’s pretenure period and which School’s process and qualifications and standards for appointment, promotion, and award of tenure will govern the appointment. In all other respects, faculty in the department will have the same rights, privileges and duties and responsibilities of faculty in both Schools. Committee members discussed this issue and a question was raised as to whether a person could switch tracks. Dr. Anker replied that there is no rule against it, but could be rather complicated to do. The faculty member would certainly have to be made aware of all the consequences beforehand.

A motion was made to approve these changes, seconded, and unanimously approved.

C) Dr. Carter discussed the process for the Faculty of Medicine elections that are held each spring. The process basically starts with nominations and self-nomination. All nominations are presented to the Nominating Committee for review as they are the body that sets the slate of candidates for election to each standing committee. There have been questions as to the fairness of those candidates who were nominated (self or otherwise), and not placed on the ballot after being reviewed by the Nominating Committee. Dr. Carter suggested an ad hoc committee be formed to review these practices and report back to Faculty Council. Dr. Carter asked for those interested to either contact him or Preston Pugh at [email protected].

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Preston Pugh - Faculty Secretary

Approved Minutes 9/21/09