Invitation to Apply (ITA)

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Invitation to Apply (ITA)

Commonwealth HACC Program

2013 Commonwealth HACC Funding Round Invitation to Apply (ITA)

Applicants must provide two unbound, unstapled single-sided copies to the relevant state or territory office tender box. Address details are set out at Appendix C. Applications will not be accepted by email or facsimile.

All enquiries relating to this ITA should be directed in writing to the contact officer (at [email protected]).

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 1 1. 1. Introduction

2. 1.1 Purpose of the Invitation to Apply (ITA) The purpose of this ITA document is to provide applicants with advice and guidance about applying for new service delivery funding under the Commonwealth HACC Program through the 2013 Commonwealth HACC funding round. 3. 1.2 Structure of the ITA This ITA is part of the application pack for the 2013 Commonwealth HACC funding round and includes the following sections:

1. Introduction

2. About the funding round

3. The application process

4. The selection process

5. How to apply for funding

 Appendix A – regional priorities  Appendix B – Commonwealth HACC special needs groups

 Appendix C – state and territory office address information

Other documents that form the application pack include the:

 Application Form Part One – applicant details and claims

 Application Form Part Two – application for regional priority service types

 Application Form Part Three – application for service types other than those identified as priorities in each region

 Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines 2012-2015

There are a number of additional documents that applicants should read and consider when applying, including the:

 Commonwealth HACC Program Manual

 Terms and Conditions for aged care funding March 2012

 Community Care Common Standards

These documents are referred to throughout the application pack, including the application forms and can be found on the department’s website – the program manual and terms and conditions

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 2 ( and the common standards ( standards.htm).

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 3 4. 2. About the funding round

5. 2.1 Background As of 1 July 2012 the Australian Government through the Commonwealth HACC program, took on full funding and program responsibility for support services for people 65 years and over (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 years and over) that were previously delivered through the Home and Community Care (HACC) program in all states and territories, excluding Western Australia and Victoria.

The Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines provide an overview of the arrangements for the allocation of funding for the Commonwealth HACC program from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015. The relevant sections of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines are referenced throughout the application pack to indicate where applicants can find additional information about the program. 6. 2.2 Objectives of the Commonwealth HACC program The objectives of the Commonwealth HACC program are to:

 provide a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated range of basic maintenance, support and care services for frail older people and their carers;

 support these people to be more independent at home and in the community, thereby enhancing their quality of life and/or preventing their admission to long term residential care; and

 provide flexible, timely services that respond to the needs of these people.

Basic maintenance, support and care services can be described as those which contribute to a person’s well-being. The Commonwealth HACC program operates within a regional framework to respond to the needs of clients and help achieve equitable access to Commonwealth HACC services. The Program encourages flexible service delivery and local responsiveness to meet the needs of individuals and regions. 7. 2.3 Funding Process The Department of Health and Ageing (the department) is conducting an open competitive process, the 2013 Commonwealth HACC funding round, to allocate growth funding of up to $281.2 million to provide Commonwealth HACC services in early 2014 to June 2015.

This funding is predominantly for Commonwealth HACC services types identified as priorities in each region. Service types are defined in section 1.6.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. Regional priority service types are at Appendix A of this ITA.

This funding process is a competitive process and is open to all eligible organisations, including those that do not currently receive Commonwealth HACC funding. The department encourages applications from all prospective service providers who can meet the requirements set out in this ITA

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 4 and the Commonwealth HACC Program Manual. Applications will be assessed against the selection criteria described in this ITA and the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

The Commonwealth HACC program funds service types at the region level. More information about Commonwealth HACC regions can be found at section 3.4 and Appendix G of the Commonwealth HACC Program Manual. Applications are invited from service providers who can deliver services across whole Commonwealth HACC regions or to parts of a region. 8. 2.4 What is the funding available for? Funding is available for the Commonwealth HACC service types as defined in 1.6.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. Funding will be directed to successful applicants for services identified as regional priorities (Appendix A). Approximately 85 per cent of recurrent funding will be directed to these priorities nationally.

The department has undertaken a planning process to identify five regional priority service types for each of the 33 Commonwealth HACC regions in Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, South Australia and the Northern Territory. These priorities have been determined using data from a range of sources including information on the spread of Commonwealth funded community care services and information collected from key stakeholders across the community care sector.

Funding is also available for other Commonwealth HACC service types that are not identified as a regional priority service type. However, applicants will need to demonstrate in the application the need for the service type in the region. Approximately 15 per cent of the recurrent funding will be directed to service types not identified as regional priorities.

Applicants are also able to apply for a limited amount of one-off funding for set-up costs relating to the establishment of new service delivery activities; systems and operational support; capacity building and assets where these costs relate directly to the delivery of new services. Further information about these costs can be found at section C.1.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

Applicants can identify if the proposed service will target one or more of the special needs groups. The special needs groups are listed in Appendix B.

Funding for service delivery will be offered to successful applicants from the date of offer until 30 June 2015. Funding for set-up costs will only be offered for the 2013-14 financial year. 9. 2.5 What will NOT be funded? Funding is not available through this round for:

 services for people under the age of 65 or under 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

 capital activities as defined in section 1.6.4 and Attachment D of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines

 service system development activities as defined in section 1.6.2 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 5  further funding for outputs already contracted under the Commonwealth HACC program where this does not result in additional service delivery

 services to be delivered in Western Australia and Victoria. 10. 2.6 Who can apply for funding? All organisations who can meet the requirements set out in this ITA are encouraged to apply. Applicants do not have to be located in the state or region that they are applying for funding, for example service providers located in Western Australia or Victoria are invited to apply to deliver services in regions currently covered by the Commonwealth HACC program.

Applicants are eligible to apply for funding if they are an incorporated entity. For more information refer to section 4.2.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. An incorporated entity includes:

 incorporated associations

 incorporated cooperatives

 companies

 Aboriginal corporations

 organisations established through a specific piece of Commonwealth or state or territory legislation

 trustees on behalf of a trust

 Australian local governments

 Australian state or territory governments and their entities

Applicants representing a group of providers are invited to apply. However, the department will not enter into contractual arrangements under the Commonwealth HACC program with a consortium. More information about consortia is in section of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. A lead entity should be identified as the applicant and this entity should submit the application for funding. Applications on behalf of consortia will be assessed against the same criteria as set out in this ITA. 11. 2.7 Responsibilities of applicants Section 3 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines outlines the responsibilities of applicants applying for funding in funding processes. Applicants are advised to read this section carefully.

Of particular note is that successful applicants will be required to sign a funding agreement with the Commonwealth, represented by the department, before any funding is paid. There are two parts to the funding agreement:  Terms and Conditions for aged care funding March 2012

 Program Schedule for Aged Care Funding (the Schedule)

The funding associated with the Schedule will be paid in quarterly instalments.

Successful applicants will have details of their activities posted on the department’s website as part of the department’s legislative reporting obligations.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 6 Successful applicants are responsible to ensure that:

 the terms and conditions of the funding agreement are met

 funding is used and managed in accordance with the funding agreement

 the delivery of services is effective, efficient and appropriately targeted

 the highest standards of duty of care are applied

 the proposal is delivered in line with, and complies with the requirements as set out within all state and territory and Commonwealth legislation and regulations

 they have sufficient insurance in place to cover all of their contractual obligations

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 7 12. 3. The Application Process

13. 3.1 Timeframes for the application process The department anticipates that it will recommend successful funding applicants and make offers of funding for service delivery to commence in early 2014. The department will not notify unsuccessful applicants until it has executed the funding agreements with the successful applicants. 14. 3.2 Late applications It is your organisation’s responsibility as the applicant to ensure that the application is submitted in time for it to be received by the department by the closing date and time. Further information on late applications is provided at section 3.1.8 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. 15. 3.3 Content of applications You are responsible to ensure that your application is completed accurately. You may not alter the substance of your application following its submission without the approval of the department. If a change in circumstances occurs that would prevent your organisation delivering services as described in your application, you should notify the department in writing to the contact officer (at [email protected]). The department may seek information from you to clarify any aspect of your application, but it is not required to do so. Applicants must meet compliance and eligibility criteria (see 4.1). Applicants must submit the application in English, failure to do so will result in the department ruling the applicant as non-compliant.

The department will only accept attachments that have been asked for in the application.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 8 16. 4. The Selection Process

17. 4.1 Assessment criteria The selection criteria and the weightings are set out in section 4 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. For the purposes of this ITA, applications will be assessed against the following criteria. These criteria and the sub-criteria are referenced in the relevant sections of the application form.

4.1.1 Mandatory criteria

For the purposes of this ITA the compliance criteria and eligibility criteria are mandatory. Applications will be assessed against these criteria and treated as set out in section 5.4 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

Compliance criteria A compliant application is one that:  has been submitted using the approved application forms to a state or territory office and is not late  is in English  is complete  correctly uses the Part Three application form for service types not identified as regional priorities  complies with the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines and the application kit Eligibility criteria An eligible application is one that:  has been submitted by an incorporated organisation  is in scope of the Commonwealth HACC service types as defined in 1.6.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 9 4.1.2 Assessment criteria

For the purposes of this ITA, applications will be assessed against the following assessment criteria. Applicants are advised to keep within the prescribed word limits identified for each question in the application. Words in excess of the word limits will not be assessed and this may affect the scores against the related criteria. Assessment criteria 1. Appropriateness of the proposal to the objectives of the activity under the Commonwealth HACC Program 1.1 proposal is clearly defined and described, and is evidence-informed

1.2 community affected by the proposal is addressed

1.3 outcomes for the proposal are clearly described and the proposal includes ongoing assessment of those outcomes

Criterion 1 has a possible score of 15

2. Potential for the proposal to meet the objectives of the activity under the Commonwealth HACC Program 2.1 proposal is suitably planned and scoped

2.2 if a new service, implementation is addressed

2.3 links with the community addressed

Criterion 2 has a possible score of 10

3.The need for the proposal to be carried out NOTE: this criterion is only applicable for applications for service types that are not identified as a regional priority.

3.1 demonstrates and provides evidence of the need

3.2 demonstrates how proposal will address the need

Criterion 3 has a possible score of 20

4. Governance, expertise and capacity of the applicant to meet the objectives of the activity under the Commonwealth HACC Program and/or other relevant programs 4.1 demonstrates management expertise, skill, qualifications and experience

4.2 demonstrates staff skill levels, qualifications and experience

4.3 demonstrates capability to meet specific program requirements (e.g., complaints and quality)

4.4 demonstrates capability to meet general obligations under the contractual arrangement (e.g., reporting and financial management)

Criterion 4 has a possible score of 10

5. The applicant’s proven track record in meeting the objectives of the activity under the Commonwealth HACC Program and/or other relevant

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 10 Assessment criteria 1. Appropriateness of the proposal to the objectives of the activity under the Commonwealth HACC Program 1.1 proposal is clearly defined and described, and is evidence-informed

1.2 community affected by the proposal is addressed

1.3 outcomes for the proposal are clearly described and the proposal includes ongoing assessment of those outcomes

Criterion 1 has a possible score of 15

programs 5.1 departmental assessment and rating of track record Criterion 5 has a possible score of 20 6.1 How the applicant will ensure its long-term financial and organisational viability. Criterion 6.1 has a possible score of 5 4.1.3 Overarching criterion

In assessing each application, the department will also consider the outcomes proposed for the amount of funding sought. This is referred to as a consideration of value for money and is detailed on page 45 and in section 5.6 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

Applicants should be aware that, as value for money is an overarching criterion, its assessment can seriously impact the overall outcome of the assessment process for the 2013 Commonwealth HACC funding round.

In considering value for money for this funding round, the department will take into account the five components of this overarching criterion, set out below. The overall score for any proposal will be increased by a factor relevant to each of the components demonstrated by that proposal.

Overarching Value for money, the efficient and effective use of funding that is criterion consistent with the objectives of the Commonwealth HACC program 1. The relative merit of the proposal. This component relates to the proposal’s assessment against the assessment criteria. 2. The relative cost of the proposal. This component relates to the total amount of funding sought for the proposal, and may be inclusive of any set-up costs sought. 3. The geographic location of the proposal. This component relates to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard, the Australian Standard Geographical Classification or other indicator of the location of the service. 4. Community that will benefit from the proposal has poor access to Commonwealth HACC and/or other aged care services. This component relates to the extent to which the application demonstrates that the community affected by the proposal has poor access to Commonwealth HACC and/or other aged care services.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 11 Overarching Value for money, the efficient and effective use of funding that is criterion consistent with the objectives of the Commonwealth HACC program 5. Community that will benefit from the proposal has high levels, or high anticipated growth, of the target population or of a special needs group. This component relates to the extent to which the application demonstrates that the community affected by the proposal has high levels, or high anticipated population growth, of the target population or of a special needs group.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 12 18. 4.2 Waivers and non-assessment of criteria For the purposes of this ITA two assessment criteria have been waived or partially waived. These waivers are in line with 4.3.1 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines and include:

 Criterion 6.2 – independent financial viability assessment. This criterion has been waived for all applications.

 Criterion 3 – need for the proposal to be carried out. This criterion has only been waived for applications for regional priority service types (Part Two application form). For applications for service types not identified as regional priorities, this criterion will be addressed in Part Three question 3D.

Criterion 5 will not be assessed for applicants who are not current Commonwealth aged care service providers. This criterion will be treated as set out in section 5.5.2 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. For the purposes of this ITA, current Commonwealth aged care service providers are those that have a current funding arrangement with the Commonwealth Government, specifically:

 as an approved provider under the Aged Care Act 1997

 a current funding agreement to deliver services under the Commonwealth HACC program, National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP), Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) and Day Therapy Centres (DTCs).

For current Commonwealth aged care service providers, criterion 5 will be assessed using information held by the department relating to the applicants performance under their current Commonwealth aged care funding agreement. The rating scale that will be used is set out in section 4 table 2 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. 19. 4.3 Assessment Process The assessment process will be managed as set out in section 5 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. The department will establish state based assessment panels that will assess applications against the assessment criteria and make recommendations to the First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division. As the funding approver, the First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division will consider whether the proposal will make an efficient, effective, ethical and economical use of Australian Government resources, as required by Commonwealth legislation.

Where an application is for a regional priority service type, applicants will be scored against the assessment criteria and ranked against other applications for the same service type in the same region. Where an application is for a service type other than the regional priority service types as set out in Appendix A, applications will be scored against the assessment criteria and ranked against all other applications for non-priority service types in the same state.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 13 4.3.1 Stages in the assessment process

Stage 1 The department will receipt and register all applications. Receipts will be sent back to applicants where they have been requested. Receipt and registration of applications Stage 2 Applications will be screened for compliance to the mandatory requirements and eligibility criteria as set out in section 4.1.1 of the Compliance and eligibility ITA and section 5.4 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. assessment Treatment of non-compliant or ineligible applications is outlined in 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 of the guidelines. Stage 3 The assessment criteria and sub-criteria will be scored and weighted as set out in 5.5 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. Assessment against criteria

Stage 4 The considerations of the assessment for value for money are set out in 4.1.3 of the ITA and section 5.6 of the Commonwealth HACC Assessment of value for Program Guidelines. money Stage 5 Ranking is based on the scores against value for money and the assessment criteria, and the availability of funding/outputs for the Rank and approve service type in the region. The process for ranking and approving is set out in 5.7 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines. Stage 6 The department will advise all applicants in writing of the outcome of the funding process as set out in 5.8 of the Commonwealth HACC Advise Program Guidelines. Successful applicants will receive a notice advising of the success of their application, an offer of funding and details of any negotiation process where applicable. The notice will include a Program Schedule to the Terms and Conditions for aged care funding March 2012. Approved activities and related funding resulting from the application process will commence following the execution of the Program Schedule. Payments will not be made retrospectively. Unsuccessful applicants will have the opportunity to seek written feedback. 20. 4.4 Complaints The department’s Procurement and Funding Complaints Handling policy, available on the ‘About Us’ page on the department’s website (, applies to complaints that arise from this ITA funding process. More information can be found at 3.7 of the Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 14 21. 5. How to apply for funding

22. 5.1 Accessing the application forms To apply for funding through the 2013 Commonwealth HACC funding round you must complete an application form. The application form can be downloaded from the Tenders and Grants page on the department's website (

The application form consists of three parts, including:

 Application Form Part One – applicant details and claims

 Application Form Part Two – application for regional priority service types

 Application Form Part Three – application for service types other than those identified as priorities in each region 23. 5.2 Overview of the parts of the application form The diagram below shows the structure of the application form. Instructions on how to complete each part of the application form is contained in the relevant part. Each part includes prompts and an explanation of the information required. It is essential that you read the information provided. Applications that are not complete may not be assessed.

If there are any queries which cannot be resolved by looking at this guide in conjunction with the form, you should direct the query, in writing, to the contact officer (at [email protected]).

24. 5.3 Attachments The only attachment that will be accepted is the business partnership agreement. This is required where the applicant is a lead agency submitting an application on behalf of a consortium. 25. 5.4 Submission You must submit your application for funding in accordance with the submission details set out on the cover page of the ITA. You must provide two unbound, unstapled single-sided typed copies of the relevant application forms to the relevant state or territory office of the department. For example if your organisation is based in New South Wales and applying to deliver services in South Australia, the application for the services in South Australia needs to go to the South Australian state office. Address details are set out at Appendix C of this ITA. Applications will not be accepted by email or facsimile. Applicants may request a receipt notice. This can be done by filling in question 1I of the Part One application form.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 15 26. 5.5 Retain a copy It is recommended that you retain a copy of your application for your records.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 16 27. 5.6 Steps to complete the application form Before You Begin

1. Read this ITA, Parts One, Two and Three application forms and relevant sections of the

Commonwealth HACC Program Guidelines and Commonwealth HACC Program Manual.

2. Read the Terms and Conditions for aged care funding March 2012.

3. Check the regional priority service types (Appendix A).

4. Determine if your organisation is eligible to apply for funding (see 2.5 of this ITA)

5. Determine how many states you will be applying in.

6. Determine how many Commonwealth HACC regions you will be applying in.

7. Determine which of the regional priority service types in the region/s you will be applying for.

8. Determine which of the service types that have not been identified as priorities in the region/s you

will be applying for.

Gather forms and information you will need to complete Part One: applicant details and claims

1. Download a separate Part One application form for each state / territory that you are applying in.

2. Gather all organisational information required to complete Part One.

Gather forms and information you will need to complete Part Two: regional priority service types

1. Download a separate Part Two application form for each region that you are applying for.

2. Gather all information required to complete the Part Two application form/s.

Gather forms and information you will need to complete Part Three: service types not identified as priorities

1. Download a separate Part Three application form for each of the service types that you are applying for that have not been identified as regional priorities.

You will need to complete a separate Part Three for each service type in each region.

For example, organisation X would like to apply for funding to provide respite in region Y and respite and delivered meals in region Z. None of these service types have been listed as

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 17 priorities in these regions. The applicant needs to complete three Part Three application form/s, one for respite in region Y and one for respite and one for delivered meals in region Z.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 18 Completing your application

1. Read Part One instructions and complete Part One application form.

2. Complete and sign the Declaration in 1G.

3. Complete and sign the Endorsement in 1H.

4. Read Part Two instructions and complete the required number of Part Two application forms to

apply for priority service types in each region.

5. Read Part Three instructions and complete the required number of Part Three application forms

for each service type that has not been identified as a priority in each region.

Submitting Your Application

1. Check that you have completed each section of the application forms.

2. Complete the checklist on the front page of each part of the application forms.

3. Read instructions on submission of applications.

4. Discard all instruction pages and submit two unbound, unstapled single-sided copies of Part One

and the relevant Part Two and Three application forms and send to the relevant state or territory

office (Appendix C).

5. Retain a copy of your application for your records.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 19 APPENDIX A

28. Regional Service Type Priorities

NEW SOUTH WALES Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

Central Coast Allied health 2,200 Hours Domestic assistance 23,600 Hours Personal care 8,900 Hours Social support 20,000 Hours Transport 18,200 One-way trips

Central West Domestic assistance 10,200 Hours Meals 37,800 Meals Personal care 5,800 Hours Social support 9,400 Hours Transport 9,600 One-way trips

Cumberland/Prospect Domestic assistance 29,700 Hours Home maintenance 18,900 Hours Personal care 19,600 Hours Social support 35,000 Hours Transport 35,900 One-way trips

Far North Coast Domestic assistance 28,500 Hours Meals 57,100 Meals Personal care 12,400 Hours Social support 25,400 Hours Transport 31,200 One-way trips

Hunter Centre-based day care 98,200 Hours Domestic assistance 56,300 Hours Personal care 18,000 Hours Social support 53,700 Hours Transport 40,100 One-way trips

Illawarra Domestic assistance 35,300 Hours Personal care 18,300 Hours Respite care 8,900 Hours Social support 29,700 Hours Transport 25,600 One-way trips

Inner West Domestic assistance 25,000 Hours Personal care 12,400 Hours Respite care 5,300 Hours Social support 19,400 Hours Transport 36,000 One-way trips

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 20 APPENDIX A NEW SOUTH WALES continued Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

Mid North Coast Domestic assistance 46,700 Hours Meals 77,200 Meals Respite care 4,200 Hours Social support 49,200 Hours Transport 44,800 One-way trips

Nepean Allied health 2,700 Hours Domestic assistance 19,000 Hours Personal care 6,400 Hours Social support 15,900 Hours Transport 14,400 One-way trips

New England Domestic assistance 22,100 Hours Home maintenance 1,300 Hours Meals 54,500 Meals Social support 21,600 Hours Transport 30,000 One-way trips

Northern Sydney Allied health 6,800 Hours Domestic assistance 58,400 Hours Personal care 20,700 Hours Social support 32,600 Hours Transport 48,900 One-way trips

Orana / Far West Domestic assistance 9,600 Hours Home maintenance 14,000 Hours Meals 39,800 Meals Social support 8,700 Hours Transport 10,500 One-way trips

Riverina / Murray Domestic assistance 25,200 Hours Personal care 11,400 Hours Respite care 5,100 Hours Social support 19,400 Hours Transport 28,100 One-way trips

South East Sydney Domestic assistance 65,900 Hours Personal care 22,500 Hours Respite care 14,800 Hours Social support 53,600 Hours Transport 75,100 One-way trips

South West Sydney Centre-based day care 138,400 Hours Domestic assistance 37,500 Hours Respite care 8,800 Hours Social support 32,000 Hours Transport 59,300 One-way trips

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 21 APPENDIX A NEW SOUTH WALES continued Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

Southern Highlands Domestic assistance 18,800 Hours Personal care 7,900 Hours Respite care 3,500 Hours Social support 11,100 Hours Transport 13,500 One-way trips

Total funding available in NSW for priority service types - $103,841,000* Total funding available in NSW for service types other than those identified as a priority - $18,325,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN NSW - $122,166,000*

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 22 APPENDIX A QUEENSLAND Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

Central Domestic assistance 37,400 Hours Personal care 13,400 Hours Respite care 11,600 Hours Social support 22,800 Hours Transport 29,800 One-way trips

Darling Downs / South West Domestic assistance 27,200 Hours Meals 35,500 Meals Personal care 9,900 Hours Social support 11,900 Hours Transport 16,700 One-way trips

North Brisbane Allied health 20,600 Hours Centre-based day care 136,100 Hours Domestic assistance 88,400 Hours Social support 42,700 Hours Transport 55,800 One-way trips

Northern Domestic assistance 31,500 Hours Home maintenance 7,600 Hours Personal care 12,300 Hours Social support 14,700 Hours Transport 18,800 One-way trips

Peninsula Domestic assistance 22,500 Hours Meals 35,300 Meals Personal care 8,300 Hours Social support 11,900 Hours Transport 14,800 One-way trips

South Brisbane Allied health 9,300 Hours Centre-based day care 79,300 Hours Domestic assistance 46,200 Hours Social support 20,800 Hours Transport 20,300 One-way trips

West Moreton/South Coast Allied health 14,400 Hours Centre-based day care 100,400 Hours Domestic assistance 66,800 Hours Social support 31,100 Hours Transport 34,200 One-way trips

Total funding available in Queensland for priority service types - $67,969,000* Total funding available in Queensland for service types other than those identified as a priority - $11,994,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN QUEENSLAND - $79,963,000*

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 23 APPENDIX A SOUTH AUSTRALIA Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

North West Country Centre-based day care 33,100 Hours Domestic assistance 23,100 Hours Home maintenance 3,800 Hours Social Support 9,000 Hours Transport 14,400 One-way trips

North West Metro Centre-based day care 88,700 Hours Domestic assistance 43,700 Hours Home maintenance 9,600 Hours Social support 36,600 Hours Transport 32,600 One-way trips

South East Country Allied health 3,800 Hours Domestic assistance 23,500 Hours Personal care 12,700 Hours Social support 20,400 Hours Transport 16,000 One-way trips

South East Metro Centre-based day care 86,600 Hours Domestic assistance 47,100 Hours Home maintenance 11,000 Hours Social support 39,000 Hours Transport 42,600 One-way trips

Total funding available in SA for priority service types - $27,015,000* Total funding available in SA for service types other than those identified as a priority - $4,767,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN SA - $31,782,000*

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 24 APPENDIX A TASMANIA Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

North Western Centre-based day care 12,600 Hours Domestic assistance 6,500 Hours Personal care 5,400 Hours Social support 4,900 Hours Transport 5,900 One-way trips

Northern Centre-based day care 8,400 Hours Domestic assistance 8,500 Hours Personal care 5,200 Hours Social support 3,200 Hours Transport 7,100 One-way trips

Southern Centre-based day care 24,400 Hours Domestic assistance 14,200 Hours Personal care 8,600 Hours Social support 8,500 Hours Transport 14,200 One-way trips

Total funding available in Tasmania for priority service types - $7,765,000* Total funding available in Tasmania for service types other than those identified as a priority - $1,370,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN TASMANIA - $9,135,000*

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 25 APPENDIX A NORTHERN TERRITORY Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

Darwin Centre-based day care 6,500 Hours Domestic assistance 18,800 Hours Meals 19,400 Meals Social support 10,600 Hours Transport 16,600 One-way trips

Remote Centre-based day care 7,400 Hours Domestic assistance 7,300 Hours Meals 41,500 Meals Social support 4,300 Hours Transport 5,900 One-way trips

Total funding available in NT for priority service types - $5,986,000* Total funding available in NT for service types other than those identified as a priority - $1,056,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN NT - $7,042,000*

AUSTRALIAN TERRITORY CAPITAL Indicative number of Region Priority service type outputs for the region Output measure for one full year

ACT Domestic assistance 23,800 Hours Home maintenance 4,500 Hours Personal care 9,400 Hours Social support 12,700 Hours Transport 22,200 One-way trips

Total funding available in ACT for priority service types - $5,191,000 * Total funding available in ACT for service types other than those identified as a priority - $916,000* TOTAL FUNDING AVAILABLE IN ACT - $6,107,000*

* Note that funding is available for up to eighteen months across the 2013-14 and 2014-15 financial years and these advertised amounts are exclusive of GST.

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 26 APPENDIX B

Commonwealth HACC special needs groups

Within the Commonwealth HACC target population there are some groups of people who face greater challenges in receiving adequate, appropriate and accessible services. For the purposes of this ITA the special needs groups are:

 people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

 people with dementia

 financially disadvantaged people

 people living in remote or isolated areas

 veterans

 people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

 care leavers

 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people

 parents separated from their children by forced adoption or removal

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 27 APPENDIX C

State and territory offices

NEW SOUTH WALES and the ACT Postal address Physical address 2013 HACC Funding Round 2013 HACC Funding Round HACC Section Tender Box New South Wales and ACT Office Level 8, 260 Elizabeth St Department of Health and Ageing Surry Hills GPO Box 9848 Sydney NSW 2001 QUEENSLAND Postal address Physical address 2013 HACC Funding Round 2013 HACC Funding Round Planning and Allocations Section Level 17, 160 Ann Street Queensland State Office Brisbane MDP 116 Department of Health and Ageing GPO Box 9848 Brisbane Qld 4001 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Postal address Physical address 2013 HACC Funding Round 2013 HACC Funding Round Commonwealth HACC Section HACC Reception South Australian State Office Level 13, 11-29 Waymouth Street Department of Health and Ageing Adelaide GPO Box 9848 Adelaide SA 5001

TASMANIA Postal address Physical address 2013 HACC Funding Round 2013 HACC Funding Round Assessment and Places Management The Tender Box Section Level 1, 100 Melville Street Tasmanian State Office Hobart MDP 119 Department of Health and Ageing GPO Box 9848 Hobart TAS 7001

NORTHERN TERRITORY Darwin Office Darwin Office Postal address Physical address 2013 HACC Funding Round 2013 HACC Funding Round NT Aged & Community Care Section Tender Box Northern Territory State Office Level 7, Jacana House Department of Health and Ageing 39 - 41 Woods Street GPO Box 9848 Darwin Darwin NT 0801

Commonwealth HACC Program 2013 funding round – ITA No DoHA/003/1314 Invitation To Apply Page 28 APPENDIX C

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