Operation Acorn Drop Exercise Communications Drill Guidelines

Skim down the page until you find the name of your agency, center, hospital or tribe. Then follow the simple instructions to make contact with another organization using the listed means of communication.

Begin and end all radio messages or phone calls with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

When conducting the drill please make note of the following: Time – Was Personal Contact Made – Name Of Person Contacted – Were You Forwarded To A Voice Mail System.

Clallam County Emergency Management Division: Conduct a ham radio check-in on VHF 146.76 Receiving, 146.16 Transmitting, and 100 Hz PL Tone requirement.

Clallam County Health and Human Services: Using your emergency phone, call Olympic Medical Center at 360-565-9192.

Forks Community Hospital: Using your emergency phone, call the Makah Tribal Clinic at 360-645-3279.

Jefferson County Public Health: Using any available phone, call Jefferson Healthcare at 254-381-8156 or 254-244-3573.

Jefferson Healthcare: Using your satellite phone, call Jefferson County Public Health at 360-301-4028. Conduct a ham radio check-in on VHF 146.76 Receiving, 146.16 Transmitting, and 100 Hz PL Tone requirement.

Harrison Medical Center: Using your satellite phone, call the Kitsap Public Health District at 360-337- 5246 # 4360.

Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management: Using your satellite phone, call the Washington Veterans Home at 360-536-8596

Kitsap Public Health District: Using your satellite phone, call Harrison Medical Center at 254-241-7744.

Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe: Using your emergency phone, call Clallam County Emergency Management Division at 360-417-2525. Conduct a ham radio check-in on VHF 146.76 Receiving, 146.16 Transmitting, and 100 Hz PL Tone requirement.

Makah Tribe: Using your emergency phone, call Forks Community Hospital at 360-374-6271 # 125.

Naval Hospital Bremerton: Using your emergency phone, call Peninsula Community Health Services at 863-203-9370.

Olympic Medical Center: Using your emergency phone, call Clallam County Health and Human Services at 360-565-2652.

Peninsula Community Health Services: Using your satellite phone, call Naval Hospital Bremerton at 360-475-4342.

Washington Veterans Home: Using your satellite phone, call the Kitsap Department of Emergency Management at 360-307-5871.