FAI Website Information

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FAI Website Information

Foods and Associated Industries - Overview

The inspection system of the Food & Associated Industries Department (FAI) is based on monitoring and surveillance of factories, processes and products.

FAI also conducts market surveillance inspections and participates actively in the Border enforcement activities of the NRCS. FAI assists role players to comply with local and international requirements, and is recognized by Authorities in various countries, such as China, Russia and the EU, as the competent authority for the inspection and issue of health guarantees of fish or fishery products destined for Europe. FAI is an internationally accredited inspection body and fully complies with SANS/ISO 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection. It has a panel of highly trained and technically competent inspectors, some of whom are expert members of international food inspection bodies.

FAI works in close co-operation with other regulators of food safety and inspectors are authorized to carry out inspections on behalf of the Department of Health in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act. FAI participates actively in national and international food safety activities including those of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This is necessary because South Africa is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and South African food regulatory authorities are obliged to ensure compliance with the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) agreements. The department has entered into a number of international technical co-operation agreements and inspection standards are continuously bench marked against other national and international inspection systems and world best practice.

FAI is responsible for the processing and sampling of aqua-culture products in co-operation with other Government roleplayers, hence supporting the Ocean Economy as iterated in the Operation Phakisa.

FAI Website Information

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 Canned Meat and Canned Meat Products

 Canned Fish, Canned Marine Mollusks and Canned Crustaceans

 Frozen Fish and Frozen Marine Mollusks

 Frozen Rock Lobsters

 Frozen Shrimps/Prawns, Langoustines and Crabs

 Smoked Snoek

 Live abalone

Food for human consumption must be safe, wholesome and satisfy certain minimum consumer expectations set out in the various Compulsory Specifications. Compulsory Specifications lay down requirements for inter alia:

 The processing facilities and persons handling and processing particular food products

 quality and composition

 packaging and labeling

 The minimum requirements of the Compulsory Specification for these food products are based on:

 Various pre-requisite requirements for food safety, which are attainable through practicing Good Manufacturing, Hygiene and Storage Practices (GMP, GHP and GSP) and by applying in addition Food Safety Management Systems based on HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)

 Standards, Codes and Guidelines set by Codex Alimentarius

 National Requirements

 The Compulsory Specifications can be downloaded at Compulsory Specifications

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Page 2 of 10 Food and Associated Industries (FAI) Represent South Africa at certain Regional and International Forums including:

 Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)-FAI participates as part of the South African delegation.

 Codex Committee for Fish and Fishery Products (CCFFP)-FAI attends and acts as the leader of the South African delegation at these sessions and also participates in various physical and electronic working groups arranged by CCFFP

 CCFICS (Codex Committee for Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems)- FAI attends and participates as part of the South African delegation and also participates in certain Work Groups of CCFICS

 Codex Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA): FAI attends and participates which are annually hosted in alternating African countries

 IAFI (International Association for Fish Inspectors- Some FAI-inspection staff are members of this organization and attend and participate in meetings hosted in alternating countries

 National SPS-Committee to satisfy WTO (World Trade Organization) requirements: FAI participates in this Committee and has a commitment to comply with the TBT and SPS agreements of the WTO

Food and Associated Industries endeavour to establish close co-operation with Competent Authorities responsible for food control in various countries and have agreements with Fish Inspection Authorities in the following countries:

 Thailand (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Department of Fisheries)

 Namibia (Technical Co-operation Agreement with the Namibian Standards Institute)

 Mozambique (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)

 Mauritius(Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)

 Tristan Da Cunha (Technical Co-operation Agreement with Fisheries Department)

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Page 3 of 10 Close co-operation is maintained with the following countries and trade groups to assist FAI in its role as the Competent Authority for the inspection and issuing of health guarantees for fishery products:

. EU-countries

. Brazil


. Canada

. Australia

. Russia

. China

. India

. Vietnam &

. Other countries in the East (e.g. Japan and Taiwan)

Foods and Associated Industries - FAI contact details


City Contact Person Telephone Fax e-mail address Cape Meisie Katz (General 0215263400 0215263451 [email protected] Town manager) Cape Andre de Wet 0215263400 0215263451 [email protected] Town (Operations. Manager) Cape Andrey Dreyer 0215263400 0215263451 [email protected] Town (Operations Manager) Pretoria Kobus vd Merwe 0124828904 0124286466 [email protected] (Operations Manager) FAI Website Information

Page 4 of 10 Pretoria Lynette Thumbran 0124828896 0124286466 [email protected] (Operation Manager) Durban Grant Hingle 0312032900 0312032930 [email protected] (Principal Inspector) Port Nomfanelo 0413918400 0413918427 [email protected] Elizabeth Mazungula-Foster (Senior Inspector)

Foods and Associated Industries – Inspections, Approvals & Health Guarantees

FAI Website Information

Page 5 of 10 Requests for health guarantees for exporting fishery products packed by approved and competent South African operators and for imports for approval certificates:

The table below indicates the list of approves facilities

Country Approved List Approved List Local Establishments Approved List Local Vessels Approved EU https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/sanco/traces/output/ZA/FFP_ZA_en.pdf List Approved List Chinese List Approved Approved establishments from Thailand Thailand List Approved http://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/importExport/uar/enterprises.html? Russian List productType=7&_language=en

The table below indicates the minimum time that is required to perform the necessary inspections/operations to enable the issue of a health guarantee or approvals and also indicates the format of the application that has to submitted to one of the offices above to enable such a health guarantee:

Product/service required Notification period required Download of application form to be completed NRCS registration Form for Before service can be delivered NRCS registration form New Client Register as a levy payer or to Before service can be delivered NRCS Levy Registration form have an account with NRCS AA 72 Credit application Requirements for Export of Before service can be delivered General export Process Fish of fish fishery product Health guarantee for Canned 10 work days Inspection Request form fishery products Final Loading form

FAI Website Information

Page 6 of 10 Health guarantee for Frozen 10 work days Inspection Request form Fishery products Final Loading form

Health guarantee for chilled Before 14:00 on the day it is to be exported, Live and Chilled Fish fish or live but before loading to enable inspection as Inspection and Certificate Fishery products necessary on condition that for Fridays and for request weekends it must reach the office before 12:00 on a Friday Requirements for Imports of Before service can be delivered General import requirements Fish of fish fishery product

Approvals for imported fishery 10 working days BF 72 – Sampling Request products Bill of Entry/Customs Notification document SAD 500 Packing List Approvals of canned products 21 working days BF 72 – Sampling Request

Bill of Entry/Customs Notification document SAD 500 Packing List Approvals of Canned products 3 working days BF 72 – Sampling Request (part of the Thailand Reduced Inspections) Bill of Entry/Customs Notification document SAD 500 Packing List Original Health Certificate

Other important Food & Associated Industry Interactions

1) Levy and certification fee negotiations:

Scheduled meetings are hosted with all industry organizations to discuss levy-and pricing structures for a pre-determined time frame. These meetings take place before the amended tariff scales are submitted through the dti to the Minister.

FAI Website Information

Page 7 of 10  Published 2015/16 Levy tariffs and fees

2) Industry Information, Feedback and Discussion Sessions:

Held periodically with the various industry organizations/stakeholders as required and typically discussions may include:

 Roles and responsibilities of FAI and FAI-business plan feedback

 Some feedback on operational matters

 Feedback on facilities (factories or fishing vessels) and areas of concern

 General food issues

 Microbiological requirements and compliance

 EU and other trading country requirements

 Information from attendance of Codex Sessions and/or discussions to prepare for attending Codex Sessions/Work Group meetings

Foods and Associated Industries - Compulsory Specifications

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Page 8 of 10 Business Unit : Food and Associated Industries

VC nr Date of Gazetting Title

Compulsory specification for the manufacture, production, VC 8014 09-Jul-04 processing and treatment of canned fish, canned marine mollusks and canned crustaceans

Compulsory specification for frozen fish, frozen marine mollusks and VC 8017 24-Apr-15 frozen products derived therefrom

Compulsory specification for the manufacture, production, VC 8019 09-Jul-04 processing and treatment of canned meat products

Compulsory specification for frozen rock lobster and frozen lobster VC 8020 04-Jul-03 products derived therefrom

VC 8021 22-Mar-74 Compulsory specification for smoked snoek

Compulsory specification for frozen shrimps (prawns), langoustines VC 8031 20-Feb-87 and crabs

VC 9001 15-Jun-12 Compulsory specification for live aqua-cultured abalone

Foods and Associated Industries – International Presentations

EU mission visit to South Africa(2016) IAFI conference(2015) Thaifex 2015 Russian Competent Authority visit to South Africa(2014) Chinese Competent Authority visit to South Africa(2014) Mauritius department of fisheries technical cooperation agreement(2013)

FAI Website Information

Page 9 of 10 Foods and Associated Industries - Useful websites


Name of service URL Comments dti www.dti.gov.za Department of Trade and Industry IAFI www.iafi.net International Association for Fish Inspectors www.fsvps.ru RUSSIA Federal Service for Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Supervision www.cnca.gov.cn CHINA Certification and Accreditation Administration www.fisheries.go.th Thailand Department of Fisheries Useful information on international organizations, National European Union www.europa.eu.int organizations, International bodies Codex Alimentarius www.codexalimentarius.net Codex Alimentarius WTO www.wto.org World Trade Organization www.nsi.com.na NAMIBIA Namibia Standards Institution (NSI) www.inip.mz Mozambique Competent Authority for Seafood Products

Mauritius www.fisheries.govmu.org Competent Authority Seafood

www.bobstandards.bw Botswana Botswana Bureau of Standards www.sanas.co.za SANAS South African National Accreditation System

SADC www.sadc-sqam.org Southern Africa Development Countries SADCSTAN www.sadcstan.co.za Southern Africa Development Countries - standards

SABS: Standards South www.stansa.co.za South African National Standards Africa SA Government www.gov.za Legal information SA ILAC www.ilac.org International Laboratory Accreditation ISO www.iso.org International standards

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