Ecclesiastes a Working Bibliography May 1, 2003
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Ecclesiastes a Working Bibliography May 1, 2003 Compiled by Ted Hildebrandt Gordon College, Wenham, MA
Aalders, G. Ch. Het Boek de Prediker. Commentar op het Oude Testament. Kampen: N. V. Uitgeversmaatschappij J. H. Kok, 1948. Afman, Frederick. "Relationship of Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes to the Life of Solomon," Ph. D. Diss., Bob Jones University, 1966. Alderini, G. "Qoheelt 5,7-8: Note linguistiche ed esegetische," BeO 183 (1995) 13-32. Allendar, Dan P. and Tremper Longman. Bold Purpose: Exchanging Counterfeit Happiness for the Real Meaning of Life (Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1998). Allgeier, A. Das Buch des Predigers oder Koheleth. HSAT 6.2 (Bonn: 1925) Alshich, Moshe. The Book of Koheleth: in pursuit of perfection. Trans. by Ravi Shahar (Jerusalem: Feldheim Publishers, Ltd., 1992). Anat, M.A. "The Lament on the Death of Humanity in the Scroll of Qohelet," Beth Mikra 15 (1970) 375-80 [Hebrew]. Anderson, Gary. A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance (University Park, Penn. 1991). Anderson, William H. U. "The Curse of Work in Qoheleth: An Expose of Genesis 3:17-19 in Ecclesiastes," Evangelical Quarterly 70.2 (1998) 99-113. ______. "The Poetic Inclusio of Qoheleth in Relation to 1,2 and 12,8" Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 12.2 (1998) 203-13. ______. “A Critique of the Standard Interpretations of the Joy Statements in Qohelet,” JNSL 27.2 (2001) 57-75. ______. "The Semantic Implications of lbh and Hvr tvfr in the Hebrew Bible and for Qoheleth," JNSL 25.2 (1999) 59-73. ______. "A Note on rty for Qoheleth," JNSL 26.1 (2000) 133-6. ______. "The Problematics of the Sitz im Leben of Qoheleth," OTE 12 (1999) 233-48. Andrews, Susan. “Ecclesiastes 7:1-19,” Int 55 (2001) 299-301. Archer, Gleason L. "The Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Ecclesiastes," Journal of Evangelical Theological Society 12 (Summer 1969) 167-81. Armstrong, J. F. “Ecclesiastes in Old Testament Theology,” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 4 (1983) 16-25. 2
Astour, Michael C. "Two Ugaritic Serpent Charms," J of Near Eastern Studies 27.1 (1968) 13-36. Auffret, P. "'Rien du tout de nouveau sous le soleil'. Etude stucturelle de Qoh 1,4-11," Folia Orientalia 26 (1989) 145-66. Ausejo, S. de. "El genero literario del Ecclesiastes," EstBib 7 1948) 394-406. Azize, Joseph. “Considering the Book of Qohelet Afresh,” ANES 37 (2000) 183-214. Backhaus, F. J. "Kohelet und die Ironie --Vom Umgang mit Widerspruchen durch die Kunst der Ironie," Biblische Notizen 101 (2000) 29-55. ______. "Den Zeit und Zufall trifft sie alle": Studien zur Komposition und zum Gottesbild im Buch Qohelet. BBB 83. Frankfurt am Main: Anton Hain, 1993. ______. "Die Pendenskonstruktion im Buch Qohelet," ZAH 8 (1995) 1-30. ______. "Qoheleth und Sirach," Biblische Notizen 69 (1993) 32-55. Baltzer, K. “Women and War in Qohelet 7:23-8:1a.” Harvard Theological Review 80 (1987) 127-32. Barton, George A. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1908). ______. “The Text and Interpretation of Ecclesiastes 5:19,” JBL 27 (1908) 65-66. Barucq, A. Ecclesiaste. Paris: Beauchesne, 1968. ______. "Qoheleth," Dictionnaire de la Bible Supplement 10; 654-61. Baumgartel, F. "Die Ochsenstachel und die Nagel in Koh 12,11," ZAW 81 (1969) 98. Beauchamp, P. "Entendre Qohelet." Cristus 16 (1969) 339-51. Beentjes, P. C. "Recente visies op Qohelet," Bijdragen: Tidschrift voor Filosophie en Theologie 41 (1980) 436-44. Becker, J. Gottesfurcht im Alten Testament. AnBib 25 (Rome: Biblical Institute, 1965). Belcher, Richard P. "Divine Retribution in Ecclesiastes: An Analysis of the Deed-Consequence relationship with implications for the Interpretation of the Book," Ph. D. Diss., Westminster Theological Seminary, 2000. Bellia, Giuseppe and Angelo Passaro, “Proverbi e Qohelet; Eredita e Prospettive di Ricerca,” HT 19 (2001) 115-32. ______. "Il libro del Qohelet e il suo contesto storico-anropologico," in IL Libro del Qohelet: Tradizione redazione teologica (Milan: Paoline, 2001) 171-216. 3
Bellia, Giuseppe and Angelo Passano. "Qohelet, ovvero la factica di conoscere," in IL Libro del Qohelet: Tradizione redazione teologica (Milan: Paoline, 2001) 357-90. Bergant, D. Job, Ecclesiastes. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1982. Berger, Benjamin. “Qoheleth and the Exigencies of the Absurd,” BibInt 9 (2001) 141-79. Bertram, G. “Hebraischer und griechischer Qohelet,” ZAW 64 (1952) 26-49. Bianchi, Francesco. “C’e una teologia della prova in Qohelet? Osservazioni filologiche e bibliche su Qo 3,18,” Initium sapientiae: Suritti in onore de Fanco Festorazzi nei suo 70 compleanno (Bologna: EDB, 2000) 163-78. ______. “Un fantasma al blanchetto della sapienza?’ Qohelet e il libro dei Proverbi a confronto,” in IL Libro del Qohelet: Tradizione redazione teologica (Milan: Paoline, 2001), 40-68. ______. "'Essi non hanno chi li consoli' (Qoh 4:1)," Rivista Biblica 40 (1992) 299-307. ______. "The Language of Qohelet: A Bibliographical Survey," ZAW 105 (1993) 210-23. Bickell, G. Der Prediger uber den Wert des Daseins: Wiedersherstellung des Bisher zerstuckelten Textes. Innsbruck: Wagner, 1884. Bickerman, E. J. Four Strange Books of the Bible: Jonah, Daniel, Koheleth, Esther. New York: Schocken, 1967. Bishop. E. F. F. "Pesssimist in Palestine," PEQ 100 (1968) 33-41. Bland, Richard, M. "the Arabic Commentary of Yephet Ben Ali on the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapters 1-6," Ph. D. Diss., University of Calif., Berkeley, 1966. Blank, Sheldon H. "Ecclesiastes," in Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible II (Nashvile, 1962) 7-13. Blenkinsopp, J. “Ecclesiastes 3:1-15: Another Interpretation,” JSOT 66 (1995) 55-64. Boer, P. A. H. de "A note on Ecclesiastes 12:12a," In A Tribute to Arthur Voobus, ed. by R. H. Fischer, (Chicago: 1977) 85-88. Bonora, A. Il Libro Di Qohelet. Guide spirituali all'antico testamento. Roma: Citta Nuova Editrice, 1992. Bons, E. “Zur Gliederung und Koharenz von Koh 1:12-2:11,” Biblische Notizen 24 (1984) 73-93. Braun, R. Koheleth und die fruhhellenistische Popularphilosopphie BZAW 130. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1973. 4
Bream, Howard N. "Life Without Resurrection: Two Perspectives from Qoheleth," in A Light Unto My Path (Jacob M. Myers Festschrift). Gettysburg Theological Studies 14 (1974) 49-65. Brenner, A. "M Text Authority in Biblical Love Lyrics: The Case of Qoheleth 3:1-9 and Its Textual Relatives," In On Gendering Texts: Female and Male Voices in the Hebrew Bible. Biblical Interpretation 1. Ed. A Brenner and F. van Dijk-Hemmes (Leiden: Brill, 1993) 133-63. Brenz, J. Der Prediger Salomo: Faksimile-Neudruck der ersten Ausgabe Hagenau 1528. (Stuttgart: Frommann, 1970). Breton, S. “Qohelet: Recent Studies.” Theology Digest 28 (1980) 147-51. ______. "Qoheleth Studies," Biblical Theolgoy Bulletin 3 (1973) 22-50. Bridges, C. Ecclesiastes. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1961 (1860). Brindle, Wayne A. "Righteousness and Wickedness in Ecclesiastes 7:15- 18," Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (1985) 243-57. Brisson, E. Carson. “Ecclesiastes 3:1-8,” Int 55 (2001) 292-95. Bronznick, N. "Of the Making of Many Books There Is No End," Beth Mikra 25(82) (1980) 195-201 [Hebrew]. Brown, S. G. “The Structure of Ecclesiastes.” Evangelical Review of Theology 14 (1990) 195-208. Brown, William P. "Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do": Qoheleth's Work Ethic," Interpretation 55.3 (2001) 271-84. Bruns, J. Edgar. "The Imagery of Ecclesiastes 12:6a" Journal of Biblical Literature 84 (1965) 428-30. Budde, K. Der Prediger. Tubingen: Mohr, 1923. Buhlman, Alain. “The Difficulty of Thinking in Greek and Speaking in Hebrew (Qoheleth 3.18; 4.13-16; 5.8),” JSOT 90 (2000) 101-8. Burkes, Shannon. Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the Late Period. SBLDS 170 (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Lit., 1997). Burkitt, F. C. "Is Ecclesiastes a Translation?" JTS 23 (1922) 22-28. Busto Saiz, J. R. "Estructura metrica y estrofica del 'poema sobre la juventud y la vejez': Qohelet 11,7-12,7," Sef 43 (1983) 17-25. ______. "jyxrvb (Qoh 12,1): Reconsiderado," Sef 46 (1986) 85-7. Butting, K. "Weibsbilder bei Kafka und Kohelet. Eine Auslegung von Prediger 7,23-29," Texte und Kontexte 14 (1991) 17-25. Buzy, Denis. "Le portrait de la vieillesse (Ecclesiaste, xii, 1-7)," RB 41 (1932) 329-40. ______. La notion du bonheur dans l'Ecclesiaste," RB 43 (1934) 494- 511. ______. L'Ecclesiaste. (Paris, 1946). 5
______. "Les auterus de l'Ecclesiaste," L'Annee Theologique 11 (1950) 317-36. Burkes, Shannon L. "A Compuation Analysis of the Problem of Death in Qoheleth and Later Period Egyptian Biographies," Ph. D. Diss., University of Chicago, 1997. Burkitt, F. C. “Is Ecclesiastes a Translation?” JTS 23 (1921-22) 22-26. Byargeon, Ricky W. “The Significance of the Enjoy Life Concept in Qoheleth’s Challenge of the Wisdom Tradition,” Ph. D. Diss. Southwestern Bapt. Theological Seminary, 1991. Campbell, Anthony F. "Women Storytellers in Ancient Israel," Australian Biblical Review 48 (2000) 72-73. Campbell, James L. "The Book of Ecclesiastes and Eighteenth Century Literature," Ph. D. Diss., University of Virginia, 1975. Caneday, Ardel B. "Qoheleth: Enigmatic Pessimist or Godly Sage?" Grace Theological Journal 7 (1986) 21-56. Carasik, Michael. “Exegetical Implications of the Masoretic Cantillation Marks in Ecclesiastes,” HS 42 (2001) 145-65. Carny, P. “Theodicy in the Book of Qohelet.” In Justice and Righteousness: Biblical Themes and Their Influence, edited by H. G. Reventlow and Y. Hoffman. JSOT Sup 137, ppp. 71-81. Sheffield, England: JSOT Press, 1992. Castellino, George R. "Qohelet and His Wisdom," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 30 (1968) 15-28. Ceresko, A. R. “The Function of Antanaclasis (ms’ ‘to find’ // ms’ ‘to reach, overtake, grasp’) in Hebrew Poetry, Especially in the Book of Qoheleth.” CBQ 44 (1982) 551-69. Chia, P. P. "Wisdom, Yahwism, Creation: In Quest of Qoheleth's Theological Thought," Jian Dao 3 (1995) 1-32. Chopineau, J. “Une image de l’homme: Sur Ecclesiaste 1/2,” Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses 53 (1978) 366-75. ______. “L’image de Qohelet dans l’exegese contemporaine.” Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 59 (1979) 595-603. ______. “Qohelet’s Modernity,” Theology Digest 29 (1981) 117-18. ______. "Hevel en hebrew biblique: Contribution a l'etude des rapports entre semantique et exegese de l'Ancien Testament. Doctoral Diss., University of Strasbourg, 1971. Christianson, Eric S. "Narrative Strategies in the Book of Ecclesiastes," Ph. D. Diss., Unviersity of Sheffield, 1996. ______. "Qohelet and the Existential Legacy of the Holocaust," 6
The Heythrop Journal 38 (1997) 35-50. Clemens, D. M. “The Law of Sin and Death: Ecclesiastes and Genesis 1-3,” Themelios 19 (1994) 5-8. Cohen, Jeffrey M. "Had Noah Lived in Abraham's Generation," Jewish Bible Quarterly 22.2 (1994) 120-23. Coppens, J. "La structure de l'Ecclesiaste," in La sagesse de l'Ancien Testament. Ed. M. Gilbert. BETL 51 (Gembloux: Leuven University, 1979) 288-92. Corre, A. D. “A Reference to Epispasm in Koheleth,” VT 4 (1954) 416-18. Cosser, William. "The Meaning of 'Life' in Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes," Glasgow University Oriental Society Transactions 15 (1953/54) 48-53. Cotton, J. A Brief Exposition with Practical Observations upon the Book of Ecclesiastes (London, 1654). Crenshaw, James L. Ecclesiastes (Westminster, John Knox Press, 1987). ______. “The Shadow of Death in Qoheleth.” In Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien, edited by J. G. Gammie, W. A. Brueggemann, W. L. Humphreys, and J. M. Ward, pp. 205-16. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1978. ______. “The Eternal Gospel (Eccl. 3:11).” In Essays in Old Testament Ethics, ed. J. L. Crenshaw and J. T. Willis, pp. 23-55. New York: KTAV, 1974. ______. “The Birth of Skepticism in Ancient Israel.” In The Divine Helmsman: Studies on God’s Control of Human Events, ed. J. L. Crenshaw and S. Sandmel, pp. 1-19. New York: KTAV, 1980. ______. “Qoheleth in Recent Research,” Hebrew Annual Review 7 (1983) 41-56. ______. “The Expression mi yodea’ in the Hebrew Bible.” VT 36 (1986) 274-88. ______. “Ecclesiastes—Odd Book In.” Bible Review 6 (1990) 28-33. ______. “Youth and Old Age in Qohelet.” Hebrew Annual Review 10 (1986) 1-13. ______. "The Expression mi yodea' in te Hebrew Bible," VT 36 (1986) 274-88. ______. "Popular questioning of the justice of God in ancient Israel," ZAW 82 (1970) 380-95 (Reprinted in Crenshaw, Studies 481-94). ______. Qoheleth in current research," HAR 7 (1983) 41-56. ______. "Prohibitions in Proverbs and Qoheleth," In Priests, Proverbs, and Scribes, ed by E. Ulrich. JSOTSup 149 (Sheffield, 1992) 7
115-24. Crusemann, F. "The Unchangeable World: The 'Crisis of Wisdom' in Koheleth," In God of the Lowly. Ed. W. Schotroff and W. Stegemann (Maryknol: Oribis, 1985) 57-77. ______. "Hiob und Kohelet." In Werden und Wirken des Alten Testaments. FS C Westermann. Ed R. Albertz et al. (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980). Curkpatrick, Stephen. “A Disciple for Our Time: A Conversation,” Int 55 (2001) 285-91. D'Alario, Vittoria. "Struttura e teologia del libro del Qohelet," Qohelet, 256-75. ______. "L' assurdia del male nella teodicea del Qohelet," Initium sapientiae: Suritti in onore de Fanco Festorazzi nei suo 70 compleanno (Bologna: EDB, 2000), 179-97. ______. Il Libro del Qohelet: Struttura Litteraria e Retorica. Supplementi alla Rivista Biblica 27. (Bologna: Dehoniane, 1992). Dahood, M. J. “Canaanite-Phoenician Influence in Qoheleth.” Biblica 33 (1952) 30-52, 191-221. ______. “The Language of Qoheleth,” CBQ 14 (1952) 227-32. ______. “Qoheleth and Recent Discoveries,” Biblica 39 (1958) 302-18. ______. Qoheleth and Northwest Semitic Philology,” Biblica 43 (1962) 349-65. ______. "Canaanite Words in Qoheleth 10,20," Bib 46 (1965) 210-12. ______. “The Phonenician Background of Qoheleth,” Biblica 47 (1966) 264-82. ______. “Three Parallel Pairs in Ecclesiastes 10:18,” JQR 62 (1971-72) 84-87. ______. "The Independent Personal Pronoun in the Oblique Case in Hebrew," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 32.1 (1970) 86-90. ______. "Northwest Semitic Philology and Three Biblical Texts," J of Northwest Semitic Languages 2 (1972) 17-22. ______. "Three Parallel Pairs in Eccl. 10:18. A Reply to Prof. Gordis," JQR 62 (1971) 84-87. ______. "Scriptio Defectiva in Qoheleth 4,10a," Biblica 49 (1968) 243. ______. "The Phoenician contribution to Biblical wisdom literature," in The Role of the Phoeniciains in the Interaction of Mediterranean Civilizations, ed. by W. A. Ward, (Beirut, 1968). 123-48. Davila, J. R. “Qohelet and Northern Hebrew,” MAARAV 5-6 (1990) 69-87. Davis, Barry C. "Ecclesiastes 12:1-8--Death, An Impetus for Life" Bibliotheca Sacra 148 (1991) 298-317. 8
De Bruin, Gerhardus S. "Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26 According to a Multidisciplinary Method of Reading," M. A. Thesis, University of Pretoria, 1990. De Waard, J. “The Translator and Textual Criticism (with Particular Reference to Eccl 2,25),” Biblica 60 (1979) 509-29. Dekker, Erica. "Ecclesiastes: A Wisdom Writing Imbued with Quotations? A Critical Discussion of the Quotation hypothesis with Reference to Ecclesiastes 9-11," M. A. Thesis, University of South Africa, 1996. Delitzsch, F. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Trans. M. G. Easton (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975, 1872). Dell, Katherine. J. "Ecclesiastes as Wisdom: Consulting Early Interpreters," VT 44 (1994) 301-29. ______. "The Use of Animal Imagery in the Psalms and Wisdom Literature of Ancient Israel," Scottish Journal of Theology 53.3 (2000) 275-91. Dell'Aversano, C. "Fpwm in Qoh 11:9c," in Biblische und Judaistische Studien (Fs. P. Sacchi). Ed. A Vivian. (Franfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1990) 121-34. Delsman, W. C. "Zur Sprache des Buches Koheleth," in Von Kanaan bis Kerala. (Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1982) 341-365. Dhorme, P. "L'Ecclesiaste ou Job," RB 32 (1923) 5-27. Diez, Merino. L., ed. Targum de Qohelet. BHB 13 (Madrid: Consejo superior de Investigaciones Scientificas, 1987). Dillinger, George, E. "The Positive Teachings in the Book of Ecclesiastes," S.T.D. Temple University, 1954. Dohmen, C. "Der Weisheit letzter Schluss? Anmerkungen zur Uversetzung und Bedeutung von Koh 12, 9-14," BN 63 (1992) 12-18. Du Plessis, S. J. “Aspects of Morphological Peculiarities of the Language Of Qoheleth,” In De Fructu Oris Sui: Essays in Honour of Adrianus Van Selms, edited by I. H> Eybers, et al., (Leiden: Brill, 1971) 164-80. Duesberg, H. and I Fransen. "La critique de la sagesse par le Qoheleth," in Les scribes inspires. (Maredsous: Editions de Maredsous, 1969) 537-92. Dulin, Rachel. “’How Sweet Is the Light’ Qoheleth’s Age-Centered Teachings,” Int 55 (2001) 260-70. Eaton, Michael A. Ecclesiastes (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary) (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1983). Ehlich, Konrad. "Hebel--Metaphern der Nichtigkeit." In "Jedes Ding 9
hat seine Zeit...," ed. by A. A. Diesel et al. BZAW 241 (Berlin, 1996) 49-64. Eichhorn, David Max. Musings of the Old Professor: The Meaning of Koheleth (New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1963). Ellermeirer, F. “Die Entmachtung der Weisheit im Denken Qohelets,” ZThK 60 (1963) 1-20. ______. "Das Verbum wUH in Koh 2,25. Eine exegetische, aus- legungsgeschichtliche und semasiologische Untersuchung," ZAW 75 (1963a) 197-217. ______. Qohelet, Teil 1 Abschnitt 1. Herzberg am Harz: Verlag Erwin Jungfer, 1967. ______. Qohelet I/2. Einzelfrage Nr. 7: Das Verbum wUH in Qoh. 2,25. Akkadisch hasu(m) 'sich sorgen' im Lichte neu veroffentlicher Texte. 2d ed. Herzberg: Jungfer, 1970. Ellul, J. Reason for Being: A Meditation on Ecclesiastes. Trans. J. M. Hanks (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990) Erdman, W. J. Ecclesiastes (Chicago: The Bible Insitute Colportage Association, n. d.) Estes, Henry B. "God is in Heaven: An Investigation of the Concept of God in the Book of Ecclesiastes," Th. D. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982. Ettlinger, G. H. “The Form and Method of the Commentary on Ecclesiastes by Gregory of Agrigentum,” Studia Patristica 18 (1985) 317-20. Euringer, Sebastian. Der Masorahtext des Koheleth. (Leipzig: Hinrich's 1890). Farmer, Kathleen A. Who Knows What is Good? A Commentary on the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, International Theological Commentary (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991). Fernandez, E. "Es Ecclesiastes una Version?" Bib 3 (1922) 45-50. Fischer, Alexander. "Beobachtungen zur Komposition von Kohelet 1,3-3,15 (Observations on the Composition of Qoheleth 1:3-3:15)." Z fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 103.1 (1991) 72-86. Fischer, Stefan. “Qohelet and ‘Heretic’ Harpers’ Songs,” JSOT 98 (2002) 105-21. Flesher, P. V. M. "The Wisdom of the Sages: Rabbinic Rewriting of Qohelet," In AAR/SBL Abstracts (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990) 390. Fletcher, Doublas. “Ecclesiastes 5:1-7,” Int 55 (2001) 296-98. Fonzo, L. di. "Ecclesiastes 3, 21." VD 19 (1939) 257-68, 289-99; 20 (1940) 10
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