South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 Assessment Handbook

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South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 Assessment Handbook



Assessment Handbook CONTENTS Page

Assessment Policy 3 Assessment Cover Sheet 6 Agriculture 7 Commerce 8 Dance 9 Duke of Edinburgh 10 English 11-12 Food Technology 13 French 14 History 15 Industrial Technology Engineering 16 Industrial Technology Metal 17 Industrial Technology Timber 18 Information Software Technology 19 Marine Studies 20 Mathematics 21 Multi Media & Graphics 22 Music 23 PDHPE 24 Photography 25 Science 26 Sports Application 27 Textiles and Design 28 Visual Art 29 Visual Design 30 South Grafton High School


1. THE PURPOSE OF YEAR 9 ASSESSMENT is to measure student achievement in a variety of ways for the School Certificate course.

2. WHAT IS ASSESSMENT INTENDED TO ACHIEVE?  Measure student achievement in each course, in relation to the stated outcomes for that course.  achieve an accurate and fair assessment, using several assessment tasks  assess skills in a range of situations including written examination, practical tasks, research and fieldwork  assessment does not directly measure attitude or behaviour, however achievement is affected by these things.

3. POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSMENT 3.1 Type of Assessment Tasks Assessment may take the form of:  written examination  open book examination  oral presentation  listening task  practical task  research task  performance  project  fieldwork project  other appropriate tasks

The types of tasks used in each course will depend on the nature of the course and will conform to assessment requirements specified by the Board of Studies in the Syllabus Document* for each course. *Copies of these are available in each KLA and at

3.1a The number of assessment tasks given in each course should be kept to a reasonable number. The number of assessment tasks will normally include Half Yearly and Yearly exams. The assessment schedule for each KLA will have the Yearly Exam as the last assessment task.

3.2 Common Assessment Assessment of all students studying a course will be based on common assessment tasks. When there is more than one class studying the same course the KLA Head Teacher must ensure that assessment tasks are conducted and marked commonly, ie:  use the same task under the same conditions  all groups complete the task as close in time as the timetable allows  marked to a common standard


______3 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook 1. Major examination periods (Half Yearly and Yearly exams) will be advised by the Principal at the Principal at the commencement of the school year via the School Newsletter.

2. The timetable for major examination periods will be published and a copy issued to each student at least two weeks prior to the first exam. Head Teacher in charge of junior exams to prepare timetable and distribute to each student.

3. If your behaviour in an examination is unsatisfactory your will be issued with a formal warning. If the problem continues you will be removed from the examination room. If this happens you will receive a zero mark for the exam, your parents will informed in letter of concern and you will be required to satisfactorily complete an alternative exam to meet course requirements.

3.4 Submission of Tasks/Completion of Tasks 1. Students must normally submit tasks with a due date by that date in their normal class time to their class teacher. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange submission of the task in the event of absence. Submissions regarding extraordinary contingencies may be considered (eg. flood, serious accident). A task submitted late will normally be awarded a gradual reduction as described in 3.4.12. If 0 is awarded the task will count as attempting the task.

2. In regard to examinations, if you miss an exam due to illness or unexpected circumstances, it is your responsibility, on the first day you return to school to see your teacher to arrange an alternative time to sit the missed examination. If you cannot sit for an exam due to a known absence (such as a holiday, sport commitment or mandatory excursion), it is your responsibility as soon as this clash is known to see your teacher to arrange an alternative time to sit the examination. Failure to do either of these will result in a ZERO mark being given for the exam. It is your responsibility to avoid this from happening. You must also ensure that, in negotiating an alternative time, it does not clash with assessment exams or tasks in any of your other subjects.

3. Where a student is absent for an assessment task they must supply satisfactory evidence or a note from parents/carer, which explains their absence. Submissions must be made to the KLA Head Teacher/s on the first day the student returns to school.

4. In the event that the Medical Certificate or parental/guardian letter is accepted, the student is allowed to complete the task without penalty as soon as they return to school. This must occur within one week of the scheduled date, otherwise an alternative task or estimated result will be given (at the discretion of the KLA Head Teacher).

5. 1. Where a student is suspended from school at the time an assessment is due the student must make arrangements to submit the task by the due date. 2. A student on suspension is expected to attend for assessment tasks unless the Principal considers that their presence presents an unacceptable risk to others.

6. With the exception of computer-based courses, the use of computers in the preparation and presentation of assessment tasks is optional. Students using computers must accept responsibility for the loss of any data or the non-completion of tasks due to computer related problems.

Any consideration for non-completion of a task due to computer failure must be supported by evidence of substantial work, which should include:  written pages  printed draft copies ______4 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook  Floppy disk with backup files An invoice from a recognised computer repair specialist may be accepted as evidence of computer failure. 7. Where a student is absent during a major examination period (Half Yearly and Yearly Exams) any tasks missed must be completed as soon as possible upon return.

8. A student who knows they will be absent in advance of an assessment date must notify this via a ‘non-completion of task’ form prior to their absence and negotiate alternative arrangements.

9. When a student is absent for a task or fails to submit a task it is their responsibility to notify their individual class teacher as soon as possible.

10. In the event of proven malpractice in any assessment task the student will be awarded 0 for the task and it will not count as attempting the task (see 3.7, point 2).

11. Students who are failing to meet assessment requirements must be advised in writing and given an indication of what is necessary to enable them to meet requirements.

12. Where a student changes course, or enrols late in a course from another school their assessment rank is to be based on their performance, relative to other students doing the course, in those tasks which occur following the date of enrolment/change of course.

13. Failure to submit the task without satisfactory reason will result in a gradual reduction of 50% for the 1st day, a further 30% for the 2nd day and the final 20% for the third day resulting in 0 being awarded for the task.

3.5 Notification of Students at Risk of Not Meeting Requirements The Board of Studies requirements for the satisfactory completion of a course are: 1. follow the course set down by the Board of Studies 2. application with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school 3. achieve at least some of the course outcomes In the event that a student is at risk of failing to satisfy the requirements in a course the relevant KLA Head Teacher will ensure that a written warning is issued to both the student and parent/guardian. This warning, based on Board of Studies draft format, will indicate specifically in what area the student is failing and give an indication of what the student must do to rectify the situation. At least two warnings will be issued in time for the student to rectify the situation before a ‘N’ determination is made. A copy of all warning letters will be provided to Year Adviser, Principal and Deputy Principal [Senior Students].

The student has the right of appeal against a ‘N’ determination. In the first instance the KLA Head Teacher will review the matter. In the event that the student is dissatisfied with the outcome they may seek review from the school review panel consisting of their Year Adviser and the Deputy Principal. There decision will be final.

As a guideline students will be expected to attend at least 85% of lessons. If a student’s overall school attendance drops below 85% the Head Teacher Administration will issue a warning letter.

If a student’s attendance in a particular course drops below 85% the KLA Head Teacher will issue a warning letter, unless arrangements have been made for the student to continue work at home. In areas of uncertainty or dispute, this Policy is to be interpreted consistent with Board of Studies requirements and guidelines. ______5 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook South Grafton High School Year 9 Assessment Task COVER SHEET


Task Information SUBJECT Task No. xx

Task Description: Short description e.g.. Research essay on the Constitutional Crisis Due Date / / Marks Available: 000

IMPORTANT: As a Year 9 student you must comply with the assessment rules as set out in the Year 9 Assessment Handbook that you have been given. Make sure you have read and understood these rules.

This cover sheet MUST be attached to the assessment task submitted by you. If for any reason, you cannot complete the assessment task on time, you must fill out the variation information below.

Penalty for Lateness If this task is completed late, without a valid and approved reason (see below), a mark penalty will apply. Mark Penalties 1 day late – the first 50% of available marks 2 days late – the next 30% of available marks 3 days late – the last 20% of available marks

Variation to the Due Date The information and requirements below must be completed and submitted, along with your assessment task, to the Head Teacher. This must be on the first day that you return to school. You have the right to appeal, to the Deputy Principal, the Head Teacher’s decision.

Reason for lateness/variation Your Supporting Explanation ………………….. (tick the appropriate box) Illness. A copy of a medical certificate must be ……………………………………………………………………………. attached. …………………………………………………………………………….

Computer Breakdown. A copy of an invoice for ……………………………………………………………………………. service or parts from a reputable business must be attached. ……………………………………………………………………………. Signed: ………………………………….. Misadventure. A letter from your parent/guardian must be attached. Head Teacher Decision (please tick) Extension of time has been granted. This will only be No Mark Penalty granted if it is requested for a valid reason before the due date. The Head Teacher’s signature below is Mark Penalty …….% of available marks evidence of this New Due Date / /

Signed: ………………….

Note: You have the right to appeal, to the Deputy Principal, the Head Teacher’s decision.

______6 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook AGRICULTURE

Task % Date / Task Description No Term/ Week 1 10% Term 1 Farm Map Week 5 2 10% Term 1 Written Exam Week 11

3 10% Term 2 Primex Excursion Week 9 (exact date depends on when field days are)

4 10% Term 2 Written exam (with other Half Yearly Exam) Week 5

5 10% Term 3 Product Collage Week 6

6 20% Term 4 Yearly Exam (with other yearlies) Week 1 g

7 10% n Book Mark i o g 10% n Class Mark O

10% Practical Mark Comments

______7 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook COMMERCE

You will be assessed using a variety of assessment tools throughout the year.

Half Yearly Weighting (%)

Assessment 1: Consumer Choice 20%

Class mark (includes in class assessment tasks, bookwork and class 30% participation and attitude)

Consumer Choice Test 25%

Personal Finance Test 25%

Total 100%

Yearly Weighting (%)

Half Yearly 25%

Assessment 2 Promoting & Selling 20%

Class mark (includes in class assessment tasks, bookwork and class 15% participation and attitude)

Promoting and Selling Test 20%

Running A Business Test 20%

Total 100%

______8 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook DANCE

Task No % Due Task Description

1 25% Term 1 Dance Performance Week 10 Individually perform the 3 minute class dance- Contemporary style

2 25% Term 2 Dance Performance Week 10 Individually perform the 3 minute class dance and include your own ideas (composition) – Jazz style

3 25% Term 3 Dance Appreciation Week 7 M/C and short answer exam on Safe Dance, Elements of Dance and various Styles of Dance

4 25% Term 4 Dance Composition Students choreograph and perform a 2 minute Dance performance in their style of choice


______9 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook DUKE OF EDINBURGH

Task No % Due Task Description

1 Week 10 Bush walk and written report 10%

2 10% Term 2 Preparation of portfolio for overnight light weight Week 5 camp

3 20% Term 2 Overnight light weight camp plus written report Week 8

Week 2 Preparation for City to Surf and participation in 4 25% Term 3 Sydney excursion

5 25% Week 5 Final overnight light weight camp plus practical Term 4 assessment and report

6 10% Year 9 Final written exam Exams


______10 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook ENGLISH

HALF-YEARLY YEARLY SEMESTER 1 Self Self Select Select WRITING (Narrative Task) 20% 10% (Self Select Reading 10% Biography review) 20% 20% READING (Novel) 20% 10% (Self Select Writing – Essay Hist Novel) 20% 20% VIEWING (Film) 20% (Self Select Viewing) HALF-YEARLY REPORT 60 (100%) 40%


LISTENING (Poetry) 10% SPEAKING (Newspaper) 10% (Self Select Representing – Newspaper) 20% REPRESENTING (Drama) 10% (Self Select Speaking 20% Shakespeare)

YEARLY EXAM Section 1- Reading 10% Section 2- Reading 10% Section 3- Writing 20% YEARLY REPORT 100%

STRANDS Reading 20% 20% Writing 20% 20% Viewing 20% 20%

Reading 30% 20% Writing 30% 20% Viewing/Listening 20% Speaking/Representing 20% 40%

______11 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook ENGLISH Program Term 1

Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-10

Writing Unit: Novel/Film - Narrative structure Characters-Themes - Language, Punctuation Plot structure - Poetry Writing Essay Writing – Auteur Theory Film Review Assessment Task: Writing Assessment Task: Writing / Viewing

Term 2

Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-10 Novel/Film Characters-Themes Poetry Plot structure Protest Poetry/songs Essay Writing – Auteur Theory Poetic Techniques Film Review REPORTS

Assessment Task: Writing /Viewing Assessment Task: Listening

Term 3

Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-10

Newspaper / Drama Newspaper / Drama Visual and written features of Newspapers / Scripts / Visual and written features of Newspapers Posters Script, Posters Shakespeare – Self Select Shakespeare – Self Select

Assessment Task: Speaking / Representing Assessment Task: Speaking/Representing

Term 4

Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-10

Picture Books REPORTS Visual Literacy Purpose / audience Special Interests Assessment Task: Class & Yearly Exam

Half Yearly Reports Yearly Reports

Writing (Writing Unit) Reading (Novel, Yearly Exam) Reading (Novel) Writing (Writing Unit, Yearly Exam) Viewing (Film) Speaking/Representing (Newspaper, Drama) Exam Component – (3 sections, 2 x Reading/Writing

______12 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook FOOD TECHNOLOGY

TASK # Skills% Knowledge% DUE Task Description

1 10% 5% Term 1 Research Assessment – Nutrition Week 8/9

2 5% 5% Ongoing Book and class work

3 20% Ongoing Average weekly practicals 10% per semester

4 5% 5% Term 2 Week 3 Unit Test

5 5% 5% Term 3 Week 5 Unit Test

6 10% 10% Term 3 Week 10 Research Assessment- Prac Term 4 Food preparation and processing Week2

7 5% 10% Term 4 Week 1 Yearly Exam

TOTAL 60% 40%

______13 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook FRENCH

Task % Date / Task Description No Term/ Week 1 10 Term 1 Computing Presentation Approx Week 9

2 30 Term 2 Half Yearly Exam/Topic Tests Approx Week 5

3 10 Term 2 Class Mark – Semester 1 Finalised May include vocabulary exercises, mini quizzes, internet research, Week 5 dictation, speeches, homework.

4 40 Term 4 Yearly Exam – Week 1 Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing

5 10 Term 4 Class mark – Semester 2 Finalised May include vocabulary exercise, mini quizzes, internet research, Week 5 dictations, mini speeches, homework etc

Total 100%

Comments * Half Yearly Report mark of 50 will be adjusted to a %. * Yearly Report mark will be a total of Tasks 1,2,3,4 & 5

______14 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook 2011 Assessment Schedule Year 9 HSIE

Year 9 Assessment Semester One History Using Sources - Australia Becomes a Nation / The ANZAC Years Weighting 20% Mark Value: 30 Due Date T1, W8 Description: Structured discussion essay response on arguments for and against Federation; Structured expository essay response on change from World War One.

Research - Boom & Bust Weighting 20% Mark Value: 15 Due Date T2, W4 Description: Report on change from World War Two.

Historical Understanding - Semester Examination Weighting 40% Mark Value: 50 Due Date T2, W6 Description: School Certificate style examination with multiple choice, short answer responses and extended essay response.

Communication - Class Mark Weighting 20% Mark Value: As per individual tasks Due Date Various as determined by classroom teacher Description: A composite mark derived from bookwork, class participation and homework.

Self Select Mark Value: As per individual tasks Due Date: Various as determined by classroom teacher

Year 9 Assessment Semester Two Geography

Strands Task and Description Date Due Value Geographical tools In class skills test: Physical characteristics Week 5 20% of Australia, gradients and slopes, Term 3 climatic graphs, synoptic charts Research Research and write a scaffolded Week 9 25% extended report response on a natural Term 3 hazard in Australia Communication Class mark- Includes: homework, ongoing 15% bookwork and application and in class quizzes Understanding Final Examination Exam week 40% Term 4

Self Select: Additional tasks as determined by the individual teacher’s differentiated programmes.

______15 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING

Task No % Date / term/ Task Description Week 1 20% Term 1 Project 1 Week 10 Design and construct a mouse trap powered vehicle within the given parameter. Control System

2 15% Term 2 Practical Skills Test Week 5 Engineering and test a small structure e.g. bridge

3 10% Term 2 Mid Course Exam Week 5 A one hour exam held in class time.

4 20% Term 2 Project 2 Week 5 Research a small appliance.

5 25% Term 3 Project 3 Week 5 Design, construct and test a catapult.

6 20% Term 4 Final Examination Week 1 A one hour exam in the hall during exam week.

Comments Half Yearly assessment will consist of tasks 1,2,3 and a progressive mark for task 4. Yearly assessment will consist of task 1 to 6.

______16 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY METAL Task No % Date / term/ Task Description Week 1 20% Term 1 Tool Carrier/Gate Bolt (Module 1) Week 10 Tool Carrier - This introductory sheet metal project will allow students to gain an appreciation of the metal workshop facilities and associated OHS regulations. Students will be introduced to a range of hand and power tools, equipment, materials and techniques relevant to the light metal industries. Students through the development of this project will be introduced to the fundamentals of design and workplace communication. Gate Bolt – This fabrication project combines skills learnt in the previous project and introduces students to welding techniques, heat, manipulation of metal and processes in the production of a gate bolt. 2 15% Term 2 Hammer Week 7 This fitting and machining project builds on the previous project and introduces new skills such as basic lathe operations, drilling and tapping and metal finishing techniques. Properties of materials are investigated and students are introduced to standard operating procedures and work method statements. Students will also be given the opportunity to apply principles of design in the modification of this project. Environmental issues related to the finishing of metal products will also be investigated. 3 10% Term 2 Mid Year Exam Week 6 Theory and knowledge from practical activities will be assessed in a one hour exam. 4 20% Term 3 Nut Cracker (Module 2) Week 5 This fabrication project combines skills learnt in previous projects and introduces students to welding techniques and associated materials, techniques and processes. Students will also be introduced to standards and production techniques used in industry. 5 20% Term 4 Tool-mans Vice (Module 2) Week 3 This project utilises the skills and knowledge gained using a variety of materials and techniques and allows the use of design skills to individualise the task. Students will investigate the properties of different materials and ascertain their suitability. 6 15% Term 4 Mid Course Exam (Yr 9 Final) Week 1 Theory and knowledge from practical activities will be assessed in a one hour exam. Skills test will be undertaken during the Yr 9 assessment week. Comments Half Yearly assessment will consist of tasks 1,2,3. (45%) Yearly assessment will consist of task 1 to 7.

It is important to note that all projects will involve the development of a working folio. This folio will incorporate aspects such as:  Work method statements  Selection and use of resources  Industry related terminology  OH & S regulations  Societal and environmental implications  Design processes. The folio will be developed using appropriate workplace communication skills.

______17 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY TIMBER

Task % Date / Task Description No term/ Week 1 10% Term 1 Project 1 Week 10 Design and construct a pot plant stand from hardwood within the given parameter. 2 5% Term 2 Practical Skills Test Week 5 Set out and construct a through housing joint and cross halving joint.

3 5% Term2 Mid Course Exam Week 5 A one hour exam held in class time.

4 20% Term 2 Project 2 Week 5 Design and construct a decorative footstool from the dimensions specified.

5 20% Term 3 Project 3 Week 5 Construct a Pine Paper Towel Holder with drawer.

6 20% Term 4 Final Examination Week 1 A one hour exam in the hall during exam week.

7 20% Term 4 Project 4 Week 8 Construct a Timber Chessboard with drawer and turned centre leg.

Comments *Half Yearly assessment will consist of tasks 1, 2, 3 and a progressive mark for task 4. *Yearly assessment will consist of tasks 1 to 7.

______18 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook INFORMATION SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY

Task % Date / Task Description No term/ Week Practical 40%

1 10% Project 1

4 10% Project 2

6 10% Project 3

9 10% Project 4

Research 20%

2 10% Project 1 Ergonomics in Computer Technology

7 10% Project 2 Emerging Technology Knowledge 40%

3 5% Term 1 Test

5 5% Term 2 Test

8 10% Half Yearly Exam

10 20% Yearly Exam

Comments Half Yearly Report – Tasks 1, 2, 3 + Practical (5%) Tasks (50%) Yearly Report – Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, + Practical (10%) Tasks (100%)

______19 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook MARINE STUDIES

Task No % Date / Task Description Term/ Week Semester 1

1 20% Term 2 Practical: Water Safety – Pool Work Week 6 (200m swim, swim 25m fully clothed, 10m u/w, tread water, identify rips, perform rescues) 2 10% Term 1 Lab – First Aid – bandaging/CPR Week 7 3 10% Term 1 Theory Test 1 Week 10 4 10% Term 2 Lab - Experiment Week 4 5 10% Ongoing Bookmark

6 20% Ongoing Assignment/Homework

7 20% Term 2 Half Yearly Exam Week 5 Half Yearly Report Mark out of 100

Semester 2

8 10% Term 3 Excursion Report: Whale Watching Week 2 9 10% Term 3 Theory Test 2 Week 5 10 20% Term 3 Life In The Sea - Assignment Week 7 20% Term 4 Final Exam Week 1 11 20% Ongoing Bookmark

12 20% Ongoing Homework/Assignments

Comments *Semester 2 Total 100 *Final Report (Semester 1 & Semester 2)  2 = Mark out of 100

______20 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook MATHEMATICS

Assessment Policy

Each Semester whether it be A – Course, B-Course or C - Course students will be assessed on one class test (40%), and a formal examination (60%). For the purpose of Presentation Night at the end of the year, the second Semester mark will be used.

Task No % Date / Task Description term/ Week

Semester 1

1 40% Term 1 Test 1 Week 8 2 60% Term 2 Half Yearly Exam Week 5

Semester 2

3 40% Term 3 Test 4 Week 8 4 60% Term 4 Yearly Exam Week 3 Comments

______21 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook MULTI-MEDIA & GRAPHICS

Task No % Date / Task Description term/ Week 1 15% Week 8 Local Interactive Interface (Multimedia 1) Term 1 Mini Project.

2 25% Week 5 Research Assignment Term 2 Present and Report on one component of the Core Module.

3 35% Week 10 Major Project (Multimedia 2) Term 3 This project utilises the skills and knowledge gained using a variety of mediums and techniques and allows the use of design skills to individualise the task. Students will develop a Management folio throughout the unit of work. 4 40% Week 1 Final Course Exam Term 4 Theory and knowledge from practical activities will be assessed in a one hour exam.

Comments Half Yearly assessment will consist of tasks 1,2,3. (45%) Yearly assessment will consist of task 1 to 6.

It is important to note that all projects will involve the development of a working folio. This folio will incorporate aspects such as:  Work method statements  Selection and use of resources  Industry related terminology  OH & S regulations  Societal and environmental implications  Design processes. The folio will be developed using appropriate workplace communication skills.

______22 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook MUSIC

Task % Date/Term/Week Task Description No 1 10% Term 1 Week 6 Ensemble Performance of topic piece.

2 10% Term 1 Week 9 Topic related composition task.

3 10% Term 1 Week 11 Listening skills – To include melodic and rhythmic dictations, written responses to placed excerpts of music and review questions on the cultural and historical perspectives of the topic. 4 10% Term 2 Week 4 Performance of topic piece.

5 10% Term 2 Week 5 Half Yearly Analysis of two selected works and written responses to played excerpts. 6 10% Term 3 Week 5 Performance of topic piece.

7 10% Term 3 Week 7 Topic related composition task.

8 10% Term 3 Week 10 Topic related aural task.

9 20% Term 4 Week 3 Yearly Composition – based on the notational and composition devices covered in the course content. Listening – written responses to places excerpts - analysis of a selected work. - Comments Half Yearly Report – consists of assessment tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and weighted to a total of 100%. Yearly Report – includes all assessment task results.

______23 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook PDHPE

Task Weighting Date / term/ Task Description No Week 1 10 Term 1 Practical - Dance Week 5 2 20 Term 1 Theory – Choices and Consequences (1) Week 8 3 10 Term 1 Practical – Cross Country Week 6-10 4 10 Term 2 Practical – Athletics Week 1-5 5 20 Term 2 Theory – Choices and Consequences (2) Week 8-10 6 10 Ongoing Theory - Bookmark

7 10 Ongoing Practical Uniform Half Yearly Report /90 8 10 Term 2/3 Practical; Gymnastics

9 10 Term 3 Practical Games Week 1-5 10 10 Term 3 Practical Games Week 6-10 11 20 Term 3 Theory – Safer Celebrations Week 8-10 12 10 Term 4 Practical Games Week 1-5 13 10 Ongoing Practical - Uniform

14 10 Ongoing Theory - Bookmark

15 20 Term 4 Theory – First Aide Week 6-10 Yearly Report /90 Final mark to be allocated out of 100%

______24 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook PHOTOGRAPHY

Task No % Date/Term/ Task Description Week 1 10% Term 1 Pinhole Cameras and Photograms Week 10 2 20% Term 2 The First Films – Composition, Development Week 5 3 20% Term 2 The Dark Room – Printing Techniques Week 11 4 10% Term 2 Photo Theory Assignment Week 10 5 10% Term 3 Portraits Week 6 6 10% Term 3 Still Lives Week 10 7 10% Term 4 Yearly Exams Week 1 8 10% Term 4 Individual Projects Week 8 (Interim Assessment due Week 3) Total 100%


______25 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook SCIENCE

Task No % Date / term/ Task Description Week 1 5% Term 4 Core Topic Test (from 2010) 2009 2 5% Term 1 Core Topic Test 2 Week 5 3 5% Term 1 Core Topic Test 3 Week 10 4 5% Term 2 Half Yearly Exam (Core Topic Test 4) Week 5/6 5 20% Practical Task and Report – 18 May 2011 6 10% Ongoing Homework Mark

50% Semester 1 Total Semester 1 7 5% Term 2 Core Topic Test 5 Week 11 8 5% Term 3 Core Topic Test 6 Week 6 9 5% Term 3 Core Topic Test 7 – Term 3 week 10 Week 10 10 20% September Media File – 17 August 2011 11 15% Ongoing Homework Mark

50% Semester 2 Total Semester 2 100% End of Year Final Mark Comments

______26 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook SPORTS APPLICATION 200 Hour Assessment Schedule 2011-12

YEAR 9 Task No. % Due: Term/Week Task Description Term 1 Anatomy and Physiology-Body Systems 1 15 Week 9 booklet Term 1 Practical: Racket Sports 2 10 Week 9 Skill Development Term 2 Physical Fitness Measurements and Evaluation 3 15 Week 5 Assessment Term 2 Practical: Football Sports 4 10 Week 5 Skill Development Term 3 Outdoor Recreation 5 15 Week 9 Practical exam Term 3 Practical: Ball and Stick Sports 6 10 Week 9 Skill Development Term 4 Sport in Australia 7 15 Week 5 Survey and Research Assessment Term 4 Uniform and Participation Mark 8 10 Week 5 Yearly Includes all set tasks and activities. Total 100 Report NOTE: Half Yearly Report is calculated to 100% using Task No.1, 2, 3 and 4.

YEAR 10 Task No. % Due: Term/Week Task Description Term 1 Body Systems 2: The relationship between nutrition 1 15 Week 8 and energy for physical activity analysis report. Term 1 Practical: Golf 2 10 Week 9 Skill Development Current Issues In Sport: Term 2 Conduct a survey that investigates the attitudes 3 15 Week 4 of the general public towards 'drug cheats'. Term 2 Practical: Modified Games 4 10 Week 4 Skill Development Sports Coaching: Term 3 Individual sports coaching session, which 5 40 Weeks 2-10 demonstrates effective coaching skill development Term 4 Uniform and Participation Mark 6 10 Week 2 Yearly Includes all set tasks and activities. Total 100 Report NOTE: Half Yearly Report is calculated to 100% using Task No.1, 2, 3 and 4.


______27 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook Time Focus area Task Weighting Term 1 Research Designer assignment – Peter Alexander 10% Sweet dreams are made of these: Project work: includes the construction and evaluation of nightwear from a knit fabric using a commercial pattern. Textile item may include: tops, boxer shorts, 15 weeks Term 1-2 Apparel nightshirt, pyjamas, nighties with sleeves. Collars, facings, rib, casings.

Practical project and portfolio 20%

Visual 10% Term 2 Communication Sketching / rendering Me, myself and I: Project work: design and construct an article of furnishing for your bedroom. The furnishing should be

10 weeks inspired by your life story and interests. It must have a variety of Term 2-3 Furnishing decorative techniques, two of which you must not have used before. Projects may include quilts, doona covers, cushions, curtains, or other furnishings for bedroom or family room Practical project and portfolio 20% Term 3 Practical Skills Practical work samples 10% Toy story too: Project work: design a toy for a child with a special need from textile materials. Students to construct and evaluate their toy. 15 weeks Non-Apparel Projects may include books, balls, playmates, activity centres, Term 3-4 dolls, puppets, felt boards, teddy bears 20% Practical project and Portfolio

Term 4 Yearly Exam 10%

______28 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook


Task No % Date / Task Description term/ Week 1 20% Term 1 Drawing: Week 11 15% - Technical Experiments and Major Drawing. 5% - Frames’ based investigation of artists.

2 20% Term 2 Printing: Week 10 15% - Set of prints using a printmaking method. 5% - Frames based investigation of Printmakers.

3 5% Term 2 Half Yearly Exams. Week 6-7

4 20% Term 3 Sculpture: Week 10 15% - Sculptural experiments and final sculptural piece. 5% - Conceptual Framework based Study of a sculpture.

5 20% Term 4 Painting: Week 4 15% - ‘Almost Famous’ Themed Artwork, plus lead up work. 5% - Conceptual Framework based investigation of Modern Movements. 6 15 Term 4 Yearly Exam Week 1


______29 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook VISUAL DESIGN

Task No % Date / Task Description term/ Week 1 25% Term 2 70% Jewellery, Ancient Treasures, Body of Work Lead up Week 3 30% Jewellery Assignment based on Frames

2 10% Term 2 Half Yearly Exams Week 6-7

3 25% Term 3 70% Mass Production, Body of Work and lead up for Slip Cast and Week 7 Wheel Made Pottery 30% Conceptual Frames based assignment

4 25% Term 4 70% Drawing – “Cartoons and Characters” – Body of Work and Week 4 Lead up 30% Cartooning assignment based on frames

5 15% Term 4 Yearly Exams Week 1


______30 South Grafton High School - Year 9 2011 – Assessment Handbook

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