Course: Click here to enter text.

Examiner: Click here to enter text.

Moderators: Click here to enter text.

Co-ordinator for discipline: Click here to enter text.

Summary of what is covered in the course regarding, Indigenous Australian, perspectives, histories, contemporary issues, cultures, ethnocentrism of content area, critique of content area, ethnocentrism of discipline, cross-cultural disciplinary issues.

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Is the material covered, expressed explicitly in the objectives for course? e.g.?

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Is the material covered expressed explicitly as part of the curriculum material for this course?

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Is the material covered, assessed?


If no could it be assessed and how?

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Does the material within the course re: Indigenous perspectives and content also relate to the USQ Cultural Competence Framework? If so how?

Mapping of Indigenous Content Indigenisation of the Curriculum Click here to enter text.

Do you need help increasing the ‘Indigenous’ content and perspectives within the course? E.g.

 Increasing personal level of knowledge, skills and/or experience

 Support from LTS in the integration of content and perspectives across the course

 Assistance with teaching e.g. from relevant Indigenous stakeholders

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In terms of program structure, where does this course fit?

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When students come in to this course, to your knowledge do they come with knowledge and awareness of Indigenous content and perspectives? How do you think this course might fit within a developmental process of building up students knowledges in this area?

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Other comments that might assist in integrating Indigenous content and perspectives in this course and disciplinary area.

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Mapping of Indigenous Content Indigenisation of the Curriculum