Dear Cllr Nimmo Smith
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Dear Cllr Nimmo Smith,
Thank you for your reply. Firstly in answer to your questions:- We are a small (at the moment) group of individuals, who were becoming totally dissatisfied with some of the decisions that Councils were making, supposedly on our behalf. We had started off by individually commenting on different blog forums, and newspaper comments sections, and realised that we had common goals and aims for Abingdon. We then arranged to get together to discuss what we could actually do about it, rather than whingeing to a few people who might look at those blogs/comments. We then decided to launch a website, Abingdon First. We are not affiliated to any Councils/political parties (indeed I could not tell you what political party any of the others support, and they would not know mine). (Some Councillors have tried to guess/assume who we actually are, and failed!). The idea of the website is mainly to collate information that is either hidden from, may or may not be public knowledge, and bring it to the attention of residents and businesses of Abingdon’s. We have no authority from the people of Abingdon, we are guided by their comments, they can contact us about issues that they think are a problem, and equally they can tell us to shut up and go away if they think that we are not relevant or wanted.
The facts are, in 7 weeks since our launch on 7th March, we have had:- 15,195 page views 7,005 first time visitors 1,115 returning visitors. (Interestingly, I posted a comment onto “Spotted Abingdon” (Facebook) last night, saying that there was a response from a Councillor regarding the Dunmore roundabout, and today alone we have had over 2,000 page views, and 1,690 first time visitors! There is a LOT of interest in this crossing/roundabout!) From all of those visitors since our launch, the ONLY negative responses that we have received were regarding our anonymity, not one saying that we shouldn’t be doing this, or that the people of Abingdon don’t want it. We have had a lot of positive responses. If people did not want this site they would soon tell us, or more tellingly would not bother coming back to it.
The reason for our anonymity is just because we do not want the issue to become about us, it is about Abingdon. We are irrelevant. We are not doing this for any gain, financial or otherwise, not trying to score political points (in fact we have said that we will have a go at anyone whatever their political “colour”, or any commercial enterprise or individual that we feel is trying to ruin our once fantastic town). We would love our website to be full of positive messages, to be able to say that this or that has been achieved, that people and tourists are once again flocking into Abingdon town centre, that we have a multiplex cinema/bowling alley, other leisure facilities for youngsters and a growing population to use. Plans for a second river crossing, (which has been talked about and admitted that it is needed), a diamond interchange for Lodge Hill (something that is recognised even by our MP that is necessary, but we have to be blackmailed with 1,000 extra houses on greenbelt land to get), a railway link (or monorail?). Some of this maybe pie in the sky stuff, but should be being thought about now for the future with the way that Abingdon has grown and is continuing to do so?
That is about us, now, onto the main part of the email. Could you please advise as to what is the purpose of “The yellow brick road” around the perimeter of the roundabout? There is some confusion as to whether it is a demarcation for two lanes, or whether it is no-man’s land and shouldn’t be driven on? So far even TVP haven’t been able to answer this question, and it is a question that needs answering so as to apportion blame when the first accident occurs. (Also if it is now a single lane roundabout, shouldn’t there be signs up saying that priorities have changed?) On the next junction down the Wootton Rd, towards town, there is now a double give-way junction. Again an accident waiting to happen if two cars follow each other into the turn off Wootton Rd, and one suddenly has to give-way, the second one is suddenly stranded across the lane coming from the roundabout. Also, shouldn’t there now be another set of Give-way signs?
Regarding cyclists/pedestrian safety in this location, why hasn’t a crossing been installed near Dunmore Court (ex Dunmore Shooting Centre), where the pavement ends and children have to cross over the road to Long Tow, go under the bridge (A34) then they will have to cross back over again to access your new crossing! It would have made far more sense to put the crossing on Copenhagen Drive, with barriers around the edge leaving only access through the crossing each side, and installing a pedestrian crossing at Dunmore Court. That is IF the idea WAS actually children/cyclists road safety and not just an exercise to slow traffic to a crawl on Dunmore Road! (And not just to comply with the conditions of the new housing developments!) Personally we have our doubts as to the validity of your statement that this is done for safety reasons. If you look at the comments either on our website, or more on Spotted Abingdon (Facebook), you will see comments from people who actually use the roads and pavements in this area, and not one of them can see how this will improve road safety, but will actually cause accidents! Have there actually been any accidents on this roundabout to warrant this? If not, how can you justify it for safety reasons?
You say that you have not been approached about this by either the Town Council, District Council or the Abingdon County Councillors. They may not have approached you directly but some of them have made their feelings quite clear in the past. I enclose extracts from the Abingdon Herald or letters page;
14/10/2000 Ex-mayor says traffic consultation 'stinks' Former mayor Mike Badcock has criticised the way people have been asked about radical plans to solve traffic problems. Mr Badcock, who was mayor of Abingdon in 1990/91, said hundreds of people still have not received the leaflet asking for their views on how the situation can be improved. The deadline for making views known is November 3. Mr Badcock said: "The councils have said that public consultation has taken place, but if you don't tell people how can they make a view of their own? This is either incompetence the same thing happened last time the council tried something like this or it is deliberate and they have already made their minds up which solution they want. It stinks." Johnson Pattison, a resident of Appleford Drive, is one of those who has not been sent the leaflet. He said: "This is just not good enough. The Vale are prepared to blame everyone but themselves for this mess when they should be looking after our welfare." Copies of the document are available by calling 01235 520202. The Vale of White Horse District Council was unavailable for comment.
28/04/2007 Sir, In response to Mrs Townsend's challenge concerning Abingdon traffic, the Conservative policy is: Abingdon is a market town and for it to thrive, people must be able to access it. This means resolving the traffic flow and parking issues in Abingdon. A Conservative council would make the first hour of parking free and introduce a pay-on-exit system at the multi- storey car park. Making Stert Street and the High Street single lane is a mistake because it would cause more congestion problems and create difficulties in emergencies. To overcome Liberal Democrats' reluctance to support modifying this plan, the Conservatives suggested a trial to test it. They accepted this and the county will implement it in the next two weeks. The only credible solution to the morning rush-hour congestion is a full diamond interchange at Lodge Hill and opening the slip roads at Drayton. The Government's Highways Agency has consistently refused to countenance these proposals because of their proximity to other interchanges and limitations on the capacity of the A34. However, the Government has recently delegated local transport planning to Regional Transport Authorities under a process called "de-trunking". Although the A34 will remain a trunk route, co-ordinating the regional and national transport plans provides an opportunity to reopen the proposals. Everyone knows that all projects create new problems. The point of Mrs Townsend's challenge is not about apportioning blame, but where do we go from here? The Liberal Democrats' frantic attempts to blame others for problems brought about by their recommendations for Abingdon's traffic system are cowardly and deceitful. The Conservative approach is more responsible and businesslike . Councillor Sandy Lovatt Councillor Peter Jones
07/02/2008 Abingdon's retailers report a steady decline in customers entering their shops. The figures for parking in the town centre, provided by the council, confirm this. They show that short- term parking in Abingdon has declined from 28,446 per month in April 2004 to 13,989 in August 2007, a drop of 51 per cent. This will cost shopkeepers about £5.2m a year in future revenue and this does not include the losses to the town's non-retail businesses.
Tesco or the Fairacres site are not to blame, they existed long before this recent trend started. It is down to Abingdon's appalling traffic reputation, made worse by AbITS. The Liberal Democrats pin the responsibility for the traffic scheme on the county council, but we should remember that the decision to fund it was made by a joint Liberal Democrat/Conservative executive in November 2004 on the strong advice and recommendation of the Lib-Dem Vale council.
This plan highlights the council's persistent failure to understand that a community's vibrancy results from balancing the social, cultural and economic requirements. Furthermore, the situation will get worse during the planned refurbishment of the Bury Street precinct. How will this pathetic plan for the Old Gaol help Abingdon to recover from the body blows inflicted on it by the Lib Dems?
A M (Sandy) Lovatt Curtyn Close Abingdon
I hope that this has answered your questions, and if you were to come to Abingdon, especially at rush hours and ask any people who HAVE to use one of the 3 main (ONLY) routes in or out of the town on a daily basis they would all tell you just how hated AbITS is! At other times, out of rush hour, you can be sat at the traffic lights at Coxteters for several minutes waiting for the lights to change when you are the only car around! As I understand it, at rush hour, when the system cannot cope with the volume of traffic, it shuts down and reverts to each traffic light operating individually on a two minute timed basis, so what is the point in having a fancy system that shuts down when it is most needed??!
Kind Regards Abingdon First
From: Cllr David Nimmo-Smith [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 17 April 2014 07:27 To: ABINGDON FIRST Subject: abits
Dear Abingdon First,
Thank you for your email. Firstly, please advise who you are, who you represent and what authority you have from the people of Abingdon. Were you set up by either the Town or District Councils and/or what is their involvement?
You advise that the current road layouts were installed in 2001. 13 years ago. This is the first I have heard that it is 'much detested' in Abingdon, and I have not been approached about this by either the Town Council, District Council or the Abingdon County Councillors. Without their backing, I am not willing to ask the County Officers to consider any changes to the current road layout.
David Nimmo Smith Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet - Environment County Councillor Henley on Thames Town Councillor
From: ABINGDON FIRST [[email protected]] Sent: 15 April 2014 07:21 To: Cllr David Nimmo-Smith Subject: RE: New roundabout/crossing at Dunmore/Wootton Road
Dear Cllr Nimmo Smith,
Thank you very much for your prompt response and interest. We really do appreciate it and makes a pleasant change from being ignored by our town Councillors. Could you please advise us of your findings when concluded?
Could we also ask, that when you next come to Abingdon, that you arrange to be here during one of the rush-hour periods and try to get through the town? The much detested AbITS system was put in 2001. When this was installed we were all assured that the traffic problems it caused were just “niggles” and that the system just wanted “tweaking”. After many “tweaks” this system still doesn’t work, and actually creates traffic queues. This in turn has stopped people coming to Abingdon, unless they absolutely cannot avoid doing so, i.e. crossing the town to get from one side to another, and consequentially it has almost destroyed the heart of the town, meaning that smaller shops have closed, many are struggling to make a living, and brand new large shops are still vacant, as the larger retailers can see the problems that are here and won’t take a chance. (Or know that they will fail). If you can get AbITS rescinded, and a new system that works installed, you could just be the saviour of the town!
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and for looking into the crossing problems.
Kind Regards Abingdon First
From: Cllr David Nimmo-Smith [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 13 April 2014 14:21 To: ABINGDON FIRST Subject: Re: New roundabout/crossing at Dunmore/Wootton Road
Dear Abingdon First,
Thank you for your email. I note your comments, and I am seeking advice from the Officers. I will have a look for myself when I am next in the Abingdon area.
David Nimmo Smith Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet - Environment Henley Town Councillor Sent from my iPad
On 13 Apr 2014, at 13:08, "ABINGDON FIRST"
Dear Cllr Nimmo-Smith, Regarding the new roundabout/crossing at Dunmore/Wootton Road.
Many thanks
Kind Regards Abingdon First
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