Business Proposals from Slovenia
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Business Proposals from Slovenia December 2003
Address: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Information Point INFOLINK Dimičeva 13, 1504 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA Phone: +386 1 5898 102 Fax: +386 1 5898 100 E-mail: [email protected]
Textile / Leather / Footwear
1 BO Number 22655 Slovenian textile producer and developer of their own brand names is offering sewing services for foreign customers.
MIROTEKS, d. o. o. Lava 7C Attn: Ms. Tanja Sedej Valid countries: All countries 3000 Celje Phone: + 386(3) 5451 333 Slovenia Fax: + 386(3) 5473 133 E-mail: miroteks.komerciala
Wood and Furniture
1 BO Number 22485 Slovenian company is looking for new suppliers of furniture from Slovenia and foreign countries.
Trgovina Ogorevc Cesta bratov Milavcev 37 Attn: Mr.. Aleksander Ogorevc Valid countries: 40, 56, 70, Salon 8250 Brežice E-mail: 191, 203, 249, 276, 300, 348, pohištva Slovenia trgovina.ogorevc@si 380, 724, 756, 784
2 BO Number 22710 Slovenian producer of furniture is offering free capacities for drawing and moulding profiles which are then wrapped in veneer, paper foil or melamine foil. Main material for mouldings is mdf, all wrapped mouldings can be also drilled.
Alples, d. d. Češnjica 48B Attn: Mr. Robert Potočnik Valid countries: 40, 56, 70, 4228 Železniki E-mail: 100, 191, 203, 208, 246, 249, Slovenia robert.potocnik@alpl 276, 300, 348, 380, 440, 442, 724, 756, 826
3 BO Number 22783 Slovenian manufacturer is offering parquet and parquetry of classic, laminated and lam parquet (oak, ash, maple, cherry, nut, acacia, pear, beech), wood steps and banisters.
LEGA Proizvodno in Prešernova 3 Attn: Ms. Danica Kidrič Valid countries: 40, 276, 705 trgovsko podjetje, d. o. 3210 Slovenske Konjice Phone: +386(3) 7593 186 o. Slovenia Fax: +386(3) 7593 187 E-mail: [email protected]
Chemical industry
1 BO Number 22280 Slovenian company is looking for supplier of hair accessories (shampoos, balms, conditioners, hair sprays) for synthetic hairs. They are also looking for heads of shop-windows dummies.
2 Viktoria lasulje in lasni Trubarjeva cesta 76 E-mail: [email protected] Valid countries: 56, 276 vložki. d. o .o. 1000 Ljubljana URL: Slovenia
2 BO Number 22659 Slovenian company is offering juniper-berries essential oils and distillates.
MILAVEC MATEJ S.P. - Studeno 29 Attn: Mr. Matej Milavec Valid countries: 40, 203, 246, IZDELAVA ETERIČNIH 6230 Postojna Fax: +386(5) 7515 331 250, 276, 380, 528, 578, 643, OLJ Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] 705, 724, 756, 826, 840
Rubber and Plastic
1 BO Number 22689 Slovenian company is offering PVC sheets for making office articles (folders, notebooks), Christmas trees and decorations, bathroom curtains, urine bags, wrappers for notebooks and books, waterproof sheets, sheets for packaging food and pharmaceutical products, artificial leather for fancy goods, soft PVC plates for making tailoring pads, wood protection, swing doors, PVC grains - non--softened for making shutters and mouldings, PVC grains - softened for making cables and PVC rain clothes.
ADRIACHEM, d. o. o. Pražakova 14 Attn: Mr. Toni Novak Valid countries: All countries 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386 1 4301 038 Slovenia Fax: +386 1 2316 288 E-mail: [email protected]
2 BO Number 22750 Slovenian company with 500 m2 large production hall in Izola (7km from the port of Koper) and with experience as an international subcontractor in plastic production is offering a co-operation as a subcontractor, distributor, representative...
B&Z D.O.O. KOPER Pristaniška ulica 8 Attn: Mr. Denis Paliska Valid countries: All countries 6000 Koper - Capodistria Phone: +386 5 6402 357 Slovenia Fax: + 386 5 6402 358 E-mail: [email protected]
Metal (production and processing)
1 BO Number 14184 Slovenian company is offering production of different springs: compression, tension, torsion and special springs made of different materials: patented spring wire, spring stainless wire, spring belt, sheet metal... Beside the production of springs the professional support in projecting and calculating of springs is offered as well.
VZMETI VIGAL D. O. O. Vipavska cesta 4 G E-mail: [email protected] Valid countries: All countries 5270 Ajdovščina Phone: +386(5) 3680 300 Slovenia Fax: +386(5) 3662 500 URL:
2 BO Number 22744 Slovenian company is looking for steel plate SMO 254, 4 x 1500 x 3000, 6 pieces.
3 ADITRADE D.O.O. ŽIRI Cesta na Ledinico 1 Attn: Ms. Ida Kavčič Valid countries: 40, 56, 246, 4226 Žiri Phone: +386 4 5050 400 250, 276, 300, 372, 380, 442, Slovenia Fax: +386 4 5050 430 528, 620, 826 E-mail: [email protected]
3 BO Number 22816 Slovenian company is offering free capacities for aluminium cast-iron moulding (max. size is 1000 x 850 x 500 mm). They also produce garden furniture and street lamps.
ALUTECH D.O.O. Murnova cesta 1 Attn: Mr. Matjaž Novak Valid countries: 203, 208, 246, 1290 Grosuplje Phone: +386(1) 7861 653 249, 276, 300, 348, 372, 380, Slovenia Fax: +386(1) 7861 086 438, 442, 528, 616, 620, 703, E-mail: [email protected] 705, 724, 752, 756, 792, 826 URL:
Machinery and equipment
1 BO Number 22392 Slovenian company owned by Italian Ferrari group is offering new, complete lacquering lines designed according to your needs. Plant can be manual or fully automatic, with powder or wet paint, including pre-treatment (washing, phosphatation, ...) and polymerisation (ovens). System for fast change of colour can be added on request (change in 10 min). Water treatment plants are standard part of our products and can be added on request.
Technica, d. o. o. Zelena ulica 6 Attn: g. Elvir Hodžič Valid countries: 8, 40, 56, 70, 6310 Izola - Isola Phone: +386(5) 6402 568 100, 191, 203, 208, 246, 249, Slovenia Fax: +386(5) 6402 568 276, 300, 348, 440, 442, 724, E-mail: 756 elvir.hodzic@technic URL:
2 BO Number 22641 Slovenian company which has developed technologically advanced and highly competitive computerised system for greenhouses (air conditioning, shading, irrigation, fertilisation) is looking for representatives and distributors.
AVTOMATIKA GAŠPIRC Črtomirova 21B E-mail: Valid countries: 70, 191, 807, 1000 Ljubljana avtomatika.gaspirc@ 891, 8911, 891 2, 891 3, ZAS, Slovenia ZCE, ZEE
3 BO Number 22673 Slovenian company is offering for sale machinery and technology for production of medical article.
Rupar Bernarda Kmečka pot 8 Valid countries: 70, 705, 891 1 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
4 BO Number 22716 Slovenian company is looking for suppliers of forklifts and agricultural tractors, new and used ones.
JJ Trnovec d. o. o. Srednja vas 16a Attn: Ms. Jožica Trnovec Valid countries: All countries 1355 Polhov Gradec Phone: +386(1) 3640 100 Slovenia Fax: +386(1) 3640 105 E-mail: info@jj-trnovec 4 URL:
5 BO Number 22810 Slovenian designer and producer of tools for injection moulding, die-casting moulds and small metal parts series, is looking for cooperation partner, manufacture agreements or other kind of businesses.
Plastmetal servis, d. o. Bezena 89 Attn: Mr. Franc Skarlovnik Valid countries: All countries o. 2342 Ruše Phone: +386(2) 6688 456 Slovenia Fax: +386(2) 6688 457 E-mail: plastmetal.servis@kkso
6 BO Number 22826 Slovenian company is offering money detector for all world currencies, ID cards, passports and credit cards.
ABI PLUS Pristaniška 2 E-mail: [email protected] Valid countries: 40, 70, 191, 6000 Koper - Capodistria 276, 807, 891, ZCE Slovenia
Building industry
1 BO Number 22672 Slovenian representative of Belgian metal roofing tiles METRO BOND with natural stone coating is looking for exclusive distributors in BiH, Croatia, Serbia ad Montenegro and in Macedonia. Priority have the wholesalers with construction materials (materials for roofs) and good contacts with roofers.
CONECT D.O.O. Efenkova c. 61 Attn: Mr. Andrej Naroločnik Valid countries: 70, 191, 807, 3320 Velenje Phone: +386(3) 5875 520 891 1, 891 2 Slovenia Fax: +386(3) 5875 522 E-mail: [email protected]
1 BO Number 22790 Slovenian company is offering courier activities - fast post delivery, storage, repacking and transportation of consignments (regulation of custom documentation, insurance, bank warranty) for EU countries.
ALTAS Trans, transport Ljubljanska 63 Attn: Ms. Jasmina Perko Valid countries: All countries in špedicija, d. o. o. 1230 Domžale Phone: +386(1) 5201 347 Slovenia Fax: +386(1) 5201 344 E-mail: [email protected]
Business services
1 BO Number 22625 RLS provides solutions for metrology and motion control applications. One of their products is a statistical process control (SPC) software, highly regarded by users for its simplicity and low total cost of ownership (especially suitable are metrology, software, IT, production equipment companies, quality management consultants, and others with knowledge in statistical process control/processes in production). They are looking for agents, resellers, distributors or OEMs for the software. 5 RLS Merilna tehnika, d. C. II. grupe odredov 25 Attn: Mr. Sašo Pukšič Valid countries: All countries o. o. 1261 Ljubljana-Dobrunje Phone: +386 1 5272 118 Slovenia Fax: +386 1 5272 129 E-mail: [email protected] URL:
2 BO Number 22784 Slovenian company is offering consulting services; market research, techniques and media instruments to be used during the process of institutionalisation of Trade mark in Latin America and other relevant world markets; evaluation of possible partners for distribution and representation, preparation of the main idea for marketing campaign and actions for opening new markets, consulting for investment, joint venture and partnership production, projecting and realisation of luxury objects in Mediterranean style.
TS Consult Ptujska Gora 55 Attn: Mr. Ranko Stingl Valid countries: 32, 36, 70, 76, 2323 Ptujska Gora Phone: +386 2 6291 981 100, 112, 124, 156, 158, 170, Slovenia Fax: +386 2 6291 994 188, 191, 192, 196, 203, 214, E-mail: ranko.stingl@ts- 218, 222, 250, 300, 344, 348, 356, 360, 372, 380, 414, 422, URL: 428, 438, 440, 442, 458, 470, 484, 492, 504, 554, 616, 620, 643, 702, 703, 710, 724, 764, 784, 788, 792, 804, 807, 818, 826, 840, 862, 891, 891 1, 891 2, 891 3
Informaton and Telecommunication
1 BO Number 22718 Slovenian company is offering programs for small companies on Windows (Delphi) platforms connecting with RedHat Linux servers. They are programming also for internet in brand new technologies HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, JSP, SOAP, XSL, XSLT, Flash. They administrate, plan and build local networks based on Linux/Window platforms, using MySQL, Interbase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, XML based DB.
PETER CURK s. p. Žapuže 111 Attn: Mr. Aleš Curk Valid countries: 8, 16, 20, 24, Računalniški inženiring 5270 Ajdovščina Phone: +386 5 3681 625 28, 31, 32, 36, 40, 48, 50, 51, Slovenia URL: 52, 56, 60, 70, 100, 108, 124, 144, 156, 191, 203, 208, 246, 249, 276, 300, 308, 348, 352, 360, 368, 372, 376, 380, 392, 410, 440, 442, 530, 533, 705, 724, 756, 784, 826, 854
2 BO Number 22774 Slovenian company is looking for resellers for their e-shop named WebyShop.
Webteh, d. o. o. Cesta v Zgornji log 32 Attn: Mr. Matjaz Kurincic Valid countries: All countries 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386(1) 2571198 Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] URL:
1 BO Number 22665 Slovenian Real Estate Agency is offering brand new hotel (1700 m2, dinning room for 150 guests, aperitif bar for 30 guests, 36 rooms with 104 beds (8 beds of 2,3m), apartment for handicap persons,
6 with dental services. The hotel is located in the tourist-recreational centre of Upper Savinjska Valley, Loke by Mozirje.
VIRKA & CO. KALAN k. Stegne 21 Attn: Ms. Vida Kalan Valid countries: All countries d. 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386(1) 5198 652 Slovenia Fax: +386(1) 5198652 E-mail: [email protected]
2 BO Number 22678 Slovenian company is offering for sale business premise on the first floor (180 m2 with two separate entries) of active shop in Izola near to the seaside; convenient for representative or commercial offices, apartments...
MARKUŽA KARMEN S.P. Sončno nabrežje 10 Attn: Ms. Karmen Markuža Valid countries: All countries - 6310 Izola - Isola Phone: +386(5) 6404 220 TRGOVINA CARMEN Slovenia Fax: +386(5) 6404 222 E-mail: trgovina.carmen@sio
3 BO Number 22788 Slovenian company is offering for rent cold-storage for all kind of food and non-food products (- 25o; for ice cream, vegetables; capacity of 300 m3 or 100 EU palettes), located within industrial area, 2km from Ljubljana-Maribor highway.
ESKIMO Zastopanje, Gaji 34 Attn: Ms. Cvetka Škoflek Valid countries: All countries trgovina, d. o. o. 3000 Celje Phone: +386(3) 5419 300 Slovenia Fax: +386(3) 5419 300 E-mail: [email protected] URL:
4 BO Number 22811 Slovenian company is offering for sale a new building convenient for production; 580 m2 with park- places 400 m2.
Plastmetal servis, d. o. Bezena 89 Attn: Mr.g. Franc Skarlovnik Valid countries: All countries o. 2342 Ruše Phone: +386(2) 6688 456 Slovenia Fax: +386(2) 6688 457 E-mail: plastmetal.servis@kkso
1 BO Number 22312 Slovenian company is offering distribution and import of Merchandise of German Record Label Nuclear Blast.
MORDOR Trgovina in Ulica bratov Učakar 86 Attn: Mr. Roman Fileš Valid countries: ZCE, ZEE storitve, d. o. o. 1000 Ljubljana Fax: +386(1) 5074 560 Slovenia E-mail: mmaster_of_metal@hot
2 BO Number 22321 Slovenian company is looking for supplier of attractive consumer goods. They are also offering representation in Slovenia.
7 MACH d.o.o. Taborska 4 Attn: Mr. Matevž Suhadolnik Valid countries: 203, 616, 643, 1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid Phone: +386 41 591 448 703 Slovenia E-mail: [email protected]
3 BO Number 22634 Slovenian trading company is offering business premises (150 m2), warehouses (50 m2) and skill forces. Due to the changes of their activity they are looking for co-operation partner on the field of investment, representation, resale, sub-contracting, other business co-operation.
GZS Območna zbornica Bohoričeva 9 Phone: +386 7 4901 060 Valid countries: All countries Posavje, Krško 8271 Krško Fax: +386 7 4922388 Slovenia E-mail: [email protected]
4 BO Number 22637 Slovenian company is offering representation and distribution for new consumer products and for food products.
MILOS d. o. o. Stična 141 Attn: Ms. Lea Konc Valid countries: All countries 1295 Ivančna Gorica Phone: +386(1) 2864 812 Slovenia Fax: +386(1) 2864 811 E-mail: [email protected]
5 BO Number 22688 Slovenian international trading company is offering consulting business services, mainly on Slovenia and former Yugoslavia area.
STANEX Gubčeve brigade 58 Attn: Mr. Stane Cuznar Valid countries: 276, 380, 442, 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386(1) 4273 037 756, 826 Slovenia Fax+386(1) 4273 037 E-mail: [email protected] URL: /stanex
6 BO Number 22708 Slovenian company is offering marketing and representation services.
Kosi Bronislava, s. p. - Ulica bratov Učakar 100 Attn: Ms. Bronia Kosi Valid countries: 246, 528, 705, Ekonomske storitve 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386(1) 5074 768 826 Slovenia
7 BO Number 22780 Slovenian producer is offering trampolines for home use and sports mats and is looking for commercialists in Eastern and Western Europe.
Akrobat, d. o. o. Črmošnjice 5B Attn: Ms. Mateja Penca Valid countries: 40, 191, 276, 8000 Novo mesto Phone: +386(7) 3089 250 348, 380, 703 Slovenia Fax: +386(7) 3089 362 E-mail: [email protected]
BEE EXHIBITION Time 28 - 29 January 2004 Venue Celje Organiser Celjski sejem d.d., Dečkova 1, 3000 Celje, Tel. +386 1 54 33 206, Fax: + 386 1 541 91 64 JANUARY
29. Ljubljana MEXICO) Doing business with Mexico
12. Ljubljana (JAPAN) Business delegation from 19. Oslo (Norway) Business delegation to 25. Ljubljana (GREAT BRITAIN) Business delegation from 28.- 01. Mumbai (INDIA) Business delegation to - Ljubljana (MACEDONIA) Doing business with Macedonia - Ljubljana (TURKEY) Seminar for Slovenian companies
SLOVENIA BUSINESS WEEK - electronic business weekly issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in cooperation with the Slovenian press agency STA (