This Treaty Acquired (Gave Us) Florida from Spain

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This Treaty Acquired (Gave Us) Florida from Spain

Chap. 5

______He won the 1824 election by a vote of the House of Representatives in what became known as the “corrupt bargain”

______This treaty acquired (gave us) Florida from Spain

______*Program of internal improvements. *Included roads, bridges, canals, a national bank system, and a protective tariff. *Proposed by John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay.

______*President of the National Bank. *Supported Henry Clay in the 1832 Election

______This set the boundary between the Louisiana Territory and Canada at the 49th parallel

______*Proposed the American system. *National Republican candidate for President

______The accusation that a deal was made between Clay and Adams. The “deal” was Clay would arrange votes in the House of Representatives for Adams to become president and Adams would give Clay a spot on his cabinet.

______Supreme Court case that protected contracts and property rights from states

______Phrase used to describe Madison’s presidency due to the fact both political parties worked together.

______Helped create the steamboat engine which made river travel faster and more reliable. ______Supreme Court case that stated that anything that crossed state boundaries was under the federal government control. This made sure that federal law would take precedence (would rule) over state law

______Describes the unwillingness of Congress to address the issues of slavery

______Presidential statement that informed other nations of the intention o the U.S. to keep other nations from intervening in this hemisphere. Happened in 1820.

5______Term for negative attacks on candidates during elections

______This treaty removed warships from the great lakes following the war of 1812.

______When you buy something (land, stocks) in hopes of selling it at a profit

______Debated Robert Haynes and defended the supremacy of the national government over the states

______Invented interchangeable parts and the cotton gin which greatly increased the importance of cotton in the south. Also led to a growth in the use of slavery Chap. 6

______A lawsuit brought against a state must be tried in state court

______Against slavery everywhere

______Wrote stories of French & Indian War such as Last of the Mohicans

______She was a poet whose works became well known after her death ______She worked to gain more humane treatment of the mentally ill

______Leading black male abolitionist and publisher of the North Star

______Example of a transcendentalist author

______*Preached that each person held within themselves the capacity for spiritual rebirth and salvation *Founded modern revivalism

______Leading white male abolitionist and publisher of the Liberator

______Sarah & Angelina radical activists in the abolitionist movement

______Author of tales about really New England such as The Scarlet Letter

______Wrote folk tales of Dutch settlers such as Legend of Sleepy Hollow

______Small political party that was anti-immigration.

______Led education reform in the North

______Supreme Court case that determined the legality of implied powers and the ability of the government to create a national bank. Also stated that the national government is supreme over the state governments.

______Religious group that was persecuted for the practice of polygamy (having many husbands or wives)

______Inventor of the telegraph ______Hostility towards foreigners

______*Crisis involving the State of South Carolina and the high level of federal tariffs. *SC threatened secession if the tariff was not lowered. *Occurred while Jackson was President.

______Writer of Horror Tales

______Religious revival movement that swept the nation

______*Women’s rights assembly that re-wrote the Declaration of Independence from a women’s point of view. *Led by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. *Location was Seneca Falls New York in 1848.

______Religious community that practiced celibacy (didn’t have sex) and a simple lifestyle

______Founder of the Mormon Church

______*System of giving government jobs to friends and supporters. *Began by Andrew Jackson and continued until the reforms of the late 1800’s. *Critics called Andrew Jackson’s “rotation in office” of federal workers this.

______She helped organize the 1848 women’s rights convention

______This reform movement tried to get people to stop drinking alcohol

______Transcendentalist writer who wrote Walden Wrote Civil Disobedience objecting to paying taxes which he felt supported slavery.

______Forced removal of the Cherokee Indians from the East (Georgia) into the Oklahoma reservations. Process begun by Jackson and finished under Van Buren.

______Philosophical movement stressing intuition and feelings over reason, and ties to nature

______She worked on behalf of abolition and women’s rights

______Black female abolitionist known for her work with the Underground Railroad

______Led a slave rebellion against white owners. Killed over 50 Virginians. State and local troops eventually put down the uprising.

______Ideal societies *Brook Farm-cooperative community in Massachusetts *Oneida-religious society in New York *New Harmony *Shakers-religious group that did not believe in marrying or having children

______*1st well known abolitionist *Free African American from NC *Published Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World -Advocated that violence and rebellion were the only ways to end slavery

______Solved the boundary dispute between the US and Canada (Britain) by establishing the border between the US and Canada from Maine to Minnesota.

______Supported a stronger federal government & industrial & commercial development & free soil.

______Led education reform in the South ______*The Cherokee sued the State of Georgia to challenge the state’s attempt to extend its power over the Cherokee Lands. *Chief Justice Marshall ordered that the Indians won. *Jackson disagreed saying “Marshall has made his opinion now let him enforce it.”

Chap. 7

______*Mexican President/ Dictator. *In power during the Mexican American War. *Defeated U.S. men at the Battle of the Alamo

______*Helped settle Texas *Became the Convention’s president *Imprisoned by Santa Anna *Urged Texans to organize and Army to fight Santa Anna.

______Example of a “mountain man” that helped explore the West

______Indian Leader of the Nez Perce Indians who avoided capture for several years by evading the army on a 1000 mile journey to Canada. Surrendered and said “he would fight no more”

______Inventor of the steel tipped plow. This invention helped settle the West.

______James K. Polk was a Dark Horse candidate who won the election. He promised to annex Texas as well as the Oregon Territory and buy California from Mexico. He appealed to both sides because he was willing to keep the balance between slave and free states.

______This was the slogan used to declare the border between the US and Canada. Polk agreed to the 49th parallel as the border.

______This was the last land acquired to make the 49 continental United States

______1st President of the Republic of Texas

______*Illinois Whig Representative to Congress who questioned the justness of the war with Mexico. *Debated Stephen Douglas. *Republican candidate and winner of the 1860 presidential election. *President during the Civil War *Gave the Gettysburg Address *He was assassinated in 1865.

______Idea that the U.S. should expand its borders from ocean to ocean. Led to the addition of Louisiana, Texas, Mexican War and Oregon Territories.

______Inventor of the mechanical reaper. This invention helped settle the west.

______*War began in 1845 that lasted until 1848. *In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the U.S. gained California, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada.

______This territory was divided between the U.S. & Britain

______Most popular east-west route used by the settlers to travel west.

______U.S. president most associated with Manifest Destiny

______He coined (created)/popularized the term “manifest destiny”

______General sent to provoke a war with Mexico. Later became president of the U. S.

______This territory gained its independence from Mexico

______*Took over as leader of the Mormons when Joseph Smith was killed. *Led his people westward to Utah.

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